"Ajantis," whispers Alora, "What about the skellington snake? Don't you think we should find out whether the skellington snake is friend or foe first?"
“I do not believe it is undead, fair non-balloon hobbit,” whispers Ajantis. “Appears to be more of a magical construction... or perhaps an illusion or a mechanical apparition... or perhaps someone’s bad taste in decor.”
*Anomen is just dispassionately following the party until they get back to civilization. He has no interest in talking to a miniature man unless it has magic to teleport us back to the keep, but he also knows Alora will be talking, fighting or stealing from everything she comes across so0o he's waiting as well.*
OOC: I donno, the one who walked up with me and is shorter than both the snake and him. Or it’s going to be something stupid like me tripping over you into the snake.
(OOC: ...Where'd our DM go??
Alora ponders this a while, then comes to a conclusion. "I don't think it can be a good snake so I think we should attack it while it's not looking."
Alora looks round hopefully to see if anyone agrees with her.
Minion, roll 1d20 for mace attack.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Alora's attempt to backstab a snake skellington
And I am not gleefully rolling. I want you guys to triumph. Really.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Neera Staff Attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Aerie Staff Attack