@Arcanis, MTH are my initials. Belgarath is a fairly popular fictional character among people who read fantasy literature, so the name is usually taken on most websites I frequent. When I decided I wanted to use it for an easy to remember personal screen name and user ID, I needed a way to make it my own, and I didn't want to use a number.
EDIT: I corrected my translation. I was going to leave my error translating "einige" in with overstrikes, but I can't find the command to make it work.
@Arcanis, MTH are my initials. Belgarath is a fairly popular fictional character among people who read fantasy literature, so the name is usually taken on most websites I frequent. When I decided I wanted to use it for an easy to remember personal screen name and user ID, I needed a way to make it my own, and I didn't want to use a number.
EDIT: I corrected my translation. I was going to leave my error translating "einige" in with overstrikes, but I can't find the command to make it work.
Not sure if this has been asked before but is there any way for all currently unused npcs to be set to the party's level in siege of dragonspear? I have a party in durlag's tower at the moment that doesn't include Minsc and I'm not sure I'm capable of trying new content without Minsc in my party.
It was (maybe) the very first spoiler that the Adventure Y was about Dragonspear Castle:
"Dragonspear Castle never was in the original BG. It's a new one for the enhanced edition for the iPad. In fact, several new bonus areas and adventures were added."
It would be awesome to have a tactical battle on that bridge... If there're possibilities to send you opponent flying down to the Abyss.
One of my few regrets about the Infinity Engine is how little environments seem to matter. Its actually one of the reason I really love Saradush (with the annoying hurling stones of fire and the archers on the parapet). A bridge fight would be cool, but I don't know how they would implement that (and how you would get all the sick loot if someone falls off).
It would be awesome to have a tactical battle on that bridge... If there're possibilities to send you opponent flying down to the Abyss.
One of my few regrets about the Infinity Engine is how little environments seem to matter. Its actually one of the reason I really love Saradush (with the annoying hurling stones of fire and the archers on the parapet). A bridge fight would be cool, but I don't know how they would implement that (and how you would get all the sick loot if someone falls off).
What?! Everyone knows that when people are being pushed off a bridge, they quickly drop everything they carry and take off their armor, boots, gauntlets, cloaks, rings, shields, quivers and helmets before they fall! That's just common sense!
I need this nooooowwww I'm waiting to play my Cleric for a full trilogy run until this comes out
Start it now. You are going to be kicking yourself if SoD comes out and you dont have a character ready that you want to play through it.
I'd actually have a couple set and ready to go (I myself have one and working on two others) just incase an NPC you want to try out doesnt mesh with your current companions.
EDIT: I corrected my translation. I was going to leave my error translating "einige" in with overstrikes, but I can't find the command to make it work.
It would be awesome to have a tactical battle on that bridge... If there're possibilities to send you opponent flying down to the Abyss.
And miss out on any awesome gear they have?! No way!
Actually, it's an art from http://uncannyknack.deviantart.com/ - John Gallagher - that dates back to 2013 - http://uncannyknack.deviantart.com/art/Dragonspear-Castle-389444857.
It was (maybe) the very first spoiler that the Adventure Y was about Dragonspear Castle:
"Dragonspear Castle never was in the original BG. It's a new one for the enhanced edition for the iPad. In fact, several new bonus areas and adventures were added."
I'm waiting to play my Cleric for a full trilogy run until this comes out
You are going to be kicking yourself if SoD comes out and you dont have a character ready that you want to play through it.
I'd actually have a couple set and ready to go (I myself have one and working on two others) just incase an NPC you want to try out doesnt mesh with your current companions.