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Mod impressions: BG2:EE Quest Mods

inethineth Member Posts: 749
edited January 2 in BGII:EE Mods

In this thread I'd like to briefly introduce a wide range of quest mods, for the benefit of other players who are looking for more content to explore in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

All of these can be installed on the current version of BG2:EE; most also on EET and on the original BG2:ToB.

Table of contents:
  • 2000 - 2004
    • The Darkest Day
    • Shadows over Soubar
    • Tactics
    • Tortured Souls
    • Planar Sphere Mod
    • Check the Bodies
    • Ajoc's Minimod
    • Unfinished Business
    • Quest Pack
    • The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod
    • Every Mod and Dog
  • 2005 - 2009
    • the bigg Quest Pack
    • Xan BG2 NPC
    • Fade
    • Amber
    • Tower of Deception
    • Spellhold Gauntlet
    • Beyond the Law
    • Dungeon Crawl
    • de'Arnise Romance
    • Angelo
    • Assassinations
    • Tales of Anegh
    • Xulaye
    • Jan's Extended Quest
    • Tales of the Deep Gardens
  • 2010 - 2014
    • Innershade
    • Breagar
    • Eilistraee's Song
    • Fishing for Trouble
    • The White Queen
    • I Shall Never Forget
    • Adrian
    • Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII
    • The Sellswords
    • Back to Brynnlaw
    • Wings
  • 2015 - 2019
    • Afaaq, the Djinni Companion
    • Foundling: Between the Shades
    • Reunion
    • Will of the Wisps
    • Keldorn Romance
    • Southern Edge
    • Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul
    • Solaufein's Rescue
    • Ooze's Lounge
    • Test Your Mettle!
    • Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
  • 2020 - 2024
    • Tangled Oak Isle
    • Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders
    • Skitia's NPCs
    • Bridge’s Block
    • Alabaster Sands
    • The Journey to the Whin Hill
    • Dusk
    • In Love, Undeath
    • Dark Tidings
    • The Bloodied Stings of Barovia
    • Neverwinter Nights for Baldur's Gate
    • Call of the Lost Goddess
  • Abbreviations used
  • See Also
Post edited by ineth on


  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2


    Tangled Oak Isle adds another district to Athkatla: An island in the sea just outside the city wall.

    The isle has an inn, tavern, temple, lighthouse, and more.
    Besides various mini-quests, you can investigate the sickness that has befallen the Tangled Oak (the isle's namesake), which leads to additional new maps (ch2*).

    To get there:
    • It appears on the worldmap together with the other districts of Athkatla.
    To start the quests:
    • Quests that start on the Tangled Oak Isle:
      • The Tangled Matter: Talk to Finn below the oak.
      • ...but who killed Jaalv?: Complete "The Tangled Matter".
      • Moomik's Request: Talk to Moomik in the lighthouse.
      • Missing Copper Ring: Talk to the "Pale Man" in the house near the lighthouse.
      • Harsh Motherhood: Talk to the "Sad Girl" at the left edge of the map.
      • The Book Club: Talk to Hron/Miga in the Seven Legs Pub.
      • The Book Club: Part Two: Talk to Nikt near the lighthouse after completing "The Book Club".
      • Some Fresh Air: Talk to Sakara upstairs in Nuna's inn.
      • Voice in the Shell: Interact with the door of the house on the right edge of the map.
      • The Golems: Talk to Kamma in the house near the temple.
    • Quests that start elsewhere:
      • Crate needed: "Angry Man" initiates conversation on the bottom pier of the Bridge District.


    Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders adds a bank to Athkatla, as well as several quests (ch2*, ch3, ch4, ch6).

    The bank allows your party to open an account, deposit money, let it accrue interest, and make withdrawals.

    There are quests related to the bank, quests related to the thieves guild (incl. an Aran Linvail romance), and other quests (incl. a detective quest about a missing circus troll). Some of them lead to beautiful new maps.

