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  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Oh, sure, if you've got 4800 gold to blow (4080 with the 18 Cha discount). It's less than a tenth of the price of buying the Plate of Balduran, but it's not something you can afford right out of Chateau Irenicus (unless your protagonist is a thief or bard with excellent pickpocket skills).

    Besides, I like saving throws. My heavy-armor characters usually prefer nonmagical full plate and a protection item.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    With all the magic +1 items in the starting dungeon I think it might be possible. I often get out with 2k plus those items.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    jmerry wrote: »
    Oh, sure, if you've got 4800 gold to blow (4080 with the 18 Cha discount). It's less than a tenth of the price of buying the Plate of Balduran, but it's not something you can afford right out of Chateau Irenicus (unless your protagonist is a thief or bard with excellent pickpocket skills).

    Besides, I like saving throws. My heavy-armor characters usually prefer nonmagical full plate and a protection item.

    In my most recent playthrough, I was able to afford it; I had about 7000 gold after selling stuff from Chateau Irenicus like the chainmail +2 (which isn't better than ordinary splint mail) and a couple of +1 weapons I didn't need. Having Aerie cast Friends to get 20 Charisma is enough to reduce the cost of the scroll to 3600 gold.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    The Limited Wish scrolls are rare and if you waste it as an item, you won't be able to scribe it and get more from it, including the unique quest, or unique Time Stop, etc. You need a few levels after Chateau Irenicus (even coming from SoD with 500k XP) to get to Lvl 7 spells.

    I would take the risk if I had but one tank in the group. After all , Jaheira out of chateau irenicus wearing mail+2 and shield has AC 1, while the same jaheira wearing full plate+2 and shield has AC-5.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Did you know some people play this game with more than one tank?
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Pokota wrote: »
    Did you know some people play this game with more than one tank?

    "I would take the risk if I had but one tank in the group."
    I suppose I did, otherwise I wouldn't had said *if*.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    If you really want a good piece of armor at low cost early on, you should do this:

    1) buy the reflection shield at Ribalds,
    2) Pick up a sling and some bullits,
    3) Go to the Sea Bountys tavern in the docks,
    4) strip naked - keep the shield and the sling,
    5) attack officer Dirth (downstairs) from range with a sling (dont worry: you dont have to hit him with the sling),
    5b) He should die, but you might have to kite him to Death if you are unlucky with the dice,
    6) Pick up non magical full plate from dead officer (dont worry Pally players - he is an evil slaver).

    This way you get the full plate at low cost and with low risk. The shield is quite good btw. and a must have for a fight against a Solar later on.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    The shield doesn't reflect enchanted projectiles, does it?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @StummvonBordwehr Why do you have to strip naked?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    I believe the idea there is to worsen your AC so that the arrows make their attack roll reliably and get reflected back at Dirth, rather than missing and not going anywhere.

    The reflection shield works against anything the Physical Mirror spell does. Enchanted arrows, bolts, bullets, darts, and the like all get reflected. Spell projectiles like scorchers don't.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Did you know that the Dwarven Rune Wardstones you get from Ike, Galken and Delsvirftanyon don't do anything (not just the wardstone forgeries; the real wardstones don't do anything either)? They don't unlock any doors or containers, nor do they disable any traps. Only the wardstones you find in Durlag's Tower itself do something.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Did you know that the Dwarven Rune Wardstones you get from Ike, Galken and Delsvirftanyon don't do anything (not just the wardstone forgeries; the real wardstones don't do anything either)? They don't unlock any doors or containers, nor do they disable any traps. Only the wardstones you find in Durlag's Tower itself do something.

    Don't they protect you from the fireball the demon dude throws at you when you enter the tower for the first time?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Chronicler wrote: »
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Did you know that the Dwarven Rune Wardstones you get from Ike, Galken and Delsvirftanyon don't do anything (not just the wardstone forgeries; the real wardstones don't do anything either)? They don't unlock any doors or containers, nor do they disable any traps. Only the wardstones you find in Durlag's Tower itself do something.

    Don't they protect you from the fireball the demon dude throws at you when you enter the tower for the first time?

    No, they don't.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited June 2020
    Did you know that with the original game you could kill that demonknight by using the green protection from magic scroll on him to stop him from teleporting away. Attack with Xan with his sword equipped and the ring of fire protection and enough other fire protection to raise protection from fire to over 100% Then the fireballs heal rather than wound. Other party members then have to attack with non-magical weapons until he dies. Two scrolls might be needed.

    The reward for doing this was experience, gauntlets like those of Meilum, and some plate armour.

    The devs nerfed the green scrolls to stop this happening. :'(

    I used to spend quite a lot of time doing tricks like that. I should never have posted about them!!

    Klorox devised a slightly different tactic of doing the same thing.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    They also modified that creature. That version of the demon knight is now 100% immune to physical damage and all elements, 100% magic resistant, and has a minHP item rendering it immune to everything that could kill it.

    If you somehow managed to kill the creature anyway, you would gain 0 XP, and see drops of a Plate of the Dark +1, a Large Shield +1, and a Helm of Opposite Alignment.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    jmerry wrote: »
    They also modified that creature. That version of the demon knight is now 100% immune to physical damage and all elements, 100% magic resistant, and has a minHP item rendering it immune to everything that could kill it.

