I tried something similar with Marl. Imoen set a trap and launched a magic missile from the wand. While it was still in air, I removed her from the party. When the magic missile hit, Marl attacked Imoen but didn't set off the trap. Imoen fought back. While Imoen may not have been the best choice, it would work for a stronger companion as well.
wow, i see a lot of potential in it at higher levels with a mage with stoneskin and the 2 fire shields on, Aerie with also the blade barer and a globe of blades on top is even better.
let the foe attack the mage and die from the backfire from the shields/blades.
Didn't see it in the list, but you can use Viconia, Dorn, and Baeloth to raise reputation.
With reputation less than 7, if you recruit all 3 and dismiss them, your reputation will be 7. Also, 7 and 8 reputation are the two cheapest to donate up, at 150 and 100 gold respectively. Donate from 7 to 9, recruit back one of the NPCs, which drops you to 7, donate back up to 9, recruit the next, donate back to 9, then once again for the final NPC. Now when you dismiss them, you'll gain 2 rep for each, going from 9 to 15. If you donate up to 14 with all 3 in your party, you'll reach 20 when you dismiss them. It's much less expensive than donating directly, and it can allow a way to reach 20 reputation even if no more quests are available.
If your reputation is too low, it can be hard to get Dorn out of the FAI. If you go in invisible, the Flaming Fist will spawn as soon as you talk to him. This can result in Bentley Mirrorshade going hostile. If you want to use Dorn, it's best to dismiss him somewhere like Temple and transition before he initiates dialogue. Also, you don't get the increase in reputation with Dorn until you have the dialogue and tell him to leave. Viconia and Baeloth both grant the increase as soon as you dismiss them.
a FMT cam use the helm in bg2, later a spell, to cast a simulacrum. then both can equip 2 +1 apr weapons that can stab, like the boomerang dagger MH and kundane. at lev7 with specialization in dagger or at lev 13 they will have 5 apr each, 10 improved hasted for a total of 20 apr.
if they use also the mislead spell their invisibility will be continuosly applied again and again so, with correct placement and keeping the enemies giving them the back distracting them with a tank or summons every hit will count as a stab, with a multiplier of 4 at lev 9 and 5 at lev 13.
it is true that are not really 80 or 100 attacks as some forms of damage, like the str bonus, will not be multiplied, but will anyway be applied 20 times/round, but this give to the FMT an immense offensive potential as long as he is able to fight from the back of the enemies and keep the mislead clones alive.
also other classes can do something similar, but only the FMT can do it so early as he has the apr, can use mage only items (before UAI) and has a stabbing multiplier.
the combo is the perfect sinergy of those factors, last quite long, enough to clear an area, and is possible early in soa and very easy to implement as long as the mislead clones are in a safe place (or invisible in a spot where their invisibility is not dispelled).
EDIT: the MT (jan) with the suggested weapons has 4 (8) apr, 16 counting the clone. he will miss more as his thac0 is not the fighter's one and he can have only a pip in DW, but will increase the stab multiplier earlier.
the combo is still extremely powerful performed by the turnip lover NPC.
even if taking in accaunt the less apr and more misses he connects only the 50% of times compared to a FMT it is still overkilling.
I have added several methods of killing Drizzt to the list. @jessejmc is now the author of the latest method involving Farsight, @Gotural is the author of the first non-anonymous method involving poisoned Arrows of Detonation, and I am the author of the method involving luring Drizzt in a wide circle.
Let me know if you have any citations or know the original authors of any of the other methods of killing Drizzt. Who was the author of the Fire Shield method? @Grond0, are you the author of the method involving letting the gnolls kill Drizzt?
I think only the bg2 functionality ones can really be tracked back to the idea plant for what EE enabled. All the invisible blocking, lure to the other side of the lake, let gnolls kill him etc are just over two decades old.
Tired of your charmed basilisk refusing to leave melee and ruining your loop? The Basilisk Containment System utilizes state of the art NPC Wall technology to ensure a smooth and low risk harvest.
