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The Politics Thread



  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited January 2019

    Why would anyone ever scream MAGA at anyone for any reason?? Again, it would be like some liberal in 2010 going up to some white farmers at a diner and saying "Hope and Change in your face, motherf***er". There is no reasonable cultural explanation for this term being used the way it is (again, to yell at someone) and literally be a piece of clothing people wear out in public on a daily basis like the jersey of their favorite sports team, other than trying to send a distinct message to everyone who sees you. It's not normal behavior. Before this the most people have done is put a bumper sticker on their car, and some even find that annoying. This trend of a actual physical item of clothing being widely worn tied to a specific politician is not only totally new, but disturbing. So, again, you are COMPLETELY correct that they were initially brought into focus because of the hats and that this wouldn't even be a story if the hats didn't exist. But maybe we should really examine why that is. Because the hat and phrase VERY clearly mean something specific to both the people who wear them and to the people they are DESIGNED to get reactions from.

    The phrase MAGA is the best you got to bully these children with. It's literally the worst thing they are seen doing.

    In calling them viscous little assholes, you've shown more disrespect and a lack of class to little kids than these little kids showed to the adults who were actually disrespectful in the situation.

    Sit down.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019

    Why would anyone ever scream MAGA at anyone for any reason?? Again, it would be like some liberal in 2010 going up to some white farmers at a diner and saying "Hope and Change in your face, motherf***er". There is no reasonable cultural explanation for this term being used the way it is (again, to yell at someone) and literally be a piece of clothing people wear out in public on a daily basis like the jersey of their favorite sports team, other than trying to send a distinct message to everyone who sees you. It's not normal behavior. Before this the most people have done is put a bumper sticker on their car, and some even find that annoying. This trend of a actual physical item of clothing being widely worn tied to a specific politician is not only totally new, but disturbing. So, again, you are COMPLETELY correct that they were initially brought into focus because of the hats and that this wouldn't even be a story if the hats didn't exist. But maybe we should really examine why that is. Because the hat and phrase VERY clearly mean something specific to both the people who wear them and to the people they are DESIGNED to get reactions from.

    The phrase MAGA is the best you got to bully these children with. It's literally the worst thing they are seen doing.

    In calling them viscous little assholes, you've shown more disrespect and a lack of class to little kids than these little kids showed to the adults who were actually disrespectful in the situation.

    Sit down.
    No. Also, I am a poster on an obscure internet forum. I have done nothing to anyone in any tangible way but offer an opinion. I didn't write him a fucking letter. I didn't text him 20 times last night. I used strong language on an internet forum for a 20 year old RPG. This now constitutes "bullying". By what, the power of my mind to reach out across the country and personally inject my thoughts into his head??
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    The fact remains that the media lied about these kids. All of them. Lied about the facts. Dozens upon dozens of journalists and other political figures went out of their way to say the most horrible things about these kids.

    Nobody and I mean nobody has went out of their way to condemn the adults who were calling them crackers, or mr. phillips himself telling them to get off his land, or calling the kids beasts in an interview, or any of the behavior by the adults at all.

    It was only because people basically rioted on social media yesterday that corrections were issued and tweets were deleted.

    We have a sick, anti white culture on the left. I don't see how it can be any more painfully obvious.

    This is part of Mr. Phillips interview. The man is clearly, obviously, painfully lying about key facts, and the video evidence proves it. The black hebrews were the aggressors against the kids and his story is a lie based on the full video evidence. Full stop.

    “There was that moment when I realized I’ve put myself between beast and prey,” Phillips told the Detroit Free-Press. “These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that.”
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Well, I think I have had as much as I can stomach of politics for a goodly amount of months. I don't think I will come back any time soon so please don't tag me.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Yeah no. While powerful institutions get to lie about children and encourage social media witch hunts against them and try to make them the face of racism in America when they did nothing wrong i'm gonna call it out. It's only ever "not about sides" when people are afraid that it looks bad to "their side".
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  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited January 2019
    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited January 2019
    Anyone remember how silly Corporal Klinger was in MASH? He was a straight guy pretending to be trans to get out of war? If you thought we'd moved beyond that as a society in 40 years you'd be wrong. Thanks to the partisan Conservatives on the illegitimate Supreme Court haha no that's unacceptable and he would be forced out unlike what happened in the TV show from 40 years ago. They are trying to force people back into the closet.

