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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Edwin chuckles at Keldorn.

    "Look around you knight, we are all outside the law now. Stick with your foolish code if you wish but do not expect others to follow your rules. As we have seen, even the wildlife here is against us."

    Edwin follows after Alora.

    "Well my dear let us go partake in a bit of tea with our new friends."
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    Branwen relaxes somewhat after hearing the music and Alora's opinion of its makers.
    "Music is a gift, one way through which people commune with their gods. I believe we should be sfae enough here, and may evem procure more valuable information."
    She heads off after Alora and Edwin. Plus, she also wants tea. Bellowing battle cries after wolf fighting has left her throat parched.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie heads off with Alora, Edwin, and Branwen. "Just the light and warmth from a fire and music would be welcome. The grief, fear, and darkness in this land are a little much to bear. More people makes it easier."
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    "Gypsies... they better be the clean and aware of personal hygiene type of gypsies."
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    *casts "create dirt" under skie's fingernails.*
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    DM sez: Even better... in her underpants! ;)

    It's a walk of about fifty yards to the gypsy kumpania. Some men are playing fiddles and flutes, while a whole deet is turning on a spit over the fire, along with some fish spitted on sticks. The smell of the food is hot and welcoming, and Alora leads you to an old woman smoking a long-necked Pipe. She nods at you with a faint smile. "You have been expected. Please, join my family and I for supper and a drink." Her voice is strong and welcoming, somewhat at odds with her appearance. She inclines her head to the ground, where thick, fluffy pillows and rugs have been set up in a circle for you.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    Skie quietly whispers to Keldorn that he should cast true sight on the gypsies to see if they are as they seem.

  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    The smell of the roasting venison makes Branwen salivate, and despite suspicions about the overly comfortable setup, her stomach wins over. Food = trust every time!. She walks into the circle, smiling back at the welcoming woman.

    "We thank you, respected elder. Our way so far has been...difficult, beset by beasts and foul rumours. Some respite would be most welcome. But pray do tell, what are you doing camped out here so boldly? We have heard nothing but how dangerous these woods are."
  • SolobearSolobear Member Posts: 55
  • EvinfuiltEvinfuilt Member Posts: 505
    edited November 2012
    Awong124 said:

    Skie quietly whispers to Keldorn that he should cast true sight on the gypsies to see if they are as they seem.


    OOC: it's a good thing Keldorn did so on the last page ;)

    IC: now this is truly baffling, these gypsies are what they appear. We have found a refuge of rest, peace and serenity. Judging by the scents, it is well that I enjoy garlic.

    Excuse me, old women, how did you know we were coming, when I'm still unsure how we all got here?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    The old womam chuckles. "You could say I am a seer of sorts. I am Madame Eva, and I foresaw you joining us tonight." She puffs on her pipe. "I see many things... such as your purpose here."
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    We're here to kill a vampire! He bit Irina and he's taken the child of a mad woman except she's not really mad she was just pretending to be mad so no one would steal her child but it didn't work because the vampire stole her anyway. His name is Strahd and he is ever so mean. Is tea nearly ready?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Madame Eva nods at Alora. "Yes, you are. But wouldn't you like to know what your target is planning?" she asked. She puffs out a smoke ring. "Unfortunately, such gifts do not come without cost... to me, or my people."
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Alora tries to be polite and look interested but she really just wants her tea. Is there any cake?
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Valygar follows Brawen, Alora and Edwin for the tea. It has been a long day and he needs some refreshment. Knowing that Keldorn did not see any trickery from these gypsies, he believes that this is a safe place to rest for the day. Perhaps the gypsies can provide accommodation. Food and shelter are welcome.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited November 2012
    Ajantis go sit by the fire but do not relax. Those wolves or worse can come back and he does not want these good people hurt because he was not alert.
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • MyvalMyval Member Posts: 127
    edited November 2012
    Cernd nods politely, joining the rest of the group. Since the suspicious paladin seemed to have no trouble with their new hosts, he assumed that they where as they seemed. Shelter and sustenance would be rather welcome.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Aerie sinks gratefully down onto one of the rugs. "Food and nice people. Hooray." She smiles at Madame Eva and says, "We'd be grateful for any information you could provide about Strahd and his plans. We are already thankful for your hospitality. However, what do you mean by a cost to your people? Are you referring to coin or something else?"
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    edited November 2012
    Edwin removes his spellbook once more from a hidden pocket and sits gingerly down on a pillow beside the fire. The light plays tricks with the shadows on his red robes as he slowly turns the pages of the dark leather tome. He does not look up as he speaks.

