Alora will go to the door and listen and check for traps. If it is locked she will attempt to pick the lock. She will wait for the rest of the party to join her before opening it.
The door is not locked. Opening it shows you are at the eastern end of a corridor running east-west. Directly ahead of you is another corridor heading north. After 10', it also ends in a north-facing door.
To the west, the corridor continues as far as you can see.
Aerie was not fond of snakes. Nor did she particularly feel inclined to climb down into a pit slithering with them.
But, seeing as their halfling leader was intent on exploring, she sighed and began her slow descent after her. Keeping especially close to Minsc every step of the way.
Okay, Alora opens the door. Inside are 5 gray-skinned dwarves. 2 of them are female, and three appear to be very young. All of them are bald.
The chanting ends abruptly as you open the door. Seated around the table are the two stocky women and three children. They appear to be dwarves, but surely no Dwarf would have gray skin or such an evil look in its eyes.
“Vile monsters!” cries Ajantis. “What foul magics have you brewed for the innocent to suffer? Tell me now, and surrender! You shall get one chance, and one chance only or you shall face the justice that has long been overdue for your sins this instant!” Ajantis steps forward, his evil alarm blaring loudly in his mind, his righteous sword brandished threateningly.
"Half-elf," Aerie corrected Anomen for Neera--she'd traveled with the wild-mage long enough to have seen that coming. She gripped her staff tighter as she surveyed the room of hostiles. "But your point stands, Anomen."
“The only point he has is on his head,” Neera says as she shakes her head. “I mean, it’s not like they’re some crazy snake priest who tried to drown a man for stepping on his island. We literally just bumped into these people. Hello, by the way.” She waves at the strange dwarves.
"Beware, these goblin-spawns are duergars and i don't expect anything good come from them. Still, children and women..." murmurs Arkanis to the others. "Surrender and your lives will be spared!" Yells he to the duergars.
Alora feels chastened by Neera's remark. She is unsure what to do. She is still holding her sword aloft but is trying to do it in a less brandishy way. She ends up just waving it half-heartedly like an out-of-towner trying to signal for a taxi.
To the west, the corridor continues as far as you can see.
But, seeing as their halfling leader was intent on exploring, she sighed and began her slow descent after her. Keeping especially close to Minsc every step of the way.
“Foul Magic”
Alora will wait until all the party are prepared before opening the door to find out what the chanting is all about.
The chanting ends abruptly as you open the door. Seated around the table are the two stocky women and three children. They appear to be dwarves, but surely no Dwarf would have gray skin or such an evil look in its eyes.
Ajantis steps forward, his evil alarm blaring loudly in his mind, his righteous sword brandished threateningly.
"Surrender and your lives will be spared!" Yells he to the duergars.
Minion, roll 1d10 for Duergar Initiative
Minion, roll 1d10 for party initaitive
OOC: Sorry all, long day yesterday. Fell asleep early. :P
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar female #!
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar female #2
"Nooo! Cover your eyes Boo!"
Minion, roll 1d20 for knockout
Neera takes a whack at them with her staff.
Minion, roll 1d20 for taking a whack at them!
Jaheira attacks the closest Duergar woman.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Jaheira attack