I would LOVE some mod love for ToB. Something to give the Bioware NPCs their own quests. It feels really off that only the EE ones get these epic personal quests in ToB.
I am a commoner and a group of adventurers enter my home. Two huge fighters and an obvious cleric all wearing platemail and armed to the teeth are standing around, a couple of men wearing robes, obviously mages are with them. A sixth person tries to pick my pocket and I notice. Time to kill them all!!!
@islandking I guess it can just be assumed that Clerics, Druids and Multi/Dual-Class compatiable examples have grown accustomed to casting spells with shields (and in the case of pure Druids and Clerics, armor) whereas pure mages and sorcerors can't do that.
Also all bags, clothes and items have 100% fire resistance even if nobody in the party does. Apparently flame retardant is very common in the realms but has the unfortunate weakness of not working on skin.
This happened to one of my friends playing Vanilla BG
CHARNAME attacks Cow
All of Candlekeep is now hostile towards the child they raised.
Yeah, I felt sorry for Hull who was so sleepy, so I cast Command on him so he could have a nap. Next thing I know, my foster father zapped me with a lightning spell... I hope he got toasted himself in the ensuing war between Baldur's Gate and Amn!
Playing BG1 with SCS in fun but way more difficult.
I had no idea just how fast the bears were going to get, and Nimbul wiped out 3/4 members of my party (Neera of all people lived) and everyone generally dies more often, but the game isn't as difficult as it would be if I turned on Hard on which just bombards me with unmanagable damage.
Quayle Logic: No matter which direction you are going, Quayle is conveniently going the same direction. He also ages considerably before BG2, but that can be explained in two parts 1. Quayle is probably older than we think he is in BG1 already 2. Quayle spent some time away from the Prime Material and it's incredibly possible that time runs different on other planes.
Returning Characters from the first game in general logic: Every character is extremely forgiving of the main character for killing them in the previous game.
Playing BG1 with SCS in fun but way more difficult.
I had no idea just how fast the bears were going to get, and Nimbul wiped out 3/4 members of my party (Neera of all people lived) and everyone generally dies more often, but the game isn't as difficult as it would be if I turned on Hard on which just bombards me with unmanagable damage.
Quayle Logic: No matter which direction you are going, Quayle is conveniently going the same direction. He also ages considerably before BG2, but that can be explained in two parts 1. Quayle is probably older than we think he is in BG1 already 2. Quayle spent some time away from the Prime Material and it's incredibly possible that time runs different on other planes.
Returning Characters from the first game in general logic: Every character is extremely forgiving of the main character for killing them in the previous game.
Well, at least Viconia, has good reason. I mean if you save her from being burned at the stake, she can't really hold anything prior against ya too much.
@DreadKhan Yes Edwin does forget, because dying is totally something I would forget.
And sure, Drizzt can potentially attack you, but he can also potentially not.
If somebody killed me, I'm not pulling any punches next time I see them.
I don't know about that. That's Baldurs Gate logic for sure. If I met up again with the same party that kicked my ass and killed me in real life, I think I'd run like a rabbit in the opposite direction!
@lroumen Yeah, we have a gift that is only bestowed upon CHARNAME and Bondari. Power Word: Reload
Unfortunately many of our enemies have been granted Power Word: Plot Armor and can't be killed until the end of the game. For even the legendary Power Word: Kill Cheat does not work on them.
@Zaghoul I'm afraid you are mistaken, only three actors have been The Doctor for much more than three years 1. William Hartnell: 1963-1966 (3 Seasons, +2 storys of Season 4) 2. Patrick Troughton: 1966-1969 (Just shy of 3 seasons) 3. Jon Pertwee: 1970-1974 (5 seasons) 4. Tom Baker: 1974-1981 (7 Seasons) 5. Peter Davison: 1982-1984(Just shy of 3 seasons) 6. Colin Baker: 1984-1986 (Just over 2 seasons) 7. Slyvester Mccoy: 1987-1989 (3 seasons+the beginning of the 1996 movie if you want to get technical) 8. Paul Mcgann: 1996 (The Movie) 9. Christopher Eccleston: 2005 (1 season) 10. David Tennant: Christmas 2005-New Year's 2010 (Just over 4 years but only 3.5 seasons) 11. Matt Smith: 2010-Christmas 2013 (3 seasons) 12. Peter Capaldi: Christmas 2013-Christmas 2017 (3 seasons)
I'm afraid The Doctor has pretty much regenerated after 3 seasons almost always with the exception of Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. I agree that he still regenerates too often, but almost always it is the actor's choice to leave and not the studio.
In fact as you can see The Doctor regenerated the same amount of times in the first 12 years of the show as he has in the 12 years since the show came back.
Edit: Well one time more, but that was because Eccleston only wanted to do one season, it was his choice and not the studios (who wanted him to stay)
If you are curious here are the reasons The Doctor's left.