    To enter the bank:
    • Guarded door at bottom corner of Waukeen's Promenade.
    To start the quests:
    • Component Interjections & Mini-quests:
      • For love: Paris approaches you in the lower part of the Government District of Athkatla.
      • NPC interjections and expansions to existing quests: See the mod's README.
    • Component First Calimport Bank Pack:
      • [Imoen/Neera] found a job: Enter the basement of the bank with Imoen or Neera in the party.
      • Mae’Var’s Stash: Complete Renal Bloodscalp's quest with Edwin in the party (requires: non-lawful, non-good, no Thieves Stronghold).
      • Great Dwarf Debt: Complete Korgan's base-game quest.
      • Dangerous Book: Complete Korgan's base-game quest with Keldorn in the party.
      • Trap for Druids: Follow-up to "Great Dwarf Debt" if you helped Owney's group.
      • Nothing comes without a price: Talk to "Jackal" (debt collector) on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the Slums district of Athkatla (mutually exclusive with "Great Dwarf Debt").
      • Combat the Collector: Follow-up for "Nothing comes without a price".
      • Pirate Legacy: Talk to the employee Shahbaz inside the bank.
      • Call to bank: ???
      • Difficult loan: Starts in the bank if you decide to help a woman named Miranda.
    • Component Shadow-Covered Love & Death:
      • For female protagonists romancing Aran Linvail (thief, non-LG, INT 13+, CHA 9+, human/elf/half-elf):
        • Message from Aran: ???
        • Messenger from Riatavin: ???
        • Mysterious Stranger: ???
        • Shadow-Covered Love: ???
      • For all protagonists:
        • Beshaba's Curse: Renal Bloodscalp sends a messenger, after his Mae'Var quest (ch2*).
        • Abu Hazab's Magic Lamp: Aran Linvail sends a messenger, 2 days after you complete his "Mook" quest (ch3) or one day after you kill Bodhi (ch6) (requirement: have or had thieves stronghold).
    • Component The Missing Troll Case:
      • The Missing Troll Case: Quayle sends a messenger a day after the official circus quest.
      • Siren’s Silence: Follow-up to "The Missing Troll Case".
      • Lorio Sword: Follow-up to "Siren’s Silence" if you helped Lorio. Visit Cromwell.


    Skitia's NPCs For BG2:EE and EET adds five joinable NPCs to Athkatla, each with a custom kit and some personal quest content. The quests tie into the respective NPC's friendship talks, and don't add new maps.

    Emily: NG Aasimar Archer ("Arcane Archer").
    She is caught between her adventuring life and the politics of becoming her noble family's heir (ch2*, ch6).

    Helga: CN Dwarf Cleric ("Priest of Haela").
    Besides a tournament mini-quest (ch2*), her content revolves around a reunion with her son (ToB).

    Kale: CN Halfling Fighter ("Warden").
    He is reluctantly looking into the death of his estranged father, which leads to a detective quest (ch2*).

    Recorder: NG Gnome Bard ("Lorekeeper").
    She is eager to travel with the Hero of Baldur's Gate who she's been chronicling. But her own past is catching up with her... (ch2*, ch4)

    Vienxay: NE Elf Mage/Thief ("Shadowmage").
    Expelled from her homeland, she is now searching for a tome that would grant her power. (ch2*, ch5, ToB)

    Where to find them & how to start their quests:
    • Emily: Mithrest Inn in Waukeen's Promenade.
      • To Be Heir: Emily initiates dialog after she joins your party.
    • Helga: Den of Seven Vales in Waukeen's Promenade.
      • Rulendo's Gauntlet: Approach the Copper Coronet with Helga in the party.
      • Helga's son: Berk initiates dialog on the battlements in Saradush if Helga is in the party.
    • Kale: Outside the Copper Coronet in the Slums district.
      • Kale's Father: Kale initiates dialog after he joins your party.
    • Recorder: Temple of Oghma in the Docks district.
      • Hunted: Bounty hunters attack after you've travelled with Recorder for a while.
      • Phelgrim: Recorder initiates dialog when you take her to Brynnlaw.
    • Vienxay: Outdoors in Waukeen's Promenade.
      • The Tome of Myth Drannor: Vienxay initiates dialog a while after she joins your party.


