There's nothing stopping you from entering the house that Aec'Letec's cult resides in early - the building will be empty, which gives you ample opportunity to booby-trap it with a zillion Skull Traps beforehand and give yourself a huge advantage when you have to storm the place.
@CyberDirectorFreedom , There's a guy upstairs in the FAI who will mention a lost ring outside the inn. I can't remember if I had 18 charisma when I talked to him. It's been years since I went around clicking on every npc everywhere in the game.
@BelgarathMTH Yeah, right you are. Some noble on the second floor. Here's the dialogue:
Do you have an excuse for barging in here? Unless you are here to make the beds, I want you out. Why, you are as annoying as that decidedly loopy mage who made a nuisance of himself about this Inn recently... running about, bothering the guests for the location of some barmy magical treasure he said was buried on the south of the grounds, and digging up Bentley's foliage! Thankfully, he was thrown out for his behaviour, and I hope that you are next! Be off with you.
That's brilliant. I don't tend to talk to absolutely everyone if I'm roleplaying even a little (or breaking into people's rooms or houses, for that matter), and I usually am, so I'm honestly not sure if I've ever spoken to this guy. I'd spoken to the Pantaloons guy without knowing what he was about, so I don't see any reason why I wouldn't have spoken with this equally random nobleman, but I have absolutely no recollection of this dialogue. It's little things like this that really put this game on another level. I love it.
So... Did you know that Unshey (the woman who asks you to get her Girdle of Piercing back from the ogre) has dialogue written for if you return to her wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity? Unfortunately, there's no trigger for the dialogue, so you can't see it in game. She offers you a copy of one of her books as an apology for sending you after the ogre, and thus to the Girdle. The book doesn't exist in the game, though, so you don't actually receive anything. There's also a journal entry to go along with it:
Journal entry: It appears that one of the girdles in that ogre's fetish collection was, how can I phrase it... one of gender transformation? Unshey was not unsympathetic to this, ahem, rather unfortunate turn of events, however. In an effort to make amends she has offered us a copy of her book, entitled "High Cleric Unshey's Practical Guide to Bodily Health."
There's also dialogue written for if you bring her the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (and presumable, not the Girdle of Piercing), which also doesn't have a trigger, so is also unavailable in game. Curious.
Also, as a side note, I think the ogre with the belt fetish may originally be a female ogre, cursed with the Girdle; a fixation on clothing is certainly seen as feminine, and I think that's what they may have been hinting at, here.
thanks to the new updates feature where i can turn item highlighting on and see everything, ive stumbled across alot of these items and have been pleasantly surprised
some containers are so small and to turn the highlight feature on a fully explored map and pan across makes looking for things alot easier
I don't know if there are hints for the others (I really doubt there are hints for the Ring of Wizardry or the Ankheg Plate, though).
Doesn't either a peasant or his wife or daughter standing by the houses close to the Ankheg plate mention that their plough broke from hitting something buried in the ground in the field?
The Cast Spell opcode and Cast Spell at Point opcode require different targets. You can use Cast Spell on any single target, but if you're using the Cast Spell at Point opcode (say, to cast Fireball from a scroll), the target needs to be "Self." Otherwise the effect will not fire. Likewise, if you try to use the Cast Spell opcode and set the target to "any point within range," the effect will fail.
I don't know if there are hints for the others (I really doubt there are hints for the Ring of Wizardry or the Ankheg Plate, though).
Doesn't either a peasant or his wife or daughter standing by the houses close to the Ankheg plate mention that their plough broke from hitting something buried in the ground in the field?
Yep, just had a look. Someone by the name of Karp has this to say, if you ask what could be better than the pristine and pastoral setting in which he lives:
Aye, we could have a crop, for starters. See those crusted mounds of earth? They're all left over from last year's harvest. The sun's baked them firm and hard and the plow breaks at the very thought of trying to turn that tortured soil; yet another blade broke while tilling midway down the west field on something hard; probably a stone or a tree root.
These came as quite the surprise; I didn't think anyone would lead you to the Ring of Wizardry, due to it's rather incredible power, nor to the Ankheg Plate, due to it's description showing it's uniqueness.
But now I'm thinking that perhaps all of the hidden treasures have someone pointing you towards them. I just had a look to see if anyone leads you to the Ring of Protection +1 that you can find in the area just south of the Friendly Arm, and was quite surprised to find that Elminster himself hints at it's location! If you tell him you're desperate and ask him if he would know the way to the Friendly Arm, he says:
That I would. The Inn is but a short distance to the north, and its doors are open to all. I have no doubt that thy friends shall be there, waiting with open arms. You shall find the protection to the north of shelter, friendship and another kind, if thine eyes be well enough open and thy mind alert, but more than this I cannot say.
