False, I am supposed to inherit the sword of my grand grandfather, but I had made the choice to not use or have weapons so my father will give it to my cousin.
Doesn't everyone? The dipole interactions lead to water having a surface tension that is high enough to allow for various light objects to float on the surface despite having higher density; you can get certain small metallic objects to sit on top of water just like insects do.
The next poster is a closet disco dancer...and will earn extra points if they get the reference.
The next poster is glad that Metalloman is back.
The next poster thinks the same builder that uses mashed potato as mortar should use huge bratwurst as window lintels.
the next poster knows what is a log cabin.
sorry, didn't see the new page I was referring to @Metalloman's post.
so the answer for @BGLover is false. my question remains the one above.
Next poster would like a .
The next poster needs the toilet.
Done. Guess is, what have I done? next poster has a sword.
the next poster has climbed a mountain.
The next poster has been to Alaska.
The next poster has flown an aeroplane.
The next poster is up during the night and sleeps during the day in his part of the world.
The next poster has breakfast on his face...
the next poster has a headache.
The next poster uses post-it notes regularly.
The next poster is wondering when the flowers will arrive...
The next poster hates flowers.
Yes i do rather admire @anduin's eye sockets.
The next poster feels like having a nap.
The next poster has compiled a list of the top 10 films they like.
Of what were we speaking about?
The next poster has a pet in their own house/apartament/abitation/whatever.
The next poster thinks that Ash Ketchum is a looser.
The next poster sometimes watches aeroplanes high in the sky, following them and their contrails until your neck aches.
The next poster knows the answer is silver.
The next poster knows which element has the atomic number 47.
The next poster knows the relationship between hydrogen bonds and insects that can stand on water.
The next poster is a closet disco dancer...and will earn extra points if they get the reference.
The next poster, like me, has no idea what gravitational waves are, but understands they are important.
The next poster thinks that soon she/he will need a condom.