1169. When you can tell which of the enemy wizard's buffs just wore off from the sound that it made, attacking again as soon as you hear that damn PFMW expire.
1170. You decide to make a mod for the sole purpose of making Call Lightning a better choice for your Shaman, who has just reached level 6. You then make your mod and install it before continuing with your run.
1171. You start thinking about ways to celebrate forthcoming Christmas, remember that one year ago you played BG with a character whose avatar went through some santafication and suddenly want something similar this year as a part of that celebration.
1178. On the over crowded tube home from the BM you sit there mutterting, "one day, one day" and spend the journey trying to decide which party friendly spell would work best to get yourselves seats.
... which party friendly spell would work best to get yourselves seats.
Not exactly party friendly per se, but: drop a Stinking Cloud, wait for the crowd to disperse, and move in to claim a seat while casting Zone of Sweet Air.
... which party friendly spell would work best to get yourselves seats.
Not exactly party friendly per se, but: drop a Stinking Cloud, wait for the crowd to disperse, and move in to claim a seat while casting Zone of Sweet Air.
Having endured the London tube and buses more than a few times that day, thoughts were turning more towards ADHW and Dragon Breath. Though "Horror" always has it's attractions..........
1181: when you play catch-up on a thread that you left off at some point in 2014, "to end...like this?". Then you lament that Time Stop isn't a thing to get back that last hour and a half of your time (aided by three cups of coffee).
1185. When you begin experimenting with ways to pre-empt Neera and Rasaad's cutscenes by killing the NPC's they're supposed to interact with.
1186. In general, when you start trying to take control of the game's cutscenes through judicious use of invisibility/killing the right NPC's before they can talk.
1188: When you start reading anything that's abbreviated as BG (e.g. bad game) as Baldur's Gate, in every other game you play... and outside of gaming too...
It seems @JoenSo forgot to number theirs? No matter, it will only prove a slight delay...
I did no such thing! I was talking about being a victim of enchantment spells during public transportation, which had nothing to do with my excessive playing of the game "Baldur's gate". But...
1189. When you feel there's an actual difference here and that you need to explain that.
It seems @JoenSo forgot to number theirs? No matter, it will only prove a slight delay...
I did no such thing! I was talking about being a victim of enchantment spells during public transportation, which had nothing to do with my excessive playing of the game "Baldur's gate".
I meant no offense. I was merely confused because it *is* actually a good one in the spirit of the thread.
1166. When you've figured out which side of a spore colony is the back in order to backstab it.
A hobgoblin with pixie hands?! *combat music starts as I run to the edge of the screen*
1168. When you're playing Tyranny and you wish there was a mod to bring along BG companions.
... but still identify it and reel off its HD, AC, THAC0 and APR
1177. When you visit the British Museum to look at the Sutton Hoo treasures and find yourself thinking,
"my armour/weapons are much better than these"
1178. On the over crowded tube home from the BM you sit there mutterting, "one day, one day" and spend the journey trying to decide which party friendly spell would work best to get yourselves seats.
Though "Horror" always has it's attractions..........
1184. You refer to your meditation routine as Time Stop.
1186. In general, when you start trying to take control of the game's cutscenes through judicious use of invisibility/killing the right NPC's before they can talk.
1188: When you start reading anything that's abbreviated as BG (e.g. bad game) as Baldur's Gate, in every other game you play... and outside of gaming too...
1189. When you feel there's an actual difference here and that you need to explain that.