The two are not mutually exclusive professions, either. My doctor has degrees in both fields (PhD and MD). Sometimes I see him for hour–long "psychologist" sessions, other times it's a 10 – 15 minute med check.
I'm so sorry for all of the confusion. English is not my first language, I should have been aware of the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I apologise. It seems in my case, a psychologist is the correct term, as I don't have any kinds of disorders (even though I have to admit that I'm a bit neurotic). Anyway, it's still not nice to have to go see a psychologist on your BIRTHDAY of all days... On the other hand, my parents also gave me a plane ticket to go see my boyfriend, so that made me really happy. I can't really stay mad at them either. I don't know, it's all complicated, to say the least. Thanks for all the replies, guys.
I also read that in a country close to mine, the murderer of a well-known and famous politician got freed. He gets more security to assure his safety, than this murdered politician ever got.
Really, you guys might say what you want, but in my eyes, justice just doesn't exist anymore in this world. I'm getting the impression that scum gets pandered to more and more. For what reasons, I have no clue. But it's safe to say that the world's gone bollocks.
He's done his time in prison and if the government announces "Hey, that guy you ALL hate lives at this adress", how long do you think it'll take before he gets beaten up and/or murdered? Mob justice is your kind of justice then? Having him dragged into the street by a dozen people and beaten to a pulp (which *will* happen without security) is something you're fine with? He did the punishment meeted out by the judges. It's done. Hounding him with threats and beatings for the rest of his life is not justice, it's revenge.
On a more personal note: my mom arranged a psychiater for me. On my birthday. For what reason, I have no clue either. I consider myself completely sane. I never did something wrong. I've only been feeling depressed as off lately, and it's more because of my situation at home. I have to go to a psychiatrist because I am not the person my mom would want me to be. I'm turning 24 tomorrow, and I still get comments on what I say, what I wear, what I do. As if I'm still a little kid. And whenever I dare tell my parents what possibly could worry me, I get mocked. My mom forces me to do things I don't want, she still thinks she can plan my life for me, and I'm getting fed up with it. It's one of the negative sides of being forced to stay living at home because of lacking a degree and an independent income. Anyway, I got a student job in August. It's shitty, and most of what I earn, I won't be able to keep, but at least it's the first step on the way of what I hope will finally be freedom and independence.
It sounds like you need it. You've constantly stated you feel horrible, alone, friendless, oppressed, forced to live a certain way, utterly dominated and humiliated by your parents, etc. You constantly state that you find the world a horrible place to live with practicly only horrible people in it. The people on this forum can't do much more than a 'there there' and a virtual pat on the shoulder. Talking to a professional who can help you deal with all the negativity and possibly/probably help you deal with your parents and their way of life sounds like the best course of action. Remember, the therapist is there to help *you*, not to further your parent's agenda. He's not going to tell you to sit down and shut up. His job is to help you cope and live a happier, better life. Which is, I believe, what you want.
Go see the psychiatrist/psychologist. Tell him everything you've told us over the last however long it's been. It's his job to help you and he's better at it than we all are.
I studied pyschology for a while, and still try to keep up whenever I can. I have a brother practicing pyschiatry, and a number of other relatives who work or have worked in social care and services, another brother who's a nurse... it seems a lot of my family are inclined toward these caring professions. Apart from me. I'd have to be paid quite a bit to pretend to care (joking of course - I'm not heartless. I just have a hard time expressing feelings in real life, which if I was being critical about of myself, I would say is probably why I get extremely immersed in fiction).
When most people think of psychology, they think of Sigmund Freud. You lying on a coach while he sits with a notebook asking questions about your mother. The gist of Freud's ideas was that we all have to learn to repress our sexuality and desires, or we'd become murderers and rapists. The 1960's would scared him witless. But most don't actually take Freud very seriously now. He had a lot of theories and ideas that seemed to work pretty well when applied to white, middle-class, viennan males, but fall down more and more the further you get from that. Most now are striving for a more scientific approach less influenced by an analysts own interpretation.
... sorry, this started turning into a long talk about the history of psychology, and the problems there are today with the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and all that.
But I wanted to say that regardless of all of that, I think it can be useful and helpful just to talk to an unbiased third party about problems you're having.
@Coutelier: ... I don't have any sexual problems, if that's what you're implying. Also, not all problems can be based on sexual problems.
@Drugar: Well, would you be happy to know a notorious pedophile would end up living at the end of your street, while you yourself have little children running and playing about? I wouldn't. And yet it happened, also somewhere in my country. A pedophile got released, and by some 'mistake', a newspaper leaked his location. It's only logical the people of the surrounding neighbourhood protested. Pedophiles more than often are recedivists, they more than often fall back abusing children again.
My father works in the regio where that political criminal got released. So yeah, allow me to at least feel a bit anxious and worried. I've seen on forums that a lot of people were just as aggravated as me, so I'm honestly not the only one sharing this opinion.
You also haven't seen the prisons in my country. They're like star hotels, with beds, flat screens and internet connection, a mini-fridge and all. That, in my eyes, is no longer a prison. How could all of this comfort possibly make a prisoner feel guilty at all? Just watch the World Cup in your prison to pass the time! And if you just behave nicely enough and lick the prison guards' asses long enough, you might end up being freed even sooner than you'd expect. Is that any longer 'justice'?
Also, most 'small crimes' go unnoticed, a lot of criminals are freed a lot sooner than they should. And they keep on committing crimes. Suffice to say that our law system in my country, at least to me, feels broken. And I'm in my right to say this, as it's just my opinion. You, nor anyone else, are in any way forced to share my opinion. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, that's all.
