False; never heard of it and too lazy to google it so that I can answer True and try to look intelligent.
The next poster has googled something asked here just to be able to answer so that they can look smart/intelligent but will not answer truthfully about this in their reply below.
True. Woke up at 2 am for some unknown reason and then I couldn't go back to sleep. Tried everything, even got up at 3 or so and did some relaxing yoga which usually helps, but not this time. Then thunder came in and probably kept the entire city awake. So yeah, I a really tired. Good thing I have nothing else planned for tonight other than meeting up friends, being social and drink beer.
The next person would like to have a pet (familiar) magpie.
True. I ran around with my dog so he could spend some time outside without getting so close to all the scary strangers at the party. And I had to walk back to the house with my dad's friend's daughter when I got the ATV stuck on two rocks, a cactus, and an antpile.
I'm still sore from that day. Riding on an ATV for 2 hours is pretty rough.
False? I think? I vaguely remember that I used to ride around on one with my cousins when I was little I think but even tho I don't remember falling off ever that doesn't mean I didn't.
The next poster has memory issues now they didn't have before.
False. This may be heresy to some... damn, can't find the correct word for it; someone who knows a lot about movies, considers movies to be art and feels very strongly for that art. In swedish (and some other languages) we call it being a "cineast", but google couldn't help me translate it. Anyways, point being, I think most of the old classics I've seen are over-rated. This has made me not making an effort to see other classics since I have been disappointed before. Being Swedish you get told about the great Ingmar Bergman and his movies of course, but after watching two of his most prominent ones I said goodbye to that and haven't looked back since. They were prolly good compared to other movies of their time, but they are just pretentious and boring in my opinion. Also the acting often sucks, like in the classic the seventh seal. I like Young Frankenstein, Schindler's list and Sin City though. I like certain modern movies which are made in B/W for a reason.
The next person knows the english word for someone who loves movies and will teach me that
I think movies, like virtually every other form of art, have vastly improved in recent years. The classic films we remember tend to have compelling stories (hence the existence of remakes) and strong acting, but the cinematography is usually weak, the pacing is extremely slow, and the music is crude (basic orchestra music with little variation) in comparison to more modern movies.
It's not that modern people are too dumb to appreciate the classics. The classics feel boring because we're already accustomed to something better.
Art is a form of technology. Artists build on older works and improve on older methods. We worship the classics, but the reality is that we have advanced past them in virtually every way. The greatest works of art lie in our future, not in our past.
Trueish.. I used to really do, and I often THINK I still do but then when I actually watch the movie(s) I no longer enjoy it as I used to. Dunno why. I used to love movies like Nick Fury with David Hasselhoff or Assault on Death Mountain with Hulk Hogan. I watched Resident Evil .. 7 (?, the latest one) recently thinking it would be a good movie due being bad, but in the end it was just bad.
The next person thinks Milla Jovovich is a better actor than her movie repetoire shows.
False. This may be heresy to some... damn, can't find the correct word for it; someone who knows a lot about movies, considers movies to be art and feels very strongly for that art. In swedish (and some other languages) we call it being a "cineast", but google couldn't help me translate it. Anyways, point being, I think most of the old classics I've seen are over-rated. This has made me not making an effort to see other classics since I have been disappointed before. Being Swedish you get told about the great Ingmar Bergman and his movies of course, but after watching two of his most prominent ones I said goodbye to that and haven't looked back since. They were prolly good compared to other movies of their time, but they are just pretentious and boring in my opinion. Also the acting often sucks, like in the classic the seventh seal. I like Young Frankenstein, Schindler's list and Sin City though. I like certain modern movies which are made in B/W for a reason.
The next person knows the english word for someone who loves movies and will teach me that
I'm not worried about derailing it at all. The format of the thread just means you have to be the next poster in order to continue discussing a particular topic.
The next poster has eaten something extremely hideous.
The next poster sees so many great discussions in some of these replies, but is afraid of derailing the thread too hard.
You can just open a new thread based on the comment and leave a link here... No serious derailing and you don't lose the opportunity to discuss something interesting.
True, you should make a good Daal, yellow or red lentils indian stew. Super tasty and vego. If you are lazy, eat any kind of bread with it. If you are ambitious, make your own Naan bread
The next person thinks that @mlnevese has derailed the thread beyond all derailing now with all of his derailing.
The next poster doesn't think it's weird that I spend hours on youtube watching movies about qstaff techniques after discussing it in a thread here.
The next poster likes Boëthius' consolation.
The next poster has googled something asked here just to be able to answer so that they can look smart/intelligent but will not answer truthfully about this in their reply below.
The next poster isn't going to let this thread die.
The next poster nearly had a heart attack when they started reading my answer...
The next poster shares Ratbert's philosophy.
I'm almost always 2 out of 3, especially when I'm at work!
The next poster thinks taxidermists are naturally creepy.
The next poster is sunbathing.
The next poster is a taxidermist.
The next poster studied to be dermatologist but actually drives a cab.
The next poster has also had their goals thwarted by an overzealous so-called "government."
Next person is tired.
The next person would like to have a pet (familiar) magpie.
The next poster wants to know if they can live where @RelSundan is and enjoy no government Anarchy in action!
The next person took a stroll yesterday.
I'm still sore from that day. Riding on an ATV for 2 hours is pretty rough.
The next poster has fallen off an ATV before.
The next poster has memory issues now they didn't have before.
The next poster has a love of black and white films.
I like Young Frankenstein, Schindler's list and Sin City though. I like certain modern movies which are made in B/W for a reason.
The next person knows the english word for someone who loves movies and will teach me that
I think movies, like virtually every other form of art, have vastly improved in recent years. The classic films we remember tend to have compelling stories (hence the existence of remakes) and strong acting, but the cinematography is usually weak, the pacing is extremely slow, and the music is crude (basic orchestra music with little variation) in comparison to more modern movies.
It's not that modern people are too dumb to appreciate the classics. The classics feel boring because we're already accustomed to something better.
Art is a form of technology. Artists build on older works and improve on older methods. We worship the classics, but the reality is that we have advanced past them in virtually every way. The greatest works of art lie in our future, not in our past.
The next poster loves a hilariously bad movie.
Trueish.. I used to really do, and I often THINK I still do but then when I actually watch the movie(s) I no longer enjoy it as I used to. Dunno why. I used to love movies like Nick Fury with David Hasselhoff or Assault on Death Mountain with Hulk Hogan. I watched Resident Evil .. 7 (?, the latest one) recently thinking it would be a good movie due being bad, but in the end it was just bad.
The next person thinks Milla Jovovich is a better actor than her movie repetoire shows.
The next poster wonders why I never come up with good guesses.
The next poster sees so many great discussions in some of these replies, but is afraid of derailing the thread too hard.
The next poster has eaten something extremely hideous.
The next poster is going to suggest me what to cook for myself.
The next person thinks that @mlnevese has derailed the thread beyond all derailing now with all of his derailing.