Nature's Beauty lies in the Eye of the Beholder. Or does it?

Some of you might be familiar with the high level druid spell "Nature's Beauty":

As you can see in the area I have highlighted for you, it is stated that the perception of beauty is for most men the the same while it varies much more for most women.
Now, I am not here to discuss the statement itself ... I am here to do an experiment!
Please post below what your gender is and up to five characters (actors, musicians, fictional characters, etc.) that you find sexually attractive and why.
And be honest.

As you can see in the area I have highlighted for you, it is stated that the perception of beauty is for most men the the same while it varies much more for most women.
Now, I am not here to discuss the statement itself ... I am here to do an experiment!
Please post below what your gender is and up to five characters (actors, musicians, fictional characters, etc.) that you find sexually attractive and why.
And be honest.
Post edited by Buttercheese on
Ghaunadaur, Juiblex, Schlumpsha, Zuggtmoy, Lolth's eight long legs.
They make me jelly.
- Sarevok Anchev
- Dorn Il-Khan
- Edwin Odesseiron
- Big Boss/ Naked Snake (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)
Uhm ... I have no excuse really ...
I am gonna leave it up to immagination why I like them >.>
Nicht so zart
Eher behaart
Nimm's nicht so ernst
Nimm's lieber persönlich
Alter Witz
Character I find sexually attractive: Glint
Why: I think I do not need to explain why
THAT and being a super cute and funny gnome with blue hair and lots of humor.
I wanna see him in BG2!!!
Also, I'd give up one point of Dexterity, two points of my HP and 75 000 xp to understand why females find Edwin attractive.
I have a sweet spot for:
* Jennifer Connelly (natural beauty, great actor and my 'free card')
* Gina Carano (power and beauty in one explosive package)
* Emma Watson (very smart and beautifull as well)
.. but I actually find beauty in most women and spend way, way too much time fantasizing about women.
The only character in a game I've ever really found interresting enough to feel "attracted" too would be Miranda from ME2/3. I like the actor they used for her face as well.
Plus, he's a challenge and you probably wouldn't get bored with him.
Ideals of beauty: Cate Blanchett as Galadriel (Gimli style), Lucy Liu, Safana from BG (especially with Stephanie Wolfe's voice), Annah-of-the-Shadows from PST and Dorian from DA:Inquisition, yes, he's that awesome!
- Virgil (Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura)
- Thrall (World Of Warcraft)
- Daelan Red Tiger (Neverwinter Nights)
- Zaknafein Do'Urden (The Dark Elf Trilogy)
Edit: Just thought about it a little more.Moritsugu Katsumoto (The Last Samurai)Nalia de'Arnise (Baldur's Gate II)But I hope you and Noober will have a bright future together, with a lot of cookie baking involved UvU
@bengoshi Nobody can blame you for Dorian, he's got 25 on Charisma xD
@Achterklad I had to look up some of these but you get a big YES on Thrall and Zak from me
Rachel Riley (British TV personality) - she's tall, blonde and fits fairly typical standards of beauty, but she's also a brilliant mathematician
Catherine Zeta Jones - particularly in the Zorro movies... I could happily fall into her eyes and never surface.
Liv Tyler as Arwen... Again, her eyes seem to fill the screen and she's breathtakingly elegant.
Beckett from Castle... although I'd only love her from afar because it would be awful to come between those two.
Cameron Diaz in walking into the bank in The Mask was probably my 'awakening' moment.
Alyson Hannigan (particularly as Willow Rosenberg), Viggo Mortensen (particularly as Aragorn), Liv Tyler (as basically anything, but Arwen comes to mind), Varric Tethras (from Dragon Age), Garrus Vakarian (from Mass Effect).
EDIT: Oh, right. Reasons.
Alyson Hannigan -- Hard to say. She's adorable, energetic, and awkward, but I'm not sure I can explain why she's also hot as hell. She just is.
Viggo Mortensen -- The dirtier and less shaven he gets, the prettier he is. But that beard of his is incredible.
Liv Tyler -- Something about the shape of her face, and especially her eyes, is just really attractive.
Varric Tethras -- Four things: chest hair, jawline, attitude, voice.
Garrus Vakarian -- THAT VOICE. The vocal trilling gets me every time, but none of the other turians have voices as sexy as Garrus's. Also, this is gonna sound weird, but something about the turian facial structure is appealing to me.
Stuff I find attractive: Multiple unrelated things. I have no fictional characters or actors to name; just people I've known personally.
Physically? Very, very small and very, very pale women. But there have also been tall, dusky women I like as well.
Romantically? I kinda fall in love with anybody I get to know very well, but the general trend is that I like artistic, smart, and educated women who have a warm and fuzzy attitude. People I can talk with about politics or history or art or science and the like for hours and then go home and cuddle up with and watch some sappy Hallmark or Disney or Pixar movie.
The kind of person I'd want to raise kids with.
Young Harrison Ford. And of course Sean Connery and Johnny Depp because reasons.
Dorn because muscles and Rasaad for walking around without a shirt and being cute.
Irl men who can make me laugh.
...It's really hard to come up with someone, since I generally don't think on such things. However, I will say this one thing.
Morgan Freeman's voice.
Age: Older than most people here.
Ziva David (character from NCIS)
Debbie Harry
Suzi Quattro
Catherine Zeta Jones
I like to live dangerously.
Also male. <_<
Gender:male. ,gay orientation
