Mod impressions: BG2:EE Quest Mods

In this thread I'd like to briefly introduce a wide range of quest mods, for the benefit of other players who are looking for more content to explore in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
All of these can be installed on the current version of BG2:EE; most also on EET and on the original BG2:ToB.
Table of contents:
- 2000 - 2004
- The Darkest Day
- Shadows over Soubar
- Tactics
- Tortured Souls
- Planar Sphere Mod
- Check the Bodies
- Ajoc's Minimod
- Unfinished Business
- Quest Pack
- The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod
- Every Mod and Dog
- 2005 - 2009
- the bigg Quest Pack
- Xan BG2 NPC
- Fade
- Amber
- Tower of Deception
- Spellhold Gauntlet
- Beyond the Law
- Dungeon Crawl
- de'Arnise Romance
- Angelo
- Assassinations
- Tales of Anegh
- Xulaye
- Jan's Extended Quest
- Tales of the Deep Gardens
- 2010 - 2014
- Innershade
- Breagar
- Eilistraee's Song
- Fishing for Trouble
- The White Queen
- I Shall Never Forget
- Adrian
- Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII
- The Sellswords
- Back to Brynnlaw
- Wings
- 2015 - 2019
- Afaaq, the Djinni Companion
- Foundling: Between the Shades
- Reunion
- Will of the Wisps
- Keldorn Romance
- Southern Edge
- Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul
- Solaufein's Rescue
- Ooze's Lounge
- Test Your Mettle!
- Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE
- 2020 - 2024
- Tangled Oak Isle
- Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders
- Skitia's NPCs
- Bridge’s Block
- Alabaster Sands
- The Journey to the Whin Hill
- Dusk
- In Love, Undeath
- Dark Tidings
- The Bloodied Stings of Barovia
- Neverwinter Nights for Baldur's Gate
- Call of the Lost Goddess
- Abbreviations used
- See Also
Post edited by ineth on
Sep 2000 — BG2 is released.
Jun 2001 — BG2:ToB is released.
The Darkest Day (TTD) is the first mod that was released for Baldur's Gate 2.
It's a mega-mod which includes new worldmap areas, quests (ch2*, ch7), items, NPCs, kits, spells, and rule changes, and is notorious for giving your party excessive amounts of XP and overpowered items.
The new areas reuse BG1, PST, IWD1, and BG2 map backgrounds (the latter being a bit jarring), and contain some new monster types and difficult boss fights.
Unfortunately, the Enhanced Edition port (TDDz) went overboard in trying to balance the mod - it outright removes most unique items, and reduces the XP rewards for the new monster types to a pittance.
It also does not contain the NPCs/kits/spells/tweaks; only the quest content.
Buy the map from the "Paranoid Salesman" in the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District of Athkatla.
"Kender" approaches you when you first enter the Gate district of Athkatla, and marks it on your worldmap.
Speak to Forp in the Copper Coronet (in the Slums district of Athkatla); he marks it on your worldmap.
Johanna approaches you when you first arrive in Umar Hills, and marks it on your worldmap.
Talk to Ellesime after defeating Irenicus at the end of Shadows of Amn.
Installation on the EE:
2) Download the latest release of TTDz, and extract it into your game folder as well. Install the mod using the newly-extracted Setup-TDDz.exe. (This makes use of the files extracted in step 1.)
3) OPTIONAL: Download and install the BP-BGT Worldmap mod (at the end, after all quest mods; Not for EET).
Shadows over Soubar adds the town of Soubar, which is threatened by an army of bandits. But before you get to deal with them, you have to become a burglar, cross a raging river, join a militia and rise through its ranks, and more... (ch2*, ch4, ch6)
Be prepared for verbose dialog, long cut-scenes, overpowered loot, and creative but idiosyncratic quest design (like being forced to give up all your equipment for a while).
Besides Soubar (with its many houses) and surrounding coutryside (incl. a castle), the mod also adds a few indoor/underground maps to Athkatla. Most maps reuse BG1 area art.
- Talk to Selence in Waukeen's Promenade during chapter 2.
Guides:(Or see the walkthrough for ways to skip Selence's portion of the quest-line.)
Installation on the EE & bug warning:
Download and install the BP-BGT Worldmap mod afterwards (at the end, after all quest mods; Not for EET).
WARNING: At the time of this writing (Shadows over Soubar v1.16), there are still serious bugs – see this SHS thread which discusses them and suggests work-arounds for players.
Roxanne has published a version of the mod with her own bugfixes, but I haven't tested that one myself.
The Tactics mod enhances many of the game's existing "boss" fights, and adds several new ones (ch2*).
These encounters are meant as tactical combat challenges for experienced players, and add little roleplaying value.
Tactics enemies tend to have powerful special abilities and immunities, and on top of that their AI likes to "cheat" to give them unfair advantages. Beating them requires copious pre-buffing, use of potions, good knowledge of the BG2 spell system – and for most players, plenty of reloads.
Installation on the EE:
Tortured Souls (TS) centers around the BioWare NPC Yoshimo (TN Human Bounty Hunter) and the new joinable NPC Kachiko (Human Kensai/Mage) – who are on opposite sides of a family feud from their homeland Kara-Tur.
The two form an NPC pair, have an NPC romance, and lead the party to a dungeon-crawl quest with tough combat on the far-away Island of Cursed Souls (ch4).