Last but not least: this topic is called 'the topic for unhappiness/vent your sorrow', and that's exactly what I'm doing. People don't need to read my rants. I'm actually glad this topic hasn't been derailed all too much, thus far.
You have no idea how much I indeed crave to be living on my own. To make my own decisions and live how I want. I'm certainly looking for ways to achieve this, don't worry.
The problem is, that my country is in a shitty economic shape. Taxes are ridiculously high here, we at least have to give away half of our monthly pay. For what? God if I know. The usual, I presume. Good car roads. Yeah hell, they're constantly being worked on, and we haven't had traffic jams as big as they are now for years. Medical services. Yeah hell, when you end up with some kind of severe injury or illness, you're being put on a waiting list for months, because hospitals just can't take the inflow of patients anymore (please open up the borders of our country even more). Social security. Yeah hell, you only get that if you are piss poor and don't even have a house anymore. Everything flows charitably to the other side of the country, and yes, to immigrants who don't even put any effort into learning our country's language. So yeah, I'm not planning to work in my own counry, as sad as that might seem, but the problem is that I don't exactly know where working conditions could be better. Always being kept in the dark about economic situations here at home certainly didn't help.
If you _really_ think the world is in a worse shape than, say, fifty or more years ago, you should really watch that earlier linked video, @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud. I think it's very good of you to see a psychologist, because in all of my lurking days on this site, I have almost never seen you being positive about something.
Do you know why those immigrants come to the EU (Belgium in your case, is my guess)? Because it is awesome over here (I live in Holland myself). Sure, it's hard to find a job if your education hasn't given you specific economic/technical/whatever skills, but there is always some sort of work to be found if you want it, and you can look for something better afterwards (which I did).
And, about Fortuyn's murderer: the guy sat out his sentence, still can't leave the country or enter a few cities, has an electronic bracelet and will have to live somewhere. I am only appalled by the fact that his residency in Apeldoorn was such a big thing over here. I am glad to live in a country where (ex-)convicts are helped to start up a life again. Or do you suggest to create some sort of convict island, like Australia?
In my opinion, you should only complain about facts you really can't change, and even then it is not very helpful. I won't go into your political opinions, because I _kinda_ think you wouldn't vote for the same parties as me. :P
Edit: someone told me, not so long ago: "If you think the people around you are assholes, you are probably an asshole yourself." That doesn't exactly apply here, of course, but it may give you some perspective. Not everything has to be viewed so negatively!
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I know it sucks to be forced to see a psychiatrist/psychologist, especially on your birthday. But you can view him/her as a sympathetic ear to listen to your feelings and possibly help you with them. At the very least, you'll have someone to talk with who, unlike your family, isn't going to scoff at what you say or mock you for it. Talking about how you feel can help a lot with some of the stress you seem to be feeling. There's nothing that screams, "mentally ill" about you, and maybe he/she can suggest some sort of family counseling to your family, because the way they are treating you doesn't sound like the most mentally healthy of ways to deal with you and your feelings.
I had counseling sessions in my life, and I tend to think of myself as pretty stable, mentally, but that was actually helped by these sessions. Yeah, some people think that the moment you go for counseling, you are mentally ill, but, honestly, F them. They are merely judgmental buttholes. Don't let their ignorant opinions keep you from getting help you might need. Someone to listen with caring, if nothing else.
Yeah, I actually know a number of people who saw a psychologist. They were fine human beings before (only not always on the inside, I guess), and fine human beings afterwards.
@Vnavekul: Oh, I used to be more positive back in the days, when BG:EE was still a work in progress. But the past few months, I've become negative and bitter. Mostly personal issues and disappointments in life. If I think back on how idealistic and cheerful I still was about four years ago...I was so stupid back then. Believed I could handle university studies just fine. Oh boy, how hilarious. And my current studies teach me jack-shit, but hey, I got no back-up plans anymore, and my parents are fed up with wasting their money on what they call my 'mistakes'. As if I could predict from the beginning that my studies would be too hard for me to handle. I mean, yearly so many people get their degree there, so why not me, right? And here I am. 6 years later, still studying, getting a burn-out. My last exam period showed me how I just got no energy left anymore. I only had 2 exams, but they just drained everything out of me. I really had to force myself through. To think studying was no problem for me when I was younger, it seems to get more difficult every year now. And I still got 2 years to go. Another 2 years of living under the control of my parents and their little whims. I just want to settle down, possibly marry already. Live my own life. Feel free for once. Decide for myself for once. Make my own money. Not having to bear with stupid comments about the way I dress or behave anymore. Or getting a weird look for something I might've said. It's made me awfully self-conscious around people. I'm just tired. Tired of the same arguments every day. I'll tell you something. You know how hard it is to get a birthday present here without getting a horrible feeling of guilt rubbed into your face? For my birthday, I didn't even ask any presents. My parents gifted me a plane ticket, which was, of course, very nice and generous of them. But at the same time, they made me feel so guilty. They acted all serious about it. And I got this ticket on the condition I'd study for my driving license. It's not the first time I got a birthday present with conditions attached. As if, even after all these years, they still don't fully trust me. While I never did anything wrong. Such a gift just loses its 'gift' feel to me after a while. Because of all the strings attached. Because they still hold the power. My dad even told me that he could still cancel the ticket if I wouldn't study. Then I'm, like, why still give me a gift, then? I'm currently studying for the driving exam, but yet again, seeing my boyfriend, pretty much the only person left who seems genuinely interested in my well-being, is getting conditions attached to it. Why does everything have to be forced on me here at home? Why can't I decide myself when to do this driving exam? I whined about this before, oh yes, I did. But as I mentioned before, studying just has become very draining for me. It's also not easy to study if you just feel listless as shit all the time, lol. I've also been waking up tired and with a headache the past few weeks. And sometimes I wake up with a feeling why I even still bother living. I mean, not as in having suicidal thoughts or something, rather the feeling of utter boredom. As for for your 'asshole amongst asshole' comment, I kindly disagree with you there. I'm a reasonable person. Certainly not an asshole. My life just could use some improvements, that's all, I guess. Back to studying now. I don't want to see that ticket torn to shreds before my eyes, afterall. *sigh*
hmm... @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I'd like to you to stop and think about something for a moment. Your parents are paying for a plane ticket that will take you halfway across the world and all you have to do for it is study for a driver's exam.