    In the next big War if daddy can't bribe a doctor to say you have bone spurs (like Trump) or if you don't want to shit your pants and not shower for weeks (like Ted Nugent) you can always pretend you are trans because in Soviet America trans is bad.

    What's next rolling back women's right to vote? Davos is rolling back rape protections in colleges to better protect rapists like future Trumps and Kavanaughs.

    America we can't stand for these bigots. We've got to do better than this.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Tresset said:

    Tresset said:

    Common courtesy is all well and good, but if some "performance" was beating a drum mere inches from my face, I would definitely say the "performance" was the one without the common courtesy. As far as I know, the kid was standing on a public sidewalk. He was well within his rights not to be pushed out of his way by a drum in his face.

    Note to self: It is perfectly alright if people try to force you off of a public bus stop with bullying and harassment, so long as they are part of a "performance". If you don't move when someone beats a drum in your face in you are the one being rude.

    What bus stop are you talking about???
    The way I heard it, the students were waiting for a bus to pick them up. Perhaps it was not a bus stop, I don't know. It was, however, a public space.
    No. I wasn't going to comment on this whole sordid thing, but this is getting asinine.

    The students were waiting for their bus. It's not a bus stop. They were on the steps in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

    Mr. Philips and his associates were at a march that was scheduled and licensed to be in that specific place.
    I am going to stop you here as this is something that is overlooked. The indigenous rally was from 8:30 am to 1:00pm.

    The incident with the kids happened between 4:00 and 5:00.

    To state that Phillips actions were due to him “being liecenced to be there” is false. The March was over by a couple of hours.

    Phillips has the perception that the increasingly amount of kids from the school would turn on the 4 to 5 racist street preachers led him to action.

    Phillips approaches the boys, after they did their own spirit cheers playing a drum to defuse the situation. He knew the kids were riled up, I do not know what he was expecting but what he got was captured on video.

    I keep thinking of thing we’re really getting bad, where was security that would have been posted at national monuments such as this, then I remember oh ya, Shutdown. Just another incident we can blame Trump for.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Both my use of the term nobody and my use of the term lie were reserved for media, journalists, and political figures, as I admittedly thought was obvious by virtue of the ability to pick up context clues. There is no other subject I speak of in both posts where I use those terms. But I suppose I can be more specific if it helps.

    Those people have a duty, ideally, to investigate matters and look into the facts before they rush to write up stories and craft narratives that fit their confirmation biases, especially when these are politically-charged stories that feature minors as the evil enemy.

    Now when the exact opposite of everything that was originally stated turns out to be true, one has to question whether it was an honest mistake or a dereliction of duty. There *were* quite a few cameras there.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Both my use of the term nobody and my use of the term lie were reserved for media, journalists, and political figures, as I admittedly thought was obvious by virtue of the ability to pick up context clues. There is no other subject I speak of in both posts where I use those terms. But I suppose I can be more specific if it helps.

    Those people have a duty, ideally, to investigate matters and look into the facts before they rush to write up stories and craft narratives that fit their confirmation biases, especially when these are politically-charged stories that feature minors as the evil enemy.

    Now when the exact opposite of everything that was originally stated turns out to be true, one has to question whether it was an honest mistake or a dereliction of duty. There *were* quite a few cameras there.

    A little of both.

    A twitter clickbait account fueled the story, which launched it into multiple opinion pieces on why MAGA wearing kids are evil.

    Real news (CNN, Washington Post) began investigating it and bringing the full story to context (without correcting their original stories however).

    While other clickbaiting sites attempted to stretch the evil narrative by doubling down and offering takes like “these boys wear black face to school rallies,” or “these boys harassed girls while in Washington (this one an 8 second clip)” or “there school is denying a gay valedictorian from giving a speech.” Here you have the trifecta of blacks, women and gay people being attacked by these kids.

    Or by dismissing the kids statement, even though everything presented in that letter is back up by actual video evidence just because a “Republican” PR firm helped him get his story out prior to the video evidence appearing.

    The sad thing is, with “news feeds” filled with the latter half of the narrative and not the first, actual news organizations attempting to tell the full story, all media gets lost in these attacks and people still believe what they want to believe because they have all this other false narrative telling them so.