Free tip: Cast PfP on your basilisk a couple rounds before casting it on yourself and listen for the sound or watch for the color change of it falling off your basilisk. When it does, it's time to back away and reapply buffs.
it should work only in EE.
the arcane enchanted weapon spell make the attacks of the one who receives it working like if he is using a +3 weapon or ammo.
now it is quite annoying when you fight enemies that use enchanted weapons and enemies that use normal ones, now casting it on the enemy that is using a normal weapon and is not immune to that level of spell, with rackshasas it does not work, your PFMW protect you from both.
probably there are not many situations where it is useful, but it gives for 4 rounds a complete immunity to all the weapons on the field if all the normal weapons users are tagged with that spell.
and it is not the same of stacking pfmw and stoneskin as stoneskins can be consumed and don't block the elemental damage of some ammo that in bg2 are not enchanted, while in bg and sod are.
i have not tested it, but i suppose that being enchanted weapon a spell designed to be cast on party it ignores both st and mr, like the magic resistance divine one, when used offensively.
Something I am not seeing on the list, which is pretty well-known and simple to execute, is burning through Spell Turning by casting beneficial buffs on the opponent rather than self. So say you have an enemy mage who has cast Spell Turning on himself. You can now cast stuff like Improved Invisibility, Improved Haste, Protection from Magical Energy and other similar buffs at that opponent. The Spell Turning bounces them back on to you, so you achieve the double benefit of buffing yourself and burning through the opponent's Spell Turning.
Something I am not seeing on the list, which is pretty well-known and simple to execute, is burning through Spell Turning by casting beneficial buffs on the opponent rather than self. So say you have an enemy mage who has cast Spell Turning on himself. You can now cast stuff like Improved Invisibility, Improved Haste, Protection from Magical Energy and other similar buffs at that opponent. The Spell Turning bounces them back on to you, so you achieve the double benefit of buffing yourself and burning through the opponent's Spell Turning.
I have to say this is my favourite tip ever. I could have played this game for a thousand years and it would never have occurred to me to try that.
i normally use a flame arrow with a toon that can weld the shield of reflection to get rid of spell turning as the arrow bounces between the 2 until has consumed the spell turning then hits the target, but also to use protective spells is a really interesting option. also melf magic arrow works for the trick, less damaging, but with a disrupt capability really useful against the casters.
EDIT: i did a test and it seems that in EE that shield does not bounce the mma, i am pretty convinced that in the original game did it, but the fa is still reflected.
Not half as ingenious as the other contributions to this thread and, with 'Rest Until Healed' option, fairly useless, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else and it is an exploit...
If you have a 20 or above Constitution, you start slowly regenerating lost HP. The rate is relatively feeble, but it is useful when resting or transitioning between areas, as you can gain loads of HP without using spells. This can be exploited by casting Draw Upon Holy Might to raise your Constitution to >20 before resting or an area transition. Instead of having the spell wear off after a few rounds, the game 'snapshots' your Constitution at the start and transfers it throughout the whole duration. This might be marginally useful in situations with limited gold or opportunities for resting.
also the ioun stone that gives a very slow regeneration rate is very useful for that, if in combat or even as you are exploring an area its regeneration is so slow that anything else you can equip in the slot is better, while traveling from area to area or resting grants full healing to a party member more.
with it, the fastest regeneration items and duhm on your charname and clerics with good enough con you can heal the whole party for free, even if is possible that then you have to sleep anyway as someone is fatigued.
not tested, but duhm should also be useful for that, low con clerics like viconia and aerie and low con charnames get fatigued early, as fatigue is con related, so if while transitioning from area to area they use duhm is possible that that travel contributes less to their fatigue rising, as i told is not tested, but is possible that it actually happens.
The effects of Con on fatigue don't change within the range that you get 0 bonus HP. In order for Aerie or Viconia to fatigue slower, you'd have to boost them to at least 15 Con. That's +7 for Viconia (never), or +6 for Aerie (cleric level 18, 4.5 million XP). Not exactly relevant to most games; by the time you have that much experience, you probably have access to the pocket plane for safe resting.
i usually avoid to go to the pocket plane only for resting, but at that level is also true that i don't feel much need to rest as i prefer to wish to rest, still sometimes i rest in some tavern, and only for RP reasons as i feel that my party deserves it, so i rent for them the best room i can find
also is possible to increase the con with the machine of lum the mad, and actually i often use the con for aerie as so she benefits of it when she buffs for combat, if so aerie can avoid to get fatigued early at lower level.
anyway as it is possible to rest after a long travel, and when it is not possible, like traveling the first time to the windspear hills, it is possible to do it right before it, so avoiding to get fatigued is not an issue at all.
and i don't see any reason to fight with a fatigued party, nor RP and nor PG ones. unless you are running a no rest play trough, thing that i never had done, but some player like to do, where a little more con will not save anyway you to fight many battles with a fatigued party.
the @AvidGamerFan trick to recover the full health each rest and travel as well my hint to use also the ioun stone have actually a real impact on the game, my suggestion to rise con to avoid fatigue has almost no impact on it, unless you happen to play with a party with all the members very resilient to fatigue but a single one that with duhm traveling can avoid premature rests, as can be annoying to see very often that one fatigued after traveling.