Attractive npc's (which does not necessarily mean only physical attractiveness)
Bg1: Khalid , Rasaad and Kivan (I'm attracted to exotic types, and good guys).
Bg2: Anomen ( only physically, as I'm a total leftist) , Haer D'Alis (all bg bards are fun and sexy) and Valygar ( I like his unpolished beauty.)
Cassandra Pentaghast and Aveline Vallen (Dragon Age)
Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
That voice, ok. Otherwise I live and breathe for butch women and/or women who could bench press me tbh.
1. Emma Watson - I think she'll probably always be #1 on my celebrity list
2. Mila Kunis - I think it's the eyes.
3. Eliza Dushku - Faith (Buffy) and Echo (Doll House) were both sexy badasses.
4. Reese Witherspoon - Especially with the dark hair in Walk the Line. I also loved her in No Water for Elephants.
I could probably add a few more but that seems sufficient. A lot of it has to do with little things, like eyes or a smile. Personality traits too. A lot of top 10 "most beautiful" women I'm just like "Eh...pass." They're beautiful but not what I'm into.
Also @DJKajuru I see what you mean about Valygar. He'd probably be a pretty attractive dude in real life.
My wife, then again you don't know her so other choices.
Heather Frith/Nova. When she sings I can only listen and do nothing else. True siren of the 90s. I have all the cds haha. I met her a few times after a concert in the city basically because she likes to socialise afterwards. Very nice person with admirable ideals.
Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich, aka Milla. I met her in person on a few occasions backstage of the catwalk (when i used to watch my friend on the walk) and she is just a lovely person. Always stylish and when having red hair.... oh my.
Larisa Oleynik. Just loved her as Alex Mack. Because of innocence and teen memories.
Nigella Lawson. Because of grace.
Fifth is tough, but Alicia Silverstone might get on the list. That dangerous smile....
Had to think about this but here are 5 in no particular order
Bethany from DA2. Strong and independent with an adventurous side, but mostly its the voice so Rebekah Staton gets a nod. She also seems like a real person and not just a character with quirky indistinguishable traits so she is the only video game character I can name.
Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and Lexa (Alycia Debnam Carey also in Fear the Walking Dead) from The 100. The whole cast is beautiful though, but those two seem down to earth girl next door appeal.
Lisa Hannigan (singer) just listening to Flowers or I Don't Know makes me want to marry her.
And one more... hmmm... I guess my desktop is an image of Shizuku Mizutani from the anime "My Little Monster" so I will go with her and her emotionless apathetic view towards others.
Female Heterosexual. Age 23.
In no particular order!
-Tom Ellis as Lucifer. Ohhhh my, what can I even say? He's sexy, he's dark, he's got that make-your-heart-melt beautiful British voice, and despite the whole Lord of Hell schtick, he's super charming. He's not even that evil. He's vengeful to anyone who dares to hurt him or someone he cares about--and he does care, no matter how much he may try to convince you otherwise--but other than that, he doesn't do anything that bad. Just check out this clip:
It's a great show. I haven't been this in love with a tv show in a while. I highly recommend it. But anyway.
-Obligatory Baldur's Gate character: Dorn. Why? Because DAT VOICE. *shudders* It does things to me. >.>;; Normally I don't go for the half-orcs, but he's an especially handsome one. If only he wasn't a bloodthirsty murderer. *sigh* Why, BG2, why? He was so good in BG1...
-Chris Hemsworth. I will happily admit that Thor is my favorite Avenger only because Chris Hemsworth plays him. Ruggedly handsome? Check. Powerful and heroic? Check. Accent? Check, check, doubly check. I'm such a stereotypical American girl. Look at me, falling for all these classy foreign guys.
I really love Tom Hiddleston as Loki too. He's more witty than Thor, clever, and wicked. But I especially love the two of them together! (
-Crispin Freeman. Or rather, Crispin Freeman's voice. I mean, he's a good-looking guy too, but the VOICE. It's all about the charisma and THE VOOOOOICE.
(A warning: the spoilered video below has some blood. Like. A lot of blood.)
Alucard's just one of his most prominent roles. He's also played Itachi in Naruto, several .Hack characters, Zelgadis in Slayers, Touga Kiryuu in Revolutionary Girl Utena (FANDOM REPRESENT!), and zillions more.
I'm still waiting for someone to make an Alucard voice set for Baldur's Gate... My Evil!Charname needs it!
-And, to balance out the heaping mounds of Evil, I'll add another good guy: Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening.
I started Fire Emblem Awakening as a male character when I first got it. Then I got to this cutscene, only a few minutes into the game. I heard Chrom's voice. I took in the close-up of his face as he helped my character off the ground. Stared deep into his gorgeous blue eyes, watched as his hair swayed in the breeze... And I immediately turned the game off and restarted as a female character with every intent of making him mine.
Chrom is probably the only man on the list that I would actually dedicate myself to. Bad boys are fun to fantasize about, but in real life, I stay the hell away from them. Sorry, but murdering psychopaths just aren't fun at family dinners. Chrom is charismatic, cares deeply for the people he loves, heroic to a fault, and will never give up on you, no matter how dire the circumstance. For those who've played the game and know the plot, you know what I'm talking about.
Sadly, Chrom isn't real.