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Classes you've never touched

Let's talk about classes/kits that we haven't tried - or only played very minimally - for one reason or another.

I've been playing BG since 2001, yet it has never occured to me to roll a Barbarian. In fact, I didn't even remember the class existed until recently. From what I understand, it is just an inferior Berserker that cannot even dual. I'm also not too keen on playing a redneck Charname...

Single class priests have also never been on my radar. I love the idea of most priest kits, yet something about being a pure class cleric puts me off. Maybe it's the 1 APR. Dunno.

Now that I think about, I also haven't touched the druid kits. Though I must say, some of them - such as the Avenger - look really interesting.

What about you? Is there a class/kit you've never player, and why?



  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Paladin. I'm allergic to knights of lolful gewdness.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    In my years as a D&D player and DM I've "played" a huge range of characters, so I can't rightfully say there isn't one that I haven't really tried. In general though, I find that for some reason I don't like to play spontaneous casters very much (like Sorcerers). Maybe it's just a legacy of having grown up in the early 2nd Ed days when such spellcasters didn't exist and I'm used to spellcasters having to memorize spells. (The really bizarre thing though? I don't have any problems playing Psionic characters, which tend to use a spell point system and are technically spontaneous casters themselves.)
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Beastmasters and Undead Hunters. Not because I think the disadvantages are crippling, but because the advantages are so boring.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited August 2019
    Abjurer from the original pool because protection spells are useless.
    All of the EE added kits and classes except dragon disciple, but I abandoned that one.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The only classes/kits I haven't touched would be the mage specializations other than Enchanter, Illusionist, or Necromancer.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Every class that's not a mage, cleric, or druid.

    I get bored of them pretty fast as majority of the play styles grow stale fast.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2019
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Beastmasters and Undead Hunters. Not because I think the disadvantages are crippling, but because the advantages are so boring.

    Funny enough two of my most memorable runs were as these. The beastmaster though was mostly memorable because it was an exercise in frustration. :)
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    Mages, whether single-classed, dual, or multi-classed. Aside from some characters purely for testing, the closest I've come is sorcerors; I'm running a Dragon Disciple right now as my introduction to mods in general and SCS in particular, and I've taken a previous version of the concept through the first few chapters of BG1. The comfort zone I'll keep coming back to is fighter/thief backstabbers.
    Mages aren't on the near horizon, either; the themed party ideas that I'll likely pick from next include a party in which nobody can read, a party in which nobody casts spells, and a party with as much paladin as possible. No room for mage protagonists there; in two cases, they can't even be in the permanent party.

    Oddly enough, if I were to self-insert into a D&D-ish fantasy world, it would be as a mage - an academic-minded hermit trying to understand arcane secrets. That picture I use as my avatar could double as a containment circle for summoning non-Euclidean beasties.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Unkitted cleric
    Unkitted fighter
    Most of the mage specializations
  • Cabal82Cabal82 Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2019
    Thats what Icewind Dale is for, playing classes that I will never play in BG. :) Im slave of my own rituals (which is, thankfully , quite normal within members of this forums). So I usally play Cavalier (paladin in vanilla BG 1 times) or mage without specialization. I have played fighter, cleric, ranger once through the whole saga - and now its chaotic neutral swashbuckler (none good alignment for the first time ever!) with evil party. But barbarian, druid, bard, or dual and multiclass as chaname - just NO.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited August 2019
    Wizard Slayer (seemed way too specialized and no potions, really?)
    Jester (just seems dumb to me)
    Cleric (no reason not to take kits)
    Transmuter/Illusionist/Abjurer/Diviner (bonuses aren't worth losing access to some of my favorite spells)
    Both monk kits (lost interest in monk class by the time the EE's came around)
    Skald (boring support character-I like to be the focal point)

    Beastmaster gets a bad rap. They still get access to all missile weapons and can be an elf for Long & Shortbow bonuses too. They're not powerhouses by any means, but they're not terrible either...
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Cabal82 wrote: »
    Thats what Icewind Dale is for, playing classes that I will never play in BG. :) Im slave of my own rituals (which is, thankfully , quite normal within members of this forums). So I usally play Cavalier (paladin in vanilla BG 1 times) or mage without specialization. I have played fighter, cleric, ranger once through the whole saga - and now its chaotic neutral swashbuckler (none good alignment for the first time ever!) with evil party. But barbarian, druid, bard, or dual and multiclass as chaname - just NO.

