@LadyEibhilinRhett I usually beat poquelin by force - haste your fighters and boost them , tgen have them charge straight at poquelin.
ehehehehe. Fighters. Yes. I certainly have those. I mean, what kind of idiot would make a team with four mages? Not me, that's for sure. I defs have fighters. All those, uh, good good fighters. Yup. (whistles innocently)
@LadyEibhilinRhett I usually beat poquelin by force - haste your fighters and boost them , tgen have them charge straight at poquelin.
ehehehehe. Fighters. Yes. I certainly have those. I mean, what kind of idiot would make a team with four mages? Not me, that's for sure. I defs have fighters. All those, uh, good good fighters. Yup. (whistles innocently)
Playing IWD without fighters?
I remember a pre-EE playthrough of IWD where I used the import/export trick to create a party composed entirely of gnomish cleric/illusionists wearing the Helm of the Trusted Defenders to gain immunity to fatigue. Buffed with Haste and multiple castings of Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, every single gnome in the party had 10 attacks per round (haste effects doubled APR in the original game) and dealt massive damage with every hit.
They crushed absolutely everything. It was hilarious.
I also got through IWD with a solo mage once. The early game was hideous because I had to clear the Vale of Shadows with stuff like Aganazzar's Scorcher, but the endgame wasn't too bad. Back in vanilla, Belhifet was bugged to have no weapon equipped, which meant he applied no disease or poison damage on hit like he was supposed to. It was a good thing, because vanilla IWD had no PFMW! Anyway, I had to kill Belhifet just by whomping him with the Staff of Eron. It took a long time, but it worked.
That bug actually nearly ended my first no-reload run of IWD, because Belhifet's nonlethal damage bypassed the damage resistances of my fighter/druid's water elemental form.
By the way: Belhifet is not just immune to magic in IWD; he's immune to spell levels 1-9, which means even spells that normally bypass magic resistance, like Lower Resistance, Pierce Shield, and Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, will have no effect on him.
Also, I mentioned iron golems. Those also have 100% MR, and I assume that just like in Baldur's Gate they're immune to cold damage, so no Snowballs, either.
@LadyEibhilinRhett I usually beat poquelin by force - haste your fighters and boost them , tgen have them charge straight at poquelin.
ehehehehe. Fighters. Yes. I certainly have those. I mean, what kind of idiot would make a team with four mages? Not me, that's for sure. I defs have fighters. All those, uh, good good fighters. Yup. (whistles innocently)
Playing IWD without fighters?
I mean, I made it to the bottom of Dorn's Deep, so I assume I am at least doing something right.
And like, I have -one- fighter. It's just, DJKajuru's strategy clearly calls for multiple ones. I mean, I guess my mage/cleric can tank alongside the lone fighter if he really needs to. Got REALLY good Con and Dex when I was rolling him up, so he's actually pretty bulky and has a decent AC.
Even if you had level 10 spells in IWD, Belhifet would be immune. Dragon's Breath and Comet strike as level 9 spells, not level 10 (and Belhifet is immune to all of their effects, anyway). Energy Blades would hit him, but the electricity damage strikes as a level 9 spell as well, so he'll only take partial damage. Planetars could hit him, though none of their spells would work on him.
The only spell that strikes as a level 10 spell is Mimic Acid.
@DJKajuru Sure, I appreciate that he saw it coming and had a plan but, as a phenomenon in itself, it just feels like a pitiful irony; the Lord of Murder was murdered. Imagine if Silvanus died from cracking his skull after slipping on some wet leaves. It's just so...I dunno. Nevermind.
But to look at it another way, shouldn't the God of Murder in fact be fated to be eventually, well murdered? He is fully embracing his portfolio by being both a murderer and murderee, so being part of both sides of the murder equation.
@Aerakar well...yes that's a perfectly valid point, naturally.
I'm happy to concede the point if you and @DJKajuru wish it. Alternatively, I invite you to take my post with the levity in which it was intended. My Unpopular Opinion was tongue-in-cheek, thus it may not necessarily prove a useful subject for earnest scrutiny.
Too many BG1 characters return for BG2. There is no way so many people just happened to migrate south to another country at the same time charname finds themself there.
Too many BG1 characters return for BG2. There is no way so many people just happened to migrate south to another country at the same time charname finds themself there.
