For most of the history of life, critters seem to be more often unhappy than happy. But the human race has managed to carve out a relatively comfortable existence for itself, and I think that that overall positive experience is going to continue for quite some time.
I think our past is a tragedy, but our future is not.
For most of the history of life, critters seem to be more often unhappy than happy. But the human race has managed to carve out a relatively comfortable existence for itself, and I think that that overall positive experience is going to continue for quite some time.
I think our past is a tragedy, but our future is not.
for a moment there i thought you were gonna say: "Thank God for the SSRI"
There may be happy or comedic moments here and there but for the most part life is a tragedy. The only real difference between individual human beings is how they deal with that tragedy.
According to that logic, a comical moment in otherwise serious and dramatic film would make that film a comedy. But things don't work that way.
a comical moment cant turn a drama movie around, its the analogies that count you get 1% comic 99% drama and this goes both ways meaning that a comedy with 99% humor and 1% drama cant be counted as drama, but the thing about death is that you lose everything from this world, everything that you hold dear what ever that may be.
I don't see a single reason as to why one should choose between the two. Life is more complicated than that.
since death is a part of life doesn't that make life a tragedy ?
Or it could be a comedy because the way people preen about the importance of unimportant things that, in the end, don’t matter, and because they do it in a laughable way.
I don't see a single reason as to why one should choose between the two. Life is more complicated than that.
since death is a part of life doesn't that make life a tragedy ?
Why is death interpreted as a negative outcome? Its not like we really know what happens, much as we all would like to think we do.
Incidentally, I read an interesting theory about tragedy vs comedy in first year university, the gist of which is that the inclusion of a fool usually transforms tragedy into comedy. Taking things too seriously is what creates tragedy. The wisest man laughs the most I think, though laughing at the wrong time can bring on tragedy too, if you know what I mean.
I don't see a single reason as to why one should choose between the two. Life is more complicated than that.
since death is a part of life doesn't that make life a tragedy ?
Why is death interpreted as a negative outcome? Its not like we really know what happens, much as we all would like to think we do.
Incidentally, I read an interesting theory about tragedy vs comedy in first year university, the gist of which is that the inclusion of a fool usually transforms tragedy into comedy. Taking things too seriously is what creates tragedy. The wisest man laughs the most I think, though laughing at the wrong time can bring on tragedy too, if you know what I mean.
I would argue that it can be a form of liberation, as I know I hold dearly mostly things that actually impede true happiness, and I suspect this is universal.
I suppose if you don't believe in the existence of a soul you might not see it the same way, but its important to remember our bodies are specifically designed to keep us locked in cycles, not to grow beyond them. Look at how many famous men were enslaved by their sexuality, and how obessity is becoming the default of humans the world over. To live is to experience pain, want, hungers and needs.
I suppose if you don't believe in the existence of a soul you might not see it the same way
I am not an atheist if you thats what you are asking. When Christ was informed about Lazarus's death he didn't say "ah he is better off where he is now" instead he cried.
Of course we know what happens after you die. Exactly the same as before you were born. You cease to be. There is no magic, only biology and physics.
Feel free to prove this scientifically??
Why? If you make the claim there is magic, I think you should provide the proof. In the absence of proof I find it makes sense to believe there is no magic.
The correct stance for a scientist or empiricist is 'I have no way of knowing what, if anything, precedes or follows death.' Anything else is not based on known, proven data, and is thus not a valid rational position.
I can't offer any more concrete proof than you, but the difference is I am aware my beliefs are not all rational. Saying with certainty that nothing exists beyond death is as reasonable as saying there is a God.
Not having proof for magic doesn't mean the probability of magic existing is 50 %
do atheists believe in terms of right and wrong good or bad ? meaning if an atheists entire family is slaughter wont he feel the need for justice ? or he will continue his life as if nothing has happened ? and if he feels the need for justice doesn't that means he believes in a term or an idea which he can not hold or touch ?
@dreamtraveler you are getting into a topic that 1) you made one heck of a leap to, and 2) should not exist on this forum.
At the same time, be careful. I am a former Catholic, have a degree in astrophysics, and I’m not afraid to use my knowledge of both.
i am not afraid you because you are a catholic and you have a degree in astrophysics but do tell me this, do you believe that popes are superior to god ? if you say yes then i would wonder how much effort you had to put in order to get your diplomas if you say no... well... that would suffice me. and for the records i did not troll members of the forum as it is stated.
I think our past is a tragedy, but our future is not.
Like in most Dostoevsky novels, the unhappy folk inevitably are contributing to their own unhappiness, while the happy are just lucky.
Incidentally, I read an interesting theory about tragedy vs comedy in first year university, the gist of which is that the inclusion of a fool usually transforms tragedy into comedy. Taking things too seriously is what creates tragedy. The wisest man laughs the most I think, though laughing at the wrong time can bring on tragedy too, if you know what I mean.
I suppose if you don't believe in the existence of a soul you might not see it the same way, but its important to remember our bodies are specifically designed to keep us locked in cycles, not to grow beyond them. Look at how many famous men were enslaved by their sexuality, and how obessity is becoming the default of humans the world over. To live is to experience pain, want, hungers and needs.
pun not intended :P
I can't offer any more concrete proof than you, but the difference is I am aware my beliefs are not all rational. Saying with certainty that nothing exists beyond death is as reasonable as saying there is a God.
meaning if an atheists entire family is slaughter wont he feel the need for justice ? or he will continue his life as if nothing has happened ? and if he feels the need for justice doesn't that means he believes in a term or an idea which he can not hold or touch ?
At the same time, be careful. I am a former Catholic, have a degree in astrophysics, and I’m not afraid to use my knowledge of both.
but do tell me this, do you believe that popes are superior to god ?
if you say yes then i would wonder how much effort you had to put in order to get your diplomas
if you say no... well... that would suffice me.
and for the records i did not troll members of the forum as it is stated.