The Dumbest Way You Died

I know, I'm sure there's been a thread about this but I couldn't find it & perform a resurrection. Pretty much as the title suggests, what's the stupidest way you've bitten then dust in these games?
This particular idiot here was too busy running to the Adverturer's Mart to flog all the booty we'd gathered that I forgot to return the Rift Device to the avatar. Oops! Thank the gods for the Q key.
This particular idiot here was too busy running to the Adverturer's Mart to flog all the booty we'd gathered that I forgot to return the Rift Device to the avatar. Oops! Thank the gods for the Q key.
A memorable moment from a PnP game (but not my fault for a change) occurred when I was going hand-to-hand with a troll in a tunnel while the rest of the party moved in the general direction of 'away'. As a token effort to help me the party mage chucked a fireball at the troll - with the inevitable results. Consequently the character I rolled for the next game was the deceased's younger brother who had an unrelenting hatred of mages in general and spent most of the game trying to get the party mage killed. The friction that this brought to the party dynamics was further complicated by the fact that in RL I was dating the mage's younger sister. Fantasy and reality don't mix well.
Solo mazed
Enlightened by a wand of lightning
Recently : defy the guard who puts you under arrest when you reach the sixth (?) floor of Candlekeep; resist the magic spell (it looks like a flame strike) but die anyway.
1. Create mage with minmum constitution.
2. Set the difficulty to the max.
3. Go talk to Gorion
4. Enjoy death in the cutscene.
2.) Playing multiplayer with my brother in BG1. We were in Durlag's tower and he had the boots of speed on his blade. I wanted to find traps with my F/M/T but he said that there weren't any traps right here, he knew from experience. So i was stupid enough to listen to him, he ran first and triggered a fireball trap, with the boots of speed he got all the way to another room to safety, but my poor F/M/T took the fireball to the face and instantly died. My brother was dying from laughter, i was not amused.
Being wayside by dogs having 1 hp left. I am now firmly a cat person.
Using my cat to scout in Bodhi's lair only to run into a spellcasting vampire whom casted true sight then some death spell on said cat killing it, then me from the Con loss. I am now firmly a pet loather.
Phew I thought! What a great fight. Better pick up the loot and head to the Mithrest in the Promenade (my base) to rest up. Luckily I'm right near the north exit so there's no threat from any muggers.
(Yeah you know what's coming...)
"I am Habib bin Khalif. I will throw my mighty scimitar at your head rather than suffer the indignity of prison...".
And I was so surprised that I just stood there like a dork rather than gulping a healing potion.
No reload really hurts sometimes...
I also once sassed Duke Eltan because I was trying to role play my chaotic good alignment and I thought he was being too bossy. That didn't end well...
Of course there is always the first time you click on too many grave stones...
Though this never happened to me personally, there was a time when a level 1 berserker would always die from their own rage even if they were at full HP. That one probably wins this discussion (that or the "death by cutscene" mage).
I often have Minsc solo the big gnoll fight at the gnoll stronghold. My other characters hang back because I make Minsc go berserk. One time I did this and he had very little health left after the fight. I had my cleric walking up to him with a healing spell ready when his berserk wore off and he died...
I had 4 hit points.