I know he's absurdly powerful and all, but how do you think he knew the Ring was there? Did he put it there? Did he notice it, and decide it wasn't worth the effort of bending down to pick it up? Or does his power stretch so far that he somehow knows the locations of hidden trivial treasures around the world? Hmm.
Okay, wow, just did some more checking. You know the Wand of Frost hidden in the Nashkel Mines area? Well, if you choose to help that little man who's running away from the Kobolds, he has this to say:
They're kobolds: dozens of them! They captured me northwest of here, stripped me down, stole and hid my clothes, my weapons, my wand, and my gold!...
Now, I'm not completely sure, but I think that's all of them. I can't think of any more hidden items, anyway.
So... Did you know that Unshey (the woman who asks you to get her Girdle of Piercing back from the ogre) has dialogue written for if you return to her wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity? Unfortunately, there's no trigger for the dialogue, so you can't see it in game. She offers you a copy of one of her books as an apology for sending you after the ogre, and thus to the Girdle. The book doesn't exist in the game, though, so you don't actually receive anything. There's also a journal entry to go along with it:
Journal entry: It appears that one of the girdles in that ogre's fetish collection was, how can I phrase it... one of gender transformation? Unshey was not unsympathetic to this, ahem, rather unfortunate turn of events, however. In an effort to make amends she has offered us a copy of her book, entitled "High Cleric Unshey's Practical Guide to Bodily Health."
There's also dialogue written for if you bring her the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (and presumable, not the Girdle of Piercing), which also doesn't have a trigger, so is also unavailable in game. Curious.
Just for info: This is restored by BG1 Unfinished Business mod, component "Minor Dialogue Restorations".
Tiax's character is actually quite different between BG1 and BG2. In Baldur's Gate 1, he hopes to take over the world. In Baldur's Gate 2, on the other hand, he is under the delusion that he already rules the world.
So... Did you know that Unshey (the woman who asks you to get her Girdle of Piercing back from the ogre) has dialogue written for if you return to her wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity? Unfortunately, there's no trigger for the dialogue, so you can't see it in game. She offers you a copy of one of her books as an apology for sending you after the ogre, and thus to the Girdle. The book doesn't exist in the game, though, so you don't actually receive anything. There's also a journal entry to go along with it:
Journal entry: It appears that one of the girdles in that ogre's fetish collection was, how can I phrase it... one of gender transformation? Unshey was not unsympathetic to this, ahem, rather unfortunate turn of events, however. In an effort to make amends she has offered us a copy of her book, entitled "High Cleric Unshey's Practical Guide to Bodily Health."
There's also dialogue written for if you bring her the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (and presumable, not the Girdle of Piercing), which also doesn't have a trigger, so is also unavailable in game. Curious.
Just for info: This is restored by BG1 Unfinished Business mod, component "Minor Dialogue Restorations".
Ah, good to know. I could've sworn I'd once seen that dialogue about having the wrong Girdle in game, so it must've been with that mod.
Okay, did you know that Grey DeLisle ( ) who, as has been stated earlier in this thread, is the voice of Viconia, Nalia and Skie, is also the voice of Raelis Shai? She also voices, in a very similar way to her acting with Raelis Shai, a woman named Shaleena, who greets you when you first arrive in Taris's Undercity, in KotOR.
Did you know that Jennifer Darling who is the voice of Shar-teel, also is the voice of Irma Langinstein in The TMNT 1987 show? Talk about shift in character.
People might already know that, but if you accidently set off a magical trap (one that casts a spell instead of a projectile) its damage and effects can be avoided if you are fast enough to leave the area.
People might already know that, but if you accidently set off a magical trap (one that casts a spell instead of a projectile) its damage and effects can be avoided if you are fast enough to leave the area.
Any trap that uses a projectile can be avoided. I always ran past the ones in the Nashkel Mines (the near the door towards the end of the 3rd level) unless I have a Thief.
So... Did you know that Unshey (the woman who asks you to get her Girdle of Piercing back from the ogre) has dialogue written for if you return to her wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity? Unfortunately, there's no trigger for the dialogue, so you can't see it in game. She offers you a copy of one of her books as an apology for sending you after the ogre, and thus to the Girdle. The book doesn't exist in the game, though, so you don't actually receive anything. There's also a journal entry to go along with it:
Journal entry: It appears that one of the girdles in that ogre's fetish collection was, how can I phrase it... one of gender transformation? Unshey was not unsympathetic to this, ahem, rather unfortunate turn of events, however. In an effort to make amends she has offered us a copy of her book, entitled "High Cleric Unshey's Practical Guide to Bodily Health."
There's also dialogue written for if you bring her the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (and presumable, not the Girdle of Piercing), which also doesn't have a trigger, so is also unavailable in game. Curious.
Just for info: This is restored by BG1 Unfinished Business mod, component "Minor Dialogue Restorations".