    Totemic druid and Avenger are really fun if you ever want to try out a different kind of druid. Totemic disadvantages aren't crippling either (when's the last time anybody used shapechange anyway?). Avengers take a hit in the disadvantage department but the wizard spells and much cooler shapechange forms offer a different kind of experience....
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    I mildly-dislike Kits (mostly, not all of them, there are some cool ones that I'll probably play at some point) and Dual-classing :P

    I'm a multi-class kind of guy myself, so I never played kits that you'd chose for dual-class purposes... yet, at least... trying to break that habit.

    Also, I don't like my PC's to be gnomes, dwarves, halflings or half-orcs (I mean, that applies to protagonist only... I totally like NPC's ones!) so no classes that go with those either... but I'd totally see me trying a Dwarven Defender at some point maybe in IWD, those are cool.

    I tend to play things like F/T/M, F/C/M, F/M, or even C/M, or R/C myself. If I could chose Kits for those in-game with no mods, I probably would try some kits at some point.

    For single class characters, I normally prefer Sorcerer... the only kit I ever played is Dragon Disciple :)

    I play good aligned chars, so no evil restricted classes for me either, like Blackguard or such.

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I told myself after my first ever run of BG2 with an Inquisitor that I would do monk next. 10 years later, still haven't gotten around to it.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Ah, I forgot the unkitted cleric... all of the cleric kits come with zero drawbacks, making the unkitted version totally pointless except for RP reasons.

    Also never touched the Sun Soul Monk. The monk that can also do fire damage, and that's it. Fire damage does not make a kit unique in a game where fire damage is the most common form of spell damage.
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    edited August 2019
    I've never been able to play a multiclass long enough to even get a single level up ?

    Edit: spelling
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    for me, i mostly like to use melee types for the BG series, i find that with the tomes, hell trials and machine of lum the mad, it really helps out melee types more than others ( even cleric who can get +5 wis )

    but with that said here is what i what i use/dont use - if this is a charname -;


    the only time i play fighter these days is if its for a dual or multi-class, kensai and berserker are just way too damn good so i dont play those anymore, and i dont find the wizard slayer interesting enough to play ( even though that was my go to class when i first played SoA )


    not really interested in the beast master so i never choose that, sometimes i will play an archer just for the amazing ranged lulz, but for melee i will either do stalker or normal ranger, and funny thing is, if i play stalker, i still barely if ever backstab with it, i just do it mostly because you get an AC "penalty" for not being able to wear full plate mails, although if im a two handed or dual wielding ranger i will just choose normal ranger instead


    i always choose cavalier, they are basically normal paladins with virtually no disadvantages and all advantages ( they are pretty much blade from the blade series ), i played an undead hunter once, and even though they get some neat perks, i found that it wasnt really worth while to do so, i didnt feel any stronger against undead as a cavalier would have, and i never play inquisitors because their dispel magic is way to damn good and their true seeing is also amazing, so thats a nope, although every once in awhile i will bring keldorn along for my teams, so its okay then


    i like to play these guys every once in a while, just to get away from the super power house out of the gate sort of characters, and i always play a default one, the two class kits arent interesting enough for me ( although the dark moon one is kind of cool, but must be evil and thats no good for bg1 if i want to use defender )

    barbarians/dwarven defender;

    barbarians i like to play every once in awhile just like monks, but i dont like playing dwarven defenders, their dwarven stance ability is just way to damn good, and except for the speed boost of barbarians i find dwarven defenders to be way better than barbarians, so no more dwarven defenders for me, and if i play a barbarian 999 time out of 1000 he is using a two handed weapon


    i virtually never play this class ever, and i virtually never bring these guys along either, i feel like they are the sort of class that no matter what they can do, someone else can either do it better or more efficiently so i dont bother use them, although perhaps every once in a million years i will play a blade, but i eventually get bored somewhere in SoA and quit the play through


    i never play shadow dancer or assassin because i never backstab, the only time i use a bounty hunter is when i have yoshimo in the party, so i will either play swashbucklers ( which i have done many times, in fact the first time i ever solo'd bg1ee was with a swashbuckler ) or a multi-class variant, now adays the fighter/thief is one of my favourite classes because, its not as strong as a full out fighter, but the thief side really does give it some interesting features, especially with that UAI