Do you know how many people don't have the luxury of visiting other countries? Usually those who do get the chance have to work hard and pay for it. I don't think expecting you to study for a driver's exam, which is sure to be beneficial to your own future (and job opportunities) is that unreasonable of a condition. I think you are overlooking some of the blessings you have since you are so used to having those privileges that you don't even realize how lucky you really are.
Do you have something against the soviets? :P I would say that they ended their communist reign with political change named Glasnost (that was after an economical change named Perestroika), so the two-sided world ended and the global process of globalization (redundant, I know) started (aka everyone turned capitalist).
haha, just saw this. I just want to say that globalization is the greatest thing that ever happened to the world. The exchange of ideas, technology, goods and culture between different peoples has been incredibly beneficial and has eased tensions between different societies. Due to globalization and capitalism people in different countries have access to goods that they never have had before due limited resources in their home nations.
It is not easy to produce a variety of foods if you live in a desert, but because of free trade food is abundant in many parts of the world that were previously limited. People who would not have employment opportunities now do because someone halfway across the world wants to buy what they can produce.
Free movement of people has helped those who grew up in war-torn or politically tumultuous nations to emigrate to peaceful and prosperous lands (my father did). Globlization has improved peoples quality of life and has even saved the lives of countless refugees.
Some might find this trivial, but I think the exchange of art, literature and culture in itself is immense. People can now read John Locke in Seoul or read Lao Tzu in Berlin. Harry Potter has brought joy to children in like 40 different languages. Free travel allows people from Istanbul to see New York and people from Rio to go see their nation win the World Cup in Japan.
Whatever is exchanged, be it people, culture, goods or simply ideas, both sides gain something new and unique. People can now learn from eachother and can take the good with them and leave the bad behind. If you learn a better way to do something, you can leave the old stale way behind and use your new knowledge to make life better. There are obviously growing pains to globalization, and I think it is important for people to maintain their national independence and cultural identities, but I think it is crazy to say that globalization is anything but a net positive for the world at large. [/spoiler]
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud I know how you feel in regards to studying and the bday gift. I have a dad who used to be like that to me when i was in my teens. And in regards to the struggle to study it is a difficult task that requres alot of determitantion. It takes alot of guts to get past that depressive feeling, i have it quite alot. To counter this feeling i keep a photo of my little cousin in my pocket, her cute smile makes my smile even brighter and can lift the deepest of my dark clouds. If you have something that makes you happy allot like a photo or something that might help out a ton.
I feel like saying some things, as I don't want these thoughts poison my mind and make me dislike myself more. These are mainly small, yet irritating things, but then again I don't feel like stating everything that bothers me lately.
First of all, I like to draw, even thought I'm not good at this. The problem is, even if I'm improving, my works (be it normal or nsfw, doesn't matter) seems souless somehow. I cannot describe what. It feels as they lacks certain something and I don't know what it is. Since I don't know, I can't really work on it. Also, it is the fact that recieving feedback for amateur artist is nearly impossible, as only popular and already skilled people are recieving it, despite having little need for it.
Second, my roommate. He's a nice guy generally, but that doesn't matter when I cannot sleep because of him snoring pretty damn loudly. The fact that I have usually hard time going to sleep even without any noise at all and it is easy to wake me up and my roommate sleeps easily and deeply doesn't help at all. Sleeping for 3-4 hours daily isn't healthy.
Finally, forever single. I have trouble approaching women, and even if I did, nothing comes from it.
That's pretty much it. Just wanted to take some things out of my mind, as I don't believe that anyone could help me with those, even while having the best intentions...
PS. I forgot about fourth: the fact that Overhaul utterly ignores the matter of dub for non-english language version for original BG:EE content is infuriating. I feel cheated, as I wait fruitlessly over 1,5 year, when people can do workaround for this in 1 freaking day. I could use workaround, but as far as I'm concerned, I've bought ENHANCED editon not WORKAROUND edition.
@ZelgadisGW I can understand your sleeping problems, for the female companionship part man i suggest reading The Game has some good tips and if learned carefully you can do well. Their is nothing wrong with a woman saying no to a date or an activity. You don't lose anything from simply asking. Also it is important to be in a good mode have nice posture as well as feeling confident in yourself. Even if you don't have any just (as they say) fake it till you make it. Love is dam hard to find if you don,t try looking. Also forgot to mention if you do meet someone who likes you and you like them alot just be yourself and have fun.
Lol, looking at my previous post... That broken sentences... I was after 3 hours of sleep, alright....