    Bridge’s Block expands the Bridge District of Athkatla, by letting you explore the inside of the big stone wall there.

    It consists of two long indoor maps (photoshopped from BG2 area art), with four small quests (ch2*).

    To get there:
    • Go through the entrance in the left wall of the Bridge District (near the central arch).
    To start the quests:
    • Bridge's Block's Monster: Mrs. Yawnhex initiates conversation when you approach the entrance.
    • Missing Gloves in the Bridge's Block: Talk to Koree on the first floor.
    • The Summoner from the Bridge's Block: Talk to Johef on the first floor.
    • Mr. Rat in the Bridge's Block: Talk to Mr. Rat on the second floor.


    Alabaster Sands adds another district to Athkatla: A small beach.

    It includes a few small quests (ch2*).

    To get there:
    • It appears on the worldmap together with the other districts of Athkatla.
    To start the quests:
    • The Artist from Alabaster Sands: Talk to Tym Barwiarz in Alabaster Sands.
    • Sirine and the Copper Pearl: Talk to the Copper Sirene in Alabaster Sands.
    • A New Guardian for the Chickens: Talk to Bruner inside the right-most tent in Alabaster Sands.
    • Mr. O. Possum: Talk to Mr. O. Possum inside the left-most tent in Alabaster Sands.
    • Boy, Rat and the Missing Bell: Talk to Voby in Alabaster Sands.
    • Love That's Far from Fishy: Talk to Shenee Lovelypox in the bottom-left corner of Waukeen's Promenade.
    • Haunting of Alabaster Sands: Talk to the ghost in Alabaster Sands that is only present around midnight.


    The Journey to the Whin Hill adds a relatively short, straight-forward, combat-heavy dungeon-crawl quest that plays out at a new worldmap location (ch2*).

    To start the quest:
    • Talk to Moandrehn in the top corner of the Government district of Athkatla.


    The Dusk mod adds Captain Ardusk Aldant, or "Dusk" for short, as a joinable NPC (TN Human Wizard Slayer).

    He has four personal quests that tie into his former life as a Paladin-in-training and Cormyrian soldier (ch2*), and will change his alignment to either good or evil.

    (UPDATE: This mod has now been superseded by Autumn's Twilight.)

    To get him to join:
    • He approaches you in Waukeen's Promenade at the end of the game's prologue.
    To start the quests:
    • The Shilmist Armor: Visit the Slums district of Athkatla with Dusk.
    • The Renegades of Sothillis: A messenger dog appears after the previous quest.
    • The Revenge of the First Sword: A messenger dog appears after the previous quest.
    • The Order of Mages: ...


    In Love, Undeath adds a small new worldmap location: An open-air temple inhabited by non-hostile undead – who face unique challenges, including intolerance from the living.
    It offers seven little quests (ch2*), as well as a joinable NPC, Xzelë Melaenitt (TN Paladin with custom kit).
    Only one of the quests requires having her in the party.

    To get there:
    • Tivelteris initiates conversation in the Temple District of Athkatla, and marks the "Temple of Evening Glory" (near Athkatla) on your worldmap.
    To get the NPC to join:
    • Complete the first 5 quests listed below.
    To start the quests:
    • Reconnaissance in Athkatla: Talk to Xzelë Melaenitt at the Temple of Evening Glory.
    • The Lost Gem: Talk to Xzelë again after the previous quest.
    • The Manhunt: Talk to Xzelë again 8+ hours after the previous quest.
    • No Peace for the Undead: Talk to Xzelë again 8+ hours after the previous quest.
    • New Muscle: Talk to Xzelë again after the previous quest, and ask her to join your party. (Note: She won't yet; only at the end of this quest.)
    • Until Death Do You Part..: Visit and leave the Temple of Evening Glory 2+ days after completing "No Peace for the Undead", to trigger a worldmap encounter.
    • The Dire Wolf: Agree to let Xzelë to join your party after completing "New Muscle".