Another quirk of Draw Upon Holy Might I've found is that it applies to your modifed ability score, not your base ability score. If I use a potion of cloud giant strength to reach 24 strength, say, then I can use Draw Upon Holy Might to reach 25... enough for a F/C to bash open the chest holding the Tome of Strength in BG1 where they'd otherwise have to use a violet potion to get it. If DUHM can be stacked with Barbarian Rage, a half-orc barbarian who picked the good option for their Chapter 6 special ability can also access it without having to use a potion at all. Every little helps...
Cloud giant strength is 23, but DUHM can indeed be used to top that up to get the tome. Even without DUHM a fighter type or monk can still get the tome with just using a storm giant strength potion. 24 is sufficient to kick that container open, though you may need to try a few times until the random component of the total score favors you.
yes DUHM, and also righteous magic and the cleric ring increase the str, does not matter if it is the base one or is modified by potions, items or spells.
while the spells that set the str to a certain value, like holy power, strength of the one or the arcane str spell override the str you have, base or modified, and set it to the value used for each spell.
Good to know. I wanted to try it with an item I made but it didn't work so I was thinking the exploit was fixed or not working somehow. It was a fun one to save time sometimes.
yes it was fun and a way to save time, but also potentially a very OP exploit.
even if only 1 charge was given to the items that have more then a single charge/day it made possible to have 2 or 3 fighters permanently improved hasted for free only pausing the game as the haste is expired, putting the ring of gaxx into the bag and equipping it again then activating the haste ability. as you could recharge it at will and as the end of round is not synchronized, but every character has his own timer you could do it for more then one toon.
this while your mages or who was not using his magical action/round to activate the ring could use the staff that summons an elemental/day, the one that has a no save domination (that works on 99.9% of the enemies, many bosses included), or use the SoTM spell trap to recharge the spell book while tanking 30 levels of spells each round.
as i think that all that is not giving real problems to the players that don't want to intentionally exploit bugs should have not be nerfed (and this should be afaik also the official position on nerfing that the EE developers have, even if imho their way to nerf is very different), so the players that want to intentionally use the exploits can continue to have fun doing it.
i find very unlikely that a player keeps his ring of gaxx in the bag instead of equipping it, and if he does it for some reason i admit that is a little annoying to fond only 1 haste charge instead of 3, and if the staff of command is stored in the bag probably the player does not use it very often, so is likely that it would be charged anyway by a regular rest.
the situations where the recharging trough the bag trick could be annoying for those that don't like to use exploits are certainly possible in theory, but very unlikely could happen in the real gaming, while the recharging trick was a way for some players to have more fun, even if used to its full extent could be probably the most broken exploit in the game. each party member could, at wish and each round, have free improved haste, mirror images, spell trap, or cast a no save domination, and those are only some of the many options.
EDIT: a FM or F->M or a bard with UAI recharging with the bag the SoTM and the helm that gives a simulacrum, and equipping the quick slots of the clone with scrolls could recharge at will its spellbook, so potentially have for each battle not only all the spells memorized, but custom spells for that particular battle, all he had to do was to unmemorize the spells not needed, chose the needed spells for the next rest and then instead to rest use the spell trap and the clone casting spells of appropriate level by scroll to have the new chosen spells memorized.
a high leve mage can still do it using his spell trap and PI, as to recharge the trap and the clone spells needs only 17 (or 16, i am not sure) of the 30 levels of spells and the other ones can be used to recharge spells for free, but he needs at least 3Mxp as mage to do it, while using the bag, the staff and the helm it can be done as soon as he can grab those items. an infinite spell strategy available at low level and for the triple class that never reach the level to cast spell trap.
the recharging by bag trick is so broken...
@semiticgod some golden insight on luck and mirror images in this thread, related to defending against standard attacks and trap disarming as a mage. I will point you to the post that blew my mind, but read up and down from there as well.