Now that is an unpopular opinion. Their arrival in Amn is perfectly explainable though perhaps the writers didn't explain it well enough. Those who took charname to Amn left a trail behind them which some of the NPCs quite deliberately followed though they did lose the trail on arrival in Amn as more competant people were put in charge of security in and around Irenicus' dungeon. A certain wizard caled Elminster who has the habit of interfering also handed out a few hints as to what other NPCs should do. Isra and Ajantis are of course perfectly understandable, as are others whose home is in Amn.
Yeah, but mods just aren't the same. I mean back before BG2:EE, I had Xan, Kivan, and Alora's BG2 mods installed (still don't know where to find the mods for BG2:EE, or if all three of them have even been updated to be compatible with EE), and they're nice, but I still wish they'd been made joinable companions for BG2 to begin with. Especially since they cant do fully voiced interactions with other party members with mods. Not without completely re-voicing the game. Which I suppose is possible, but both undesirable and work-intensive.
But like, especially Kivan. Of all the BG1 companions, he's the one with the MOST reason to be there. After completing his revenge against Tazok he'd have no reason not to go back home to Shilmista. And where is Shilmista? In Amn! He'd likely have to stop in Athkatla on his way back.
Alora has no real reason to be there, I admit, but I like her a lot and WANT her there. Like, SO much.
@ThacoBell I see your peanut butter-filled waffles and raise you waffles baked with peanut butter and then filled with peanut butter. I had one like that once from a waffle cart in Sakaihigashi Station when I was studying abroad in Japan and it was amazing.
@ThacoBell I see your peanut butter-filled waffles and raise you waffles baked with peanut butter and then filled with peanut butter. I had one like that once from a waffle cart in Sakaihigashi Station when I was studying abroad in Japan and it was amazing.
Some people say that you should pair peanut butter with bread and jelly. I say peanut butter should be paired with more peanut butter. If you're not dying of asphyxiation due to massive amounts of peanut butter in your throat, you're not eating enough peanut butter.
Eat peanut butter until it sinks into your skin and everyone says you smell like peanut butter. Eat so much peanut butter that your mom asks you if you're okay. Go to peanut butter conventions and show all the wannabe peanut butter lovers how it's done by riding in on a giant horse made of peanut butter and then eating it.
Microwave your peanut butter until it becomes liquid and use it to go surfing on a big piece of peanut buttered toast. Write messages to your local representatives on slabs of peanut butter demanding that peanut butter be given voting rights. Vote a jar of peanut butter into office and accuse it of sexual harassment and collusion with Russia. Bomb Russia with peanut butter.
Briefly consider trying out almond butter.
Tell your friends about peanut butter. Throw peanut butter at them. Throw peanut butter at everyone. Throw peanut butter at the moon. Build a peanut butter-powered rocket and spread peanut butter across the galaxy.
Eat more peanut butter. Become peanut butter. Achieve enlightenment and become the Peanut Buddha. Amass an army of peanut butter warriors. Punch everyone with fistfuls of peanut butter. Slaughter sextillions of infidels. Make your POWs eat peanut butter until they become peanut butter golems.
Then discover Nutella, and realize your life is a lie!
Okay, fine. You want an unpopular opinion? I'll give you the most unpopular one of them all. An opinion so unpopular, I have hesitated to share it with anyone in the community or even to post it on this thread, that was specifically made for unpopular opinions: The Baldur's Gate novelization really wasn't all that bad.
In fact, let's add one more confession just to make SURE this is the most unpopular opinion here:
While there were definitely some parts I really disliked, and seriously what were they thinking with the scene where the spider falls into Jaheira's cleavage, as a whole, I unironically enjoyed reading it. There. I said it.
Does it get some plot points wrong? Sure. Does it screw up the personalities of a lot of the characters? Heck yes. As an adaptation of the game, it's a bad job. It's a terrible, terrible job. But as a standalone fantasy adventure novel? Pretty bog-standard, and actually quite enjoyable in a lot of places.
Can't really blame the author for getting a lot of the plot and characters wrong considering the folks behind the game made Philip Athans write the thing BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT, based only on bare bones information, with an unreasonable deadline, and refused to grant him even limited access to the beta so he could get a feel for the story.
