Sorry guys, was super-busy and @alceryes was correct.
Don't have time to write a really nice rhyme, I prolly should have prepared this more beforehand, haha But I recently encountered this character and it is such a great choice for this thread. So, I'm gonna write a quickie and lets hope you can guess it:
When young, I was too weak to do what had to be done and for that, I lost my father. Now I attone for that lack of action by aiding you and everyone else I come across Maybe one day, you will meet my brother.
In the olden days I gave my voice for those that could not speak. Meeting me then was a fluke of chance. Now that I am obsolete, I am just an inside joke, doing something similar to my original task, but not quite as well.
I am ashamed of my people, they are not the friends I thought they were. I will give my life for you, for my spirit has already died. Remember me when you smell the Wine of Passion.
[simple anagram]
Don't have time to write a really nice rhyme, I prolly should have prepared this more beforehand, haha
When young, I was too weak to do what had to be done
and for that, I lost my father.
Now I attone for that lack of action by aiding you and everyone else I come across
Maybe one day, you will meet my brother.
But i saw my beloved fall.
Now my wrath is immortal!
My horn blew for heavens above,
But i lost my one mortal love,
With fury now i'm hand and glove.
Edit: and sorry for @Mush_Mush too, i missed your post. Butt it's not Boo's backstory.
Here's the final stanza:
I'm held in this deadly tool
Ever. Face me: you're a fool,
Or a brave soul who will rule
Thunder and lightning.
This one should be somewhat easy, I think...
The "olden days" refer to the vanilla games; that is before the Enhanced Editions.
I have a powerful ally.
My old friend's hill giant strength has helped him to break free.
I'm waiting for him next to a gnome.
Who am I?
I won't give it away for free.
No, I'm not mad! Everything is under contr... oops, wrong wording!