    If you somehow managed to kill the creature anyway, you would gain 0 XP, and see drops of a Plate of the Dark +1, a Large Shield +1, and a Helm of Opposite Alignment.

    The dagger of venom can kill a lot of creatures that are supposed to be unkillable. Its "venom" doesn't deal poison type damage, but in fact a completely unique form of damage not shared by anything else in the game. As such often when making creatures immune to "all" forms of damage, the dagger of venom is exempted.

    Don't know if it can kill this guy specifically but if you were gonna try that would be where you'd start.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,937
    Not in BGEE. The dagger of venom now does normal poison damage. A lot of these old loopholes really have been thoroughly closed.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I have the original game from Gog. I'm wondering what the situation as far as this is concerned would be? Also can a BG character be imported into BG2 EE?
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    From what I remember, OG BG1 characters are incompatible on import with BG2EE, but it's been a while since I've looked into it (I want to say the EEs look directly for the default save folder, but don't quote me on that)
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    Even if the original game had the equivalent of .bio and ,cha files to copy & paste I can't see how EE would be able to interpret weapon profs, thief skills etc.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Probably the same way that OG BG2+ToB did.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    jmerry wrote: »
    Oh, sure, if you've got 4800 gold to blow (4080 with the 18 Cha discount). It's less than a tenth of the price of buying the Plate of Balduran, but it's not something you can afford right out of Chateau Irenicus (unless your protagonist is a thief or bard with excellent pickpocket skills).

    Besides, I like saving throws. My heavy-armor characters usually prefer nonmagical full plate and a protection item.

    In my most recent playthrough, I was able to afford it; I had about 7000 gold after selling stuff from Chateau Irenicus like the chainmail +2 (which isn't better than ordinary splint mail) and a couple of +1 weapons I didn't need. Having Aerie cast Friends to get 20 Charisma is enough to reduce the cost of the scroll to 3600 gold.

    lewlz, every time i finish chateau irenicus and sell of some goodies i will always come out with 10000+ gold, i don't know if it's just amazing inventory management or what, plus before i sell off the potions, i will pick pocket all the guards in the promenade and the 2 nobles sitting down at the south east of the map ( the male actually has x5 potions of extra healing )
    If you really want a good piece of armor at low cost early on, you should do this:

    1) buy the reflection shield at Ribalds,
    2) Pick up a sling and some bullits,
    3) Go to the Sea Bountys tavern in the docks,
    4) strip naked - keep the shield and the sling,
    5) attack officer Dirth (downstairs) from range with a sling (dont worry: you dont have to hit him with the sling),
    5b) He should die, but you might have to kite him to Death if you are unlucky with the dice,
    6) Pick up non magical full plate from dead officer (dont worry Pally players - he is an evil slaver).

    This way you get the full plate at low cost and with low risk. The shield is quite good btw. and a must have for a fight against a Solar later on.

    or you can just go to the den of the seven vales ( i believe it is called? ) and fight the group of dudes upstairs, the trick here it to not make them hostile through dialogue, and get your characters into position and summon as much stuff as possible and cast all your prep spells, and then force attack the wizard, then after that cast some crowd control spells and the battle is won, and the dwarf is also wearing a suit of full plate mail
    Did you know that with the original game you could kill that demonknight by using the green protection from magic scroll on him to stop him from teleporting away. Attack with Xan with his sword equipped and the ring of fire protection and enough other fire protection to raise protection from fire to over 100% Then the fireballs heal rather than wound. Other party members then have to attack with non-magical weapons until he dies. Two scrolls might be needed.

    The reward for doing this was experience, gauntlets like those of Meilum, and some plate armour.

    The devs nerfed the green scrolls to stop this happening. :'(

    I used to spend quite a lot of time doing tricks like that. I should never have posted about them!!

    Klorox devised a slightly different tactic of doing the same thing.

    i used to kill him differently in the vanilla game

    first i would make sure to have potions of hill giant STR for any warrior type in the group, and potions of STR for all the none warrior types

    next, once demon holmes appeared, i would cast otiluke's resilient sphere on him ( which if im not mistaken had no save in the vanilla? ) anyway he would get trapped in it

    then i would make sure before i had cast that all the party members would have gulped down their respected potions and once the demon guy was trapped in the sphere i would cast haste on all my party members and have them all attack the demon guy with theirs fists

    for some weird reason in the vanilla the sphere protected you from all damage except fist a cuffs, so the idea was to "knock out" the demon guy before the sphere wore off, and once you are knocked out, you have no AC so then you could just chunk him with a weapon once the spell wore off

    and when it comes to items, i dont recall it giving you the gauntlets of weapon specialization, but i do recall getting; fullplate +1, large shield +1 and the helm of opposite alignment, and especially loving the latter so i could give it to shar-teel so she could use drizzt's defender
    Pokota wrote: »
    Did you know some people play this game with more than one tank?

    EVERY single play though i have i ALWAYS have 3 chums in melee
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Isn't it weird how the most frequent reference to the super-powerful archlich Larloch is a pathetic 1st-level spell?

    It's the necromancer's bread and butter. He basically invented the necomantic lightbulb. That we have him to than for our most simple and essential necromancy only speaks to his necromantic genius. He completely changed the game in the necromancy department.
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