The effects of Con on fatigue don't change within the range that you get 0 bonus HP. In order for Aerie or Viconia to fatigue slower, you'd have to boost them to at least 15 Con. That's +7 for Viconia (never), or +6 for Aerie (cleric level 18, 4.5 million XP). Not exactly relevant to most games; by the time you have that much experience, you probably have access to the pocket plane for safe resting.
in SoA you can find a belt that sets your CON to 18 for 8 hours;
gaal in the unseeing eye holds this item
or you can use potions of fortitude which increase CON to 18, albeit you can of coarse only do that so many times before you run out of those potions
When one of your characters is under Fear or Confusion and you don't want them to run around, possibly triggering a fight or a trap, just pass heavy items to them so that they become encumbered and couldn't move.
That's also useful for charmed or berserk critters, particularly because it can prevent them from attacking other party members in melee.
That trick is a little older than that post, but I don't have an earlier citation, so I filed it under "Encumbrance Trick" with a note that freddit32 is a Reddit account not present on the Beamdog forums.
i like using scripts to facilitate a lot of stuff. i've always had a problem with familiars becoming useless. they have low HP, few spells and their thieving skills don't improve. so i have a script that permanently changes my familiar's class from thief to bard. once my party thief surpasses my familiar, my familiar sings a combat bard song. bard is an ideal class for any familiar because they can stay in safety while offering substantial bonuses.
ApplySpellRES("SPCL920",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) // Enhanced Bard Song
the last line adds enhanced bard song, which gives party wide immunity to stun and confusion. this gives them utility even into TOB.
there are other very useful scripts that are easy to write. for example, i have a stronghold.dlg that will kickstart all the strongholds. the advantage is that i only need 1 file to start all strongholds and it won't alter any of the original files. so any mods that change or modify strongholds can assume a clean install. for example, one of my scripts has a dialog option for 'chapter 1 (string 48007)':
CreateCreature("rigen01",[-1.-1],14) // Lord Igen Tombelthen
this makes the playthrough much more enjoyable since i can finish the ranger stronghold to completion and then start and finish the fighter stronghold immediately without waiting. it adds substantial content to each playthrough.
The lv1, 1 hp damage immunity can be achieved with other than mage classes too. Martyr's Morningstar is the only item in the game, that reduces max hp (-10). So any character with 2-11 hp will get 1 hp equipping that. Although you still need to be lv1, because lv2 it only reduces down to 2 hp. Getting the weapon will be pretty hard though, because you get it in chapter 10.
Killing Drizzt with arrows of detonation is actually really easy and it does not require poison abilities at all.
Nor do you ever need to tank him.
Cast haste on one of your characters and/or wear boots of speed and/or drink an oil of speed. Park the rest of your party far away from Drizzt, then kite + shoot him. Safe, fast, anyone can do it and no risk whatsoever. Or have two hasted characters shoot the arrows simultaneously and watch him drop dead even faster. IIRC, it took me 16 arrows of detonation when I did it - well worth it imo, because killing him with expensive single-use weapons feels fair.. well, almost.
let the foe attack the mage and die from the backfire from the shields/blades.
With reputation less than 7, if you recruit all 3 and dismiss them, your reputation will be 7. Also, 7 and 8 reputation are the two cheapest to donate up, at 150 and 100 gold respectively. Donate from 7 to 9, recruit back one of the NPCs, which drops you to 7, donate back up to 9, recruit the next, donate back to 9, then once again for the final NPC. Now when you dismiss them, you'll gain 2 rep for each, going from 9 to 15. If you donate up to 14 with all 3 in your party, you'll reach 20 when you dismiss them. It's much less expensive than donating directly, and it can allow a way to reach 20 reputation even if no more quests are available.
If your reputation is too low, it can be hard to get Dorn out of the FAI. If you go in invisible, the Flaming Fist will spawn as soon as you talk to him. This can result in Bentley Mirrorshade going hostile. If you want to use Dorn, it's best to dismiss him somewhere like Temple and transition before he initiates dialogue. Also, you don't get the increase in reputation with Dorn until you have the dialogue and tell him to leave. Viconia and Baeloth both grant the increase as soon as you dismiss them.
a FMT cam use the helm in bg2, later a spell, to cast a simulacrum. then both can equip 2 +1 apr weapons that can stab, like the boomerang dagger MH and kundane. at lev7 with specialization in dagger or at lev 13 they will have 5 apr each, 10 improved hasted for a total of 20 apr.
if they use also the mislead spell their invisibility will be continuosly applied again and again so, with correct placement and keeping the enemies giving them the back distracting them with a tank or summons every hit will count as a stab, with a multiplier of 4 at lev 9 and 5 at lev 13.
it is true that are not really 80 or 100 attacks as some forms of damage, like the str bonus, will not be multiplied, but will anyway be applied 20 times/round, but this give to the FMT an immense offensive potential as long as he is able to fight from the back of the enemies and keep the mislead clones alive.
also other classes can do something similar, but only the FMT can do it so early as he has the apr, can use mage only items (before UAI) and has a stabbing multiplier.
the combo is the perfect sinergy of those factors, last quite long, enough to clear an area, and is possible early in soa and very easy to implement as long as the mislead clones are in a safe place (or invisible in a spot where their invisibility is not dispelled).
