What do you think of Noober & Neeber?

Do you like them or do you hate them? Do you kill them or do you let them live?
- What do you think of Noober & Neeber?65 votes
- I hate them! The only thing I like about them is getting to end their reign of terror!  1.54%
- I hate them, but I don't kill them for some reason.  9.23%
- I kinda like them, but I still kill them because I have stuff to do.  3.08%
- I like them and I am willing to listen and laugh at their goofy comments.23.08%
- I listen to get the EXP but I kill them as they leave.  7.69%
- I just speed through it to get the EXP.49.23%
- I am apathetic or ambivalent towards them. (I don't care or don't know.)  6.15%
400 EXP is quite a lot in BG1.
Just wait for Adventuer Y though! Naaber NEVER STOPS no matter how many times you click! I can see the forum posts now "clicked naaber more than ten thousand times so far and nothing! Anyone have any luck with this yet, or is it just a trick?!"
How many more do you have? : D
*edit: hiatus since the Tutu days before EE got released that is.