The mod also turns the Shadow Thief agent Sime into a joinable NPC (Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric), among other additions.
- Kachiko: She approaches you in the exit tunnel of Irenicus's Dungeon 2nd floor.
- Sime: You meet her in Aran Linvail's hideout if you side with the Shadow Thieves in chapter 3.
To start the quest content:- Yoshimo's Family Quest: Complete chapter 3 of the game's main story with Yoshimo and Kachiko in the party.
Guides:Installation on the EE:
Instead, install one or both of these EE ports:
NOTE: Version 0.4 of TorturedSoulsLite has a game-breaking bug which is fixed by the `` patch attached here.
The Planar Sphere Mod fills the previously rather empty BG2 mage stronghold ("Planar Sphere") with characters, encounters, and mini-quests, and also adds a large, over-the-top but fun quest about saving the multiverse from an evil archsorcerer (ch2*).
Check out my more in-depth Mod spotlight: Planar Sphere Mod.
- Find Teos in the Planar Sphere a few days after you've completed the normal Mage stronghold quest-line.
To start the "evil archsorcerer" quest:Installation on the EE:
Check the Bodies is a mega-mod which adds the city of Hlondeth (with three districts), as well as other unrelated areas scattered across Amn, and a whole bunch of new side-quests in Athkatla (ch2*, ch3, ch4, ch6).
It suffers from "quantity over quality" and overpowered loot, though.
Check out my more in-depth Mod spotlight: Check the Bodies.
Ajoc's Minimod adds a new medium-sized quest that starts in Athkatla (ch2*).
It asks you to escort a rich man who is being hunted by mages, and leads you to new maps (some photoshopped from existing BG2 art; some seemingly custom-made) with tough enemies.
The Unfinished Business mod expands existing quests/encounters, and adds a few new ones to existing areas (ch2*) – based on ideas that were described or already partially implemented by the original game developers, but had to be cut before the game's release.
The mod authors filled gaps with their own ideas, but tried to stay true to BioWare's vision.
- Kalah and What He Was Promised:
- The Kidnapping of Boo:
- The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest:
(For the encounters and expansions to existing quests, see the mod's README.)Myara approaches when you first exit the circus tent.
Leave the docks district in chapter 2 or 3 with Minsc in the party, at least 2 days after first entering it with Minsc.
Talk to Pai'Na in her lair in the Lower Tombs beneath the Graveyard District.
Most components of the Quest Pack expand or tweak existing BG2 quests/encounters, but it also adds three minor side-quests in Athkatla (ch2*) which blend in well with the existing content, and a hidden encounter in the Underdark (ch5).
- The Tragedy Of Besamen:
- Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest:
- Burglary Of The Bookkeeper:
- Nazarial The Lich:
When you walk by it, the game displays a message that your character feels a breeze of air.
(For details on the changes to existing quests, see the mod's homepage.)Talk to Besamen in the crypt near the district entrance in the Graveyard district of Athkatla.
Talk to Jadarath in the sewers below the Temple district of Athkatla.
Talk to Galoomp in Waukeen's Promenade.
Find the new hidden tunnel entrance in the Kua-Toa area of the Underdark (in chapter 5).
The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod sends you on a mission to procure several rare (and mostly alcoholic) beverages as the ingredients for a powerful spell.
A humorous quest set in Athkatla (ch2*), with various little twists and turns.
Every Mod and Dog adds a few humorous mini-quests and encounters to existing areas of BG2 (ch2*).
The modder's intention was to recapture the more light-hearted spirit of BG1.
- For the Love of a Troll:
- A Bhaalspawn's Best Friend:
- A Z-rated Adventure:
- Under Her Spell:
(For the non-quest encounters, see the mod's README.)Tegenk approaches you in the west part of the Druid Grove outdoors map.
Talk to Moxen inside the Umar Inn in Imnesvale (Umar Hills).
Talk to Rizza in the north-west part of the Umar Hills map.
Talk to Dorc outside Jermien's home in Imnesvale (Umar Hills), after completing Jermien's quest.
Besides a joke component and a duel (ch5), the Bigg Quest Pack also includes:
Not really a quest, but rather an opportunity to teleport to an area where you'll fight a whole army (100+ orcs, orc archers, orc shamans, and their commanders). As the fourth-wall-breaking intro dialog makes clear, it doesn't try to be anything more than that. Go wild with your AoE spells!
Maniar approaches you once you have 2.5 million XP.
Talk to Laniz near Deirex's tower in Ust Natha in chapter 5.
The Xan BG2 NPC mod adds Xan, the BG1 character, to BG2 as a joinable NPC (LN Elf Enchanter, Fighter/Mage, Mage, Wild Mage, or Sorcerer).
His quest content consists of a few minor encounters, and four personal quests (ch2*, ch6, ToB) that nicely explore his inner conflict and provide for some philosphical discussions. You have to be able to tolerate his constant pessimism and complaining about human cities, though.
- He stands at the entrance to the Government District. Talk to him.
To start the quests:- Taira's father:
- Aegnor's Offer:
- Irenicus' archives:
- Calimshite slavers:
(All four quests only trigger when Xan is in the party.)Taira approaches you in the Temple District of Athkatla.
Talk to Aegnor outside the Copper Coronet (in the Slums district of Athkatla).
Ricar approaches you at Elhan's camp when you exit the Underdark (ch6).
Siene approaches you in Amkethran (ToB).
