Yes... Bondari says they intended to explore the underdark. If you talk to Tim he says he was raised by wolves. When Nanoc says Tim is terrible because "He cast one spell, then hid behind a rock while we had to slay everyone!" Tim then argues that he carries the healing potions.
I guard something, but I am rather dim of wit. You do as you were told, but still I stand in your way. I usually don't understand what you say, no matter how much you spell it out. A bribe, a threat, or a fight provoked and you get by... no one cares anyway.
Nope. Like I said, this one requires you to think outside the box. How do I put this without eliminating too many options...? This character would be more known for something other than their name...
Ok, another hint: Try to get away from naming people... Though unique, this character does not have a name per se. Try starting more with "that one guy/girl who..."
Don't want to be a rules lawyer but the point of "Who am I?" is that there is a named individual that we are trying to guess. The clues should be specific to that individual i.e. nobody else fits the clues when taken together. And for them to be specific, that person or character should have a unique name.
For example, if you said:
1) I'm a warrior 2) I reside in Athkatla 3) I want revenge
Those are terrible clues: they are too generic and could fit dozens of characters, and they are not specific to one named individual, even if you are thinking of one person.
But if you said:
1) I'm a warrior that wields two blades 2) I reside in Athkatla but not by choice, and I am originally from the north 3) I want revenge for my slavery and I will make my owner pay with his life
Then those clues, when taken together, are specific to one named person, and that is the only person who fits all the clues (Hendak in case you were wondering).
This looks fun! I should start playing! (Note: I skipped to the last page without reading the whole thing if that is ok...)
is a good reason why he may be was not aware of a rule that has been set not in the OP post, that imo each one should read, in a so long topic, that someone may want to skip going directly to the last page. I usually don't do it, but I am one of those people who read the ingredients of each brand choosing a food in a supermarket, I am not a good example of how on average people act
No one is right yet. I was unaware of the rules for the exact reason @gorgonzola mentioned so I will try to specify more on my initial clues (I don't want to just give up quite yet because this happens to be one of my favorite characters). I will also add another big clue if there is still no one who gets it. Sorry about any upset I may have caused.
I guard something, but I am rather dim of wit. You do as you were told, but still I stand in your way. I usually don't understand what you say, no matter how much you spell it out. A bribe, a threat, or a fight provoked and you get by... no one cares anyway.
Being less cryptic now:
"I guard something, but I am rather dim of wit."
This character is in a very literal sense a guard for something. They are not very intelligent.
"You do as you were told, but still I stand in your way."
You likely will have been told something that was meant to allow you access to what this character guards, but, even if you follow these instructions, this idiot still gets in your way.
"I usually don't understand what you say, no matter how much you spell it out."
Again, this character isn't very bright. You can do a fair deal of trying to communicate with them, but they are often too dumb to get it...
"A bribe, a threat, or a fight provoked and you get by... no one cares anyway."
This mentions possible ways of getting past this character. Also, no one seems to know or care about the fate of this character.
Like I said this character has no name, but I still think they are quite unique and their dialog was very fun and enjoyable to me. They are certainly not so generic as some generic Amnish guard.
Ok, I may as well skip the clue I was going to give and just call it. I think I made it too hard and others may not have noticed this character that I liked so much.
It is the heretic monk guarding the bridge to the Twofold temple in SoA. I absolutely loved his dialog, especially the rant you can give him:
"You're not very smart, are you? Quite the opposite, in fact. You're stupid. A dunderheaded moron. An idiot. A cretin. An oaf of such staggering thick-headedness that even other oafs look at you and say, "Wow, what a dimwitted simpleton he is." You're an imbecile, a dolt, a lackwit so lacking in wits that I can feel my mind growing more sluggish and dull each passing second I talk with you. You're senseless, obtuse, laughably thick: a clodpate. In short, what I'm saying, you lethargic dullard, is that you're a brainless lout too stupid to live. Therefore, and I say this with absolutely no regret whatsoever, I am going to kill you."