    In Dark Tidings, your party is hired to investigate why a lighthouse went dark on an island near Athkatla (ch2*). Is it really just the sea trolls which were spotted by sailors, or are darker forces at work?

    A medium-size dungeon crawl that is well fleshed out with lore and backstory, and features excellent custom area art.

    To start the quest:
    • Talk to Thalass on the upper floor of the Sea's Bounty Tavern in the Athkatla Docks.
      (Recommended: Well-rounded level 9+ party.)


    The Bloodied Stings of Barovia takes your party to Barovia, a Domain of Dread from the Ravenloft campaign setting.
    As if the impenetrable mists surrounding the area don't cause enough hardship, bloodthirsty bees have recently started feasting on people and animals. Your party must complete a medium-size quest-line in order to stop the attacks and find a way home... (ch2*)

    The new areas provide a spooky atmosphere, and optional side-quests.

    To get there:
    • Enter the new black door in the center-left part of the Graveyard district of Athkatla.
    To start the quests there:
    • Necessary for returning:
      • Through the Dreadful Mists: Starts when you arrive in Barovia; Continues at the end of "The Bloodjackets of Barovia".
      • The Bloodjackets of Barovia: Talk to the farmer on the farm area west of the crossroads.
      • Fixing the Barovian Well: Click the well on the wilderness area east of the crossroads.
      • Barovian Tomb: Climb down the well after fixing it, and explore the top-left tunnel.
    • Optional:
      • (Sjerhan the Vampire): Climb down the well after fixing it, and take the right tunnel.
      • The Tree and the Vines: Interact with the rose-covered tree in the wilderness area south of the farm area.
      • Love of the Bloodjackets?: After completing both "The Tree and the Vines" and "The Bloodjackets of Barovia", talk to the tree again.
      • The Lost Child of Barovia: Return to the crossroads area after visiting the farm area.
      • The Bones of the Fallen: Loot the werewolf cave south-east from the crossroads area.
      • Barovian Blacksmith and his Journal: Find a journal in the forge area, two areas east of the crossroads area.
      • Barovian Blacksmith and the Broken Sword: Find a broken sword during the quest "Barovian Tomb".
      • Barovian Raven and His Treasure: Rest in the forest clearing area north of the crossroads area.


    Neverwinter Nights for Baldur's Gate brings the original NWN campaign to BG2.
    The city of Neverwinter is ravaged by a plague tied to a mysterious cult. Your party is tasked with stopping it, which leads to a very large quest across the northern Sword Coast (ch2*).

    The two dozen new worldmap locations use beautiful background art from Pillars of Eternity etc., and contain many dungeons, side-quests, stores, and 6 joinable NPCs.

    To get there:
    • A messenger approaches outdoors in Athkatla when your protagonist has over 1,350,000 XP, and offers to take you to Neverwinter.
      (Note: Feel free to tell him to wait - a high-level party is recommended. Once you go with him, you cannot return to the normal BG2 areas until you have completed the very large NWN main quest.)


    Call of the Lost Goddess adds a very large quest that sends you on a journey to the lower planes, in search of the disappeared goddess Waukeen (ch2*).

    It lets you visit many amazing new maps (including a whole town in the Abyss), encounter new creature types, do little side-quests along the way, and learn about some of the more arcane parts of Forgotten Realms lore.