The Fade NPC mod adds Fade, a Shadow Thieves member with a unique background (CN Fey'ri Thief or Shadowdancer), as a joinable NPC.
She has four small quests (ch3, ch6) that tie into her tragic backstory, and you can procure various gifts for her (ch6, ToB). Almost all of her quest content requires that you are romancing her (any male protagonist will do). Be prepared for sappy love talks and sexual content.
- Start chapter 3 by siding with the Shadow Thieves. During your first conversation with Aran Linvail, he introduces you to Fade.
To start the quests:- Aran's "delicate errand":
- Fade abducted:
- (Fade's brother):
- (Fade abducted by Bodhi):
- (gifts for Fade):
Guides:Aran Linvail gives you this task in between his 2nd and 3rd normal tasks (ch3).
Mallon approaches you outdoors (ch3, ch6) once you are far enough into Fade's romance.
A "Shadow Thief Messenger" approaches you (ch6) once you are far enough into Fade's romance.
Starts just like the BioWare romance NPCs' Bodhi abductions (ch6), but plays out a bit differently.
See the walkthrough.
May 2006 — The last BioWare patch for BG2 is released.
The Amber mod adds Amber, a joinable NPC (CG Tiefling Fighter6→Thief).
Her quest content includes the small quest that allows you to meet her, and a medium-sized quest where Amber is kidnapped by an evil wizard (ch2*). It leads you to new maps which were creatively photoshopped from existing BG2 art.
- Complete the quest "A demon in Athkatla?".
To start the quests:- A demon in Athkatla?:
- Amber's lost belongings (mini-quest):
- Amber's Kidnapping:
- Lorraine's Son (sub-quest):
Guides:Two children appear somewhere in Athkatla, and tell you about a demon.
Amber initiates the quest a while after she has joined the party.
A group of slavers approach you while you're travelling with Amber in the party.
You meet Lorraine during the quest "Amber's Kidnapping".
Installation on the EE:
In Tower of Deception, you are hired to retrieve a valuable item from a tower out at sea, that once belonged to an evil githyanki wizard... (ch2*)
A relatively straight-forward and not-too-large dungeon, with nice-looking area art (I don't recognize where it comes from) and even a short video sequence.
- Talk to Tian inside the Crooked Crane Inn in the City Gates district of Athkatla.
Hints:Tired of going through all the lengthy puzzles, riddles, and tests in the maze beneath Spellhold (ch4) again, when replaying BG2?
Spellhold Gauntlet offers an alternative: By fighting monsters in an arena, you can earn all the unique items, spells, and XP that you would have gotten in the maze, and then leave Spellhold.
Fight as many waves of enemies as you like, get a few Mithral Tokens each time, and in between waves trade tokens for items / spells / rest / the right to leave (screenshot).
It teleports away after a short time, so if you linger (or explore other parts of the area), it disappears! If you were too slow, you can make it reappear by pasting the following command into the debug console: C:CreateCreature("Z#GAUNT")
Beyond the Law adds a pair of joinable NPCs: Kova (CG Half-Elf Mage/Thief) and Kiyone (LG Half-Elf Archer).
Kova is a burnt double agent of the Shadow Thieves and Cowled Wizards, and now a fugitive accused of major crimes – whereas Kiyone is an officer of the law investigating his case.
A long detective quest that requires having them both in the party starts in ch2, and concludes in ch6.
Beware that this mod subjects your party to frequent random assassin attacks, and may test your patience when it makes you click through the two NPCs' verbose arguments (and eventually romance talks) that your protagonist isn't even part of.
- Kiyone appears near you, the first time you are outdoors in chapter 2 after reaching a reputation of 13+. (Requires: Non-evil protagonist.)
- Kova can be found in the Windspear Hills once Kiyone is in the party.
Guides:In Dungeon Crawl, two rival adventuring parties are on a quest for a fabled treasure chest, and one of them offers to cut you in if you assist them... (ch2*)
This is a humorous quest with a relatively short dungeon, a prelude/epilogue in Athkatla, and some Monty Pythonesque elements. The area art is nice (I don't recognize where it comes from), although the perspective is slightly off. The custom-voiced lines are tolerable.
- Speak to Durnkrag in the Copper Coronet (in the Slums district of Athkatla).
Guides:The de'Arnise Romance mod expands the BioWare NPC Nalia de'Arnise (CG Human Thief4→Mage) by giving her a small additional quest (ch2*), as well as a romance option for male CHARNAMEs.
The quest continues Nalia's original quest-line, and allows her to get some closure by confronting her unwanted suitor on her own terms and uncovering the mystery of the troll attack on her family's keep.
Then continue to travel with her until you get her friendship talk about following in her parents' footsteps ("I miss them terribly [...]").
Then visit the de'Arnise Keep again. Teodora approaches you when you enter.
Angelo NPC brings Angelo Dosan, the BG1 side character, to BG2 as a joinable NPC (CN Human Fighter/Mage).
His past is catching up with him – both his Iron Throne involvement in Baldur's Gate, and his childhood among a Yakuza-style Kara-Tur crime syndicate – leading to one small and one medium-sized quest that require having him in the party.
(ch2*, with addendum in ToB).
- He stands in the Graveyard District of Athkatla (outdoors, near the northern exit). Talk to him.
To start the quests:- Bounty Hunters:
- When The Last Sword is Sheathed:
- When The Last Sword is Sheathed (ToB addendum):
Guides:Take Angelo to any another district of Athkatla, and the first bounty hunter encounter (Asgurz) ensues.