@TarotMaster Well, I think I would lose some of the self-esteem and I had a very hard time at raising it even a little durning the few last months. I might read the book you mentioned, but I doubt I will find something helpful there. From the basic description, I can tell it is more like "how to score" than "how to find your life partner" type of a book.
with that out of the way, i suffer from chronic depression and it's been hitting me pretty hard lately. not cool.
relationship hasn't been going that well at all either.. ehh
Needed to comment here. I would advise seeking some help because depression is an actual illness, not a mood. It's a mental illness, no less serious than cancer and it needs to be treated by professionals, not a forum.
Besides that, life is what you make of it. Ignore, the bad things, they are unimportant. You decide what is important and good for you and you go and seek it.
If you keep thinking that life is shit, then life will be shit ALL the time. If you think that life is a game and fun, that sometimes you lose and other times you win, then you'll be happier.
No, don't make excuses why life sucks. Don't justify it. No buts. They don't matter, what matters is being happy. And that is up to you.
@ZelgadisGW Here's three tips to be attractive with women: Be confident, be funny, be carefree.
Confidence: Believe in yourself. Tell yourself that you're awesome, handsome, funny and fun to be around with, every day. It doesn't matter if it's not true. If you believe it, others will and it will become true.
Funny: Not a clown. Have humor, make her laugh, make her feel good. Women love feeling good. They want a man (straight ones at least) that makes them laugh and that is fun.
Carefree: Anything negative doesn't matter. She turned you down? Whatever, who cares. You know and others know that you're awesome, her loss. Move on. Learn from your mistakes. Why did she turn you down? Were you nervous? Did you say anything stupid? Try to fix that and continue.
And I know of that book. And other dating "instructors". It's not about getting laid, only. It's about making you fun to be around with and knowing how to please both emotionally and physically a woman.
It's not about disrespecting women. It's about having self-respect, being confident and not being a doormat. No straight girl likes a guy she can walk on or a "slave" that does her every wish.
You can be nice and respectful, but you shouldn't lower your self-respect and dignity for ANYONE.
A personal example is me many years ago and a female friend of mine that was with another friend of mine that was very nice but he wasn't confident. He didn't take charge in some matters and she complained to me that she had to decide for everything. Like which movie to go and see etc. And she is a very very nice girl as well. They broke up.
Don't be like that. Be nice and respectful, don't be a wuss or a doormat (not saying that you are, just giving an example). Be a confident, (self)respectful, fun and carefree man.
If you don't learn how to "score" you will never find your life partner. You need to go out there and search for her.
(I will stop adding stuff to this humongous wall of text now, I think)
Yep, but on the other hand I respect women. So, I see more than potential laid chance.
@Archaos I appreciate your insight, even thought I've heard of "believe, and you will become" method before. I just never managed this thing for work.It's not that easy.
And I'm also curious, why do people think "wuss" or "doormat" when someone mentions respect for women? I know that you made just an example, but it's still interesting. As if respect was equal to being in submissive position. No, I see two people in a relationship as an equals.
@ZelgadisGW The "believe, and you will become" is conditioning. You have to do it constantly and you will become the one you wish. It's like muscle memory. When you train something all the time, it becomes automatic before you notice it.
Saying "I'm handsome...? Nah, who am I kidding?..." is like going to the gym and then immediately to McDonalds. You cancel the positive thoughts with negative ones.
And I agree. But some people take "niceness" and "respect" to another level. Some women wouldn't mind some teasing (in humor) or dirty talk (in the right situations) or taking charge of some situations without always asking.
Some would appreciate the confidence and the leading gesture than being asked about everything as it can sometimes ruin it. I believe they like it if the man surprises them with something good or takes the initiative.
I think that more (most?) are "I would like to be surprised and follow on something fun" than "I want to be told about and asked for my approval everytime".
In other words saying all the time "whatever you wish, whatever you want, let's go wherever you want to, let's do whatever you want to, I always want to ask your opinion and get your approval" or things like that, is not attractive to most women.
That's being a doormat. I'm not saying disregard her opinion and do whatever you wish and don't care about her. I'm saying take initiative.
This might sound controversial but these are things I have personally experienced and actually had girls agree on this one, both friends and girlfriends.
Many women don't want absolute equality in a relationship. No, I'm not talking about extremes and abuse. I'm talking about women that want a man to lead them, so they don't have to because they don't like leading the relationship. That's even more obvious for some that only enjoy a submissive role in sex, with all the kinky stuff it involves.
I believe sex is a microcosm of the person's life. I doubt that someone that is submissive in bed, actually loves leading the relationship and being in charge. And the reverse is true.
If they are submissive in bed, they would pick a more dominant partner. Physically and psychologically.
Yes, I believe a man should respect women and they should have equal rights everywhere and in everything. But as you might know, many women prefer taller, more muscular, more manly and dominant men. Those physical traits mean something. Someone that is masculine and protective. The "because I think he can protect me" is a comment I heard from many women when asked about height or muscles.
These are just natural instincts as is love for cute things for example or big breasts for men, height/muscles for women etc. These are not absolute but it's a general rule but always has exceptions. (Some women don't like muscular men, some men don't like bigger breasts).
To bring the example of my female friend in again: -He was asking her opinion about everything and wasn't confident. He wanted her to decide. -She complained to me about it and didn't like it. She wanted him to take initiative. (Her own words) -They broke up and she got into a relationship with another guy that seemed to me more confident
@Archaos This "before you know it" can take months, if not years, unfortunately. And you're right that the method requires constant attention to it. And that's why it's not easy. If even one thing will make you down, you'll forget about telling yourself how "awesome" you are, since when you're down you're not thinking like that. I'm not saying that the method is not helpful, but it is really hard.