    It should also be noted, that Twitter deleted the account that fueled this story. I think the respected media companies are learning from their mistakes, but one has to have patience and realize that mistakes will be made such as this one.

    Getting the proper story out even if it is a day later is important.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I think the partisan angle definitely sped up the judgment process and got people saying "wow these people are awful" before they had time to really delve into the situation. But I wouldn't call it reckless or a rush to judgment per se. Not all of the video evidence was even public when this story first broke--when the story first broke, the available evidence looked nothing but bad for the kids. Then, when more evidence came out, the narratives in the media started shifting accordingly.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    There are actually a ton of other news stories going on that are highly important, starting with the fact that Trump has asked the House Sergeant at Arms to prepare a walkthrough for his State of the Union speech. He has no authority to do this. He has no jurisdiction over the House of Representatives. He has not been invited.

    Moreover, I am now FULLY on board with the shutdown is being maintained indefinitely on purpose bandwagon after reading this:

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    LadyRhian said:


    There was an article a little while back saying liberals like President Bartlett (The West Wing) for being a person of uncompromising morals, while conservatives liked President Marshall (Air Force One) for being a person willing to stand up and fight terrorists.

    While I go for the former, I do like the speech Marshall gave near the beginning of the film. "Peace is not merely the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice."
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    There are actually a ton of other news stories going on that are highly important, starting with the fact that Trump has asked the House Sergeant at Arms to prepare a walkthrough for his State of the Union speech. He has no authority to do this. He has no jurisdiction over the House of Representatives. He has not been invited.

    Moreover, I am now FULLY on board with the shutdown is being maintained indefinitely on purpose bandwagon after reading this:

    Well then Pelosi is either shooting herself in the foot or purposely helping Trump by not backing down. Right? I thought right-wingers were the conspiracy nuts...
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited January 2019
    deltago said:

    Real news (CNN, Washington Post) began investigating it and bringing the full story to context (without correcting their original stories however).

    I know i'm not gonna convince you CNN and WaPo didn't act in good faith so I won't even try, but I think it does deserve to be pointed out that some former CNN folks tried to dox his family (I want names), and said the kids have punchable faces on Twitter. One suggested they should actually be punched. They can delete, but the internet never forgets.

    Twitter reveals a whole new side to journalists i'm tellin ya.

    Here's just a few examples folks saved.

    At the end of the day, I just can't be convinced that multi-million dollar media outlets didn't have the ability to find the full video and vet the story beforehand.
    Post edited by WarChiefZeke on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Balrog99 said:

    The fact that this whole thing is even a 'story' is hilarious to me. Nobody was hurt. No fights broke out. Nobody even brandished a weapon. In a less polarized time this would be so boring it wouldn't even merit a mention. Some people's feelings were hurt. Bring out the gallows!

    I agree. Now compare the rabid reaction in the media/celebrity world to the actual actions on the ground and you see how far political ideology has strayed from reality.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Balrog99 said:

    There are actually a ton of other news stories going on that are highly important, starting with the fact that Trump has asked the House Sergeant at Arms to prepare a walkthrough for his State of the Union speech. He has no authority to do this. He has no jurisdiction over the House of Representatives. He has not been invited.

    Moreover, I am now FULLY on board with the shutdown is being maintained indefinitely on purpose bandwagon after reading this:

    Well then Pelosi is either shooting herself in the foot or purposely helping Trump by not backing down. Right? I thought right-wingers were the conspiracy nuts...
    Person who wasn't even Speaker when the shutdown started must give into whatever Trump wants or the country will be held hostage indefinitely. Talk about playing a rigged game......
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    Balrog99 said:

    There are actually a ton of other news stories going on that are highly important, starting with the fact that Trump has asked the House Sergeant at Arms to prepare a walkthrough for his State of the Union speech. He has no authority to do this. He has no jurisdiction over the House of Representatives. He has not been invited.

    Moreover, I am now FULLY on board with the shutdown is being maintained indefinitely on purpose bandwagon after reading this:

    Well then Pelosi is either shooting herself in the foot or purposely helping Trump by not backing down. Right? I thought right-wingers were the conspiracy nuts...
    Person who wasn't even Speaker when the shutdown started must give into whatever Trump wants or the country will be held hostage indefinitely. Talk about playing a rigged game......
    What's the correct chess move here then. Sacrifice the wall for checkmate?
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Pretty much how I feel about the shutdown.

