Sword Coast Legends. Is this the spiritual successor to NWN?

A new Dungeons & Dragons game is coming to PC in 2015. Developed in collaboration by n-Space and Digital Extremes, Sword Coast Legends will allow parties of up to four human players to cooperate in adventures managed in real-time by human Dungeon Masters.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
@Musigny - if you go back to the main site and go through there (it's one of the top stories) it'll work. Not quite sure what's wrong with the link.
There is a redirection based on the geoIP/country. That's probably the issue.
Personally, I favour Sword Coast North. Not only is it much longer than its southern counterpart, it also has far more interesting locations as well. And much better weather to boot... I'm looking at you, Ice Lakes!
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience.
Release Date: Q3 2015
Game Features:
• Single player campaign created by members of the leadership team that brought you Dragon AgeTM: Origins
• Choose from five playable races and six unique character classes to build your own stalwart adventurer
• A return to form, SCL is the compelling and complex RPG you've been waiting for and features pause time, party-based tactical combat and involving storylines
• Dungeon Master Mode: Create your own epic adventure to share with your friends, or enhance their experience in real time as they traverse your dungeon
• Set in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe based on the fifth edition ruleset and populated with Dungeons & Dragons lore and legend
Sounds promising to me. Don't know much about 5E but supposedly people like it.
Maybe combine topics @bengoshi?
Set in the lush and vibrant world of the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends offers an all-new way to enjoy the time-tested magic of playing Dungeons & Dragons as a shared storytelling experience. With a deep narrative developed by a team of long-time industry veterans and a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, the single player campaign of Sword Coast Legends brings the world of Faerûn home like never before.
They launched their official site just yesterday: https://swordcoast.com/
The game has many interesting features:
- Single player campaign created by members of the leadership team that brought you Dragon Age™: Origins
- Choose from five playable races and six unique character classes to build your own stalwart adventurer
- A return to form, Sword Coast Legends is the compelling and complex RPG you've been waiting for and features pause time, party-based tactical combat and involving storylines
- Dungeon Master Mode: Create your own epic adventure to share with your friends, or enhance their experience in real time as they traverse your dungeon
- Set in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe based on the fifth edition ruleset and populated with Dungeons & Dragons lore and legend
Sword Coast Legends Narrative Director is Jay Turner, whose portfolio is amazing. He worked on Jade Empire, all three Mass Effects, Dragon Age: Origins, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel and Dead Space 3. When he worked on Dragon Age: Origins, he was responsible for writing most of Oghren and a bunch of side quests here and there (Korcari Wilds, Blackstone Irregulars, Mages' Collective, among others). His presence sounds very promising.
Here you can watch the game's trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jZmyUfDP1no
And here you can read the system requirements:[SPOILER]
OS: Windows XP SP3 or higher
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E7500 or equivalent
Memory: 2048 MB RAM (1500MB free)
Graphics: HD Intel Graphics 5100 or NVIDIA® GeForce® 9800 GTX+ (768 MB) or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 4850 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 15 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX9c compliant
OS: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: Intel i5 2400 or better
Memory: 8192 MB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750 1GB ram or or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6970 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 15 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX9c compliant[/SPOILER]
Now when I've merged 3 threads about one subject already, I've decided to change the thread title so that it could reflect the name of the new game.
Sorry, I did not see that thread. All this work for nothing
As a whole, the trailer looks promising and reminds very much of DAO.
The idea of the Dungeon Master Mode sounds refreshing and entertaining, although I'm not sure about how it will be implemented.
What more can I say? With the upcoming release of PoE, Adventure Y, now this Sword Coast Legends in 2015 and Torment: Tides of Numenera also not far away (I doubt it will be released in this year though) I, being an RPG fan, feel myself lucky!
Supposedly it combines the best sides from all D&D-games which is great and I'm really looking forward to being a Dungeon Master. ^^
Nvm, found it.
Looks quite interesting indeed.
What a happy year for fantasy gamers!
Dragon Age is the spiritual successor to NWN
This looks like an honest to Oghma spiritual successor to BG/IWD
"I first brought on Dan Tudge as president over two years ago. Dan was the director of Dragon Age: Origins, but our paths had first crossed prior to that when he was running his own development studio and we were both working for Nintendo. I hired Dan to fill shoes left empty in 2008 and to help pivot the company. Even then we were talking about this project, which was a great fit for his experience and passion.
In turn, Dan brought in Ross Gardner and Jay Turner, both BioWare vets and prior members of the DA:O team. Ross came on as the project’s technical director, leveraging over 13 years of experience at BioWare on Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Neverwinter Nights and The Old Republic, among others.
Jay is the narrative director for Sword Coast Legends. While at BioWare, he wrote for several titles including Dragon Age: Origins, Jade Empire and the Mass Effect series, before moving to EA where he wrote for Dead Space 3 among others. Together with n-Space’s proven team of veteran developers, it is a formidable combination."
