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All you wanted to know about Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear ("Adventure Y" previously)



  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    Hey thanks for answering the party import question! Great stream!

    Also its kinda good to know some characters overall plots affect the length of their appearance in SoD.

    [Spoiler]Im bracing myself now that Viconia might possibly make an early exit but that tid bit about her conversation with Baeloth is amazing to know![/spoiler]
  • cloudkillbeatsallcloudkillbeatsall Member Posts: 98

    Also its kinda good to know some characters overall plots affect the length of their appearance in SoD.

    I know it's done to cut down on workload but I like the idea that characters have lives outside of you and don't just stick to following you around.
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2016

    I know it's done to cut down on workload but I like the idea that characters have lives outside of you and don't just stick to following you around.

    Im personally not so sure its just about workload etc. I think they beamdog folks are doing a great job of keeping this watertight from a narrative pov, both with the plots and characters. When I first heard about SoD and how it was an "interquel" (if thats even a thing) my initial reaction was "what the hell!?" With the trickles of information that have come out over time though its now "when the hell can i preorder!?"

    If, just as an example, my all time favourite RPG character Viconia takes off 2/3rds of the way through the story I genuinely believe its because of what she tells you early on in her BG2 romance and that she wants to try and find a little peace.

    Of course youre absolutely right though about how it helps in terms of character workload and costs etc, etc. I however do think it is genuinely because they respect the characters personal arcs.

    I guess Ive just been totally sold on SoD and hitched myself to the bandwagon. :smile:
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Anduin said:

    Gazebos were sadly forgotten... They must be integral to the plot... Revealing any such mystery would destroy the game!

    They can't reveal that Bhaal is actually a Gazebo God... That's under NDA... :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    *Ponders when this whole gazebo thing even started*
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Does a Cursed Knife of Cake Cutting -5 appear at some point in SoD?

    No. One did appear at some point in the Beamdog offices, though.

    The helm is included however

  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited February 2016
    As you may all know... Or not know... A possible spoiler...

    A Lich was seen during the stream.

    A Coldhearth Lich... I'm sure I read this correctly, but it may be coldheart Lich...

    Anyway... I'm thinking about it... A dwarf has gone missing... Could it be a Dwarven Lich? Becuase of the name?

    Then the power of negative energy came over me... It could not be a Dwarven Lich, because they can't be wizards... In 2ed. anyway...

    But I did some research just in case... Turns out I was sort of correct...

    Taken from
    Thorsamsonns are dwarven archliches. A thorsamsonn's skin becomes gray rock, and its beard transforms into stalactites while their irises shine like emeralds. This transformation does not affect their mobility.
    There is only one recorded thorsamsonn: Bandaerl Dumatheir.


    Could the name... Relate to another type of underground dweller of short stature, related in some small way to Dwarves in their love of the earth and home...

    Could this be...

    A GNOME LICH ! ? !

    Perhaps it could be me reading too much into a name... But it may prove true

    It has sent my world topsy turvy, with the mere thought, I can tell you!
    Post edited by Anduin on
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    Ive just read the familiar magazine and its terrific. Really great to read not just new things Baldurs Gate related but of the isometric tactical RPG genre in general. Its really great to see it coming back so strong as so many "RPG" games these days aim for the same cinematic formula thats low on player choice.

    Anyway the reason I bring it up is I was kicking myself after the familiar reminded me of a question I should have asked during the stream since I play a mage 98.4567% of the time.

    Its probably a non-issue really or a very minor one but given the problem of "misplacing" and having to resummon your familiar when importing to BGII (all the while retaining the HP gains) does SoD manage to avoid doing this a "second" (or more accurately "first") time?

    I know its been hinted at that we might be having all our moniez "confiscated", but Im doubting the items get this treatment as I know a great thing about SoD is that more new items will able to import over. Still I dont want to take it as a given and end up having to summon my cat again. Hes a cranky little demon.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Anduin said:

    Gazebos were sadly forgotten... They must be integral to the plot... Revealing any such mystery would destroy the game!

    But are Were-Gazebos in the game?

    PC: Were Gazebo.

    NPC: There Gazebo. There Castle.
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    If there isnt an NPC named Obezag in the game Ill eat my..... toast.
  • brusbrus Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2016
    Phillip mentioned the tools which will help out the modders to get some things done easily.
    Will you release this tools after the game will be released?
    Could you make the tools more user friendly? For example, DLTCEP has some painful installation setup and user interface for newcomers in modding.
    Also, could you add possibility to add our animations (as .png image sequences), assets, background areas in the game more easily ?
    For example, to make an area you have to follow this quite hard instructions: .
    Post edited by brus on
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    @Amber_Scott, @PhillipDaigle really enjoyed the livestream today - lots of good questions answered. Even more psyched for this game now, as it's looking better and better. The new areas look gorgeous and I just cannot wait to play this both as a standalone and a bridge between BG1 and 2. Really hoping there'll be some more on the BG games from Beamdog as it feels like you have found your feet.

    The Familiar is very good too, I'd be interested to see some stuff in there to do with Torment: Tides of Numenara and Pillars of Eternity. Feels like with Kickstarter a really good ecosystem for these isometric RPGs is starting to build up again and it's a very exciting time.
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915

    brus said:

    1) If you could tell us will there be tiefling or aasimar race involved in the Siege of Dragonspear ?

    2) Dual wielding slings ... ?

    I meant to answer this in the stream and I forgot in the heat of the moment. Yes there is at least one tiefling and one aasimar you can meet on your journey, but that's all I'll say to avoid spoilers.

    Not sure about the slings.
    Perhaps a PS:T(EE) cross-over?

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2016
    bengoshi said:

    The recap of the twitch:
    most of the SoD items have unique effects that were not possible in the original games
    we added a lot of code functionality to support the new items
    we also have items that grant specific bonuses to certain classes, races or kits

    This makes me very happy. It looks like they may have gotten effect 183 to work... Or a new opcode perhaps. Actually, this suggests quite a few new opcodes. We have--what was it? Around 100?--new items most of which 'have unique effects that were not possible in the original games'....

    Post edited by elminster on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited February 2016
    @Grammarsalad Just an FYI I edited your post just because you had a "[ /spoiler ]" (I assume from the Bengoshi's post you were quoting) which just by itself messes up the page :)
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Thanks for the stream! I was there and the atmosphere was excellent.

    These maps you are showing are absolutely gorgeous and I'm fond of the new feature allowing you to create a custom party in single player mode.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    And to whoever won this gorgeous poster... I'm jealous... seriously. Congratulations, though!

    I, for one, was very suprised there will be possibility to create full custom party in a single player mode. This is fantastic news!

    Also I have high hopes for new modding tools @PhillipDaigle's advertising during both livestreams. Not sure if it's only for UI modding or other game aspects (e.g scripting, area graphics, etc.) too?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    Thanks for the information provided in the video.

    As a non-english player, I was particularily interested in the figures regarding the number of texts and sounds added to the game. It seems nobody reacted to them.

    @Amber_Scott During the session, you mentioned there were five hundred thousands lines, eight thousand being voiced (I'm not writing with digits to report the words you said, that's 500,000 and 8,000 respectively). I replayed that part of the video several times, just to be sure. The number of lines looks like a mistake (either in my understanding of oral english or in your expression). That would be five times the overall number of lines in BG2EE (based on the amount of items in dialog.tlk). I remember someone mentioning four hundred thousand words added into BG2EE. Even in words, not in lines, the amount you mentioned is a lot. Would you care to clarify, please?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
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