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All you wanted to know about Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear ("Adventure Y" previously)



  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    billbisco said:

    Have a little more faith in old Bill. From the translated German to English:

    Throughout history, we meet both old acquaintances such as Minsk, the new comrades from the Enhanced Edition (including Dark Elf mage Baeloth) and four completely new companion . One of them takes over the new shaman class, three offer possible romances.

    Somehow I think the person doing the interview may have gotten confused between the old and the new Beamdog companions. I was interpreting the "something like romance" that Trent said to mean continuing your romance with the existing Beamdog companions, not starting romances with the new ones. But seeing as I don't know the exact wording of the question or the answer during this interview, this is just speculation.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    cmk24 said:

    Somehow I think the person doing the interview may have gotten confused between the old and the new Beamdog companions. I was interpreting the "something like romance" that Trent said to mean continuing your romance with the existing Beamdog companions, not starting romances with the new ones. But seeing as I don't know the exact wording of the question or the answer during this interview, this is just speculation.
    Yep, I agree. Like I said before, GameStar 8while not a bad magazine per se) does have the tendency to
    rush into things and then.. misunderstand some stuff. ^^
    And while it is perfectly possible that they got better in the last years (I stopped reading it after I went
    to PS as my main gaming system) I *do* hear about a rather ..shaky reputation. =/

    Well, I'm the last one who would be unhappy about a female soldier as a romance ^_^
    ( long as it isn't ruined/punished by the epilogue.. stupid Divine decision *sigh*)
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    So... why does a German magazine have all this intel that we don't?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    shawne said:

    So... why does a German magazine have all this intel that we don't?

    A combination of publishing schedules and the impracticality of trying to enforce NDAs overseas, I think.

    I remember a bunch of information on TOR leaked prematurely via a German print magazine too.
  • srvksrvk Member Posts: 65
    So, the new UI... when they said they are implementing a new UI I thought they were making it more practical ie you could press a button to change from sword/shield to arrow/bow combination or that resurrected characters could automatically pick their stuff back from the ground where they were killed. Instead what we get is changes only to the character sheet, inventory, spell sheet etc?
    Also why make the aforementioned sheets windowed and not full screen?
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    srvk said:

    So, the new UI... when they said they are implementing a new UI I thought they were making it more practical ie you could press a button to change from sword/shield to arrow/bow combination or that resurrected characters could automatically pick their stuff back from the ground where they were killed. Instead what we get is changes only to the character sheet, inventory, spell sheet etc?
    Also why make the aforementioned sheets windowed and not full screen?

    They said they are work in on the sword and board to two handed weapon swap. Donno how it is going though.

    There needs to be down sides to death IMO so having all the equipment re-equip upon raise is not something I personally would like. I am more a realist that there should be a body you need to carry (with weight) if you need to return to a temple for a raise dead spell. But that is me and my needs and has nothing to do with UI.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    3 new romance options does not necessarily mean the new npcs. Maybe skie can be romanced by us now too (since it seems she has a quest of sorts) or maybe other old npcs....?
  • ZarugalZarugal Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2015
    bengoshi said:

    Oster wants to eventually develop Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • billbiscobillbisco Member Posts: 364
    @iroumen Skie leaves your party and gets captured. It is highly unlikely for her to get a romance. The articles mwntioned early clearly say or imply romances with the new npcs not the bioware ones.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Zarugal said:

    And if SoD becomes a critically acclaimed success, I'm sure WotC will be more then happy to say "yes".
    Especially since they seem to have a good relationship and Beamdog is willing to ask for infos regarding
    official lore - wizards *should* be happy about this kind of stuff ^^
  • ZarugalZarugal Member Posts: 51
    Arcanis said:

    And if SoD becomes a critically acclaimed success, I'm sure WotC will be more then happy to say "yes".
    Especially since they seem to have a good relationship and Beamdog is willing to ask for infos regarding
    official lore - wizards *should* be happy about this kind of stuff ^^

    I'd say that if they've managed to get permission to release an expansion for BG1, WotC would be happy with them making an official 3rd instalment - so long as it's successful and fans like it of course.

    No pressure..
  • AshleyMarieAshleyMarie Member Posts: 4
    bengoshi said:

    The price of SoD will be around $20. This answers a long question of how much it will cost (the question I personally made a poll about on these boards a long time ago).

    $20 for an expansion for a base game that cost $20 also. That's a tad bit too much. If this is a true expansion and not a stand alone game that just happens to take place between BG1 and BG2 then it should be a little cheaper than the base game, say about $10.

    Now if this were a stand alone game, yeah I could see $20.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Anduin said:

    Unfortunately... I would pay £40.


    And I probably will as everyone knows you need the PC version and the android version to fully appreciate it.


    Don't ask why... I'm slightly demented when it comes to this game...

    Forty quid's a bit steep considering BGEE is only twenty dollars.
  • ZarugalZarugal Member Posts: 51
    wubble said:

    Forty quid's a bit steep considering BGEE is only twenty dollars.

    I believe Anduin is saying that he's going to buy two copies of the game, implying that he already has done so for the base BG:EE. That would bring it to $40/£30 for BG:EE for him, with a further $40/£30 spent on SoD.

    To be quite honest, given my love for the games I'd be willing to drop a fair amount for new content (I won't say how much because I don't want to give the devs ideas!) so I can see where Anduin's coming from - especially if he wants both a PC version and a portable version.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Zarugal said:

    I believe Anduin is saying that he's going to buy two copies of the game, implying that he already has done so for the base BG:EE. That would bring it to $40/£30 for BG:EE for him, with a further $40/£30 spent on SoD.
    I was commenting one the exchange rate, fortunately beamdog are not one of the companies that believes $1=£1.
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    10 or 20€?

    Just shut up and take my money!
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    $1 = 64p at the moment. so $20 = £12.85.

    $1 = €0.91, so $20 = €18.29
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    bengoshi said:

    (CA): In short, they pay a lot of respect to BG1 and BG2, they make a smooth transition between the two, and they made (in my opinion) a lot of hard writing and development choices to honor that transition that other developers may have solved through short cuts, and I was impressed they didn't .

    If true, this is the money quote - the weakest parts of the EEs are the result of shortcuts, not a lack of talent.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Anduin said:

    I... I do not remember this exchange rate, Google Play. I have tried. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory, 69p used to equal $1... but now it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. For years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. Google play took that from me, too. I look upon you, exchange rate, and feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with itunes and all the others. Once my thirst for content was everything. And now I hunger only for revenge. And I... WILL... HAVE IT!



    On second thoughts... What is an extra 31p per dollar between friends?

    Hang on... I'll get my calculator...

    *tap tap tap*

    4 squillion me-jidgies!


    No wait... Put the decimal point in the wrong place... Let me get back to you...

    *tap tap tap*

    I may be sometime...
    I calculate the price will be 1 Triganic Pu (or 8 Ningis for those who deal in fiddling small change).
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    edited August 2015
    I was thinking about answering.. But I couldn't resist ;-)
    Your translation is not too bad, buuut I have to say there is no "few" in the german text..
    "einige" means some and the second sentence had nothing about any quantity. But aside from that,
    pretty good translation :D
    (Shameless self-plug: My translation of the paragraph should be in the last page =P)

    completly unrelated, but what does the MTH in your name mean? =)
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