"When I tell you that Jon Irenicus from Baldur’s Gate II was based on the D&D character campaigned by the Sword Coast Legends’ technical director… or that the director of Dragon Age: Origins is heading up the team… These things lend a certain degree of instant credibility to the team and our game.
But that sort of thing is only enough to get your attention. What really matters is what the fans see when they look at what we’re doing, or hear about it from their friends. The care taken in bringing the spirit of Dungeons & Dragons and old-school RPG sensibilities to their PC in a way that lets them play with their friends, and create a story with their DM… that will attract the fans."
"Like many on the team, Sword Coast Legends is a game that I have dreamed of since I was first introduced to D&D. I still vividly remember the moment I learned that skeletons take more damage from blunt weapons than edged. That experience in sixth grade framed my entire understanding of games as rule systems and kickstarted a lifetime of playing and making them. This project brings me full-circle, nearly 30 years later. I speak for the entire team here at n-Space when I say that our goal for Sword Coast Legends is to provide its players with life-long memories of fun-filled experiences."
Sounds tempting. I wonder what the character Irenicus was based upon had been about? The rest of the interview is available here: http://www.develop-online.net/interview/self-publishing-is-critical-to-survival-why-n-space-teamed-up-with-digital-extremes/0203124
The first update consists of a FAQ (based on the real questions, I believe). Here it is:
Will there be a Mac version of this game? Boom! Right out of the gate something I cannot talk about! We’re not talking about additional SKUs right now.
Will there be micro-transactions, or content locked behind a price tag? I can understand the concern around micro-transactions and assure you that SCL is a fully featured RPG that is not “locked behind micro-transactions.” Much like the table-top, we do plan on continuing to create adventures for both DMs and players long after launch. We have a lot of stories to tell, characters to meet and places to visit, but we cannot create them all before launch. We are going to keep creating content as long as you keep playing!
How long is the single player campaign? While we’re not talking about the campaign in detail right now but I can tell you this: It’s not going to be short! A great RPG isn’t something you finish over a weekend and SCL certainly won’t be finished in a weekend either.
What exactly is the Design Council? Access to special forums that will help us, the developers, make decisions that mold and shape SCL.
What exactly is early access? (Roughly how long is it?) We actually can’t say just how long early access will be just yet, however we can say that you’ll get ample time to adventure prior to launch.
Will there be an alpha or beta test? We’re not talking about alpha or beta testing right now.
Can you explain more about how DM mode works and the DM toolset? The DM can fully customize the player experience, significantly altering an adventure by changing encounters, placing traps, spawning monsters, creating quest NPCs, generating secret areas, locking doors - all in real-time. There are also offline campaign tools that enable DMs to build campaigns for their players - more about that later.
Are any localizations planned? We understand that there are a lot of RPGs players that love to play in a language other than English and we are evaluating additional localized versions right now – more details to come.
Are there any plans for the game on SteamOS/Linux? We’re not talking about additional skus right now.
Will there be Romances in the game? A hallmark of a great RPGs is the meaningful companions you meet along the way and how they react the choices you make in your story. These companions become your “friends”, ones you remember long after playing the game - characters like Minsc and Jaheira from the Baldur’s Gate series or Alistair and Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins. In SCL we’re creating companions that stand tall within that legacy. Will you be able to romance them? You’ll have to wait and see. J
Will Sword Coast Legends be separate canon from the novels? We’re working in tight coordination with Wizards of the Coast and have created an original story for SCL, one that is tightly woven into Forgotten Realms lore.
How do you coordinate with Wizards on lore/content? For two years we've worked very closely with the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast to ensure players get a true “D&D experience.” I would also mention that we’re all fans of tabletop D&D (and the Forgotten Realms) here. Many of the Sword Coast Legends team plays D&D several times a week and have done so for years. In fact, several of our story ideas have come from our personal campaigns!
Can you tell us more details about the Belaphoss Statue? Right now I can tell you that it looks awesome and will be shipped to your house closer to launch.
Will the camera be able to rotate, move and zoom in and out? Absolutely, and in single player you’ll be able to pause with the spacebar and issue tactics old school!
How will movement be handled in the game? You will move around the game with your mouse using point and click.
Will the single player campaign be playable coop? More details on that later!
Any idea exactly what the tome of knowledge is? Reading the Tome of Knowledge will give players additional points to spend on their character’s ability scores and class features (spells and abilities).
P.S. It's funny that while the amount of forum members there is still low, we already see the Edwin's avatar among them:)
Then I found out it wasn't single player and I was bummed but now that FinneousPJ expanded more on it it sounds like a WORLD of possibilities. Hopefully the writing will be good, and I'm sure the vast amount of potential fan made modules will provide some good entertainment. Can't wait.
I hope it allows for pausing the game like BG and IWD games. I don't really like the real time thing. Too much stress. I game to chill out and like to take my own time doing things.