Some time after the third "Bounty Hunters" encounter, Amarant approaches you outdoors in Athkatla.
Find Suu in the tavern in Saradush.
(Requirement: Befriended Suu and killed Sawara during the SoA portion.)
In Assassinations, you are recruited by an unknown employer as an assassin-for-hire (ch2*).
Characters of all alignments can accept this well-written quest, which doesn't add any new areas but sends you to various nooks and crannies of the Athkatla outdoors maps that you may have never noticed before.
Check out my more in-depth Mod spotlight: Assassinations.
- Talk to Bernard in the Copper Coronet (in the Slums district of Athkatla) – he says that he has received a letter for you.
Walkthrough:(Requires: non-Paladin CHARNAME with a reputation below 17.)
In Tales of Anegh, a mysterious mage asks for your help to defend the town of Anegh from an invasion by a horde of half-breed monsters. But how did the monsters get here, and what is the mage really up to?
A large, self-contained adventure (ch6 or ToB) which spans multiple new major areas (partially photoshopped from BG1 backgrounds, partially custom-made), and includes side-quests.
The English translation is pretty rough, though.
Check out my more in-depth Mod spotlight: Tales of Anegh.
Xulaye NPC adds Xulaye Despana, a daughter of the main-story character Matron Mother Ardulace, as a temporary joinable NPC (LE Drow Mage/Assassin).
She accompanies you during the Underdark drow city portion of the BG2 story-line (ch5), and then leaves your party again.
While she's with you, she gets involved in the main story (making it more interesting for those replaying the game), and also has a small personal side-quest.
- Enter Ust Natha, and get your first task from handmaiden Imrae. Imrae introduces you to Xulaye, who insists on joining your party.
Guides:Jan's Extended Quest expands the personal quest-line of BioWare NPC Jan Jansen (CN Gnome Illusionist/Thief).
It continues the story of Jan's former fiancée and her abusive husband in Athkatla (ch2*), and provides the closure which was missing from the original quest. (Obviously, Jan has to be in the party for the duration of the quest.)
Includes some new indoor areas.
In Tales of the Deep Gardens (ch2*), your party falls victim to the spell "Imprisonment"... and ends up in a magical realm deep underground, which operates under different rules than the normal game world (and where everything centers around colors).
To complete the side-quests there and find your way back out, you'll have to solve puzzles and prevail in both physical and magical combat.
A very creative mod, with a short prelude in Athkatla and new maps with area backgrounds photoshopped from IWD1 and BG2 art.
- Talk to the "Crazy Mage" in the Government district of Athkatla.
Guides:(Recommended: Well-rounded lvl 13+ party.)
- Short walkthrough included in the "+Documents+" subfolder of the mod.
- Walkthrough by Lava Del'Vortel (Polish) → machine-translation to English
Hints:The Innershade mod adds a new village about a day's hike south-east of Athkatla (ch2*).
People have been disappearing in the crystal mines below the village under strange circumstances, and you are asked to investigate...
The quest is straightforward if approached with "Swords, not words!", but can be more rewarding if you find a way to learn more about the main enemy, and maybe forgo killing them.
Besides its main quest, the village also has a few mini-quests and interesting characters to interact with. The area backgrounds are creatively photoshopped from IWD1 and BG2 art.
- Buy the map from Ribald in the Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade. The new area "Innershade" will appear on your world-map.
To start the quests in Innershade:Alternatively, some muggers who attack you in the Bridge district also drop the same map.
- Innershade: The Enemy Below [main Innershade quest]:
- Innershade: Round, golden tragedy
- Innershade: Woman's Temperament
- Innershade: Help in the woodland
- Innershade: Healer's request
Interesting interactions in Innershade:Talk to Dawnmaster Patric in his tower. (Recommended: Lvl 9+ party.)
A child approaches you near the well.
Talk to Eva in the smithy in the top-left corner of the village.
Talk to the Woodchopper near the bottom-right corner of the village.
Talk to the Witchdoctor who appears near the village entrance in chapter 3 and 6.
- The "Annoyed bard" by the pond can teach a special ability to a bard party member.
- The "Dirty boy" by the bonfire can tell you stories about the village and other topics.
- "Barbara", the old lady in the house at the bottom edge of the village, can develop a friendship with CHARNAME if visted multiple times.
Guides:Nov 2010 — BG2 is re-released in digital form on
Ascalon's Breagar adds Breagar, a joinable NPC (LG Dwarf Fighter with custom kit "Dwarven Smith").
He has a relatively long personal quest line (ch1, ch2*) that involves tracking down his lost magical axe, and leads you to new maps photoshopped from BG1 area art.
To start the quests:
The Eilistraee's Song mod adds a secret encampment of peaceful Drow who follow the good-aligned goddess Eilistraee, that you can visit after returning from the Underdark (ch6).
You can train in their ways - if you do, be sure to pay close attention to the lore dumps because there is a quiz! They give you a few small side-quests, too. The area background seems to be photoshopped from existing BG2 art.
- Solaufein approaches you when you exit the Underdark at the start of chapter 6, and marks "Eilistraee's Clearing" on your world map.
To start the mini-quests in the clearing:(Requires that you helped him fake his death and escape Ust Natha in chapter 5.)
Fishing for Trouble is a mega-mod that adds 1 Athkatla district, 2 towns, 1 castle, and a long quest-line to tie them all together (ch2*).