EDIT: the MT (jan) with the suggested weapons has 4 (8) apr, 16 counting the clone. he will miss more as his thac0 is not the fighter's one and he can have only a pip in DW, but will increase the stab multiplier earlier.
the combo is still extremely powerful performed by the turnip lover NPC.
even if taking in accaunt the less apr and more misses he connects only the 50% of times compared to a FMT it is still overkilling.
Let me know if you have any citations or know the original authors of any of the other methods of killing Drizzt. Who was the author of the Fire Shield method? @Grond0, are you the author of the method involving letting the gnolls kill Drizzt?
No idea. I've certainly done quite a bit of experimentation on the best ways to do that, but I think it's quite a widely known tactic.
Free tip: Cast PfP on your basilisk a couple rounds before casting it on yourself and listen for the sound or watch for the color change of it falling off your basilisk. When it does, it's time to back away and reapply buffs.
the arcane enchanted weapon spell make the attacks of the one who receives it working like if he is using a +3 weapon or ammo.
now it is quite annoying when you fight enemies that use enchanted weapons and enemies that use normal ones, now casting it on the enemy that is using a normal weapon and is not immune to that level of spell, with rackshasas it does not work, your PFMW protect you from both.
probably there are not many situations where it is useful, but it gives for 4 rounds a complete immunity to all the weapons on the field if all the normal weapons users are tagged with that spell.
and it is not the same of stacking pfmw and stoneskin as stoneskins can be consumed and don't block the elemental damage of some ammo that in bg2 are not enchanted, while in bg and sod are.
i have not tested it, but i suppose that being enchanted weapon a spell designed to be cast on party it ignores both st and mr, like the magic resistance divine one, when used offensively.
I have to say this is my favourite tip ever. I could have played this game for a thousand years and it would never have occurred to me to try that.
EDIT: i did a test and it seems that in EE that shield does not bounce the mma, i am pretty convinced that in the original game did it, but the fa is still reflected.
If you have a 20 or above Constitution, you start slowly regenerating lost HP. The rate is relatively feeble, but it is useful when resting or transitioning between areas, as you can gain loads of HP without using spells. This can be exploited by casting Draw Upon Holy Might to raise your Constitution to >20 before resting or an area transition. Instead of having the spell wear off after a few rounds, the game 'snapshots' your Constitution at the start and transfers it throughout the whole duration. This might be marginally useful in situations with limited gold or opportunities for resting.
with it, the fastest regeneration items and duhm on your charname and clerics with good enough con you can heal the whole party for free, even if is possible that then you have to sleep anyway as someone is fatigued.
not tested, but duhm should also be useful for that, low con clerics like viconia and aerie and low con charnames get fatigued early, as fatigue is con related, so if while transitioning from area to area they use duhm is possible that that travel contributes less to their fatigue rising, as i told is not tested, but is possible that it actually happens.
also is possible to increase the con with the machine of lum the mad, and actually i often use the con for aerie as so she benefits of it when she buffs for combat, if so aerie can avoid to get fatigued early at lower level.
anyway as it is possible to rest after a long travel, and when it is not possible, like traveling the first time to the windspear hills, it is possible to do it right before it, so avoiding to get fatigued is not an issue at all.
and i don't see any reason to fight with a fatigued party, nor RP and nor PG ones. unless you are running a no rest play trough, thing that i never had done, but some player like to do, where a little more con will not save anyway you to fight many battles with a fatigued party.
the @AvidGamerFan trick to recover the full health each rest and travel as well my hint to use also the ioun stone have actually a real impact on the game, my suggestion to rise con to avoid fatigue has almost no impact on it, unless you happen to play with a party with all the members very resilient to fatigue but a single one that with duhm traveling can avoid premature rests, as can be annoying to see very often that one fatigued after traveling.
while the spells that set the str to a certain value, like holy power, strength of the one or the arcane str spell override the str you have, base or modified, and set it to the value used for each spell.