1. Hartnell was more or less forced to leave as he was worn out and forgetting his lines. 2. Troughton chose to leave because he was afraid of being typecast. 3. Pertwee chose to leave to return to roles similar to the ones he did before being The Doctor, the death of Roger Delgado (The Original Master) also affected his decision as they were very close. 4. Tom Baker chose to leave rather than do more seasons due to a falling out with the new director for his 7th season. 5. Davison chose to leave after Troughton advised him to leave after 3 seasons to avoid being typecast. 6. Colin Baker was fired because the BBC wanted to reinvent the show, he was also cursed with an 18 month hiatus between his 1st and 2nd seasons 7. Mccoy left due to the show being put on "indefinite hiatus" (it was never officially cancelled) 8. Mcgann was only hired for the movie which was targeted towards U.S. audiences where it wasn't successful. He wasn't approached for the role when the show was renewed for new seasons. 9. Eccleston only wanted to do one season 10. Unsure of Tennant's reasoning, but it was his decision and not the studio's for him to leave. 11. Matt Smith wanted to do other things and left. His biggest role since leaving has been Terminator Genisys 12. The workload became too taxing to Capaldi and he decided to opt out of staying for a 4th season.
@ZaramMaldovar Yeah, looks like. My 'used to' was Pertwee and Baker (esp.), when I first saw them on TV during that time period or right thereafter, that's why I guess I still identify with longer times. Lawd, that's been a while...
@Zaghoul Yeah I suppose I can understand it from that perspective. I was just generalizing.
In any case I'm still very excited though.
SOD Logic: Group steals 95,000 gold from the treasury and uses it to pay for their meal at a (to be fair reasonably high but not that reasonably high) inn in Baldur's Gate.
Party can't choose to side with Caelar Argent because reasons
In the area north of Nashkel Carnival / south of Ulcaster, you can try to save the cow of a farmer named Hulrik. What he and his cow are doing in that area I don't know - if you click on the house next to Hulrik, the message says the house looks abandoned. Maybe he lives in the Ettercap-infested cave to the north, who knows?
@Montresor_SP I prefer to think of it as the Area Northeast of Nashkel, but that works too. And yeah, it does seem a bit odd.
If you attacked Jon Irenicus in the vanilla game at the Tree of Life before killing the parasites and did enough damage he would actually register as Jon Irencius-Dead and lie there motionless before promptly coming back after you kill all the parasites.
I bet you thought Irenicus was alive....nope, Chuck Testa.
If you attack some expert commoner, like a blacksmith or a farmer, they won't be able to put up much of a fight. On the other hand, if you attack a musician, you're in big trouble.
Degrodel fills his house with ridiculously dangerous constructs and summons at presumeably very great expense, so when you kill them all he obviously has you go find a legendary helm. Because you're obviously helpful.
Congrats to our new 13th Doctor (STILL not ginger)
I wonder how The Doctor is going to react?
Anyway, back to BG Logic: Player decides not to help out the party in Firkragg's Dungeoun with finding the treasure. Rather than attempt more convincing, they simply decide to kill their only hope of gaining the treasure. Seems legit.
Maybe an evil CHARNAME can get help from Szass Tam....for a price of course.
Now that I know who the guy is, I like the character ok?
Yes let's have Minsc return home and face criticism over his failures with Dynaheir and redeem himself by saving his homeland.
Let's have Jaheria face the Archdruids of the Shadow Druids.
Let's have a Jan quest with The Hidden
Ok that last one sounds epic so I'm going to stop before I ruin it.
I am a commoner and a group of adventurers enter my home. Two huge fighters and an obvious cleric all wearing platemail and armed to the teeth are standing around, a couple of men wearing robes, obviously mages are with them. A sixth person tries to pick my pocket and I notice. Time to kill them all!!!
Party obliterates literal armies, mercenaries still assume they can handle it.
CHARNAME attacks Cow
All of Candlekeep is now hostile towards the child they raised.
I guess it can just be assumed that Clerics, Druids and Multi/Dual-Class compatiable examples have grown accustomed to casting spells with shields (and in the case of pure Druids and Clerics, armor) whereas pure mages and sorcerors can't do that.
Also all bags, clothes and items have 100% fire resistance even if nobody in the party does. Apparently flame retardant is very common in the realms but has the unfortunate weakness of not working on skin.
I had no idea just how fast the bears were going to get, and Nimbul wiped out 3/4 members of my party (Neera of all people lived) and everyone generally dies more often, but the game isn't as difficult as it would be if I turned on Hard on which just bombards me with unmanagable damage.
Quayle Logic: No matter which direction you are going, Quayle is conveniently going the same direction. He also ages considerably before BG2, but that can be explained in two parts 1. Quayle is probably older than we think he is in BG1 already 2. Quayle spent some time away from the Prime Material and it's incredibly possible that time runs different on other planes.