Anyway, even if you know the passphrase that is supposed to allow you to join the temple this idiot still doesn't let you pass and you can get into some funny stuff with his dialog.
So I guess I will pass the baton over to, oh, how about @gorgonzola.
I remember that vaguely now that you quote the dialogue, @tresset. But I've only played through Rasaad's questline once.
EDIT: If @gorgonzola doesn't have a good one prepared.. I kinda have And since I so seldom win this competetion, I could step in and give you'll a riddle. (this character is SO WORTH a riddle!)
Sparks of light.
Delusions of vengeance.
These are my reasons.
Just so you know: this one may be a bit tough for several reasons and you may need to think outside the box.
Ok, another hint: Try to get away from naming people... Though unique, this character does not have a name per se. Try starting more with "that one guy/girl who..."
For example, if you said:
1) I'm a warrior
2) I reside in Athkatla
3) I want revenge
Those are terrible clues: they are too generic and could fit dozens of characters, and they are not specific to one named individual, even if you are thinking of one person.
But if you said:
1) I'm a warrior that wields two blades
2) I reside in Athkatla but not by choice, and I am originally from the north
3) I want revenge for my slavery and I will make my owner pay with his life
Then those clues, when taken together, are specific to one named person, and that is the only person who fits all the clues (Hendak in case you were wondering).
I usually don't do it, but I am one of those people who read the ingredients of each brand choosing a food in a supermarket, I am not a good example of how on average people act
EDIT fixed some grammar errors
I guard something, but I am rather dim of wit. You do as you were told, but still I stand in your way. I usually don't understand what you say, no matter how much you spell it out. A bribe, a threat, or a fight provoked and you get by... no one cares anyway.
Being less cryptic now:
"I guard something, but I am rather dim of wit."
This character is in a very literal sense a guard for something. They are not very intelligent.
"You do as you were told, but still I stand in your way."
You likely will have been told something that was meant to allow you access to what this character guards, but, even if you follow these instructions, this idiot still gets in your way.
"I usually don't understand what you say, no matter how much you spell it out."
Again, this character isn't very bright. You can do a fair deal of trying to communicate with them, but they are often too dumb to get it...
"A bribe, a threat, or a fight provoked and you get by... no one cares anyway."
This mentions possible ways of getting past this character. Also, no one seems to know or care about the fate of this character.
Like I said this character has no name, but I still think they are quite unique and their dialog was very fun and enjoyable to me. They are certainly not so generic as some generic Amnish guard.
Ok, I may as well skip the clue I was going to give and just call it. I think I made it too hard and others may not have noticed this character that I liked so much.
It is the heretic monk guarding the bridge to the Twofold temple in SoA. I absolutely loved his dialog, especially the rant you can give him:
"You're not very smart, are you? Quite the opposite, in fact. You're stupid. A dunderheaded moron. An idiot. A cretin. An oaf of such staggering thick-headedness that even other oafs look at you and say, "Wow, what a dimwitted simpleton he is." You're an imbecile, a dolt, a lackwit so lacking in wits that I can feel my mind growing more sluggish and dull each passing second I talk with you. You're senseless, obtuse, laughably thick: a clodpate. In short, what I'm saying, you lethargic dullard, is that you're a brainless lout too stupid to live. Therefore, and I say this with absolutely no regret whatsoever, I am going to kill you."
Anyway, even if you know the passphrase that is supposed to allow you to join the temple this idiot still doesn't let you pass and you can get into some funny stuff with his dialog.
So I guess I will pass the baton over to, oh, how about @gorgonzola.
*googles "heretic monk guarding the bridge to the Twofold temple in SoA"*
Oh, Rasaad, thats why lol ...I've only done that quest once, must have overlooked him somehow.
EDIT: If @gorgonzola doesn't have a good one prepared.. I kinda have