"Eww... Looks like you're gonna need a skin graft, Sarevok. What we're going to have to do is take a bunch of skin from your butt and graft it onto your arm."
Xan should have known better than to try to help. Carefully re-rolling his scroll, he realizes the pointlessness of just about everything. Even noticing certain somebodys and the biting of lips. "Idiot fool," he griped, meaning Sarevok but directing it away from the others. They'd probably think him as mad as Tiaxina, but what did that matter?
@LadyRhian - I'll live. IRL, people often don't think of something until it's too late. It's why we're doomed. Even if we do everthing right, we are doomed...
*Voice: See that passion, Sarevok holds such power within him, fueled by his bloodstained past and heritage. You were like this once, you were passionate and full of fury. You were on the fast track to godhood and now look at you.*
"They cannot," Xan barked at Tiaxina, irritated by the nonsense. "They are as useless as you!" With that, he hopped to his feet, sheathed the moonblade, and strode to a corner.
OOC - I think the Paladins spent theirs. Makes for good letting off of steam, no? Xan's feeling bitter and surly. It's why them ♀ types are more trouble than they are worth...
OOC Good point. From now on, make sure that whenever someone dies, you grab their waterskin. Though, at the rate we're going, none of us will live long enough to die of thirst, and the entering players should be plenty hydrated with full waterskins.
Okay. Also, now that the Ur-Ooze is dead, you can see there is an opening on the west side of the room, a hallway leading west for 30' before once more turning to the south.
You rest, heal, and pray for spells. (Anyone want to change what spells they are carrying? I will assume someone will pray for and cast Create Food and Drink (AD&D spell rather than BG spell, but useful) and conjure up some nourishing food and water. After e brief, if somewhat bland meal, you are ready to press on.
I am thinking once again it is 3 am and I should be getting some sleep. I think I am a little tired, not coming up with any good psychotic episodes for Tiaxina.
*Sarevok lays down and falls instantly asleep. The scent of embalming fluid seems to have soothed him*