Returning Characters from the first game in general logic: Every character is extremely forgiving of the main character for killing them in the previous game.
That's true, but what about Edwin? Xzar? Drizzt?
Yes Edwin does forget, because dying is totally something I would forget.
And sure, Drizzt can potentially attack you, but he can also potentially not.
If somebody killed me, I'm not pulling any punches next time I see them.
Aren't we as players doing the same thing? Nimbul kills the party, let's reload and fight him again.
Yeah, we have a gift that is only bestowed upon CHARNAME and Bondari. Power Word: Reload
Unfortunately many of our enemies have been granted Power Word: Plot Armor and can't be killed until the end of the game. For even the legendary Power Word: Kill Cheat does not work on them.
I'm afraid you are mistaken, only three actors have been The Doctor for much more than three years
1. William Hartnell: 1963-1966 (3 Seasons, +2 storys of Season 4)
2. Patrick Troughton: 1966-1969 (Just shy of 3 seasons)
3. Jon Pertwee: 1970-1974 (5 seasons)
4. Tom Baker: 1974-1981 (7 Seasons)
5. Peter Davison: 1982-1984(Just shy of 3 seasons)
6. Colin Baker: 1984-1986 (Just over 2 seasons)
7. Slyvester Mccoy: 1987-1989 (3 seasons+the beginning of the 1996 movie if you want to get technical)
8. Paul Mcgann: 1996 (The Movie)
9. Christopher Eccleston: 2005 (1 season)
10. David Tennant: Christmas 2005-New Year's 2010 (Just over 4 years but only 3.5 seasons)
11. Matt Smith: 2010-Christmas 2013 (3 seasons)
12. Peter Capaldi: Christmas 2013-Christmas 2017 (3 seasons)
I'm afraid The Doctor has pretty much regenerated after 3 seasons almost always with the exception of Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. I agree that he still regenerates too often, but almost always it is the actor's choice to leave and not the studio.
In fact as you can see The Doctor regenerated the same amount of times in the first 12 years of the show as he has in the 12 years since the show came back.
Edit: Well one time more, but that was because Eccleston only wanted to do one season, it was his choice and not the studios (who wanted him to stay)
If you are curious here are the reasons The Doctor's left.
1. Hartnell was more or less forced to leave as he was worn out and forgetting his lines.
2. Troughton chose to leave because he was afraid of being typecast.
3. Pertwee chose to leave to return to roles similar to the ones he did before being The Doctor, the death of Roger Delgado (The Original Master) also affected his decision as they were very close.
4. Tom Baker chose to leave rather than do more seasons due to a falling out with the new director for his 7th season.
5. Davison chose to leave after Troughton advised him to leave after 3 seasons to avoid being typecast.
6. Colin Baker was fired because the BBC wanted to reinvent the show, he was also cursed with an 18 month hiatus between his 1st and 2nd seasons
7. Mccoy left due to the show being put on "indefinite hiatus" (it was never officially cancelled)
8. Mcgann was only hired for the movie which was targeted towards U.S. audiences where it wasn't successful. He wasn't approached for the role when the show was renewed for new seasons.
9. Eccleston only wanted to do one season
10. Unsure of Tennant's reasoning, but it was his decision and not the studio's for him to leave.
11. Matt Smith wanted to do other things and left. His biggest role since leaving has been Terminator Genisys
12. The workload became too taxing to Capaldi and he decided to opt out of staying for a 4th season.
Lawd, that's been a while...
Yeah I suppose I can understand it from that perspective. I was just generalizing.
In any case I'm still very excited though.
SOD Logic:
Group steals 95,000 gold from the treasury and uses it to pay for their meal at a (to be fair reasonably high but not that reasonably high) inn in Baldur's Gate.
Party can't choose to side with Caelar Argent because reasons
I prefer to think of it as the Area Northeast of Nashkel, but that works too. And yeah, it does seem a bit odd.
If you attacked Jon Irenicus in the vanilla game at the Tree of Life before killing the parasites and did enough damage he would actually register as Jon Irencius-Dead and lie there motionless before promptly coming back after you kill all the parasites.
I bet you thought Irenicus was alive....nope, Chuck Testa.
If you attack some expert commoner, like a blacksmith or a farmer, they won't be able to put up much of a fight. On the other hand, if you attack a musician, you're in big trouble.
Note, he's a wizard. Wizards can't wear helms.
Congrats to our new 13th Doctor (STILL not ginger)
I wonder how The Doctor is going to react?
Anyway, back to BG Logic: Player decides not to help out the party in Firkragg's Dungeoun with finding the treasure. Rather than attempt more convincing, they simply decide to kill their only hope of gaining the treasure. Seems legit.