    To start the main quest:
    • A Priest of Waukeen initiates dialog near the top corner of the Government district of Athkatla.
      (Recommended: Well-rounded level 10+ party.)
    To start the side-quests:
    • A thief in the Goldspires:
      Talk to Maendir outside the Goldspires abbey.
    • Verses of the staircas:
      Talk to Elandra Moonsong on the Infinite Staircase entrance map.
    • (Sending the modron home):
      Talk to the modron on the Infinite Staircase main map.
    • The House Insignia of the Fey'ri:
      Talk to Val'kreen inside the Weeping Goddess tavern in Samora.
    • Magic in the Abyss:
      In Samora, find clues about how magic works differently here, and how to mitigate it.
    • The threefold bartered soul:
      Zeep initiates conversation outdoors in Samora.
    • Devil allies:
      Talk to Aphul on the Tanar'ri Outpost map after completing the main quest objective there.
    • Annia Greystockings:
      Meet Annia Greystockings in the Soul Fields.
    • The Bebilith Demon Hunter:
      Hear out the Bebilith in the Soul Fields cave instead of fighting it.
    • A soul for the goddess:
      Starts when Margrog in Samora reveals the bargain he struck (late in the main quest).
    • Prisoner and guard all in one:
      Talk to Daugralluvidan at the Acid Pools of Vemach.
    • The spark of a Deva:
      Talk to Maryel in the prison under Samora.

    Post edited by ineth on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited September 2024
    • Games (BG1, SoD, BG2, ToB, BG2:EE, EET, IWD1, IWD2, PST)
      • BG1 = Baldur's Gate
      • SoD = Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear [expansion]
      • BG2 = Baldur's Gate II
      • ToB = Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal [expansion]
      • BG2:EE = Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
      • EET = Enhanced Edition Trilogy [mod]
      • IWD1 = Icewind Dale
      • IWD2 = Icewind Dale II
      • PST = Planescape: Torment
    • BG2 chapters (ch1, ch2*, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ToB)
      I used these abbreviations to document when in the Baldur's Gate II game different quest content becomes available:
      • ch1 = Chapter 1 (Irenicus Dungeon).
        I consider Waukeen's Promenade "logically" part of chapter 2, even if technically, the chapter 2 intro slide only plays after Gaelan Bayle.
      • ch2* = Chapter 2 (Athkatla + countryside).
        The asterisk is a reminder that most of this content also remains available in chapters 3 and 6.
      • ch3 = Chapter 3 (Athkatla + countryside, after buying passage to Spellhold).
      • ch4 = Chapter 4 (Brynnlaw + Spellhold + Sahuagin City).
      • ch5 = Chapter 5 (Underdark).
      • ch6 = Chapter 6 (Athkatla + countryside, after emerging from Underdark).
      • ch7 = Chapter 7 (Suldanesselar + Hell).
      • ToB = Chapters 8 to 10, i.e. the Throne of Bhaal portion of the game.
    • Alignments (LG, NG, CG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE, CE)
      I used these abbreviations to document the alignment of NPCs:
      • LG = Lawful Good
      • NG = Neutral Good
      • CG = Chaotic Good
      • LN = Lawful Neutral
      • TN = True Neutral
      • CN = Chaotic Neutral
      • LE = Lawful Evil
      • NE = Neutral Evil
      • CE = Chaotic Evil


    BG2: BG1: IWD:
    Post edited by ineth on
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Very disappointed that you left off the best BG2 quest mod.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2019
    @CamDawg For some reason I've never tried that one. Putting in on the list for my next install.

    Other mods I have on the radar for eventual inclusion into this list:
    • Unfinished Business
    • Reunion
    • Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
    • Will of the Wisp
    • Possibly the other mega-mods (Region of Terror, The Darkest Day, Shadows Over Soubar) if I can muster the patience.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the lack of reunion is disturbing.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2019
    I suggest you add the more recent Reunion to the list of Kulyok's other modules here. Since you listed Afaaq and Foundling, I think Jastey's Solaufein also deserves a mention - it's a full-fledged NPC, but works well as a pure quest mod too. Fading Promises is a nice story-focused quest mod similar to I Shall Never Forget which you already mentioned.