And again? As a standalone story? Really not that bad. I mean it's not excellent by any means, but it definitely doesn't deserve near the amount of flak it gets.
They crushed absolutely everything. It was hilarious.
I also got through IWD with a solo mage once. The early game was hideous because I had to clear the Vale of Shadows with stuff like Aganazzar's Scorcher, but the endgame wasn't too bad. Back in vanilla, Belhifet was bugged to have no weapon equipped, which meant he applied no disease or poison damage on hit like he was supposed to. It was a good thing, because vanilla IWD had no PFMW! Anyway, I had to kill Belhifet just by whomping him with the Staff of Eron. It took a long time, but it worked.
That bug actually nearly ended my first no-reload run of IWD, because Belhifet's nonlethal damage bypassed the damage resistances of my fighter/druid's water elemental form.
And like, I have -one- fighter. It's just, DJKajuru's strategy clearly calls for multiple ones. I mean, I guess my mage/cleric can tank alongside the lone fighter if he really needs to. Got REALLY good Con and Dex when I was rolling him up, so he's actually pretty bulky and has a decent AC.
The only spell that strikes as a level 10 spell is Mimic Acid.
I'm happy to concede the point if you and @DJKajuru wish it. Alternatively, I invite you to take my post with the levity in which it was intended. My Unpopular Opinion was tongue-in-cheek, thus it may not necessarily prove a useful subject for earnest scrutiny.
(wait wrong franchise)
But like, especially Kivan. Of all the BG1 companions, he's the one with the MOST reason to be there. After completing his revenge against Tazok he'd have no reason not to go back home to Shilmista. And where is Shilmista? In Amn! He'd likely have to stop in Athkatla on his way back.
Alora has no real reason to be there, I admit, but I like her a lot and WANT her there. Like, SO much.
Peanut butter is a force of evil.
You don't need to be a paladin to know that.
Eat peanut butter until it sinks into your skin and everyone says you smell like peanut butter. Eat so much peanut butter that your mom asks you if you're okay. Go to peanut butter conventions and show all the wannabe peanut butter lovers how it's done by riding in on a giant horse made of peanut butter and then eating it.
Microwave your peanut butter until it becomes liquid and use it to go surfing on a big piece of peanut buttered toast. Write messages to your local representatives on slabs of peanut butter demanding that peanut butter be given voting rights. Vote a jar of peanut butter into office and accuse it of sexual harassment and collusion with Russia. Bomb Russia with peanut butter.
Briefly consider trying out almond butter.
Tell your friends about peanut butter. Throw peanut butter at them. Throw peanut butter at everyone. Throw peanut butter at the moon. Build a peanut butter-powered rocket and spread peanut butter across the galaxy.
Eat more peanut butter. Become peanut butter. Achieve enlightenment and become the Peanut Buddha.
Amass an army of peanut butter warriors. Punch everyone with fistfuls of peanut butter. Slaughter sextillions of infidels. Make your POWs eat peanut butter until they become peanut butter golems.
Then discover Nutella, and realize your life is a lie!
Okay, fine. You want an unpopular opinion? I'll give you the most unpopular one of them all. An opinion so unpopular, I have hesitated to share it with anyone in the community or even to post it on this thread, that was specifically made for unpopular opinions:
The Baldur's Gate novelization really wasn't all that bad.
In fact, let's add one more confession just to make SURE this is the most unpopular opinion here:
While there were definitely some parts I really disliked, and seriously what were they thinking with the scene where the spider falls into Jaheira's cleavage, as a whole, I unironically enjoyed reading it. There. I said it.
Does it get some plot points wrong? Sure. Does it screw up the personalities of a lot of the characters? Heck yes. As an adaptation of the game, it's a bad job. It's a terrible, terrible job. But as a standalone fantasy adventure novel? Pretty bog-standard, and actually quite enjoyable in a lot of places.
Can't really blame the author for getting a lot of the plot and characters wrong considering the folks behind the game made Philip Athans write the thing BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT, based only on bare bones information, with an unreasonable deadline, and refused to grant him even limited access to the beta so he could get a feel for the story.
And again? As a standalone story? Really not that bad. I mean it's not excellent by any means, but it definitely doesn't deserve near the amount of flak it gets.