The custom maps, partially photoshopped from BG1/BG2 area art, are particularly impressive.
Check out my more in-depth Mod spotlight: Fishing for Trouble.
- Lief Torman approaches you when you first enter the Gate District of Athkatla.
Guides:Installation on the EE:
The White Queen adds a remote deserted settlement (ch2*), whose inhabitants were seemingly killed by their mad ruler, who has now barricaded herself in the local castle.
Fight your way through her servants, to discover what really happened here...
A combat-heavy dungeon crawl, with a good amount of custom items as loot and with area art photoshopped from mostly IWD1 maps.
- Buy the book "White Queen" from the book merchant in Waukeen's Promenade, and read it. The new area "Silent Swamps" will appear on your world-map.
Guides:Mar 2012 — BG2:EE is announced.
In I Shall Never Forget (ch2*) you meet a scientist whose lover has died, and who has become obsessed with finding a way to bring her back at any cost – blind to the further harm his actions are causing to himself and those around him.
He pays you good money to help him out with simple tasks in service of his goal, but how far can you justify enabling him?
An unusually melancholic and thoughtful quest, which may send you to new maps photoshopped from IWD1 art.
- Enter the "2nd Floor Observatory" in the Government district of Athkatla.
Guides:(It's marked with a map note on the district map.)
Adrian NPC adds Adrian Sianodel, a joinable NPC (LE Half-Elf Sorcerer, Mage/Thief, or Cleric/Mage) that works well in parties of all alignments.
After having him in the party for a while, a small quest in Athkatla (ch2*) ensues, related to Adrian's past entanglement with a notorious espionage organization.
- Free him from the duergar smiths on level 2 of Irenicus's Dungeon.
To start the quest:- Tanya Damarov approaches you (outdoors in any city area), 9+ hours after you've had Adrian's fifth "friendship" talk.
Guides:Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII brings Ajantis Ilvastarr, the BG1 NPC (LG Human Paladin or Cavalier), to BG2.
But before he can join your party, you have to complete a quest to save him and his Paladin companions from the clutches of a sadistic foe... (ch2*)
Then encounter Malmae on level 2 of the Windspear Hills dungeon.
The Sellswords allows you to visit the Drow city Menzoberranzan, birthplace of Drizzt (ch6).
The infamous Jarlaxle has disappered while making a move against the city's Matron Mother – so his mercenary company, impressed with your previous success in infiltrating Ust Natha (the Underdark city of chapter 5), hires you to help free him. While you're there, a bunch of side-quests and intrigue keep you busy.
The new area background is based on that of Ust Natha, but photoshopped to change the town layout, so it feels fresh (albeit a bit small).
- A boy approaches you when you enter Waukeen's Promenade in chapter 6.
To start the side-quests in Menzoberranzan:Back to Brynnlaw allows you to return to the pirate island where Spellhold is located, from Athkatla (ch6).
The asylum is back under the control of the Cowled Wizards, and the pirate town under new leadership. A rogue Cowled Wizard contacts you in Athkatla with a proposal to travel there together, to try to restore both your and his apprentice's soul...
Reuses the existing Brynnlaw and Spellhold areas from chapter 4 (minus the maze beneath Spellhold), but fills them with new characters and mini-quests.
- Talk to the "Mysterious Figure" near the Adventurer Mart in Waukeen's Promenade in chapter 6.
To start the side-quests in Brynnlaw:The Wings mod expands the BioWare NPC Aerie (LG Avariel Cleric/Mage).
Coutelier's original edition of the mod focused on improving her banters/friendship/romance talks, and only added minor quest/encounter content (ch2*). But the rerelease by Skitia additionally adds a proper personal quest for Aerie, centered around fighting slavers (ch2*, ch6, ToB) – as well as a small quest for Minsc that involves Aerie (ch2*).
- (Raptair encounters): Talk to Raptair in the Umar Hills.
- Wing Taker: Travel with Aerie in Athkatla, 24+ hours after freeing Hendak.
- Love for Boo: Travel with both Aerie and Minsc in the party for a while.
Guides:Nov 2013 — BG2:EE is released.
Afaaq, the Djinni Companion adds an NPC (CG Djinni Fighter/Mage) who is unusual in that he doesn't take up a party member slot, so you can bring him along in addition to a full 6-person party.
He comes with a bunch of content, starting with the quest that leads you to find him (ch2*), followed by his personal quest-line to free his soul – which progresses at specific points along the game's main story (ch5, ch7, ToB). It leads you to both existing and new areas, some of which reuse IWD1/IWD2 area backgrounds.
Foundling: Between the Shades adds an NPC with a custom kit ("Shadow Adept"), a whole custom spell system ("Shadow Magic"), and a personal quest with the goal of freeing him from a deadly affliction.
The quest starts as soon as he joins your party (ch2*), and can be completed in one go, so if you don't want the Foundling as a permanent party member you can just treat this as a quest mod.
It leads you to Athkatla, as well as to new maps with pretty cool (pun intended) area backgrounds photoshopped from IWD1 and IWD2 art.
Reunion let's you return to the de'Arnise Keep during the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) portion of the game. The keep has once again been invaded, but this time not by trolls...
This quest is primarily about exploring the backstory of CHARNAME's biological family, and answering the questions left open by the encounters with the ghosts of Gorion and the protagonist's mother.
