did you know to obtain "Kossuth's Blood" amulet in IWD, you're supposed to dimension door into the pit, rather than cheese it with quickloot / pick up radius debug?
did you know the gap between 18/00 strength and 19 is only one measly +1 dmg?
did you know some of the "Spectral Heroes" during Luremaster's final fight are actually the 3 evil adventurers you have slain in one of the courtyard towers?
Xan's Moonblade was most likely made a "Dagger" at the last moment to accomodate the fact that xan is a mage and can't use long swords. the blade has otherwise every single combat and cosmetic aspects that of a long sword.
Oh yeah, about that encounter. In non-EE all 3 turn into greater dopples but it was nerfed in EE to 1 greater 2 standards.
BUT if you cause the death of fake gorion/tethyr without triggering the encounter (invisible, going from behind) they will all revert to the old 3 greaters
apparently this only works with fake gorion, thethoril will still turn into a normal one no matter what. my bad
did you know a level 8 archer with 4 pips in crossbow, 25 dex (mind focus potions), archer gauntlets, the guide +2, bolts +2 and a potion of power can semi reliably hit Shandalar without crits?
I believe a Champion Strength scroll could even make it better, but sadly haven't tried
In 2nd Edition PnP supernatural wisdom (19+) gave you immunity to mind affecting spells, including the Quest Geas that Yoshimo was most likely subject to. Supernatural intelligence gave you immunity to illusion spells.
Khalid lost his morale during the brawl with Marl and went ABSOLUTELY NUTS BERSERK, killing a bar patron and attacking his own wife. I didn't know that could happen to him, I thought he always ran away, but he went all Minsc on everyone. EDIT: he killed 3 patrons in total, ruining my reputation in the process, wow thanks for all the goody goody two shoes act and patronizing speechs, asshole. i hope you and your bitch of a wife burn in hell . Nice start for the no reload run.
The BG1NPC mod has a nice Easter Egg for Imoen; if you have her "force talk" herself she will spout random comments. My personal favourite is when she asks for a cookie
EDIT: Actually it may be from another mod. She's just made a reference to Cespenar,
I have read many times that it doesn't make sense to go above 100 in Find Traps. I thought that there was simply no trap with find/disarm difficulty higher than 100. Well, I just found it. It is at the entrance to Sendai's enclave - find difficulty 80, disarm difficulty 110! Sure, you can always use potions and items but that's never mentioned in those guides.
P.S.: SCS, Ascension and other common mods installed.
The description for Lower Resistance in Icewind Dale 2 is incorrect: the spell works no matter how high the target's spell resistance is, and it lowers the target's SR by 2 points for every level, instead of one point for every 2 levels. Some critters are immune to it, such as golems, but a single Lower Resistance spell should make almost any high-SR target vulnerable to spells.
I have read many times that it doesn't make sense to go above 100 in Find Traps. I thought that there was simply no trap with find/disarm difficulty higher than 100. Well, I just found it. It is at the entrance to Sendai's enclave - find difficulty 80, disarm difficulty 110! Sure, you can always use potions and items but that's never mentioned in those guides.
Granted, but even for that, there's no reason to invest additional thief points if you've already got someone at 100. After all, if you're at Sendai's enclave, then you've already cleared out Yaga-Shura's temple, and the Amulet of the Master Harper will put your thief over the top for that.
Also, I'm quite certain that one of the traps on a container in Deirex's Tower can't be disarmed with only 100 points, although I'm not sure what score is needed for that one.
The developers originally considered adding BG2-style kits to Icewind Dale 2. They were never included, but there are still references to the kits in the in-game .2da tables. Aside from BG2 kits like the Kensai and Shapeshifter, they also considered the Mercenary fighter kit, Votary paladin kit, Giant Killer ranger kit, Arcane Rogue thief kit, Riddlemaster bard kit, and Aes Dana druid kit.
The developers originally considered adding BG2-style kits to Icewind Dale 2. They were never included, but there are still references to the kits in the in-game .2da tables. Aside from BG2 kits like the Kensai and Shapeshifter, they also considered the Mercenary fighter kit, Votary paladin kit, Giant Killer ranger kit, Arcane Rogue thief kit, Riddlemaster bard kit, and Aes Dana druid kit.
