Should voluntarily childless couples be allowed to get married?
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- Should voluntarily childless couples be allowed to get married?40 votes
- yes92.50%
- no  2.50%
- other (elaborate, please)  5.00%
Obvious answers are obvious.
I am anticipating the next poll question will be "Should unmarried couples be allowed to get matching outfits and wear them outside?"
Should two consenting, legally accountable adults be allowed to Marry?
In this case though I'm struggling to understand the purpose of these questions - they appear to me to be so one-sided as to invalidate an academic study around marriage. They could of course be testing something else - like the degree to which people can be persuaded to debate pointless questions or take up devil's advocate positions. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised when the rationale for these questions is eventually revealed, but for now (as they say on Dragon's Den) I'm out.
Why this pool?
I do not get it.
I could probably provide a more in-depth answer if context was provided for the question. Is it intended to be religious or legal... or... both?
So... if children are not a requirement for marriage, then the first question is redundant as it would never come up. Why would anyone not allow it if it wasn't a requirement?
This is also why I was asking for context—let's pretend I have no idea why the question was asked or what the potential answers will be: why would anyone make the distinction of not wanting to versus biologically incapable?
From a legal point, laws regarding children and marriage usually only cover people who want to have children in their marriage (i.e. this isn't a requirement for marriage, but a decision during marriage and what could potentially happen in the case of a divorce or some other event). From a religious point, and depending on which religion, it's up for debate as to whether people should even have children after they are married.
So re-stating.
A marriage is the union of two people.
Children, or the wanting of children, is not a prerequisite.
Other questions surrounding on whether you should or not will always go back to this one fact.
Oddly, in my experience, couples who are adamant they do not want kids, have kids. People are allowed to change their minds.
On occasion, whilst arguing that I really do not want my nails painted or wear an Elsa hair braid with a three year old at the same time as changing and cleaning up the messy results from an overflowing nappy of a 1 year old with a bowel that can empty three days of nutrients in three minutes, in the dark as light will only wake them more, at 3:27 in the morning... I have thought long and hard about not wanting kids...
And yes, I believe they should be allowed to adopt/have kids if they want. Honestly, it's not my business, or anyone's business, what you do with your family.
But I also believe that people should provide a responsible environment for children, whether gay or straight, and that they should be firmly, even legally committed to each other before having children: otherwise, in the case that they decide to split up, it is very difficult to establish a legal claim for the children upon their parent or the parent upon their children, especially if they are not blood related or legally adopted by both parents.
In my opinion, having children should be a strong team commitment performed by mentally healthy adults to raising the child(ren) with morals valuable to the parents. Kids raised in cruelty by screwed up parents are, or one day will be, everyone's business, whether we want to accept it or not.
I have had animals and now I have children, and, unlike animals, children are not "cute" enough to justify the work they require. There is nothing similar at all between raising a child and having a pet. It needs to be a team effort of devotion, love, and sacrifice for the children.
People who don't want children should either keep it in their pants or use effective birth control. I don't condone killing a child in utero as a form of birth control. (Abortion for rape, incest, and when the child or mother is at significant risk is different and maybe necessary, depending on the person's decision.)
Having children is a very, very important decision and should not be taken lightly. In fact, I think it should be licensed and regulated...oh used to was called a marriage license...we did away with those as a pre-requisite for having children. Damn.
In short, I believe the opposite of the follow up question, not that having children is a pre-requisite to marriage, but that marriage should be a pre-requisite to having children.
Should that last one be in the unpopular opinions thread?
In answer to this poll, mashedtaters! Yes, mashedtaters should be allowed to be married, if they want. And childless couples. And chairs, monkeys, toadstools, Martians, undead gnome liches, broccoli, popcorn, and even cauliflower. Whatever, let them all marry and be given in marriage.
Anyone should be allowed to go through whatever farcical religious ceremony they like, and anyone who tries to tell them otherwise should be strung up by bits that hurt.
As for childlessness, it should be encouraged. This planet has far to many humans.
b) whatever the participants believe.
c) commitment.
but maybe that's just my generation/upbringing.