OOC: Is this joke TOO fourth wall breaking? If so I'll refrain from doing such in the future.
"Woah, I don't think we should swim in pools. I read a story once about a tentacle creature living at the bottom of a deep lake outside a Dwarvern Mine!"
"Check the edges of the pool. Perhaps there is a way to climb the wall at the sides and avoid the icy water. Or at least stay in the shallows as much as possible, if there are any shallows."
"Wait, can druids do that? I mean we had a few druids in High Forest but they kept talking about using their powers responsibly and never showed me any of their shape-shifting forms."
Alora sticks her hand in the water and finds this is only a step above melted snow in temperature. The cavern beyond doesn't look like the bat cave, however...
Alora, suddenly realising that the cavern beyond is not the bat cave puts her armour back on. "I've decided not to swim after all," she announces airily.
She then starts trying to work out if there is another way into the cavern with the dead bodies and searches for secret doors.
OOC: If Alora can't find any new openings I think we have come to a dead end and we will have to take a big loop south, then west and then north again to get anywhere new. Mind you, my pathfinding hasn't been great so far and I could be wrong about this!
"If it is only the bats that worry you, they will depart as soon as night falls," Jaheira told Alora. She didn't understand the fuss, but figured it was simply 'one of those things'. Besides, Alora was very small, so it was likely that the bats seemed bigger to her.
"I'm going to swim across after all," Alora announces. "But because the water is so cold I'm going to light a campfire first so I can warm up when I get back."
Alora proceeds to make a campfire then she takes her armour off again, re-ties the rope round her waist, hands one end to Minsc and then gets into the water and starts to swim.
Alora has to swim about 20 feet to get into the cave. some of it is partly lit by the party's shining lights across the water. Sadly, even the exertion of swimming doesn't cut the cold of the water. You are shivering badly when you get out of the water. The cave is 30' east-west by 20' north-south, and most of the 20' east-west (on the eastern side) is water. You approach the bodies cautiously. They are definitely dead, but neither wear anything resembling useful armor. Grumbling, you you reach down to see if they have anything else good, when one of them whacks you hard across the back. (7 damage) you nearly black out from the pain as its claws dig into your muscles. The second zombie misses.
*Seeing the scene unfold on the other shore, Anomen rolls his eyes, then dives into the frigid water with his shield strapped to his back and mace in hand to attempt to save the girl from her folly*
Since she wasn't certain that she'd need to cross the water, and engage the undead, Jaheira padded to the edge of the water and roared. Truth be told, she was not all too excited by the prospect of biting a zombie, and wondered if they'd pass some disease to her in the fighting.
OOC: Since @minevese hasn't posted, I'll pose for him.
"Little one!" Minsc roars when the rope goes slack. He yanks a mighty tug on the rope, ripping Alora away from the zombies and across the water in record time. She doesn't skip- she's dragged through the water, arriving in a cloud of spray as Minsc yanks her up and onto the stone.
Jaheira plunges into the water in bear form and emerges at the other end to take out one zombie with a smash of her paw. The second Zombie claws at her for 5 damage.
Gonna pause here to see if anyone else is getting on on the fight.
Since Grizzly Anomen and Ben are on the case Ajantis decides there's no point in his heavily armored self trying to make the swim. Instead he keeps one eye on the combat while putting his head on a swivel for any potential ambushers attracted by the noise.
Not waiting for a response, Aerie fell to her knees and placed her hands upon the halfling's body. Blue and white magic flared to life between her fingers as she began to cast a healing spell.
OOC: Because if I remember right Aerie still has heals after healing her party earlier and resting...right?
Since she wasn't certain that she'd need to cross the water, and engage the undead, Jaheira padded to the edge of the water and roared. Truth be told, she was not all too excited by the prospect of biting a zombie, and wondered if they'd pass some disease to her in the fighting.
OOC: Jaheira didn't cross the water; Since she wasn't certain blah blah. Essentially, she went to bear form to be ready to cross, if she had to. She went to the edge and roared because she can't speak battle cries in that form. I don't really want to be alone, surrounded by enemies, and killed.
She then starts trying to work out if there is another way into the cavern with the dead bodies and searches for secret doors.
OOC: If Alora can't find any new openings I think we have come to a dead end and we will have to take a big loop south, then west and then north again to get anywhere new. Mind you, my pathfinding hasn't been great so far and I could be wrong about this!
Alora proceeds to make a campfire then she takes her armour off again, re-ties the rope round her waist, hands one end to Minsc and then gets into the water and starts to swim.
*Seeing the scene unfold on the other shore, Anomen rolls his eyes, then dives into the frigid water with his shield strapped to his back and mace in hand to attempt to save the girl from her folly*
"Alora!" In a rage, Jaheira becomes the wilderness guide of her druidic temple, for cold and water do not deter bears.
Since she wasn't certain that she'd need to cross the water, and engage the undead, Jaheira padded to the edge of the water and roared. Truth be told, she was not all too excited by the prospect of biting a zombie, and wondered if they'd pass some disease to her in the fighting.
"Little one!" Minsc roars when the rope goes slack. He yanks a mighty tug on the rope, ripping Alora away from the zombies and across the water in record time. She doesn't skip- she's dragged through the water, arriving in a cloud of spray as Minsc yanks her up and onto the stone.
Jaheira plunges into the water in bear form and emerges at the other end to take out one zombie with a smash of her paw. The second Zombie claws at her for 5 damage.
Gonna pause here to see if anyone else is getting on on the fight.
And, of course, The Dungeon Master's Son (if you watched that Long Ago Cartoon):
Not waiting for a response, Aerie fell to her knees and placed her hands upon the halfling's body. Blue and white magic flared to life between her fingers as she began to cast a healing spell.
OOC: Because if I remember right Aerie still has heals after healing her party earlier and resting...right?