11401141. When you haven't played Baldur's Gate because your computer crashed a month ago, but are still planning character and party builds.
Dude, that's just D&D in general. You should see the list of potential characters I have for my 5e games. It borders on the absurd, especially since I know my DM isn't kill-happy.
114011411142. You come across the term "ISO metric" for screw threads and for some reason you read it as "isometric", which immediately reminds you of Baldur's Gate.
1144. ^-> ..someone posts something incredibly insightful and you slam your fist on your forehead thinking, how in the nine hells have I never realized that before!?
(Edit: 1145. You write in a language which is not your native one and mistakenly write "fist" when it should have been "palm" but decides to leave it there anyways.)
1150. When you name your evil elf character Drizzt just so you can get the special bit of dialogue in BG2 where he accuses you of damaging his reputation.
1151. When your therapist puts forth that: finally converting those thoughts of a making a BG mod into action might bring you some sorely needed joy and satisfaction.
Again, true story. Slightly more in-depth explanation follows:
Ever since I've started dreaming up characters (and writing their potential stats down) I have wanted to put them in the games, even more so after having played a few as Charname. Putting those dreams into practice is pretty daunting to me (dreams can be big, y'all) but asking help is even more so. The characters are my brain... children... things. If I'd go at it alone, which I guess is possible, I think there a number of technical skills I don't have yet. I need to start learning. I'm sure there's tutorials around here somewhere.
1153. When your Simulacrum is identical to you in every way and so doesn't want to work, but is a lower level than you so it can't cast Simulacrum and just goes to sleep.
1158. When you can't answer on this thread because you think it's not possible to play too much Baldur's Gate (There are probably dozens of similar comments but I don't want to read the whole thread, have to play Baldur's Gate...) -> 1159. When you can't read the whole thread because you have to play Baldur's Gate.
1161. When the realization that SOA is also your 1st language's abbreviation for STDs doesn't really faze you or keep you from playing. After all, can't catch an STD if you're too busy playing BG.
Not really proud of this one or anything, but hey, I gotta do something with my time when lacking a SO...
1161. When the realization that SOA is also your 1st language's abbreviation for STDs doesn't really faze you or keep you from playing. After all, can't catch an STD if you're too busy playing BG.
Not really proud of this one or anything, but hey, I gotta do something with my time when lacking a SO...
(Because he's so short. xD )
Offtopic random thought: how awesome would "the Wailing Quails/Quayles" be for a bandname/gangname/pubname?
1137... or Imoen, right, @LiamEsler?
Inspired by @Kamigoroshi here
True story. Although since that time I have actually started playing PnP.
114011411142. You come across the term "ISO metric" for screw threads and for some reason you read it as "isometric", which immediately reminds you of Baldur's Gate.(Edit: 1145. You write in a language which is not your native one and mistakenly write "fist" when it should have been "palm" but decides to leave it there anyways.)
When you can't play BG anymore without thinking of ways to improve it.
11501149 gddmt. When your characters' lives actually become more important than the number of potions in your backpack.Again, true story. Slightly more in-depth explanation follows:
1159. When you can't read the whole thread because you have to play Baldur's Gate.
Not really proud of this one or anything, but hey, I gotta do something with my time when lacking a SO...
I was just thinking similar this morning.