False. In fact, my dad, mom, brother and I were the first people in our family to ever visit China. We still haven't seen sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, South America (except for my dad), and Antarctica, but we've been all over the United States, from San Francisco to Tampa and Maine, and all over Eurasia, from London to Amsterdam to Stockholm to Moscow--and now, Tibet to Shanghai.
My grandparents on both sides were missionaries, so my grandparents have been practically everywhere. The only reason they hadn't gone to China is because of China's restrictions on religious proselytizing.
The next poster has been to a place where few people have gone.
False. I haven't visited any such special places. One of the most magical places I've visited though was this place in Sweden. It's on a hiking trail so it's fairly common place to visit but when we were there last summer we were about 5 ppl at the same time, so if felt very tranquil. The water was freezing cold even in teh middle of the summer.
Thanks @lolien for directing me to that thread! I hadn't seen that one.
True! I live on the coast of Sweden, so the sea has always been very close at heart. There is something the sea does to me that only it can, when I get out there I am struck with such strong emotions I cannot even fathom it nor describe it. It's something about being so little on the face of the earth, having the sea wrestling your boat, I can really feel the strenght of the waves against the boat. One man is so fragile, so small and the sea reminds me of this every time. Now that I have started diving also my respect for the seea has grown even more, especially when diving at dying corals and seeing plastic bags and crap all over the place. So sad I could cry.
The next poster has an diving cert. and will tell us a their favorite diving memory.
They're called peanut butter sweeties. Put a bunch of powdered sugar and peanut butter into a pot, about a 50/50 ratio, and mash them together with your hands. Roll them up into little balls just a little bit larger than a ping pong ball, and you're done. You can tweak the ratio to make them more sweet and crumbly or more peanut buttery. They taste amazing and go great with milk and maybe melted chocolate on top. I've made them for other people before and everyone was pretty impressed.
For something healthier, replace the powdered sugar with flax seeds or oats or the like.
The next poster is fond of a very healthy kind of food.
True, I think I do. I might eat a bit too much rice here in Singapore compared to my diet back home in Sweden, but it's just another three weeks then it's back to normal again.
The next person thinks chocolate should be included in every diet. Edit:The next person thinks chocolate is a diet.
False? Ever since I went on my diet (to build body and muscles, 1 1/2- 2 years ago) I started eating these 80-90% cocoa chocolates, since they are both good tasting and nutritious compared to other snacks in the weekend. So I don't know.
The next poster goes to gym at least 2 days a week.
True if you can also count working out at home, otherwise false since I don't even have a gym card anymore (but a gym at work in Sweden and a small one here in Singapore). Unless work or illness prevent it I try to workout 3-5 times a week; mixed HIT exercises, "classic" high-powered, low frequency gym, yoga, running, and crossfit-esque are my go-to activities. A good week is one long running session of about 10 Km, a couple of short ones as warming up, one HIT session, one low-freq, one or two yoga sessions and something fun like riding my mountain bike. Since this can be quite alot I have to multiclass and sometimes even adding kits to these multiclass training sessions to make it work.
The next person trains to feel good and stay healthy, not to look good and stay meaty.
Maybe, it varies. I do not post a lot of stuff especially on FB, but if there is a discussion where my real life experience would help or save someone real hurt or truly help I may.
False, I usually post at the same time as I write my posts. I often start to write emails at work though, then get distracted only to find several started but not finished emails at the end of the business day. Sometimes I get mad at ppl for not responding to very urgent mails I apparently have never sent, hehe..
The next poster miss the days when accounting was made with pen and paper.
True. I've done accounting on high school, and if there's one thing I've learned to do, is to hate Excel. And accounting in general while we're at that, but it's kinda easier on paper (at least for me).
False, I'm a business controller and we are way, way cooler than accountants. We're like the batmans of finance and accountants are our side-kick Robins. And we're like the cool version of batman, wearing all black armor and shit whilst the accountants are the older version of Robin when he still had pink leggins and his big boy underwear on the outside. BC foh life yo!
The next poster doesn't understand the difference between a controller and an accountant.