At least there is a positive aspect of this discussion, now I know that I rather wouldn't take things to the extremes. That's good.
Althought the way I see it, without confidence I turn out to be forever alone.
Confidence is something you build on. It means being sure of yourself or skills or whatever.
To do that, you have to stop letting negative things harm you. And you need to push yourself to the direction you want.
It's really the same with studying or working out. Both are hard. But to see results, you have to keep going it systematically and eventually it will happen. It's training yourself to be the thing you want to.
Yes, it takes months and maybe years but it is worth it. Believe me. It's not about lying to yourself as some might think, it's creating the traits you want. Like creating muscle mass, losing weight or getting into university or a job.
And really, it's better to "lie" to youself that you're handsome and confident, that telling the "truth" to yourself that you're ugly or not confident and it will never happen.
An example, do you think that the various presidents or CEOs just happened to be that? Was it luck? They believed in themselves and said "I'm going to be a president/CEO/famous/astronaut". And they kept telling themselves that until they did it.
That's how it works.
The thing is to not forget to tell yourself how awesome/handsome/confident/funny you are. Write it down somewhere and pin it or stick it to a wall or door or near your computer, so you can see it every day and repeat it in your mind, don't just read it.
Yeah, extremes are never good. Either extremely nice or extremely confident. Extreme confidence can make you arrogant. And arrogance is not attractive.
Also something last, try dating sites. No I'm serious. You can meet all sorts of people, talk to them, have fun, if one doesn't respond, talk to another. If all turns out good, ask to meet them and see how it goes.
Some girls will call you handsome, funny etc. Or that you are (tall or whatever) or interesting or smart etc. I know they did to me. And I had several girlfriends in the past, not from dating sites. Actually recently broke up and I'm fine with it. I learned to not linger in the past and to move on.
Also try different and multiple dating sites.
It doesn't matter how you meet them. It's actually pretty damn convenient that you can meet very different and interesting people that you wouldn't meet otherwise. It's better than doing nothing and saying that you'll be forever alone.
Archaos, believe me, after 3 years of studying psychology I can guarantee you that I've heard already about majority of what you said. I do appreciate your responses, however. But what I'm saying is that applying these things is something utterly different than speaking about them, because life is not rainbow and sunshines. The life will kick you in the balls multiple times and it's up to you if you endure it or will break because of it. Applying these things is difficult for me, and it's not like I haven't tried before.
About dating sites, I can consider it, althought it sounds emberassing in my mind. Anyway, thank you for your responses man, and thank you for your good intentions. You're awesome.
I'm going to sneak into this thread, and have a wee bitch. I'm feeling a wee bit shitty today - I can't play BGEE because my Trigeminal Neuralgia is playing up. I can cope with a non-moving screen like this, but trying to think and watch a moving scene at the same time is making my face hurt like hell, and giving me motion sickness. I haven't been able to play for a week. Bugger, bugger bugger. I can't drink alcohol - it triggers really violent neuralgia, I haven't had a drink for nearly 25 years. I''ve now got diabetes so I can't pig out on ice-cream and/or chocolate. I can't sing my head off in the shower, let alone go to a folk festival and sing for a whole weekend - increasing my abdominal pressure triggers the pain. And now I can't rush off with Minsc and KILL THINGS! Bugger, bugger, bugger .... oh well. Hopefully it will ease off and I'll have loads of fun beating the shit out of baddies soon.
btw I confess ... I'm another shrink. I'm actually a psychiatrist - the equivalent of an MD with postgrad training specializing in psychiatry. When I was well enough to work I actually looked after some very dangerous people in a maximum secure hospital - and it was really, really satisfying. I should really leap into some of the discussion about the pros and cons of psychology and/or psychiatry, and the difference between the two professions but tonight I haven't got the energy. Maybe tomorrow.
my face hurt like hell, and giving me motion sickness. I haven't been able to play for a week. Bugger, bugger bugger. I can't drink alcohol - it triggers really violent neuralgia, I haven't had a drink for nearly 25 years. I''ve now got diabetes so I can't pig out on ice-cream and/or chocolate.
Besides that, life is what you make of it. Ignore, the bad things, they are unimportant. You decide what is important and good for you and you go and seek it.
I have an issue with pretty much everything you've posted just now, but I haven't the time or fingers to type it all out.
That's hardly important though. I just need to say one thing. Ignore it and hope it goes away is not an answer. To anything. You cannot ignore the bad things. The continue to exist regardless of you acknowledgment of them. don't do this. If some terrible catastrophe is staring you in the face and you just pretend it doesn't exist, then it will eat you. Don't ignore the bad. Deal with it and make it go away. The bad it vitally important. Of course, don't obsess over it either. If bad is getting in the way of good that's bad too. But when the time comes, you do have to consider it! and then act. Worry will get you nowhere.
If you keep thinking that life is shit, then life will be shit ALL the time. If you think that life is a game and fun, that sometimes you lose and other times you win, then you'll be happier.
You do have a point with attitude, however. If you decide that everything is shit, then everything is. It's obvious if you put it this way: if you decide to dislike everything, then you will dislike everything. You're not actually changing the thing, you're changing your perception of it. Perspective is everything. I don't know about life being a game though. That probably won't get you anywhere.
The people on this forum can't do much more than a 'there there' and a virtual pat on the shoulder. Talking to a professional who can help you deal with all the negativity and possibly/probably help you deal with your parents and their way of life sounds like the best course of action.