While you're at the keep, you can also complete a few additional mini-quests.
- Enter Amkethran (in ToB, chapter 9) with Nalia in your party.
To start the additional mini-quests at the keep:(You can summon Nalia via the fate spirit in your pocket plane.
You don't have to actually bring her along to the quest; you just need her to unlock it.)
Talk to Miranda by the palisade south of the keep.
Talk to Jessup by the palisade south of the keep.
Talk to Arat by the palisade south of the keep.
Talk to Gheed by the palisade south of the keep.
Apr 2016 — BG2:EE patch 2.0 is released.
Will of the Wisps adds a Shaman stronghold, as well as Will, a joinable NPC (TN Spectre Shaman with custom kit).
In the unmodded game, Shamans are the only player class that does not get a stronghold. This mod rectifies that by adding the Visionhive Grotto (ch2*), a cave inhabited by will-o'-wisps, which your Shaman can take charge of. If you do, it occasionally calls you back for minor events, similar to the existing strongholds for other classes.
Will is an undead shaman who dwelled among the wisps, and can join your party (ch2*) even if you do not have the stronghold. He has a short quest (ch5), with a new map.
This leads to both the stronghold, and the NPC.
The Keldorn Romance mod expands the BioWare NPC Keldorn Firecam (LG Human Inquisitor) by giving him a second personal quest, as well as a romance option for female protagonists.
The quest is set in Athkatla (ch2*), and involves bringing a former friend of Keldorn's to justice. It can be played without romancing Keldorn (but he needs to be in the party).
- Complete Keldorn's official quest the "good" way (reconciling with his wife, rather than throwing her in prison).
Walkthrough:Then, 2+ days after Keldorn has rejoined the party, enter the Docks district.
- In the mod's README.
[/list]The Southern Edge mod adds an additional district to Athkatla (ch2*) – complete with an inn, temple, shops, and various inhabitants.
The mod also adds a whole bunch of side-quests that start in the Southern Edge district, or lead you there. Most can be resolved without fighting, making this district suitable as an early-game quest hub.
- "Southern Edge" appears on your worldmap together with all the other districts of Athkatla.
To start the quests:Talk to Amaretto to the left of the northern district entrance.
Talk to the "Traveller" near the northern district entrance.
(Requires: Trademeet quest-line fully completed – i.e. genies gone, Faldorn dead, and family feud settled.)
Talk to the "Nervous Bard" on the second floor of the "Inside the Wall" inn.
Talk to Dreppin in the top-most tent.
Talk to the girl inside the right-most tent.
Talk to Dirty Kolad next to the temple.
Talk to Tonnam near the top-left corner of the district.
Talk to Niglir inside the house in the top-left corner of the district.
Talk to Mr. Cat in the southern part of the district.
Talk to Ghurklu near the bottom-right corner of the district.
Talk to Mairo Mudclapper by the "Arcanist's tent" in the bottom-left corner of the district.
Neil approaches you in the Southern Edge district one day after completing "The Southern Edge's Parasite".
Talk to Ribald in the Adventurer's Mart in Waukeen's Promenade.
Talk to Crynn near the east exit in the Lower Tombs below the Graveyard district of Athkatla.
Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul brings Skie Silvershield, the BG1/SoD character, to BG2 as a joinable NPC (TN Human Thief). But in order to meet her, you first have to complete a small quest in Athkatla (ch1, ch2*) to restore her soul which has been trapped inside a dagger by Jon Irenicus...
(Not to be confused with the older "Skie BG2 NPC"/"Skie ReDone" mod by the same author, which unlike this one didn't include a quest and didn't take the events of Siege of Dragonspear into account.)
Solaufein's Rescue adds a small quest to the Underdark portion of the game (ch5) – at the end of which, Solaufein (LN Drow Fighter) can optionally join your party.
The quest is about preventing Solaufein from being turned into a drider, and leads you to a new map which reuses IWD2 area art.
(This mod is unrelated to the older Solaufein Romance Mod by Weimer, which does not include a starting quest and gives Solaufein a different personality.)
The Ooze's Lounge mod adds a new underground venue to Athkatla (ch2*) – with a child innkeeper, Beholder merchant, and other curiosities.
The few side-quests you get here lead you both to existing areas, and to the caverns beneath the lounge.
The area backgrounds seem to be photoshopped from existing BG2 art.
- Enter the sewers via the grate in the outdoors map of the Slums district of Athkatla.
To start the quests:(Requires the "Slime-covered Key", which you can loot from the Tanner's house during the Bridge District Murders quest.)
Talk to Vulab in the sewers map which leads to the Ooze's Lounge.
Talk to Biya in the Ooze's Lounge.
Talk to Luna in the Ooze's Lounge after completing "Looking Under".
Talk to the "Cute Floating Eye" in the Ooze's Lounge.
Test Your Mettle! brings the Modron Maze dungeon from Planescape: Torment (PST) to BG2:EE, with a few changes and additions.
The modrons, an extraplanar race, have built an elaborate mechanical "dungeon simulator" – but lost control over it. They task you with fighting your way through it to locate the source of the problem...
Until you have solved the actual quest, you can fight your way through the automatically-resetting maze as far and as many times as you like, collecting loot tokens that can be traded for actual loot in the entrance area.
(unlock: ch2*; play: any chapter)
Trials of the Luremaster for BG2:EE brings the Castle Maluradek dungeon from Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster to BG2:EE (ch2*).
