There is also a second doorway across the room, and there are picks, shovels and smith's tools like hammers and tongs near the hearth, along with five sacks of coal.
The table bears the remains of a meal of mutton and carrots. Under the table are three sacks, containing apples, vegetables (carrots and potatoes) and nuts, respectively.
Alora puts her head out of the door to the cave: "Anomen, me and Arkanis have killed all the nasty goblins so it's safe to come in now." Tee-hee.
Pleased with herself, Alora gives the other vials that contain liquid to the spellcasters to see if they can recognise them, then she fills her pockets with apples before going over to the next door, where she will listen and check for traps and see if it is locked.
However, she has been rather chastened by the way the goblins surprised her last time so this time she will gather her party before venturing forth.
After about a mile, the tunnel makes a sharp bend to the left, and continues on for another mile or so. Then, Alora begins to smell a foul reek which becomes stronger as you approach a side passage which joins the tunnel. This passage is clearly not part of the original mine passage or its workings. It is circular, smooth-walled, and follows a slightly meandering course to a point a short distance away, where it branches.
"Arkanis, do you know what might have made a tunnel like that?"
If Arkanis doesn't know, Alora will tell the others to wait in the main tunnel and she will creep down the circular passage to where it branches and see if she can see where it leads. She will move quietly, try to stay in the shadows and will use her infravision to try to see anything dangerous before it sees her.
I would just like to say this little adventure is great! I'm only 10 pages into it so far but I'm loving it, you all play the parts very well especially Permidion who makes a brilliant Alora
So thankyou LadyRhian & co for the smiles n chuckles.
"A big stone worm, or something other nasty, what with I don't like to meet. But it abandoned these tunnels, if we have some luck. It can be the work of patient people, or a natural lava tunnel too, but I think my first bet is the most probable. "
"Would that be interesting?" Only, it wouldn't. Jaheira was neither merry, nor agreeing with Anomen. Something, one day, would balance that out... Just not yet.
Sparkly gems! Alora's heart leaps up. Despite the voice in the back of her head telling her that this is a very bad idea, Alora goes over to look at the gems. She will check for traps and secret doors before picking up the shinies.
If she gets the gens she will run back to the party to show them what she has found.
As Alora enters the area where the gems are, she notices that some of the path seems to be... moving. This is a four-way tunnel, and Alora finds herself under attack by a section of the floor (think of the cavern after Mulahey...)
Alora is hit and takes 8 damage. She is severely wounded. (like 2 hp left).
Alora turns to run, but is cut down from behind by a piece of the "floor" flung at her. Arkanis tries to hit the floor... and misses. At least, the piece of the floor he was aiming at, any way. Ajantis hits it, and his sword begins to disintegrate.
The dwarf give a grunting sound at the sight of the dissipating sword. He tries to pull out the girl from the moving part of the tunnel, if it's not possible he continues to hack a way to Alora.
Alora will try to take Arkanis's hand and get dragged away from danger. "Helm - or whatever gods are listening - please save your loyal servant and I promise I will be good - or bad if that's what you prefer - from now on."
Discarding the disintegrating blade Ajantis raises his shield and takes a defensive stance between the creature and Alora, "Get her out of here, Arkanis!"
If the others can move away he will slowly retreat, trying to block any attacks with his shield.
The table bears the remains of a meal of mutton and carrots. Under the table are three sacks, containing apples, vegetables (carrots and potatoes) and nuts, respectively.
Pleased with herself, Alora gives the other vials that contain liquid to the spellcasters to see if they can recognise them, then she fills her pockets with apples before going over to the next door, where she will listen and check for traps and see if it is locked.
However, she has been rather chastened by the way the goblins surprised her last time so this time she will gather her party before venturing forth.
Alora heads cautiously into the darkness, checking for traps and secret doors as she goes.
If Arkanis doesn't know, Alora will tell the others to wait in the main tunnel and she will creep down the circular passage to where it branches and see if she can see where it leads. She will move quietly, try to stay in the shadows and will use her infravision to try to see anything dangerous before it sees her.
So thankyou LadyRhian & co for the smiles n chuckles.
"A big stone worm, or something other nasty, what with I don't like to meet. But it abandoned these tunnels, if we have some luck. It can be the work of patient people, or a natural lava tunnel too, but I think my first bet is the most probable. "
The girl will lead us into the seventh plane of hell and we'll all stroll merrily with her.
If she gets the gens she will run back to the party to show them what she has found.
Alora is hit and takes 8 damage. She is severely wounded. (like 2 hp left).
Arkanis attacks back the... floor.
The dwarf give a grunting sound at the sight of the dissipating sword. He tries to pull out the girl from the moving part of the tunnel, if it's not possible he continues to hack a way to Alora.
If the others can move away he will slowly retreat, trying to block any attacks with his shield.
Congratulations, Aerie, who, thanks to her taking on the tree, has gained a second level in both Mage and Cleric!
Please, choose your new spells.
"At least, it didn't flight with us to its nest. "
Lets just drag her out of this hole in be ground, get our bearings on the surface and return to tbe closest town.