If a name had to start with Gl... What name would you choose? CHOOSE WISELY!

Okay. It was let slip during the last AMA with the developers that there will be a new NPC named Gl...
You got it. Gl... oh wait thats not announced yet!
Rumour and speculation now abound. Choose what name you would like Gl... to turn into... Be prepared for nothing of the like actually appearing! Fun and messing around only peeps!
You got it. Gl... oh wait thats not announced yet!
Rumour and speculation now abound. Choose what name you would like Gl... to turn into... Be prepared for nothing of the like actually appearing! Fun and messing around only peeps!
- If a name had to start with Gl... What name would you choose? CHOOSE WISELY!74 votes
- Gloria the Gardener. Keeper of the Gazebos of the high forest. A halfling druid snubbed by his colleagues for his inability to pick even low hanging fruit.10.81%
- Glod Glodonsonsonson. Dwarven Defender. Wielder of the mighty Glod. Your basic bearded ale drinking dwarf. The reason why Orcs are all Glod fearing.18.92%
- Gloragatha. The finest dwarven strumpet this side of the moonshaes! This bards silky beard leaves all the dwarven men drooling into there tankards...  6.76%
- Glen Quagmire. A human ranger fond of swamps. Drinks down the Sunken Bathtub with his Lizardmen pals...  4.05%
- Glados. A most unhappy gnome cleric of Gond. Hates new fangled technology and longs for the days before carrier pigeon.13.51%
- Glundatha Axe-Eater. An elf that reached the highest circles of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment... In lumberjacking. An outcast to his own kind, this elf is a barbarian... Among trees...18.92%
- Glade Glilson. A half-elf assassin so deadly, that she can kill by scent alone... Glades Oust Odour Eliminator has killed many unwary snifters.  4.05%
- Glirakuru. A Kensia from Kara-Tur. He has mastered the art of death by splinter. This man is dedicated to his master crafted club. Carpenters, have chiselled, planed, sawn and varnished a leg-end, combined with Glirakuru's discipline, forms a potent weapon of mass destruction.  6.76%
- Glob Snuck. A half-Orc with amazing teeth and hair. This paladin of Sune, is dandruff free. Head and Shoulders above the rest, Glob Snuck secretly fears he will have his head caved in by a Dwarf with an image problem.  6.76%
- Glee! Oh Glee! This rubbish ends! Why? No really... WHY did you make me read that... that absolute drivel! If I wanted to waste my time I could have visited the Guess the next poster thread... You really are a piece of work!  9.46%
The mighty Glod sounds like an awesome weapon so I'll go for that.
Now answer my post in the guess who thread!
She knows! SHE KNOWS!
Glundatha Axe-Eater must be a close guess!
She is laying down a false trail to throw us off the scent...
But seriously, thanks for the poll, @Anduin
Actually Glengoshi has a certain ring to it...
Maybe Glesset or Gleagloth...
Glevsdaak, Gleeminster, Glenvese, Glee, GlackGlack, Glouthpaw, Glidcarnival, GlentGoster, Glipdaigle, Gloriander, Glilly, Glimran, Glordrumfish...
Even Glubble...
All sound better than Glandyr.
Although, I will admit, they all sound like names for half-orcs...
Gli** is more feminine sounding than masculine and the community has been asking for a female dwarf since ever. Having one of the new kits limited to dwarves seals it.
I'll even go as far as saying the name is probably Glinyce meaning holy, fair one.
I do have the possibility of being completely and utterly wrong though.
I think we needed a choice for Xans mum - Gladys the Glum.
Gland Anal, the mighty oversized ferret. He has long reliquinshed its kin's famed stealthy ways and just sits on his prey asphyxiating them.
It was Glint Gardnerson.
And he is Gnome!
Wait. There is room and capacity for a female gnome!