As you get close to the thing, you hear a loud humming noise, like wings. Suddenly, four bat-winged creatures with needle-like beaks push out of the thing and start flying towards you, their wings buzzing as they fly...
DM: And I thought Dwarf-tossing was a real-world event only!
Two of the stirges fall out of the air as Edwin casts his spell. The other two make their save. Alora misses, and the two Stirges fall on her and Edwin as Misc tosses Mazzy into the attic. Edwin takes 2 points damage, and the stirge hangs onto him, sucking blood. Alora takes 3 points, and the Stirge taps an especially rich vein. Each takes blood loss- 1 hp from Edwin and 2 from Alora. They start to feel dizzy and unwell.
"Of course."
Minsc, throw me up there. NOW!
Two of the stirges fall out of the air as Edwin casts his spell. The other two make their save. Alora misses, and the two Stirges fall on her and Edwin as Misc tosses Mazzy into the attic. Edwin takes 2 points damage, and the stirge hangs onto him, sucking blood. Alora takes 3 points, and the Stirge taps an especially rich vein. Each takes blood loss- 1 hp from Edwin and 2 from Alora. They start to feel dizzy and unwell.