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Politics. The feel in your country.



  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Dee said:

    I get that people are mad and upset and scared, but let's agree that violence isn't the answer.

  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited November 2016

    What is likely to happen is "nothing". Too many people are making too much money for anyone to correct the long-standing situation.

    I can see adopting DC as a State. It is another entity existing in political limbo, able to do some things but not others.

    The other hurdle to making PR a state is the people there don't seem to want it. Public opinion is pretty evenly split between statehood, independence and status quo.

    I don't think DC should become a state. I think it's a better idea to retrocede the residential areas to Maryland. I don't see the non-federal areas of DC as really being economically viable as a standalone state.

    Calexit is a long-standing organization that just getting a little bounce from the election. There's also a "movement" to break off Northern California and Southern Oregon to form another state. Back home in Michigan, there's a group that wants to create a new state out of the UP and the Northeastern counties of Wisconsin. There's groups like this all over the US.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited November 2016
    Flashburn said:

    Dee said:

    I get that people are mad and upset and scared, but let's agree that violence isn't the answer.


    It was over a traffic accident, not the election.

    There's also a couple of stories about women with hijabs attacked by "Trump supporters", but reading the stories, they look more like muggings where the criminals yelled some stuff about Trump than political attacks.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited November 2016
    Edit: Thanks for the context, @BillyYank - I wondered if there might be more to the story, and it sounds like there is.

    Beating somebody up is still not okay, for any reason, but context is important.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited November 2016
    Nothing will happen for Puerto Rico with a GOP house and Senate in control for at least the next two years. The priorities of primarily brown people and people without representation have not been priorities for the GOP.

    Likely what will be pushed are corporate tax cuts and the like for big business mainly. And we will get a Christian agenda too, Darwin might get repealed in classrooms nationwide. Planned Parenthood will be shut down and reproduction rights will be limited.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Nothing will happen for Puerto Rico with a GOP house and Senate in control for at least the next two years. The priorities of primarily brown people and people without representation have not been priorities for the GOP.

    Likely what will be pushed are corporate tax cuts and the like for big business mainly. And we will get a Christian agenda too, Darwin might get repealed in classrooms nationwide. Planned Parenthood will be shut down and reproduction rights will be limited.

    Actually, it will probably start with Keystone XL and Trump laughing at all the environmentalist instead of pandering to them. Which, IMO, is a good thing.

    The bad thing is, he won't stop there, and regulations regarding pollutants will be relaxed in an attempt to churn the economy and maximize American production.
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    Yamcha said:

    Ask for Gods help to heal you. He will help.

    Which one, there are so many of them :confused:
    Hey, that's the wrong list.
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915

    If it's anything like the Bush administration's first two years, when the GOP controlled all branches of government, we will see no national legislation on abortion. The GOP did not ban abortion even when they had all the power they needed to do so. Republican politicians only care about abortion during elections. When they're not campaigning, they do nothing for their pro-life constituents.

    The GOP establishment's priorities are strictly fiscal. In the first two years of the Bush administration, they used that power to implement tax cuts and roll back regulations. The Trump administration will do the same:

    No bans on gay marriage; no bans on abortion; no work on promoting conservative social values. Just tax cuts and deregulation. That's what today's GOP establishment is about.

    And for all his criticism of the establishment, Trump shares their priorities.

    True, but keep in mind, that was before the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus freaks started to really gum up the works. A lot of members of Congress are WAY more, for lack of better word, radicalized than they were back in the innocent days at the turn of the century.
    Here's Trump's plans for his first 100 days:
    Some items are actually pretty reasonable, like firing up infrastructure spending...until you consider that he's also planning on cutting taxes significantly, so where is he planning to get the money for that (not to mention that Mitch McConnell has already vowed to block it). The section on the environment is absolutely gut-wrenching and should be criminal. He's also got that stupid wall in there, too. And making a rule that for every new regulation, two other regulations need to be eliminated is just asking for trouble. Oh, man, don't even get me started on Mike Pence who I personally find more threatening than Trump. At least Trump has no experience. Pence has been practicing screwing people over for years.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    If it's anything like the Bush administration's first two years, when the GOP controlled all branches of government, we will see no national legislation on abortion. The GOP did not ban abortion even when they had all the power they needed to do so. Republican politicians only care about abortion during elections. When they're not campaigning, they do nothing for their pro-life constituents.