Remember, the therapist is there to help *you*, not to further your parent's agenda. He's not going to tell you to sit down and shut up. His job is to help you cope and live a happier, better life.
Which is, I believe, what you want.
Go see the psychiatrist/psychologist. Tell him everything you've told us over the last however long it's been. It's his job to help you and he's better at it than we all are.
When most people think of psychology, they think of Sigmund Freud. You lying on a coach while he sits with a notebook asking questions about your mother. The gist of Freud's ideas was that we all have to learn to repress our sexuality and desires, or we'd become murderers and rapists. The 1960's would scared him witless. But most don't actually take Freud very seriously now. He had a lot of theories and ideas that seemed to work pretty well when applied to white, middle-class, viennan males, but fall down more and more the further you get from that. Most now are striving for a more scientific approach less influenced by an analysts own interpretation.
... sorry, this started turning into a long talk about the history of psychology, and the problems there are today with the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and all that.
But I wanted to say that regardless of all of that, I think it can be useful and helpful just to talk to an unbiased third party about problems you're having.
@Drugar: Well, would you be happy to know a notorious pedophile would end up living at the end of your street, while you yourself have little children running and playing about? I wouldn't. And yet it happened, also somewhere in my country. A pedophile got released, and by some 'mistake', a newspaper leaked his location. It's only logical the people of the surrounding neighbourhood protested. Pedophiles more than often are recedivists, they more than often fall back abusing children again.
My father works in the regio where that political criminal got released. So yeah, allow me to at least feel a bit anxious and worried. I've seen on forums that a lot of people were just as aggravated as me, so I'm honestly not the only one sharing this opinion.
You also haven't seen the prisons in my country. They're like star hotels, with beds, flat screens and internet connection, a mini-fridge and all. That, in my eyes, is no longer a prison. How could all of this comfort possibly make a prisoner feel guilty at all? Just watch the World Cup in your prison to pass the time! And if you just behave nicely enough and lick the prison guards' asses long enough, you might end up being freed even sooner than you'd expect. Is that any longer 'justice'?
Also, most 'small crimes' go unnoticed, a lot of criminals are freed a lot sooner than they should. And they keep on committing crimes. Suffice to say that our law system in my country, at least to me, feels broken. And I'm in my right to say this, as it's just my opinion. You, nor anyone else, are in any way forced to share my opinion. It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, that's all.
Last but not least: this topic is called 'the topic for unhappiness/vent your sorrow', and that's exactly what I'm doing. People don't need to read my rants. I'm actually glad this topic hasn't been derailed all too much, thus far.
The problem is, that my country is in a shitty economic shape. Taxes are ridiculously high here, we at least have to give away half of our monthly pay. For what? God if I know. The usual, I presume. Good car roads. Yeah hell, they're constantly being worked on, and we haven't had traffic jams as big as they are now for years. Medical services. Yeah hell, when you end up with some kind of severe injury or illness, you're being put on a waiting list for months, because hospitals just can't take the inflow of patients anymore (please open up the borders of our country even more). Social security. Yeah hell, you only get that if you are piss poor and don't even have a house anymore. Everything flows charitably to the other side of the country, and yes, to immigrants who don't even put any effort into learning our country's language. So yeah, I'm not planning to work in my own counry, as sad as that might seem, but the problem is that I don't exactly know where working conditions could be better. Always being kept in the dark about economic situations here at home certainly didn't help.
Oh well, we'll see.
That sounds almost like living in Poland, only slightly more optimistic.
Do you know why those immigrants come to the EU (Belgium in your case, is my guess)? Because it is awesome over here (I live in Holland myself). Sure, it's hard to find a job if your education hasn't given you specific economic/technical/whatever skills, but there is always some sort of work to be found if you want it, and you can look for something better afterwards (which I did).
And, about Fortuyn's murderer: the guy sat out his sentence, still can't leave the country or enter a few cities, has an electronic bracelet and will have to live somewhere. I am only appalled by the fact that his residency in Apeldoorn was such a big thing over here. I am glad to live in a country where (ex-)convicts are helped to start up a life again. Or do you suggest to create some sort of convict island, like Australia?
In my opinion, you should only complain about facts you really can't change, and even then it is not very helpful. I won't go into your political opinions, because I _kinda_ think you wouldn't vote for the same parties as me. :P
Edit: someone told me, not so long ago: "If you think the people around you are assholes, you are probably an asshole yourself." That doesn't exactly apply here, of course, but it may give you some perspective. Not everything has to be viewed so negatively!
I had counseling sessions in my life, and I tend to think of myself as pretty stable, mentally, but that was actually helped by these sessions. Yeah, some people think that the moment you go for counseling, you are mentally ill, but, honestly, F them. They are merely judgmental buttholes. Don't let their ignorant opinions keep you from getting help you might need. Someone to listen with caring, if nothing else.
Do you know how many people don't have the luxury of visiting other countries? Usually those who do get the chance have to work hard and pay for it. I don't think expecting you to study for a driver's exam, which is sure to be beneficial to your own future (and job opportunities) is that unreasonable of a condition. I think you are overlooking some of the blessings you have since you are so used to having those privileges that you don't even realize how lucky you really are.
[spoiler] haha, just saw this. I just want to say that globalization is the greatest thing that ever happened to the world. The exchange of ideas, technology, goods and culture between different peoples has been incredibly beneficial and has eased tensions between different societies. Due to globalization and capitalism people in different countries have access to goods that they never have had before due limited resources in their home nations.
It is not easy to produce a variety of foods if you live in a desert, but because of free trade food is abundant in many parts of the world that were previously limited. People who would not have employment opportunities now do because someone halfway across the world wants to buy what they can produce.