Your party is teleported to a cursed castle in a far-away desert, controlled by a powerful spirit that won't let you leave until you complete a very large, combat-heavy quest to find out what happened here...
(Recommended: Level 11+ party)
Tangled Oak Isle adds another district to Athkatla: An island in the sea just outside the city wall.
The isle has an inn, tavern, temple, lighthouse, and more.
Besides various mini-quests, you can investigate the sickness that has befallen the Tangled Oak (the isle's namesake), which leads to additional new maps (ch2*).
- It appears on the worldmap together with the other districts of Athkatla.
To start the quests:Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders adds a bank to Athkatla, as well as several quests (ch2*, ch3, ch4, ch6).
The bank allows your party to open an account, deposit money, let it accrue interest, and make withdrawals.
There are quests related to the bank, quests related to the thieves guild (incl. an Aran Linvail romance), and other quests (incl. a detective quest about a missing circus troll). Some of them lead to beautiful new maps.
- Guarded door at bottom corner of Waukeen's Promenade.
To start the quests:Skitia's NPCs For BG2:EE and EET adds five joinable NPCs to Athkatla, each with a custom kit and some personal quest content. The quests tie into the respective NPC's friendship talks, and don't add new maps.
Emily: NG Aasimar Archer ("Arcane Archer").
She is caught between her adventuring life and the politics of becoming her noble family's heir (ch2*, ch6).
Helga: CN Dwarf Cleric ("Priest of Haela").
Besides a tournament mini-quest (ch2*), her content revolves around a reunion with her son (ToB).
Kale: CN Halfling Fighter ("Warden").
He is reluctantly looking into the death of his estranged father, which leads to a detective quest (ch2*).
Recorder: NG Gnome Bard ("Lorekeeper").
She is eager to travel with the Hero of Baldur's Gate who she's been chronicling. But her own past is catching up with her... (ch2*, ch4)
Vienxay: NE Elf Mage/Thief ("Shadowmage").
Expelled from her homeland, she is now searching for a tome that would grant her power. (ch2*, ch5, ToB)
Bridge’s Block expands the Bridge District of Athkatla, by letting you explore the inside of the big stone wall there.
It consists of two long indoor maps (photoshopped from BG2 area art), with four small quests (ch2*).
- Go through the entrance in the left wall of the Bridge District (near the central arch).
To start the quests:Alabaster Sands adds another district to Athkatla: A small beach.
It includes a few small quests (ch2*).
- It appears on the worldmap together with the other districts of Athkatla.
To start the quests:- The Artist from Alabaster Sands: Talk to Tym Barwiarz in Alabaster Sands.
- Sirine and the Copper Pearl: Talk to the Copper Sirene in Alabaster Sands.
- A New Guardian for the Chickens: Talk to Bruner inside the right-most tent in Alabaster Sands.
- Mr. O. Possum: Talk to Mr. O. Possum inside the left-most tent in Alabaster Sands.
- Boy, Rat and the Missing Bell: Talk to Voby in Alabaster Sands.
- Love That's Far from Fishy: Talk to Shenee Lovelypox in the bottom-left corner of Waukeen's Promenade.
- Haunting of Alabaster Sands: Talk to the ghost in Alabaster Sands that is only present around midnight.
Guides:The Journey to the Whin Hill adds a relatively short, straight-forward, combat-heavy dungeon-crawl quest that plays out at a new worldmap location (ch2*).
The Dusk mod adds Captain Ardusk Aldant, or "Dusk" for short, as a joinable NPC (TN Human Wizard Slayer).
He has four personal quests that tie into his former life as a Paladin-in-training and Cormyrian soldier (ch2*), and will change his alignment to either good or evil.
(UPDATE: This mod has now been superseded by Autumn's Twilight.)
- He approaches you in Waukeen's Promenade at the end of the game's prologue.
To start the quests:- The Shilmist Armor: Visit the Slums district of Athkatla with Dusk.
- The Renegades of Sothillis: A messenger dog appears after the previous quest.
- The Revenge of the First Sword: A messenger dog appears after the previous quest.
- The Order of Mages: ...
Guides:In Love, Undeath adds a small new worldmap location: An open-air temple inhabited by non-hostile undead – who face unique challenges, including intolerance from the living.
It offers seven little quests (ch2*), as well as a joinable NPC, Xzelë Melaenitt (TN Paladin with custom kit).
Only one of the quests requires having her in the party.
- Tivelteris initiates conversation in the Temple District of Athkatla, and marks the "Temple of Evening Glory" (near Athkatla) on your worldmap.
To get the NPC to join:- Complete the first 5 quests listed below.
To start the quests:In Dark Tidings, your party is hired to investigate why a lighthouse went dark on an island near Athkatla (ch2*). Is it really just the sea trolls which were spotted by sailors, or are darker forces at work?
A medium-size dungeon crawl that is well fleshed out with lore and backstory, and features excellent custom area art.
- Talk to Thalass on the upper floor of the Sea's Bounty Tavern in the Athkatla Docks.
Guides:(Recommended: Well-rounded level 9+ party.)
The Bloodied Stings of Barovia takes your party to Barovia, a Domain of Dread from the Ravenloft campaign setting.
As if the impenetrable mists surrounding the area don't cause enough hardship, bloodthirsty bees have recently started feasting on people and animals. Your party must complete a medium-size quest-line in order to stop the attacks and find a way home... (ch2*)
The new areas provide a spooky atmosphere, and optional side-quests.