    The GOP establishment's priorities are strictly fiscal. In the first two years of the Bush administration, they used that power to implement tax cuts and roll back regulations. The Trump administration will do the same:

    No bans on gay marriage; no bans on abortion; no work on promoting conservative social values. Just tax cuts and deregulation. That's what today's GOP establishment is about.

    And for all his criticism of the establishment, Trump shares their priorities.

    That's because abortion is a Supreme Court issue, and a state issue below that. And BELIEVE ME, multitudes of states have been trying to restrict abortion rights for years. Republicans just took the historically UNPRECEDENTED step of not allowing a hearing on a duly-elected President's Supreme Court nominee, in the exact hope that this situation would come to pass. If Trump, who is going to be taking Court appointment advice from Pence, get's even TWO choices (and that will almost certainly happen). Roe v. Wade and gay marriage are TOAST within the next 4 years.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Mike Pence does not support evolution, maybe supports climate change as being a thing but the new head of the EPA is a climate change denier.

    Pence also favors praying away the gay conversion therapy and signed one of those religious freedom bills designed to limit LBGTQ rights.

    Trump hired Pence with the pitch that he could be the "most powerful vice president ever" likely because he himself has no experience on most things so he'll leave the policy to Pence and go around congratulating himself on how awesome he and his hotels are, ie "making america great again".
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    I was also going to bring up all the guns flowing into Chicago because of Indiana's lax gun laws, but I figure it's best to not open that Pandora's Box....
  • TStaelTStael Member Posts: 861
    edited November 2016
    As reaction to Trump's triump, German chancellor Merkel really rated herself in my eyes. Well done Merkel, more than most!

    Or any? Not our Finnish Sipilä in any rate, but he also is a businessman and not a statesman, actually.

    Trump might of course point out that "grabbing" her advice would not be his "fist choice." Well, hey-ho.

    Thankfully Finland is in the EU.

    Edit: spelling. We should not misrepresent Trump's infamous nether-regions grab, should we - even in political banter, eh? ;-)
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    BillyYank said:

    The other hurdle to making PR a state is the people there don't seem to want it. Public opinion is pretty evenly split between statehood, independence and status quo.

    Are you sure? Granted, this was 4 years ago now but at the time 76% of people chose to respond to the second question and of those responders 61.14% of them chose "statehood". Of course, this was before the economic situation took a turn for the worse. I think the question came up again on the ballots last Tuesday but I haven't seen any verification of that yet. The current resolution to grant Statehood that was sent to Congress died in committee--it never even made it to the floor.

    re: Michigan, you mean Yoopers? Or does that refer to anyone living above the bridge?

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    procco said:

    Not to mention, as a result of Pence's anti birth control policies, Indiana is currently experience an outbreak in AIDS over the last couple of years. It's absolutely insane.

    How is birth control regulation the main factor in this? People chose whether they want to keep in their pants or not.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586


    ... but not the weirdo fringe parties like the one guy who think time travelers decide who is President--no, seriously, I'll have to find him and link him...

    How is this NOT getting more attention?? I would absolutely vote for that guy in a heartbeat! :smiley:

  • TStaelTStael Member Posts: 861
    ThacoBell said:

    How is birth control regulation the main factor in this? People chose whether they want to keep in their pants or not.

    You celebrate EE's in entirely positive spirit, and now you post this?

    ThacoBell, um, this seems so ... hostile and blameful, when both men and women are sexual being, and that is actually how either nature or a divine force intended it. Take your pick.