Free movement of people has helped those who grew up in war-torn or politically tumultuous nations to emigrate to peaceful and prosperous lands (my father did). Globlization has improved peoples quality of life and has even saved the lives of countless refugees.
Some might find this trivial, but I think the exchange of art, literature and culture in itself is immense. People can now read John Locke in Seoul or read Lao Tzu in Berlin. Harry Potter has brought joy to children in like 40 different languages. Free travel allows people from Istanbul to see New York and people from Rio to go see their nation win the World Cup in Japan.
Whatever is exchanged, be it people, culture, goods or simply ideas, both sides gain something new and unique. People can now learn from eachother and can take the good with them and leave the bad behind. If you learn a better way to do something, you can leave the old stale way behind and use your new knowledge to make life better. There are obviously growing pains to globalization, and I think it is important for people to maintain their national independence and cultural identities, but I think it is crazy to say that globalization is anything but a net positive for the world at large. [/spoiler]
with that out of the way, i suffer from chronic depression and it's been hitting me pretty hard lately. not cool.
relationship hasn't been going that well at all either.. ehh
First of all, I like to draw, even thought I'm not good at this. The problem is, even if I'm improving, my works (be it normal or nsfw, doesn't matter) seems souless somehow. I cannot describe what. It feels as they lacks certain something and I don't know what it is. Since I don't know, I can't really work on it. Also, it is the fact that recieving feedback for amateur artist is nearly impossible, as only popular and already skilled people are recieving it, despite having little need for it.
Second, my roommate. He's a nice guy generally, but that doesn't matter when I cannot sleep because of him snoring pretty damn loudly. The fact that I have usually hard time going to sleep even without any noise at all and it is easy to wake me up and my roommate sleeps easily and deeply doesn't help at all. Sleeping for 3-4 hours daily isn't healthy.
Finally, forever single. I have trouble approaching women, and even if I did, nothing comes from it.
That's pretty much it. Just wanted to take some things out of my mind, as I don't believe that anyone could help me with those, even while having the best intentions...
PS. I forgot about fourth: the fact that Overhaul utterly ignores the matter of dub for non-english language version for original BG:EE content is infuriating. I feel cheated, as I wait fruitlessly over 1,5 year, when people can do workaround for this in 1 freaking day. I could use workaround, but as far as I'm concerned, I've bought ENHANCED editon not WORKAROUND edition.
Also forgot to mention if you do meet someone who likes you and you like them alot just be yourself and have fun.
Well, I think I would lose some of the self-esteem and I had a very hard time at raising it even a little durning the few last months. I might read the book you mentioned, but I doubt I will find something helpful there. From the basic description, I can tell it is more like "how to score" than "how to find your life partner" type of a book.
Besides that, life is what you make of it. Ignore, the bad things, they are unimportant.
You decide what is important and good for you and you go and seek it.
If you keep thinking that life is shit, then life will be shit ALL the time.
If you think that life is a game and fun, that sometimes you lose and other times you win, then you'll be happier.
No, don't make excuses why life sucks. Don't justify it. No buts. They don't matter, what matters is being happy. And that is up to you.
@ZelgadisGW Here's three tips to be attractive with women: Be confident, be funny, be carefree.
Confidence: Believe in yourself. Tell yourself that you're awesome, handsome, funny and fun to be around with, every day. It doesn't matter if it's not true. If you believe it, others will and it will become true.
Funny: Not a clown. Have humor, make her laugh, make her feel good. Women love feeling good. They want a man (straight ones at least) that makes them laugh and that is fun.
Carefree: Anything negative doesn't matter. She turned you down? Whatever, who cares. You know and others know that you're awesome, her loss. Move on. Learn from your mistakes.
Why did she turn you down? Were you nervous? Did you say anything stupid? Try to fix that and continue.
And I know of that book. And other dating "instructors". It's not about getting laid, only. It's about making you fun to be around with and knowing how to please both emotionally and physically a woman.
It's not about disrespecting women. It's about having self-respect, being confident and not being a doormat.
No straight girl likes a guy she can walk on or a "slave" that does her every wish.
You can be nice and respectful, but you shouldn't lower your self-respect and dignity for ANYONE.
A personal example is me many years ago and a female friend of mine that was with another friend of mine that was very nice but he wasn't confident.
He didn't take charge in some matters and she complained to me that she had to decide for everything. Like which movie to go and see etc. And she is a very very nice girl as well.
They broke up.
Don't be like that. Be nice and respectful, don't be a wuss or a doormat (not saying that you are, just giving an example).
Be a confident, (self)respectful, fun and carefree man.
If you don't learn how to "score" you will never find your life partner. You need to go out there and search for her.
(I will stop adding stuff to this humongous wall of text now, I think)
I appreciate your insight, even thought I've heard of "believe, and you will become" method before. I just never managed this thing for work.It's not that easy.
And I'm also curious, why do people think "wuss" or "doormat" when someone mentions respect for women? I know that you made just an example, but it's still interesting. As if respect was equal to being in submissive position. No, I see two people in a relationship as an equals.
It's like muscle memory. When you train something all the time, it becomes automatic before you notice it.
Saying "I'm handsome...? Nah, who am I kidding?..." is like going to the gym and then immediately to McDonalds.
You cancel the positive thoughts with negative ones.
And I agree. But some people take "niceness" and "respect" to another level. Some women wouldn't mind some teasing (in humor) or dirty talk (in the right situations) or taking charge of some situations without always asking.