    the only time i play clerics its either through a multi or dual class combo, i never play single class clerics regardless of kit, if its going to be more combat active, then im going to dual some fighter levels, if its going to be more spell casting active, then im going to multi-class it with a mage, there is no inbetween


    i rarely if ever play any druid, although every once in a huge while i will actually play a fighter/druid for the lewls, shapeshifter was one a played a lot in the vanilla days when you could dispel their shapeshift weapon and then dual classed over into a fighter and got some amazing bonuses with quarterstaff, especially staff of the woodlands, but now that is all fixed in the EEs, so i dont touch any druid class except for fighter/druids, although i remember one play through i did i was an avenger druid and shapeshifted into a salamander and struggled to take out the gnolls at the gnoll fortress in bg1, was not impressed what so ever, so i never played an avenger after that

    arcane casters;

    i remember way back in the day i though invokers were the best, oh how awesome it is to be naive, young and so wrong, but thats just the way she goes, now i will usually play sorcerers or do a fighter dual over into mage, and even though my favourite specialist mage is enchanter i never find myself making one, good thing xan exists in bg1

    so i think thats everyone

    right now, my play through is in SoA and im playing a half-elf fighter/mage/thief, but i've been distracted a bit from american truck simulator to continue that play through, but perhaps i will continue it some time in the near future, or just get the good ol' restartitis and make something new...
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Anything that isn't fully or partly a mage/sorcerer. B)

    Because magic is cool. Everything else isn't. :p
  • StromaelStromael Member Posts: 195
    @Rik_Kirtaniya, and if you play with SCS, arcane magic is almost indispensable, required both to block the worst things thrown at you and to throw the worst things at others.

    All my Charnames follow the same formula. Or Bards. Because Bards rock.

    Maybe I need to try my hand at other classes, but I always end up feeling they're suboptimal and I lose interest.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601

    I never used any Bard Kit, I use a normal Bard in IWD (I used Hear'dalis for his quest and dropped him after that).

  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332

    Do iiiiiitt! Once you roast 10 Gibberlings with a single FIreball, you'll never go back! ;)

  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475

    Once you roast 10 gibberlings AND Imoen at once?

  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    I'm not good with area of effect spells. There do tend to be lost of friendly fire incidents when I am casting spells.

  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I only do characters with fighter levels now a days. Single-, dual- and multiclass fighter types.

    I strongly prefer the fighter HLA, so duals are not my favourite - and I have a unbuffed 200 HP at level 40 minimum requirement as well... So no monks either.

    I dislike resting as well, so I go for the regeneration options where I can find them (20 con in BG1 and ring of regeneration in BG2). So I have even learned to appreciate dwarves with their nice constitution.

    Arcane Magic spells is not a favourite, but wands are just fine and the spells that I can pick up at the forced rests.

    Some 15 years ago I played clerics mostly - actually unkitted in BG2. And I soloed the trilogy with a monk the first time I did that.

    But sometimes people grow into the fighter types and not the other way around. So people can go that way as well.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    I only do characters with fighter levels now a days. Single-, dual- and multiclass fighter types.

    I strongly prefer the fighter HLA, so duals are not my favourite - and I have a unbuffed 200 HP at level 40 minimum requirement as well... So no monks either.

    I dislike resting as well, so I go for the regeneration options where I can find them (20 con in BG1 and ring of regeneration in BG2). So I have even learned to appreciate dwarves with their nice constitution.

    Arcane Magic spells is not a favourite, but wands are just fine and the spells that I can pick up at the forced rests.

    Some 15 years ago I played clerics mostly - actually unkitted in BG2. And I soloed the trilogy with a monk the first time I did that.

    But sometimes people grow into the fighter types and not the other way around. So people can go that way as well.

    i had a dwarven defender hit over 320 HP in ToB :) :
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    I have never played a charname with maxed hp roll on level up.
    I also have never played a monk and many kits.
  • BalladBallad Member Posts: 205
    I like being a paladin and I like being a thief. I don't like being anything else, though I do keep promising myself that one day I will give being a magic user a proper go.

    Paladin/Thief would make a fantastic multiclass, RP-wise. I envision a utilitarian agent of social justice, a knight among the downtrodden, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
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