Quayle is in fact a master illusionist. Your encounter in BG1 with him is actually the result of an advanced, fully conscious simulacrum spell he created. Once this simulacrum learned of its fate it set forth northward to the great city of Baldur's Gate. There it encountered charname. Following
the death of the last of Sarevok's followers
it was never seen from again.
Out of jealousy another rival illusionist attacked Quayle's circus tent in order to learn more about this new spell.
True, but if charname is of good alignment he can cast dispel magic on him, to revert the polymorphed form, and can have him as familiar in his dragon form. If charname is LG or CG Firkaag will change his name in Pseudo Firkraag, if is CG the name will become Fairy Firkraag.
You should do Hexxat's quet or spellhold before turning Firkraag into your familiar, as telling him to hop into your backpack without a bag of holding results in insta-death for charname
Did you know that one senior citizen with disabilities in a rural area in south-eastern Venezuela became fully fluent in English, French, German, Polish and Russian within a month by playing through the various localizations of Baldur's Gate?
When inquired about the secret of his stalwart motivation, he promptly answered:
I once met this guy, and he could speak in those languages. But in a strange way, like "speak your mind, if is worth, or I will kick your butt for goodness". In all those languages, but is not to be fully fluent...
Did you know that "Adventurer" is actually a synonym for "NEET"? Only those who aren't part of society, working to provide their families, claim to search for glory by going on jobless quests.
Some years after the Bhaalspawn crisis, Biff the Understudy, not an understudy any more, was asked to play the male lead role in "The Turmish Play". Unfortunately for him, he underestimated the force of the curse attached to the play and repeatedly used its real name in public. He was killed by a mad nobleman from a Prime world.
His body was transported back to his home town of Sigil where it turned out that he had signed a so-called "Dead Contract" with a faction known as the Dustmen. They raised him as a zombie and charged him with speaking the lines of people who for some reason couldn't be there when they were expected to speak.
So the Ubiquitous Zombie of Planescape: Torment is actually Biff the Understudy!
If you cast Know Alignment on Sarevok it will start the conversation path that leads to him changing his alignment. This will work on Viconia too, but you need to be romancing her for it to work.
If cast on Anomen it will cause him to have a unique conversation with you. He will declare that with the death of his sister he needs to find some sense of purpose - more than what the order has offered - and he will leave your group permanently.
If this happens the only thing you will hear of him further is from the rumors of the barkeep in Trademeet - rumours of a tormented warrior fighting against the unholy goblin and orc tribes of the Small Teeth Mountains.
If you delay talking to Alatos (the leader of the BG thieves guild) until chapter 7 he will give you a quest to investigate the iron throne again. He is looking for information regarding Sarevok's rise to power. If you help him he will join your party for the final battle against Sarevok.
The familiar available to Lawful Neutral spellcasters identifies itself as a ferret, looks like a groundhog and magically morphs into a wombat, should you decide to carry it in your bag satchel. However, if you spill water on it or feed it past midnight, this otherwise non-dispellable Greater Illusion will break and reveal the true nature of this mysterious being.
Those of you who possess arcane knowledge of the eleventh circle's third tier will (upon successfully rolling a 20) immediately recognize it as the demi-deity of being hopped on, sometimes known as the Somewhat Big-ish Nonpareil Random Rock Hump of Obstructional Insignificance. It goes without saying that its unique special powers will come in handy whenever another Lawful Neutral familiar option, the otherwise unstoppable 4d12 minor horde of baby goats, is encountered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAIAIo5NXmA
If you talk to Firebead Elvenhair 30 times, he will give you 300 gold to make you shut up.
He will do this BOTH times you encounter him for a total of 600 gold.
It would have been funny if we could give Noober 300 gp to shut up.
You can but only with a wisdom of 20 or better, and you must have 300 gp in your purse. Since it is next to impossible to have such a high wisdom when you meet him for the first time, very few people *actually* know this.
With 20 CHA you can convince Noober to go the Nashkell's inn after you have listened to all his dialogs. He will pester Neira so much that she will leave without attacking you
If you talk to Neeber, not Noober, 20 times, after he give you the stones that people did throw to him, he give you a scroll that contains all the cheat codes, even the secret ones, that only few of the original developers did know and that where never shared on the net.
Due to a coding bug, or perhaps an oversight related to characters being generated at 89000XP in BG2, a cleric of levels 1-5 in SoA can chunk any undead instantly. It even works if you dual. Try it.
Take any human class that can dual to cleric, dual to a cleric, then before doing anything else visit a lich in Athkatla for loads of instant XP. It's awesome.
And is not the only bug that turn undead has. Some undeads have an immunity to be turned even if they don't are of a kind that is supposed to be immune, like Bone Golems. You can even have one of that bugged undeads in the party
SAREvoK - the vo representing the 'voice of' ...
Out of jealousy another rival illusionist attacked Quayle's circus tent in order to learn more about this new spell.
If charname is LG or CG Firkaag will change his name in Pseudo Firkraag, if is CG the name will become Fairy Firkraag.
When inquired about the secret of his stalwart motivation, he promptly answered:
Get me out of this hell hole.
In five languages.But in a strange way, like "speak your mind, if is worth, or I will kick your butt for goodness". In all those languages, but is not to be fully fluent...
Only those who aren't part of society, working to provide their families, claim to search for glory by going on jobless quests.
His body was transported back to his home town of Sigil where it turned out that he had signed a so-called "Dead Contract" with a faction known as the Dustmen. They raised him as a zombie and charged him with speaking the lines of people who for some reason couldn't be there when they were expected to speak.
So the Ubiquitous Zombie of Planescape: Torment is actually Biff the Understudy!
If this happens the only thing you will hear of him further is from the rumors of the barkeep in Trademeet - rumours of a tormented warrior fighting against the unholy goblin and orc tribes of the Small Teeth Mountains.
bagsatchel. However, if you spill water on it or feed it past midnight, this otherwise non-dispellable Greater Illusion will break and reveal the true nature of this mysterious being.Those of you who possess arcane knowledge of the eleventh circle's third tier will (upon successfully rolling a 20) immediately recognize it as the demi-deity of being hopped on, sometimes known as the Somewhat Big-ish Nonpareil Random Rock Hump of Obstructional Insignificance.
It goes without saying that its unique special powers will come in handy whenever another Lawful Neutral familiar option, the otherwise unstoppable 4d12 minor horde of baby goats, is encountered.
Take any human class that can dual to cleric, dual to a cleric, then before doing anything else visit a lich in Athkatla for loads of instant XP. It's awesome.
You can even have one of that bugged undeads in the party
(The game checks your system's time and date settings so this may not work on all platforms.)