Some would appreciate the confidence and the leading gesture than being asked about everything as it can sometimes ruin it. I believe they like it if the man surprises them with something good or takes the initiative.
I think that more (most?) are "I would like to be surprised and follow on something fun" than "I want to be told about and asked for my approval everytime".
In other words saying all the time "whatever you wish, whatever you want, let's go wherever you want to, let's do whatever you want to, I always want to ask your opinion and get your approval" or things like that, is not attractive to most women.
That's being a doormat. I'm not saying disregard her opinion and do whatever you wish and don't care about her.
I'm saying take initiative.
This might sound controversial but these are things I have personally experienced and actually had girls agree on this one, both friends and girlfriends.
Many women don't want absolute equality in a relationship. No, I'm not talking about extremes and abuse.
I'm talking about women that want a man to lead them, so they don't have to because they don't like leading the relationship.
That's even more obvious for some that only enjoy a submissive role in sex, with all the kinky stuff it involves.
I believe sex is a microcosm of the person's life. I doubt that someone that is submissive in bed, actually loves leading the relationship and being in charge. And the reverse is true.
If they are submissive in bed, they would pick a more dominant partner. Physically and psychologically.
Yes, I believe a man should respect women and they should have equal rights everywhere and in everything.
But as you might know, many women prefer taller, more muscular, more manly and dominant men.
Those physical traits mean something. Someone that is masculine and protective.
The "because I think he can protect me" is a comment I heard from many women when asked about height or muscles.
These are just natural instincts as is love for cute things for example or big breasts for men, height/muscles for women etc.
These are not absolute but it's a general rule but always has exceptions.
(Some women don't like muscular men, some men don't like bigger breasts).
To bring the example of my female friend in again:
-He was asking her opinion about everything and wasn't confident. He wanted her to decide.
-She complained to me about it and didn't like it. She wanted him to take initiative. (Her own words)
-They broke up and she got into a relationship with another guy that seemed to me more confident
(And I have done it again)
This "before you know it" can take months, if not years, unfortunately. And you're right that the method requires constant attention to it. And that's why it's not easy. If even one thing will make you down, you'll forget about telling yourself how "awesome" you are, since when you're down you're not thinking like that. I'm not saying that the method is not helpful, but it is really hard.
At least there is a positive aspect of this discussion, now I know that I rather wouldn't take things to the extremes. That's good.
Althought the way I see it, without confidence I turn out to be forever alone.
To do that, you have to stop letting negative things harm you. And you need to push yourself to the direction you want.
It's really the same with studying or working out. Both are hard. But to see results, you have to keep going it systematically and eventually it will happen.
It's training yourself to be the thing you want to.
Yes, it takes months and maybe years but it is worth it. Believe me.
It's not about lying to yourself as some might think, it's creating the traits you want.
Like creating muscle mass, losing weight or getting into university or a job.
And really, it's better to "lie" to youself that you're handsome and confident, that telling the "truth" to yourself that you're ugly or not confident and it will never happen.
An example, do you think that the various presidents or CEOs just happened to be that? Was it luck?
They believed in themselves and said "I'm going to be a president/CEO/famous/astronaut".
And they kept telling themselves that until they did it.
That's how it works.
The thing is to not forget to tell yourself how awesome/handsome/confident/funny you are. Write it down somewhere and pin it or stick it to a wall or door or near your computer, so you can see it every day and repeat it in your mind, don't just read it.
Yeah, extremes are never good. Either extremely nice or extremely confident. Extreme confidence can make you arrogant. And arrogance is not attractive.
Also something last, try dating sites. No I'm serious.
You can meet all sorts of people, talk to them, have fun, if one doesn't respond, talk to another.
If all turns out good, ask to meet them and see how it goes.
Some girls will call you handsome, funny etc. Or that you are (tall or whatever) or interesting or smart etc.
I know they did to me. And I had several girlfriends in the past, not from dating sites.
Actually recently broke up and I'm fine with it. I learned to not linger in the past and to move on.
Also try different and multiple dating sites.
It doesn't matter how you meet them. It's actually pretty damn convenient that you can meet very different and interesting people that you wouldn't meet otherwise.
It's better than doing nothing and saying that you'll be forever alone.
About dating sites, I can consider it, althought it sounds emberassing in my mind. Anyway, thank you for your responses man, and thank you for your good intentions. You're awesome.
btw I confess ... I'm another shrink. I'm actually a psychiatrist - the equivalent of an MD with postgrad training specializing in psychiatry. When I was well enough to work I actually looked after some very dangerous people in a maximum secure hospital - and it was really, really satisfying. I should really leap into some of the discussion about the pros and cons of psychology and/or psychiatry, and the difference between the two professions but tonight I haven't got the energy. Maybe tomorrow.
That's hardly important though. I just need to say one thing. Ignore it and hope it goes away is not an answer. To anything. You cannot ignore the bad things. The continue to exist regardless of you acknowledgment of them. don't do this. If some terrible catastrophe is staring you in the face and you just pretend it doesn't exist, then it will eat you. Don't ignore the bad. Deal with it and make it go away. The bad it vitally important. Of course, don't obsess over it either. If bad is getting in the way of good that's bad too. But when the time comes, you do have to consider it! and then act. Worry will get you nowhere. You do have a point with attitude, however. If you decide that everything is shit, then everything is. It's obvious if you put it this way: if you decide to dislike everything, then you will dislike everything. You're not actually changing the thing, you're changing your perception of it. Perspective is everything.
I don't know about life being a game though. That probably won't get you anywhere.