    Wanting to take one's pants off does not, and should not automatically mean that any copulation or love making should carry a risk of pregnancy!

    Your way, human race would be in positions of pandas - that evolutionally are ridic in not eating anything but bambu, and eminently wanting to keep their pants on because pandas are going extinct due to low sex drive.

    This is your ideal for us humans? Keep the figurative pants on, like pandas? Only there is no zoo keeper for us yet, and bit of love or lust based desire too.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447


    ... but not the weirdo fringe parties like the one guy who think time travelers decide who is President--no, seriously, I'll have to find him and link him...

    How is this NOT getting more attention?? I would absolutely vote for that guy in a heartbeat! :smiley:

    You already did.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited November 2016
    Dee said:


    ... but not the weirdo fringe parties like the one guy who think time travelers decide who is President--no, seriously, I'll have to find him and link him...

    How is this NOT getting more attention?? I would absolutely vote for that guy in a heartbeat! :smiley:

    You already did.
    Thanks for the heads-up.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @TStael Well, it was an honest question. I would think that health education would be more important than simply throwing condoms around. Or is a decent health class considered birth control? Condoms are definitely helpful, but they are inanimate objects.
    Their lack of availability doesn't mean as much when compared to the choices people make. They could be given out at every street corner, but it comes down to people's choices whether to use them, or if they are even aware of the existence of birth control. It all comes back to education.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    edited November 2016


    ... but not the weirdo fringe parties like the one guy who think time travelers decide who is President--no, seriously, I'll have to find him and link him...

    How is this NOT getting more attention?? I would absolutely vote for that guy in a heartbeat! :smiley:

    Presented for your viewing pleasure, please allow me to present Andrew D. Basiago, a "prominent figure in the Truth Movement". This is probably fake...but it *could* be real. Either way, it's funny.

    That being you know what is ironic? He actually lists proposals to end homelessness and hunger in the United States by requiring grocery stores and restaurants to donate food they did not sell to food banks. I don't hear either major party addressing those issues. He also wants to allocate $100 billion to address education, infrastructure, housing, and medical care for the First Nations. *sigh* If only he didn't advocate the government finally admitting that it has access to time travel technology and that we have a base on Mars already.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Trump cannot arbitrarily impose term limits. This is already settled law. The only way is with a constitutional amendment and that is extremely unlikely to say the least. If you actually read his platform he has proposed a number of things which he simply will not have authority to do as President. Congress being Republican doesn't mean they will rubber stamp his proposals, McConnell has already said several at not going to happen. Especially term limits.

    The thing about Trump is that Trump is always for Trump. He showed how quickly he was willing to lie, bulldoze, and steamroll right over the actual Republicans in the primary, and then Hillary, but never lose sight of the fact that all of his moves are meant to benefit him and nobody else. If you look at his prior business deals, there can never be a win-win situation. If you win, then Trump loses and he won't stand for that.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Also for those who think it can't happen here, read this and see just how fast it already is.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited November 2016
    So he's drawing his transition team from the swamp he mentioned so frequently draining. How did people believe his proposals when he doesn't really have any other than "look at me I'm awesome!"

    We have no idea what he will do he's been pro-choice and now he's pro-life for example. But he's surrounding himself with the far right and they likely will be the ones setting policy while he keeps saying how great he alone is.

    As a civilian he regularly sued anyone who threatened his "I'm the best businessman ever" delusions. I highly reccommend reading the link here it tells about several things including how
    Trump sued Deutsche bank for mentioning how he ripped them off. He's not going to be able to handle a free press. Obama had to put up with negative stories and ridiculous conspiracy theories how do you think thinskinned Trump is going to take scrutiny and criticism?

    I think he's going to try and hide and let Fox News and Breitbart put out propoganda for him. I don't think that will really work though, maybe it will?
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  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Hate crimes and fear already in Trump's america

    Donald tweeted about protestors against his racist and xenophobic discourse are being very unfair
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