now the only ways to recharge items without resting is to wish or to sell and buy/steal them.
even if only 1 charge was given to the items that have more then a single charge/day it made possible to have 2 or 3 fighters permanently improved hasted for free only pausing the game as the haste is expired, putting the ring of gaxx into the bag and equipping it again then activating the haste ability. as you could recharge it at will and as the end of round is not synchronized, but every character has his own timer you could do it for more then one toon.
this while your mages or who was not using his magical action/round to activate the ring could use the staff that summons an elemental/day, the one that has a no save domination (that works on 99.9% of the enemies, many bosses included), or use the SoTM spell trap to recharge the spell book while tanking 30 levels of spells each round.
as i think that all that is not giving real problems to the players that don't want to intentionally exploit bugs should have not be nerfed (and this should be afaik also the official position on nerfing that the EE developers have, even if imho their way to nerf is very different), so the players that want to intentionally use the exploits can continue to have fun doing it.
i find very unlikely that a player keeps his ring of gaxx in the bag instead of equipping it, and if he does it for some reason i admit that is a little annoying to fond only 1 haste charge instead of 3, and if the staff of command is stored in the bag probably the player does not use it very often, so is likely that it would be charged anyway by a regular rest.
the situations where the recharging trough the bag trick could be annoying for those that don't like to use exploits are certainly possible in theory, but very unlikely could happen in the real gaming, while the recharging trick was a way for some players to have more fun, even if used to its full extent could be probably the most broken exploit in the game. each party member could, at wish and each round, have free improved haste, mirror images, spell trap, or cast a no save domination, and those are only some of the many options.
EDIT: a FM or F->M or a bard with UAI recharging with the bag the SoTM and the helm that gives a simulacrum, and equipping the quick slots of the clone with scrolls could recharge at will its spellbook, so potentially have for each battle not only all the spells memorized, but custom spells for that particular battle, all he had to do was to unmemorize the spells not needed, chose the needed spells for the next rest and then instead to rest use the spell trap and the clone casting spells of appropriate level by scroll to have the new chosen spells memorized.
a high leve mage can still do it using his spell trap and PI, as to recharge the trap and the clone spells needs only 17 (or 16, i am not sure) of the 30 levels of spells and the other ones can be used to recharge spells for free, but he needs at least 3Mxp as mage to do it, while using the bag, the staff and the helm it can be done as soon as he can grab those items. an infinite spell strategy available at low level and for the triple class that never reach the level to cast spell trap.
the recharging by bag trick is so broken...
So it seems minor sequencer could be better as luck+mirror images rather than mirror image+something else. O.o
in SoA you can find a belt that sets your CON to 18 for 8 hours;
or you can use potions of fortitude which increase CON to 18, albeit you can of coarse only do that so many times before you run out of those potions
Source: u/freddit32 from https://www.reddit.com/r/baldursgate/comments/hm89e9/still_learning_new_things_about_this_game_after/
That trick is a little older than that post, but I don't have an earlier citation, so I filed it under "Encumbrance Trick" with a note that freddit32 is a Reddit account not present on the Beamdog forums.
ApplySpellRES("SPCL920",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) // Enhanced Bard Song
the last line adds enhanced bard song, which gives party wide immunity to stun and confusion. this gives them utility even into TOB.
there are other very useful scripts that are easy to write. for example, i have a stronghold.dlg that will kickstart all the strongholds. the advantage is that i only need 1 file to start all strongholds and it won't alter any of the original files. so any mods that change or modify strongholds can assume a clean install. for example, one of my scripts has a dialog option for 'chapter 1 (string 48007)':
CreateCreature("rigen01",[-1.-1],14) // Lord Igen Tombelthen
chapter 2:
CreateCreature("rspirit1",[-1.-1],14) // Mairyn
this makes the playthrough much more enjoyable since i can finish the ranger stronghold to completion and then start and finish the fighter stronghold immediately without waiting. it adds substantial content to each playthrough.
Nor do you ever need to tank him.
Cast haste on one of your characters and/or wear boots of speed and/or drink an oil of speed. Park the rest of your party far away from Drizzt, then kite + shoot him. Safe, fast, anyone can do it and no risk whatsoever. Or have two hasted characters shoot the arrows simultaneously and watch him drop dead even faster. IIRC, it took me 16 arrows of detonation when I did it - well worth it imo, because killing him with expensive single-use weapons feels fair.. well, almost.