True, obviously. Why would I want to be the bread when I can be the butter, the dirt when I can be the sky, a devil when I can be an angel? I am a controller! Yeah baby, that's how I roll. Controllers rock! YEAH boooiii!
The next poster wants to be anything but an accountant or controller (or any job that has to do with finance really).
I skip a lot of meals. I tend to be more interested in working or playing or reading or writing than in eating. My boss and I both had a bad habit of working through lunch.
It's actually pretty bad for my health. Often, I accidentally starve myself for most of the day and then end up eating too much to compensate late at night.
Last night I ate too little and tried to fill it in with some potato chips... Only to remember that, now that my diet has virtually no junk food in it, junk food now makes me feel horribly sick if I eat more than just a few bites of it. Fast food and snacks make me nauseous these days. A normal snack for me is a banana, not a bag of chips.
Only in the interwebs.... I am an old Momma of teenagers, who works hard in a food service job, and tries fitting everything else in after working from 3:40 AM or on a short day 5:00 AM. Weekends are my most busy days at work.
The next poster has only traveled within their own continent so far in their life.
My grandparents on both sides were missionaries, so my grandparents have been practically everywhere. The only reason they hadn't gone to China is because of China's restrictions on religious proselytizing.
The next poster has been to a place where few people have gone.
The next poster likes hiking.
Next poster post their pictures they captured along their hike here.
The next poster loves the sea.
True! I live on the coast of Sweden, so the sea has always been very close at heart. There is something the sea does to me that only it can, when I get out there I am struck with such strong emotions I cannot even fathom it nor describe it. It's something about being so little on the face of the earth, having the sea wrestling your boat, I can really feel the strenght of the waves against the boat. One man is so fragile, so small and the sea reminds me of this every time. Now that I have started diving also my respect for the seea has grown even more, especially when diving at dying corals and seeing plastic bags and crap all over the place. So sad I could cry.
The next poster has an diving cert. and will tell us a their favorite diving memory.
The next poster knows why other people's lives and travels always seem so much more exotic than one's own.
The next poster wishes to travel the world simply to try all the many different foods out there.
The next poster has a secret family recipe they want to tell us about, but won't since it's a secret.
They're called peanut butter sweeties. Put a bunch of powdered sugar and peanut butter into a pot, about a 50/50 ratio, and mash them together with your hands. Roll them up into little balls just a little bit larger than a ping pong ball, and you're done. You can tweak the ratio to make them more sweet and crumbly or more peanut buttery. They taste amazing and go great with milk and maybe melted chocolate on top. I've made them for other people before and everyone was pretty impressed.
For something healthier, replace the powdered sugar with flax seeds or oats or the like.
The next poster is fond of a very healthy kind of food.
Next poster doesn't think that counts.
The next poster hates...
*shudders with disgust*
The next poster has a balanced diet.
The next person thinks chocolate should be included in every diet.Edit:The next person thinks chocolate is a diet.
The next poster goes to gym at least 2 days a week.
The next person trains to feel good and stay healthy, not to look good and stay meaty.
The next poster is too public with sensitive personal information on the internet.
The Next Poster Loves Donuts
The next poster is a donut heretic.
The next poster posts after 12 hours of having written their comment.
The next poster miss the days when accounting was made with pen and paper.
The next poster is an accountant.
The next poster doesn't understand the difference between a controller and an accountant.
The next poster sees what I did there.
The next poster can do it with their feet.
The next poster did not want to be an accountant when they grew up, as a kid.
The next poster wants to be anything but an accountant or controller (or any job that has to do with finance really).
The next poster frequently skips breakfast.
It's actually pretty bad for my health. Often, I accidentally starve myself for most of the day and then end up eating too much to compensate late at night.
Last night I ate too little and tried to fill it in with some potato chips... Only to remember that, now that my diet has virtually no junk food in it, junk food now makes me feel horribly sick if I eat more than just a few bites of it. Fast food and snacks make me nauseous these days. A normal snack for me is a banana, not a bag of chips.
The next poster is all that and a bag of chips.
The next poster
wants to go fishing