This is so awesome that I had to double check if it was the Actually Know thread.
In Icewind Dale 2, trolls get 100- resistance to all forms of damage besides fire and acid when they fall down. This means they ignore the first 100 points of damage from any weapon or spell unless it's fire or acid damage. But if you can deal more than 100 points of damage in a single shot, you can actually finish off the troll without needing fire or acid. With enough bonuses and a triple damage critical hit, you could kill a troll with a two-handed axe or a halberd, or a sufficiently high-level Skull Trap or Horrid Wilting spell.
Erevain in Icewind Dale has a close relative whom you may have met in the Nashkel Mines. If you read his journal which you find in Dragon's Eye, it ends with the words:
It is an endeavor doomed to failure. Oh, there I go again. Corellon help me, I'm starting to sound like cousin Xan!
I've finally found an answer to a pair of very old questions about Icewind Dale 2: are there critical failures for spell resistance rolls, and does luck have any impact on SR rolls?
In Icewind Dale 2, spell resistance is an opposed roll against the spellcaster's level. The caster rolls 1d20 and adds his or her caster level to the roll. If it exceeds the target's spell resistance, the spell gets past the target's SR.
The maximum caster level in the unmodded game is 30; the maximum SR is 50, at least according to the Record screen (mods can let you reach level 40, but the SR cap remains at 50). The Spell Penetration feat can give the caster an extra +2 to the roll and can be taken twice, so a maxed-out spellcaster with Spell Penetration can even hit enemies with the maximum 50 SR. A level 15 cleric can stack the level 8 Holy Aura spell with the level 5 Spell Resistance spell to grant 50 SR to any character, which amounts to unbreakable spell resistance against almost any enemy spellcaster in the game (though Holy Aura only lasts 1 round per level and can be dispelled).
Luck can influence the SR roll, but it appears to work in favor of the target, not the spellcaster. Thus, a character can attain truly unbreakable spell resistance (as in, even enemies with Spell Penetration can't touch them) by gaining about +4 luck. That can be done with the Luck spell (+1), Young Ned's Knucky (+2), and Tymora's Melody (+1).
I tested this by taking a drow character with 20 sorcerer levels and 40 total SR repeatedly cast Chromatic Orb on self. This ostensibly would involve a 5% chance of breaking SR. With Young Ned's Knucky equipped, Chromatic Orb never hit; the 40 SR always blocked it. Without Young Ned's Nucky and the +2 luck it granted, the level 20 Chromatic Orb had a small chance of getting past the 40 SR. However, when I bumped the drow's SR up to 44, Chromatic Orb never worked, even without Young Ned's Knucky equipped.
If we’re doing to discuss IWD2, did you all know that if you carry the corpses of a man, woman and cat all the way to the endgame and have a sufficient Intimidate score, you get to see one of the most hilarious dialogue sequences in the game?
Alternatively, you don’t even have to have all three, you just lose the chance to skip a fight. Any combination (e.g. man + woman, man + cat, cat only) has its own unique line from the PC. The writers put a lot of effort into their little joke.
Well, thats awesome. I do remember IWD2 having a lot of attention to detail, like NPCs reacting to the more exotic races, but I didn't know it went that far. God, I wish IWD2EE was possible.
If we’re doing to discuss IWD2, did you all know that if you carry the corpses of a man, woman and cat all the way to the endgame and have a sufficient Intimidate score, you get to see one of the most hilarious dialogue sequences in the game?
Alternatively, you don’t even have to have all three, you just lose the chance to skip a fight. Any combination (e.g. man + woman, man + cat, cat only) has its own unique line from the PC. The writers put a lot of effort into their little joke.
Wishes can wild surge. Hope you don't mind taking the option for the Wish Rest, but instead getting a cow flying down at you at twice the speed of a hasted monk!
