Two spring to mind. One was very local, nobody I know who saw it ever found it as amusing as I did , and you just really had to be there.
The other was for a tennis ball company. I have it in my head is was Australian, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, it had two guys holding tennis balls standing on the roof of a several-story tall building.
An announcer says something to the effect of, "Which bounces higher, our tennis ball or our nearest competitor? We decided to have a test. First, our (whatever the brand was) ball."
The guy on the left drops the ball off the roof, we cut to the sidewalk, see it hit and bounce a bit. Cut back to the roof.
Announcer says, "And now our nearest competitor". Two large guys rush onscreen, grab the guy on the right, and toss him over the edge.
There may have been an additional punchline or slogan after that, but I was laughing too hard to catch it.
And also, who would win: club sandwich versus pastrami sandwich? (Both are at, say, level 8. The pastrami sandwich is kitted with spicy brown mustard and garlic dill pickles.)
And also, who would win: club sandwich versus pastrami sandwich? (Both are at, say, level 8. The pastrami sandwich is kitted with spicy brown mustard and garlic dill pickles.)
1) I've been pronouncing lich wrong my entire life. From hereon in, they will be called "lee-shayz".
2) I'd rather eat the pastrami, but in a combat situation, I've got to go with the club. It is a blunt object designed for bludgeoning people, after all.
Depends on the time of year. If I had to pick one it'd probably be not-quite ripe, super-tart apples/crabapples from my in-laws' trees. I also quite like lemons, but they're a bit pricy compared to oranges and if I eat too many too fast my tongue swells up to the point that I'm choking on it, or at least feels that way.
Not for most people I know. My grandfather on my dad's side was known to eat a lemon or two from time to time. Not sure when I picked up the habit. Possibly barhopping during my art college days. Being an impoverished artsy, I hated letting any food go to waste (a habit I retain to this day, to my waistline's regret). So when a pint would show up with a wedge of lemon or lime on the side (which is almost always would, because I'd almost always ask for one), I'd squeeze the juice into the drink and then eat everything but the peel.
Weirdly enough, I can't stand the taste of grapefruit.
Two spring to mind. One was very local, nobody I know who saw it ever found it as amusing as I did , and you just really had to be there.
The other was for a tennis ball company. I have it in my head is was Australian, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, it had two guys holding tennis balls standing on the roof of a several-story tall building.
An announcer says something to the effect of, "Which bounces higher, our tennis ball or our nearest competitor? We decided to have a test. First, our (whatever the brand was) ball."
The guy on the left drops the ball off the roof, we cut to the sidewalk, see it hit and bounce a bit. Cut back to the roof.
Announcer says, "And now our nearest competitor". Two large guys rush onscreen, grab the guy on the right, and toss him over the edge.
There may have been an additional punchline or slogan after that, but I was laughing too hard to catch it.
I used to love the NYNEX Telephone Commercials they would show on the New York City Stations.
My favorite commercial is that Chevrolet add during the Super Bowl a few years ago, in which the world ends and they only make it through because they drive silverados, and there friend that drives a ford doesn't. It was right when there was all that hype about they Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world in 2012.
Me too. If you slice one up you can throw some sugar on top and for some reason the taste is more bearable hehe.
When it comes to me and grapefruit, there's not enough sugar in the world to make it tolerable.
How about Vodka? How much vodka would be need to make it tolerable? You should really find out. Do a little experiment in the office or something. Get back to us on the details. Pictures would help.
All Bhaalspawn have the word "Bhaalspawn" written across their forehead in invisible ink that can only be seen under a UV light. That's why they get to go to all the cool parties.
The other was for a tennis ball company. I have it in my head is was Australian, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, it had two guys holding tennis balls standing on the roof of a several-story tall building.
An announcer says something to the effect of, "Which bounces higher, our tennis ball or our nearest competitor? We decided to have a test. First, our (whatever the brand was) ball."
The guy on the left drops the ball off the roof, we cut to the sidewalk, see it hit and bounce a bit. Cut back to the roof.
Announcer says, "And now our nearest competitor". Two large guys rush onscreen, grab the guy on the right, and toss him over the edge.
There may have been an additional punchline or slogan after that, but I was laughing too hard to catch it.
This it?
This is a clip that was shown almost everytime I watched a movie in the cinemas for a couple of years.
How many times can you kill Jon Irenicus during a single playthrough?
You must truly be desperate.
And also, who would win: club sandwich versus pastrami sandwich? (Both are at, say, level 8. The pastrami sandwich is kitted with spicy brown mustard and garlic dill pickles.)
2) I'd rather eat the pastrami, but in a combat situation, I've got to go with the club. It is a blunt object designed for bludgeoning people, after all.
Weirdly enough, I can't stand the taste of grapefruit.
And the one that started it all- Fishing Tackle!
And some would say, the best for last...
Sugar spoils the flavour.
Loves me some grapefruit. Limes, too.
Unfortunately, citrus fruit plays hell with my ulcer.
What's the most unique fruit you've ever tried?
A for fruit, my favorite fruit is an apple.
You should really find out. Do a little experiment in the office or something. Get back to us on the details. Pictures would help.