No, there was only one eye socket. It's sculpted edge-on. The statue is worth probably 50 gp for the gold. Alora does not find any secret doors. It looks like its back to the northern door for the party.
You head north to the door. It sounds quiet beyond. The door is neither locked nor trapped. Beyond is a room, 20' north-south by 40' east-west. It is very cluttered, yet...
"A Place for everything and everything in its place"- this combined kitchen, storeroom and workshop clearly belongs to someone with a fine sense of order. From the clean bench and neat stacks of tools and utensils above it at one end of the room, to the carefully stacked casks and tidy shelves of boxes, sacks, jars and bottles at the other, nothing seems misplaced. Even the hearth in the center of the room has been swept.
The only thing that appears even slightly out of place are the large, thin crossbow bolts, three of them, lying on the bench. They are especially notable for their lack of feathered fletching at the end.
"This doesn't look like the kind of place Duergars would live," opines Alora knowledgeably (despite having not the faintest idea what a Duergar kitchen/workshop might look like.
Alora doesn't know what to make of the crossbow bolts so she will leave them to the military types while she thoroughly searches the room for shiny things and secret doors.
Alora finds that, despite everything being neat and clean, it appears to be old, worn and much-mended. Even the anvil in the corner is the same. Nothing appears to be newly made, just re-used, as if how to make something new seems to have been forgotten, or never learned.
She finds foodstuffs- dried meats, dried fruits, smoked fish and nuts. Drink- water and some thin and sour ale and mead. There is also some charcoal, woods and some miscellaneous items, like nails, rope and timber, along with a plentiful supply of scrap metal.
There is another door to the north. It is closed, but beyond it, it sounds like a fight is taking place. Angry shouting and the sound of weapon on weapon.
The door opens on the clash of weapons and the crash of blocking shields. Two Ashen-faced dwarves are locked in mortal combat . You have but a moment to take in the scene before you are noticed. One of the pair turns towards you, drops his guard, and the other's spear finds its mark. Undeterred, the victim rushes towards you, followed by his erstwhile foe and two others who had been watching the fight. The watchers pull axes as they rush towards you.
Alora slams the door shut to give the party time to prepare. She then runs out of the way to allow the fighters to take the grey-faced dwarves on in the doorway so hopefully we will only have to take them on one or two at a time.
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #1 attack Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #2 attack Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #3 attack Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #4 attack
Only 4 can attack at once from the front of the group. I have in the front line: Alora (since she tried to close the door), Anomen, Minsc (and Boo) and Ajantis. if you are in the back row, you can use magic, or ranged weapons (bow, crossbow, darts) to attack.
Alora doesn't want to be in the front line. She will try to get into the back line so Arkanis can take her place. But she is backing away not turning her back on the axe-wielding Duergar.
"Isn't this fun, having adventures, making new friends, it's great!"
"A Place for everything and everything in its place"- this combined kitchen, storeroom and workshop clearly belongs to someone with a fine sense of order. From the clean bench and neat stacks of tools and utensils above it at one end of the room, to the carefully stacked casks and tidy shelves of boxes, sacks, jars and bottles at the other, nothing seems misplaced. Even the hearth in the center of the room has been swept.
The only thing that appears even slightly out of place are the large, thin crossbow bolts, three of them, lying on the bench. They are especially notable for their lack of feathered fletching at the end.
Alora doesn't know what to make of the crossbow bolts so she will leave them to the military types while she thoroughly searches the room for shiny things and secret doors.
She finds foodstuffs- dried meats, dried fruits, smoked fish and nuts. Drink- water and some thin and sour ale and mead. There is also some charcoal, woods and some miscellaneous items, like nails, rope and timber, along with a plentiful supply of scrap metal.
Since there is nothing here that is of interest to Alora she wants to move on. "Which way now Linden?"
Minion, roll 1d10 for Duergar initiative
If it has become a free-for-all Alora will stab the nearest Duergar with her trusty sword.
"Taste my steel you bugly dwarf!" she cries.
Minion, roll 1d20 for a taste of steel
Minion, roll 1d20 for spear attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #2 attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #3 attack
Minion, roll 1d20 for Duergar #4 attack
Minion, roll 1d8 for target
Minion, roll 1d8 for damage
“For Helm!” screams Ajantis. “Face your evil maker, brutes, and tremble!”
Minion, roll 1d20 for Ajantis Attack