    All that is being asked for is nothing more and nothing less than what was voted for.

    It's far less than 1% of the budget.

    It doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't put anyone at risk.

    Not really any reasonable case to not make a deal.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Pretty much how I feel about the shutdown.

    All that is being asked for is nothing more and nothing less than what was voted for.

    It's far less than 1% of the budget.

    It doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't put anyone at risk.

    Not really any reasonable case to not make a deal.

    And yet it is congress refusing to bring the budget to a vote that is shutting down the government.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    But did they vote for it? The Republicans were in charge of every part of the government for 2 years. They could have funded it then, if they really wanted to. It was only when Democrats took power in the House (after 2 years of Trump) that it became this supposed "National Emergency".

    One could say that by Democrats winning the House (which controls the power of the pursestrings) that the country was voting *against* the wall. Hardly anyone (except Trump's most fervent base and sycophants) wants the wall built.

    The Democrats support border security just fine. Just not a useless wall. Walls which can be tunnelled under (already been done in numerous places, gone over (Buy a cheap ladder and go over it), and gone around.

    Which still won't change the fact that most people in the country illegally overstay their visas, and most of the drugs come in through legal ports of entry and through the mail (China mails Fentanyl to the USA). How is this supposed to do so much for our border security when it doesn't address the actual problems we actualy have?

    And then there are the problems a wall will create, like flooding. Even with holes in the wall, a wall will create drainage problems. in 2013, there was a flood that got so bad, it tore away a large portion of the border fence when junk got hung up on the wall and the pressure just kept building until the fence that is currently there gave way.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Tresset said:

    @Grond0 I suppose you are right. I just have little stomach for controversy I guess...

    It is rather disturbing, though, that the kid, a minor did nothing but stand there while he was obviously being harassed by the 'adult' with the drum and, for some reason, he was the one that was found to be 100% at blame for the mess by the internet lynch mob. So what if he had a goofy look on his face?! He was a 15 year old kid! I, as an adult wouldn't have a clue what to do if some nut with a drum were in my face!! What the heck are you supposed to do to appear innocent in such a situation, aside from what that kid did? He said nothing. He did nothing. Just an uncomfortable smile... I swear, it seems like some people WANT him to be the guilty party SO badly they would have found him guilty no matter what he did!

    Actually that's not true.
    The kid did do something, he gestured to his friend who was being racially abused and insulted by one of the other N.A to not answer back, not do anything and don't get in an argument.

    The young man has shown more decency in the video than any of the adults. His parents should be very proud of him and I hope they sue the shirt off of the various hate mongers.

    The lying N.A with the drum who heard the vile abuse coming from the black group, ignored them and confronted the children.
    So brave.
    Much have something to do with him being a Vietnam vet....oh right, that's something else he was less than honest about.

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    I think it's more or less inarguable that Trump voters voted for it, it was without a doubt his most signature campaign promise and the Republican primaries were filled with more politically experienced, more moderate on immigration Republicans.

    Obviously there were other major reasons too, his lack of war lust and his opposition to anti worker trade policies were big.

    And really, we expect candidates to fulfill their campaign promises. There is really nothing more reasonable in all the world than doing exactly what you said you were going to do upon getting in to office.

    To just say no, you can't do what you said you were gonna do, because we don't like you, is unhealthy for the future of the republic but frankly it is perfectly within the spirit of the times.

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  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    They didn't shut down the government. The government was shut down when the House, Senate and White House were in 100% Republican control. Moreover I love this idea that the wall was "what was voted for". Except we had an election 2 months ago that explcitly voted against EXACTLY that. But we all know Democratic votes don't count. That goes without saying at this point. The only election that matters is the one that took place two years ago in which the winning candidate won a overwhelming minority of the vote. Certainly not the one that happened less than 60 days ago. And let's hear more about what was voted for. Which was explicitly that who was going to pay for the wall?? Oh right....Mexico. But please, let's hear more arguments about how it was really meant to be paid for by renegotiated trade deals. Let's have the discussion about his "campaign promise" on the wall all day long and twice on Sunday.
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