OK.....First it would be good to have a beit or three or four. Sit down withy this post and read it s-l-o-w-l-y....Keep in mind that this is from an O-L-D guy who goes back to playing "ZORK" on an Apple II E. It is early morning and you are rolling up characters for ...say.....IWDEE? Ok now ya been at it for several hours and this last character is really not going the way you want. Then .....IT ......HAPPENS....YA GET A SET OF NUMBERS WHICH THE SMALLEST IS...SAY 15!!!!! You stare at the screen in disbelief for several minutes knowing that no mater what kind of character you choose it will be awesom.....NOW ya spen d maybe 30 ninutes changing the numbers around till it happens...ta hit the reroll button knowning at that instant YOU FORGOT TO STORE THE CHARACTER.....I can tell you that I laughed tillI cried. Shut of the computer and went sadly to bed. Now you might think "How could such an experience make you smile? Because my fellow game players if to think otherwise ..you would end up doing something drastic like taking a hammer to your computer and turning it into a pyle of electronic junk.
this happened to me and something tells me the god of character rolling will be a long time away from my computer -:(
I've never seen any Star Wars movies, but I'm guessing that they take place near the water, considering that from what I've heard they are about jetties with life savers.
At one point I saw someone complaining about how the shapeshifter's werewolf form has to attack with "1d6 claws." What's so bad about 1d6 claws? That means that your werewolf might be attacking with six claws at once! That would be awesome! Then again, you might only end up with one claw, and that would suck.
Yesterday, I swapped out the stereo in my wife's car for a modern one with Bluetooth and a USB port and other bells and whistles that weren't available in 2006. I spent half of Saturday making the wiring harness adapter and watching You-tube videos of other people installing stereos in this type of car. Sunday, I removed the front of the dashboard, pulled out the old stereo and plugged everything in. Then I programmed the remote to recognize the steering wheel buttons, and put the new stereo in place.
I tested it and ...
I feel like I've leveled up. I even learned a new skill: wire crimping.
In the description of the Wand of Frost in BG2, it says that the wand cools an area down to -100°F. In comparison, the coldest weather temperature ever recorded in real life was -128°F in Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. I guess truth really is colder than fiction.
Actually, it's kind of funny how the coldest temperature just happened to be -128°F. That number comes up a lot in computer science, because it's the smallest number you can express with one byte.
Talked to a colleague in another country today over skype, his first name was pronounced "Dick shit". Had to bite my tongue to not burst into laughter.
A few days ago, rocker Chuck Berry died. Now Gong Show host Chuck Barris has died. If there's someone out there named Chuck Barrett, should he be worried?
The Stratolaunch flew today! The Spruce Goose's record has been broken. Check this out: https://youtu.be/Hku8TH9NKfw
For those who haven't heard of this plane. It's purpose is to carry up to three rockets between the fuselages to provide a lower cost method for launching satellites.
When I was young, I also thought Jon's portrait showed him in front of his computer and keyboard with his headphones on. (My old keyboard had grey keys)
I just can't hear David Warner's voice and not think of The Lobe from Freakazoid. Everytime I hear Irenicus, I just get this song in my head and expect him to start singing. Even looking at Irenicus makes me think of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZsMMoYryTI
David Warner and Ricardo Montalbán did the voices of the 2 most recurring villains on the show. It's ridiculous who they managed to get on that show since it was Spielberg's company that made the show.
It is early morning and you are rolling up characters for ...say.....IWDEE? Ok now ya been at it for several hours and this last character is really not going the way you want.
Then .....IT ......HAPPENS....YA GET A SET OF NUMBERS WHICH THE SMALLEST IS...SAY 15!!!!! You stare at the screen in disbelief for several minutes knowing that no mater what kind of character you choose it will be awesom.....NOW ya spen d maybe 30 ninutes changing the numbers around till it happens...ta hit the reroll button knowning at that instant YOU FORGOT TO STORE THE CHARACTER.....I can tell you that I laughed tillI cried. Shut of the computer and went sadly to bed.
Now you might think "How could such an experience make you smile? Because my fellow game players if to think otherwise ..you would end up doing something drastic like taking a hammer to your computer and turning it into a pyle of electronic junk.
this happened to me and something tells me the god of character rolling will be a long time away from my computer -:(
I tested it and ...
I feel like I've leveled up. I even learned a new skill: wire crimping.
Actually, it's kind of funny how the coldest temperature just happened to be -128°F. That number comes up a lot in computer science, because it's the smallest number you can express with one byte.
I had to resist saying "No, it's all safely tucked away," whenever she introduced herself to someone.
For those who haven't heard of this plane. It's purpose is to carry up to three rockets between the fuselages to provide a lower cost method for launching satellites.
But why this one?
David Warner and Ricardo Montalbán did the voices of the 2 most recurring villains on the show. It's ridiculous who they managed to get on that show since it was Spielberg's company that made the show.