    "A red wizard sees much, but even I do not understand this Strahds intent. Why has he taken the girl old one? What is his final goal?"

    At last Edwin lifts his eyes from the page and looks to the old woman before him. His eyes narrow as he looks her over, seeming to examine her every detail.

    "What's most important however is how this creature can be destroyed?"

    Edwin smiles widely at the gypsy woman, though the smile does not quit reach his eyes.

    "Give us this information, and I am sure we can reach a satisfactory agreement toward compensation."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Madame Eva puffs on her pipe. "Everyone here knows how to kill vampires. Put a stake through their heart and cut off the head and stuff the mouth with garlic. The problem lies in actually doing the deed. Strahd is too powerful for us. My people have long been his slaves. Given just enough rope into letting us delude ourselves that we are free of him, but still bound nonetheless. Long has he used my people as fodder for his schemes, but we are tired of that role, nor are we proud of what we have been forced into doing. You would know his goals and aims? Allow me to consult the powers on your behalf..."

    She gestures to two of the men, who bring out a low table and lay it before her, covering it with a piece of silk. From her robes, she removes a deck of strangely shaped cards and shuffles them, her lips moving silently She lays the cards out on the table in a starburst pattern. You don't recognize any of the cards.

    She studies the cards, her face a mask. "Aid is available to you," she says. "Strahd has stolen a mighty and holy object, and keeps it close to him- in his castle. It lies in a place of supplication- and fortune shall aid you there, should you seek and find it. Fortune to your skill at arms, but not to your protection."

    She touches another card. "Knowledge is also available if you seek it. It lies in a dark, dark place, the place where the monster was originally laid to rest, in the shadow of weeping and grief. If you should find this place, fortune will come to your aid most strongly, to fight the evil inherent there."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Madame Eva looked over at Edward. "Ah, but you seek Strahd. And you wish to know where he is..."

    She peruses the cards again. "He is in the place of Kings. Should you seek him out there, your battle will be long and hard, as there, the fortunes run to his side. However, there is hope... a weapon of such shining goodness as can defeat even the monster with ease."

    She touches a card depicting an older woman. "It is in the Mother's place, and fortune is on your side there. The powers of good themselves will aid you in your quest there."

    "And as to what Strahd wants..." She looks over to Irina Kolyana, and her gaze becomes sympathetic. "He wants to corrupt innocence, to take it and twist it into darkness and hold it beside him forever, as a jealous man holds a possession. He wants a Queen to rule beside him in the darkness."

    Irina looks stricken, shaking her head "no". "This I will not allow!" she bursts out, half angry, half-terrified.

    Madame Eva shakes her head. "My dear, should he catch you again, you will have no choice. He will take you and transform you, and you will fall into his thrall. He will control you as surely as he does the animals of this land."

    "No!" Irina says, shaking her head in what is probably a futile denial. "No! I cannot..."
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    Skie chuckles to herself because the old gypsy said "long and hard".

    Skie manages to regain her composure.

    "Ahem, where is this 'mother's place' you speak of?"
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Lady Eva is the place Strahd was originally buried known?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    "It is all in his dwelling, his castle."
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    "The place of supplication? Hmmm... a chapel, perhaps? It sounds like we should seek his resting place first. Then the relic. Then hopefully the weapon and finally Strahd himself." She places a steadying hand lightly on Irina's shoulder. "He will not have you."
  • MyvalMyval Member Posts: 127
    "In the mother's place? Could be talking about the earth, an old cavern perhaps. Or even where he was born, if that was known. Though, is it know, where he was buried, was it on the grounds of the castle, or no?"
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    "Maybe he's literally still living with his mother."

    Skie shakes her head, "centuries old and still living with his mother, no wonder Irina is so horrified about marrying him."
  • MyvalMyval Member Posts: 127
    "Unless she is somehow animated beyond normal bounds of life, then no, he wouldn't be living with his mother. Though.." Cernd tapped his nose. "Anything about how, he became what he is?"
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    OOC I think he wrote an autobiography, I, Strahd, but that's meta-gaming, and I don't actually remember whether or not I read the book, much less what was in it.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Alora is disappointed that the old woman has failed to answer the most important question: is there any cake? Tea without cake isn't really tea at all.

    Despite this, Alora thinks we should rest for the night with the gypsies and then go and kill the vampire first thing in the morning. This is her plan and she thinks it is a good one.
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