- Enter the new black door in the center-left part of the Graveyard district of Athkatla.
To start the quests there:- Necessary for returning:
- Through the Dreadful Mists: Starts when you arrive in Barovia; Continues at the end of "The Bloodjackets of Barovia".
- The Bloodjackets of Barovia: Talk to the farmer on the farm area west of the crossroads.
- Fixing the Barovian Well: Click the well on the wilderness area east of the crossroads.
- Barovian Tomb: Climb down the well after fixing it, and explore the top-left tunnel.
- Optional:
- (Sjerhan the Vampire): Climb down the well after fixing it, and take the right tunnel.
- The Tree and the Vines: Interact with the rose-covered tree in the wilderness area south of the farm area.
- Love of the Bloodjackets?: After completing both "The Tree and the Vines" and "The Bloodjackets of Barovia", talk to the tree again.
- The Lost Child of Barovia: Return to the crossroads area after visiting the farm area.
- The Bones of the Fallen: Loot the werewolf cave south-east from the crossroads area.
- Barovian Blacksmith and his Journal: Find a journal in the forge area, two areas east of the crossroads area.
- Barovian Blacksmith and the Broken Sword: Find a broken sword during the quest "Barovian Tomb".
- Barovian Raven and His Treasure: Rest in the forest clearing area north of the crossroads area.
Guides:Neverwinter Nights for Baldur's Gate brings the original NWN campaign to BG2.
The city of Neverwinter is ravaged by a plague tied to a mysterious cult. Your party is tasked with stopping it, which leads to a very large quest across the northern Sword Coast (ch2*).
The two dozen new worldmap locations use beautiful background art from Pillars of Eternity etc., and contain many dungeons, side-quests, stores, and 6 joinable NPCs.
(Note: Feel free to tell him to wait - a high-level party is recommended. Once you go with him, you cannot return to the normal BG2 areas until you have completed the very large NWN main quest.)
Call of the Lost Goddess adds a very large quest that sends you on a journey to the lower planes, in search of the disappeared goddess Waukeen (ch2*).
It lets you visit many amazing new maps (including a whole town in the Abyss), encounter new creature types, do little side-quests along the way, and learn about some of the more arcane parts of Forgotten Realms lore.
- A Priest of Waukeen initiates dialog near the top corner of the Government district of Athkatla.
To start the side-quests:(Recommended: Well-rounded level 10+ party.)
Talk to Maendir outside the Goldspires abbey.
Talk to Elandra Moonsong on the Infinite Staircase entrance map.
Talk to the modron on the Infinite Staircase main map.
Talk to Val'kreen inside the Weeping Goddess tavern in Samora.
In Samora, find clues about how magic works differently here, and how to mitigate it.
Zeep initiates conversation outdoors in Samora.
Talk to Aphul on the Tanar'ri Outpost map after completing the main quest objective there.
Meet Annia Greystockings in the Soul Fields.
Hear out the Bebilith in the Soul Fields cave instead of fighting it.
Starts when Margrog in Samora reveals the bargain he struck (late in the main quest).
Talk to Daugralluvidan at the Acid Pools of Vemach.
Talk to Maryel in the prison under Samora.
I consider Waukeen's Promenade "logically" part of chapter 2, even if technically, the chapter 2 intro slide only plays after Gaelan Bayle.
The asterisk is a reminder that most of this content also remains available in chapters 3 and 6.
- Mod spotlight: Assassinations
- Mod spotlight: Check the Bodies
- Mod spotlight: Fishing for Trouble
- Mod spotlight: Planar Sphere Mod
- Mod spotlight: Tales of Anegh
- Mod spotlight: The Darkest Day
BG1:- Mod impressions: BG:EE Quest Mods
IWD:Other mods I have on the radar for eventual inclusion into this list:
Wheels of Prophecy is an absolute must have as well. There is also a great little French quest mod rounding off Jan's story (the name eludes me). Fishing for Trouble probably stands alone among the large quest mods as a nearly bug- and cringe-free experience. Tales of Anegh comes close, as long as you are willing to brave the garbled prose.
One question though, do you have any plans to prepare a similar mod impressions post for BG1EE as well? I would be very interested in that too.
This one?
No, I focus on IWD and BG2 these days.
(And IWD doesn't have any quest mods, other than Afaaq lite and Sarevok57's Mega Mod - and even those are just combat encounters.)
What's the name of the Jan's mod?
Probably this: ?
But I don't think it's compatible with the EE.
(don't want to ping you, not needed!)
Your reviews kinda convinced me to install Check the Bodies on my next playthrough... I was shunning it for the longest time, but I'm a sucker for new areas (specially beautiful made areas!) and I can easily ignore the overpowered loot, just by not using it
I already had all Lava's mods and most of the other in your list in my current big install, but now I'm also looking with interest some of the other ones I didn't had included, besides CtB that is, like Reunion and Test your Mettle.
Thanks for writing these reviews!
EDIT: typo
Seeing Afaaq and Foundling on your list, is there a chance you'd consider taking up Ajantis BGII and my Solaufein mod, as well? Both have quests which must be completed before the NPCs can be taken into the party, and both can be done without having to take the NPCs into the party. For Solaufein, the quest part is fully translated to English.
I've put them on the TODO-list for my next install.
Is it safe to install? Is it stable? Bugs? Any opinion?