    Wheels of Prophecy is an absolute must have as well. There is also a great little French quest mod rounding off Jan's story (the name eludes me). Fishing for Trouble probably stands alone among the large quest mods as a nearly bug- and cringe-free experience. Tales of Anegh comes close, as long as you are willing to brave the garbled prose.
    Post edited by Isewein on
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    This is amazing content ineth. There are a lot of great mods here that I never even knew about. Thank you so much.

    One question though, do you have any plans to prepare a similar mod impressions post for BG1EE as well? I would be very interested in that too.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2019
    Isewein wrote: »
    There is also a great little French quest mod rounding off Jan's story (the name eludes my).

    This one?
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    One question though, do you have any plans to prepare a similar mod impressions post for BG1EE as well?

    No, I focus on IWD and BG2 these days.

    (And IWD doesn't have any quest mods, other than Afaaq lite and Sarevok57's Mega Mod - and even those are just combat encounters.)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah iwd is mostly just npc mods and kits. no one really adds quests to that.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    IWD does, but IWDEE wisely contacted the author and integrated the good bits directly.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Yep that's the one, sadly no EE compatibility as of yet (though the author posted a while ago on the forums that we would update it if there were any interest).
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Thanks for doing these reviews, it's cool to get little break downs of all the mods! And you have done it in a very nice to look at manner. You put work into this and it shows :)
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    UPDATE: Added Kulyok's Reunion mod to the 2015 - 2019 section.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Isewein wrote: »
    I suggest you add the more recent add Reunion to the list of Kulyok's other modules here. :) Since you listed Afaaq and Foundling, I think Jastey's Solaufein also deserves a mention - it's a full-fledged NPC, but works well as a pure quest mod too. Fading Promises is a nice story-focused quest mod similar to I Shall Never Forget which you already mentioned.

    Wheels of Prophecy is an absolute must have as well. There is also a great little French quest mod rounding off Jan's story (the name eludes my). Fishing for Trouble is probably alone among the megamods as a nearly bug- and cringe-free experience. Tales of Anegh comes close, as long as you are willing to brave the garbled prose.

    What's the name of the Jan's mod?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Arthas wrote: »
    What's the name of the Jan's mod?

    Probably this: ?

    But I don't think it's compatible with the EE.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    @lefreut thank you
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Gwendolyne do you know if this Jan mod is compatible with EE?
  • GwendolyneGwendolyne Member Posts: 461
    I am a hundred percent sure it is not. However it might be very easy to make it compatible. As far as I know, there is a project to do so but I don't know how far it is on the way. ;)
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2019

    (don't want to ping you, not needed!)

    Your reviews kinda convinced me to install Check the Bodies on my next playthrough... I was shunning it for the longest time, but I'm a sucker for new areas (specially beautiful made areas!) and I can easily ignore the overpowered loot, just by not using it :)

    I already had all Lava's mods and most of the other in your list in my current big install, but now I'm also looking with interest some of the other ones I didn't had included, besides CtB that is, like Reunion and Test your Mettle.

    Thanks for writing these reviews!

    EDIT: typo
    Post edited by leeux on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    UPDATE: Added Tales of Anegh to the 2005 - 2009 section.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Thank you for considering Kerzenburg mods.
    Seeing Afaaq and Foundling on your list, is there a chance you'd consider taking up Ajantis BGII and my Solaufein mod, as well? Both have quests which must be completed before the NPCs can be taken into the party, and both can be done without having to take the NPCs into the party. For Solaufein, the quest part is fully translated to English.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I've put them on the TODO-list for my next install.
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited July 2019
    UPDATE: Added Unfinished Business to the 2000 - 2004 section.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    I'm looking for information about "Every mod and dog", but I can't find any feedback..
    Is it safe to install? Is it stable? Bugs? Any opinion?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the troll quest has a very werid bug where it will soft lock if you kill the trolls in the lair. but other then that it's fine.
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