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Sandrah Saga For EET



  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178
    I stopped reading when Sandrah started to get sexual with Minsc.... So horrible. :/
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    tl1942 wrote: »
    I stopped reading when Sandrah started to get sexual with Minsc.... So horrible. :/

    At least it wasn't with Boo.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Roxanne has pretty good english from what I can tell of online comments, not sure why exactly the creative writing is so much harder for me to comprehend in the game.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited August 2021
    lollers wrote: »
    Roxanne has pretty good english from what I can tell of online comments, not sure why exactly the creative writing is so much harder for me to comprehend in the game.

    I've been reading the let's play thread linked above, and her english seems to get worse the further you get into the hack. Its almost like you can tell the point where volunteer proof readers couldn't take anymore.
    Post edited by ThacoBell on
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Oh my god. @Vichan, I read your LP up to about Beregost and I can't take any more; it's even worse than a modern-day Saerileth. Here I thought Saerileth was the worst BG modding had to offer after reading Shugojin's BG2 LP Archive years ago. I knew Sandrah was bad from being universally panned by everyone who isn't Roxanne, but I never realized the sheer scope of it all. Even Saerileth can SHUT THE HELL UP FOR FIVE MINUTES and look at how Roxanne massacred Imoen and Khalid and Kivan and EVERYONE and aaaaAAAAAAAAAAA
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Sandrah seems like a perfect candidate to take on some basilisks. Alone.

    IOW, the way people split up NPC couples before mods.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited September 2021
    Maurvir wrote: »
    Sandrah seems like a perfect candidate to take on some basilisks. Alone.

    IOW, the way people split up NPC couples before mods.

    I wonder if anyone tried that? Most likely would not help, though. She would either have immunity to petrification, or would ... charm the basilisk.
    Post edited by Mirandel on
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    I've been thinking about Sandrah, and it's making me wonder if there aren't any inarticulate character in baldurs gate who regard our favorite Bhaalspawn with the same loathing that is visible for Sandrah in this community and over at something awful. When you really stop and think does the world makes Sandrah the centre of the universe anymore than it does us, the players? BG2 in particular cranks it up a level or two because it seems like the player character attracts quests and powerful people like a lodestone.
  • HenaniganHenanigan Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2021
    lollers wrote: »
    I've been thinking about Sandrah, and it's making me wonder if there aren't any inarticulate character in baldurs gate who regard our favorite Bhaalspawn with the same loathing that is visible for Sandrah in this community and over at something awful. When you really stop and think does the world makes Sandrah the centre of the universe anymore than it does us, the players? BG2 in particular cranks it up a level or two because it seems like the player character attracts quests and powerful people like a lodestone.

    Doesn't the main character inexplicably attract quests and people in quite a few games, movies, books though?

    It would have been better IMO for Sandrah to simply replace the main character. In order for her to become the main character without technically removing the PC, Sandrah needs to know better, come better equipped, be more up to the task in general at all times, and other NPCs such as Edwin need to be downplayed. Your PC needs to be downplayed as well. I'm not sure about in-game characters loathing Charname, but the assumption in this mod seems to be that Charname is rather slow on the uptake and in need of babysitting. Apart from the descriptions of Sandrah's items and a letter from her father early on, four to five people need to mention "El..." before Charname finally connects the dots and asks Sandrah who her father is, and then only hesitantly. There are many things like that.

    IMO the reaction to Sandrah is due to poor game design at a conceptual level. Using tricks such as having the PC drop all his/her stuff when Sandrah the character would have no way of achieving this; or having Sandrah 'identify' the Girdle of Gender without it actually being identified in-game (and the mod then going so far as to replace the non-cursed girdle from the Cursed Items Revision mod, if present, with a cursed one because Sandrah when 'identifying' it says it's cursed); or giving the player the choice to either listen to Sandrah's advice or end up in an infinite loop (some dialogue in the FAI area)... such things are poor game design at a technical level as well.
    Post edited by Henanigan on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    lollers wrote: »
    I've been thinking about Sandrah, and it's making me wonder if there aren't any inarticulate character in baldurs gate who regard our favorite Bhaalspawn with the same loathing that is visible for Sandrah in this community and over at something awful. When you really stop and think does the world makes Sandrah the centre of the universe anymore than it does us, the players? BG2 in particular cranks it up a level or two because it seems like the player character attracts quests and powerful people like a lodestone.

    The big difference is, charname is the actual main character of the game. The story and everything else was built around them. Can you imagine a big sweeping story about divine blood and destiny, but the player is forced to be an npc? That's not how games work.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I don't have a problem with mod NPCs that have quests that are important to them. I actually like mod NPCs that have an interesting story or quest to solve. Isra, for instance, brings in a nice bit of family intrigue that weaves in well with existing Athkatlan characters. However, there comes a point where modders need to realize that their NPC is a party member, not the protagonist.

    It's a shame about Sandrah, though, as there are few NPCs designed specifically for EET. While several have full quadrology content, and carry through pretty seamlessly, a properly designed EET NPC could involve using the whole map more effectively, thus making an EET build really feel more like one huge game.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Maurvir A good npc to take for the trilogy is Sirene. Her personal quest mirrors charname's, just on a smaller scale (no deities). It was pretty interesting to have another party member who also struggled with a disconnect between heritage and their own morality. Her writer did a good job of making her relate to the pc's problems without taking center stage.
  • HenaniganHenanigan Member Posts: 38
    Vichan: "Are you talking to me?"
    The Sandrah mod Sir Sarles: "Not really, I rather need the more distinguished knowledge of your companion."

    The people over at the LP thread seem rather worn out by now. Hang in there, Vichan, you may make it to the other side!

    I noticed that quite a few area maps in the Sandrah mod, and Sandrah's scripts as well, use the CV modder prefix (Cuv). Maybe there's some story here that I don't want to know. I'm curious where the artwork's from, though.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Imagine people not knowing any better getting suckered into believing Roxanne actually made any of the assets used in the mod.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i remember when Sandrah Saga first came out and thought it was cool there was a mod that was pretty much exclusive to eet.

    then i got spared as i always felt getting an eet install was to combersome.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Looks like the thread was changed to members only.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Looks like the thread was changed to members only.

    Could you please clarify what you mean?

    If you're referring to the edit to this thread, a few comments were going off topic and were split into a separate thread, you can find it here.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Arvia I think this refers to @Vichan 's Lets Play of the Sandrah Saga at (Link)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Arvia Whoops, should have clarified. jastey is correct, I was referring to the lp thread on SA that's been in discussion on here so much.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Means that they want you to pay money to read them. Everything I've tried looking at has brought me to the pay page.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    I would carry on and provide emotional support for you in this monumental undertaking, however the website is still pay-to-view. I cannot help you. I gave up ages ago anyway, shortly before Nashkel mines I suspect back when the content was still 70% not Sandrah.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    so it truly is the new generations Saerileth. which stole planescape torment maps for her quest.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I can say with reasonable confidence that for all of Saerileth’s faults, Sillara and Nethrin at least were not writing their mod one-handed… probably.
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 211
    The journey is complete. I laughed, I cried, I curled into a fetal ball and prayed to an uncaring universe that it would finally be over.

    Congratulations @Vichan. I'm glad that you were able to provide a window into this strange corner of the BG modding community, where one person's obsession with the game created this singular mammoth work that would likely be otherwise unseen by anyone. Oh, it's a bad mod, certainly, and the theft of other modder's work is egregious. But I think there's something to be said for the sheer quantity of effort that was put into it and it deserves to be examined by future internet scholars for all time.
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