Did you know that the old CLUACheats commands are still accessible in the EEs? Simply enter this into the console, and CLUACheats should start working again: CLUACheats = CLUACheats:new() The possible commands are as follows: CowKill: I'm pretty sure this is supposed to drop a cow from the sky, but it seems broken in the EEs. CriticalItems: Gives the party a bunch of plot-critical items for Baldur's Gate. Only works correctly in BGEE. DrizztAttacks: Summons a Drizzt that attacks the party. Only works correctly in BGEE. DrizztDefends: Summons a Drizzt that defends the party. Only works correctly in BGEE. ExploreArea: Explores the current area. FirstAid: Creates 5 healing potions, 5 antidotes, and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh. Hans: Teleports the currently selected party members to where the view port currently resides. Midas: Gives the party 500 gold. TheGreatGonzo: Summons 10 rabid chickens.
did you know shadowed goblins and orcs sometimes say "Intruders!" despite being invaders themselves?
did you know the gap between 18/00 strength and 19 is only one measly +1 dmg?
I believe a Champion Strength scroll could even make it better, but sadly haven't tried
EDIT: he killed 3 patrons in total, ruining my reputation in the process, wow thanks for all the goody goody two shoes act and patronizing speechs, asshole. i hope you and your bitch of a wife burn in hell
EDIT: Actually it may be from another mod. She's just made a reference to Cespenar,
P.S.: SCS, Ascension and other common mods installed.
Saves you some precious seconds of your life.
Also, I'm quite certain that one of the traps on a container in Deirex's Tower can't be disarmed with only 100 points, although I'm not sure what score is needed for that one.
It is an endeavor doomed to failure. Oh, there I go again. Corellon help me, I'm starting to sound like cousin Xan!
In Icewind Dale 2, spell resistance is an opposed roll against the spellcaster's level. The caster rolls 1d20 and adds his or her caster level to the roll. If it exceeds the target's spell resistance, the spell gets past the target's SR.
The maximum caster level in the unmodded game is 30; the maximum SR is 50, at least according to the Record screen (mods can let you reach level 40, but the SR cap remains at 50). The Spell Penetration feat can give the caster an extra +2 to the roll and can be taken twice, so a maxed-out spellcaster with Spell Penetration can even hit enemies with the maximum 50 SR. A level 15 cleric can stack the level 8 Holy Aura spell with the level 5 Spell Resistance spell to grant 50 SR to any character, which amounts to unbreakable spell resistance against almost any enemy spellcaster in the game (though Holy Aura only lasts 1 round per level and can be dispelled).
Luck can influence the SR roll, but it appears to work in favor of the target, not the spellcaster. Thus, a character can attain truly unbreakable spell resistance (as in, even enemies with Spell Penetration can't touch them) by gaining about +4 luck. That can be done with the Luck spell (+1), Young Ned's Knucky (+2), and Tymora's Melody (+1).
I tested this by taking a drow character with 20 sorcerer levels and 40 total SR repeatedly cast Chromatic Orb on self. This ostensibly would involve a 5% chance of breaking SR. With Young Ned's Knucky equipped, Chromatic Orb never hit; the 40 SR always blocked it. Without Young Ned's Nucky and the +2 luck it granted, the level 20 Chromatic Orb had a small chance of getting past the 40 SR. However, when I bumped the drow's SR up to 44, Chromatic Orb never worked, even without Young Ned's Knucky equipped.
Alternatively, you don’t even have to have all three, you just lose the chance to skip a fight. Any combination (e.g. man + woman, man + cat, cat only) has its own unique line from the PC. The writers put a lot of effort into their little joke.
CLUACheats = CLUACheats:new()
The possible commands are as follows:
CowKill: I'm pretty sure this is supposed to drop a cow from the sky, but it seems broken in the EEs.
CriticalItems: Gives the party a bunch of plot-critical items for Baldur's Gate. Only works correctly in BGEE.
DrizztAttacks: Summons a Drizzt that attacks the party. Only works correctly in BGEE.
DrizztDefends: Summons a Drizzt that defends the party. Only works correctly in BGEE.
ExploreArea: Explores the current area.
FirstAid: Creates 5 healing potions, 5 antidotes, and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh.
Hans: Teleports the currently selected party members to where the view port currently resides.
Midas: Gives the party 500 gold.
TheGreatGonzo: Summons 10 rabid chickens.