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The Road to v1.3 (BG:EE), Phase IV



  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Based on what @Daralon87‌ said., I have an question. Is there any particular reason that only German language version has it's own vocalization?
  • M7700BM7700B Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2014
    Does 1.3 patch for iPad include east asian languages?
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    @ZelgadisGW‌ probably because the German market was attractive at the time of launch of the original BG. Germans like localisations (not to mention dubbing, oh the horror) :)
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    @Sed Thank you, but I would like to hear the answer from official sources, namely from @Dee.
  • gnappomangnappoman Member Posts: 8
    In hell, test of selfishness, just give your character which will be held something regenerating ... ;-)
  • DRiVER_helsinkiDRiVER_helsinki Member Posts: 1
    Still updating this ? awesome ! i just decided to buy BG 1 & 2 , instead of many new similarish games that i studied thru. Learning and happy.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Thank you for answering, @Dee . Of course, I know that VO's are for original content only and I never really expected something for the new content.

    Still, I was aware of plans to include these VO's for original content since about 1,5 year already, and nothing has been done since that time. So I rather grow impatient and, sadly, dissapointed.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Dee there's another little UI bug that happens in Multiplayer 1.3, after you enter text in the chat box, and press enter, when you try to move your characters, the 'green box for character selection' (the thing that happens when you click and drag)( is generated instead, making movement really complicated until you make the dialog bar smaller (to hide the chat box).
    Repro steps:
    1) create a MP game, no other players than the host are needed
    2) go to the main game screen
    3) be sure to have a character selected
    4) press 'T' to bring up the text box
    5) write something and press enter
    6) try to move your character(s)
    7) see how the 'character selection green box' triggers each time.

    Troodon80 and Shandyr also experienced this when playing.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yep, that one was reported during Bug-Hunt-Palooza.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Dee said:

    Yep, that one was reported during Bug-Hunt-Palooza.

    Uh, looks like I missed the report, sorry.
  • Daralon87Daralon87 Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2014
    Dee said:

    I think the official reason given back when it was first done was that the original German translation from 1998 was very ill-received. We contracted a new translation to be done, and the company that handled it also recorded new VO.
    Hear this difference at 6:28 (this was the Origins 1998)

    and at this EE hears mistaken at the 3. frame (this frame upsetted on the 1. frame.)

    Why not copy and paste this
  • MaxBGMaxBG Member Posts: 1
    Are there any fixes or improvements in 1.3 that will require a new game in order to take effect? I am asking because I can finally start my first ever BGEE playthrough and since 1.3 seems to be almost here I was wondering if I should wait a bit longer or start now and then upgrade to 1.3 later.
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2014
    MaxBG said:

    Are there any fixes or improvements in 1.3 that will require a new game in order to take effect? I am asking because I can finally start my first ever BGEE playthrough and since 1.3 seems to be almost here I was wondering if I should wait a bit longer or start now and then upgrade to 1.3 later.
    Post edited by bmardiney on
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited July 2014
    One of Polish players reported one little thing with map marker. The name "Wzgórza Wichrowych Włóczni" is too long and cut off on the world map (rightmost map marker on the map below).

    I'm not be able to create a ticket today (it's late here), so if someone could do it for me, I will be grateful. If not, I'll do it tomorrow myself. I'm asking because 1.3 patch is in its final state and time may be of the essence to include a fix in it.

    Edit: Don't mind that Wild Forest and Hidden Refuge areas are in English. Translation were not yet implemented to .dlg.

  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @Dee oh bloody hell, I'm so tired that I've mixed things up:( Ok, in that case I'll make proper ticket myself tomorrow.
    Sorry for that...
  • HitchHitch Member Posts: 2
    Speaking of polish voice-over, can't we get a temporary solution? There is no reason to hold it until VO for new content is ready and I would GREATLY enjoy a more complete PL version with some fonts fixed too.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Wow. Just... wow. With all due respect, devs, Dee, members in this thread: Did you drink as a fetus? I don't know how you would accomplish that, but it's the only way I can comprehend a thread this spectacularly stupid.

    Do you have any idea how to run videogame support? Any idea at all? Who in the hell ASKS their fans if their own patch is ready to be publicly released or not? Is this a Kickstarter for patches? You need 500 supporters to vote on whether your work is competent enough to publish? Is this a school paper? You're being graded for submitting to get a reward at Chuck E. Cheese's?

    In 25 years of gaming, I have NEVER heard of a company that needed its own fans to vote on whether or not they're doing a good job. I get an image of a naive child asking their parents if they should choose between the colors red and blue. It's like I walk down the street and ask the nearest random bum, "Hey man, am I making enough money this year?" Wow. Terrible. Just terrible. Ungodly half-assed.

    Here's a better idea: Hire ACTUAL beta testers with qualified experience and PAY them to test. Do it in private instead of transparently showing your organs like Time Warner Cable. And release it to people when YOU think it's ready.

    I feel unclean living on the same planet as you. Nintendo you are not. Sony you are not. Blizzard you are not. Hell Ubisoft... even EA wouldn't sink THIS low. Time to rethink your lives.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited July 2014
    I completely agree with a somewhat toned-down version of @Wraith_Sarevok's comment. ;)
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Adul said:

    I completely agree with a somewhat toned-down version of @Wraith_Sarevok's comment. ;)

    Likewise. @Dee seems to think that QA is now somehow the responsibility of their customers - you get us to pay for broken products, now we have to beta test them too?

    This whole "Road to 1.3" is a scam. What will you do if you don't get 500 okays, not release the patch? Maybe if you actually did the work yourselves instead of foisting bug hunts onto the community, you might have been able to address the copious problems with your games within a timeframe that didn't make Beamdog look like a joke.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited July 2014
    @kaguana: No. Sorry, but no. It's been seven months for 1.3 (so far), and it was a year for 1.2 before that. No single patch should ever take that long, especially when there are bigger problems they're ignoring in the interim.

    You want to be a beta tester? Enjoy, and more power to you. I didn't pay $50 so I could do the devs' dirty work for them, especially when this whole "community bug-hunt" program hasn't actually led to faster problem-solving anyway.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited July 2014
    @Gate70‌ Yeah, that was an awesome moment for us! I will remember it fondly as one of the greatest moments of my beta testing!
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