Did you know that with Romantic Encounters Mod, the effects of this belt make for some very interesting dialogues. Somebody has gone to a lot of trouble to incorporate what it does into the game in a believable way. It is also quite amusing.
If a character has the Helm of Opposite alignment on them during the transition to Siege of Dragonspear, then their alignment will reset to what it was before...but they'll still wear the helmet, which means that if you get if off with Remove Curse, then they'll have the opposite alignment permanently!
If a character has the Helm of Opposite alignment on them during the transition to Siege of Dragonspear, then their alignment will reset to what it was before...but they'll still wear the helmet, which means that if you get if off with Remove Curse, then they'll have the opposite alignment permanently!
You could end up with some intersting results in that case. A Blackguard being Lawful Good for example. How do you get the helm nowadays? I used to get it in vanilla.
ThacoBell said:The bottom. I believe the Demon Knight got buffed on the first floor to prevent people from killing him when he first appears.
They didn't buff the demonknight, they changed the spells that could be used to stop him teleporting away. I used to love that battle. You had to use very good timing to win.
Baldur's Gate has a certain set of unused dialogues and voice quotes in which The Voice (which identifies itself in one of the quotes as the essence of Bhaal within the PC) tries to make the PC obtain items from various unused characters. Some of these items are unused and some aren't, but all of them probably served some purpose in the plot earlier on in the game's development. The items include:
The Claw of Kazgoroth The Horn of Kazgoroth The Candle Dagger of Venom The Dream Potion (an antidote) The Skull of Keraph
And here are the dialogues. Unfortunately there's not too much context available for them.
Dialogue #1:
The Warrior: "Help! I need your aid! There are too many!"
The Voice: "You've not the time for this! You must get the talon before it's taken by another! Leave the fool to his own battle! You have a destiny to follow!"
The Warrior: "I am so cold... (moan)... I... am dying... Please... stay with me awhile..."
The Voice: "Leave him. Get the talon! He is beyond help. It is pointless to stay!"
The Warrior: "I don't want to die alone..."
[If the PC helps the Warrior]
The Warrior: "Thank you..."
The Voice: "You have squandered your time and lost the talon! Unfortunate. Changes will have to be made."
[If the PC retrieves the Claw]
The Voice: "The talon that gives power to those demanding, and abandons the weak to their fate. You are stronger for it."
Dialogue #2:
The Messenger: "Salutations! I have come looking for someone, to deliver a gift. A horn actually."
The Voice: "It is the horn you seek! Claim what should be yours!"
The Messenger: "I seek the First Reader of this great library. Perhaps you have seen him? This is to be his property, and I can give it to no other."
The Voice: "It is of no concern who it's truly for! Take what is meant for you! He'll never know the difference!"
The Messenger: "Do you claim to be the First Reader?"
[Response 1]: "Yes, I am who you seek."
The Messenger: Then I bear a message for you as well. [The Messenger dies]
The Voice: "The horn with the will to take what is yours, and what should be yours."
[Response 2]: "No, and I have not seen him."
The Messenger: "Nor would you want the gift I bear. I take my leave."
The Voice: "You betray what you were born to be! There will be a price to pay!"
Dialogue #3:
The Sorcerer: "Young one! Please stop a while. I need your help. I am old and dying... and I've one hope left to me. In my room... there is an enchanted candle. It has one last wish spell within it. I am too weak to retrieve it, but you could."
The Voice: "It is the candle you must seek!"
The Sorcerer: "This candle is my last chance, child. Please... bring it to me."
The Voice: "Forget the old man! His time is past! The wish should be yours! Use it yourself, and know the legacy of your true father!"
[If the PC gives the candle to the Sorcerer]
The Sorcerer: "Thank you, I am renewed. You have resisted great temptation for a strangers benefit. A rare act of compassion for one destined so."
The Voice: "You have wasted the power of the candle on the old man! There is much to be done before you are worthy!"
[If the PC uses the candle]
The Voice: "You have done well."
Dialogue #4:
The Voice: "Seek the dagger next! It is nearby in the hands of a great evil Ogre! Slay it and take your rightful prize!"
The White Knight: "You there! Help me dispose of this beast! His kind are a plague on the land!"
The Ogre: "Me no beast! Me don't want fight! Go 'way!"
The White Knight: "Don't believe a word it says! Born evil they are! Everyone knows that! The only good ogre is a dead ogre!"
The Voice: "Look at them! The knight is obviously the one to help! The beast cannot be other than it was born to be! Kill it!"
The Ogre: "Shiny man attack ME! I be good but he make fight! He want kill for no reason!"
The Voice: "The beast is an ogre! They are evil; they cannot be otherwise! Do what you know MUST be done! Will you attack it or not?!"
[Response 1]: "Ogre or not, this creature is no threat. I'll not harm him!"
The Ogre: "You no hurt me, me no hurt you! Me don't care if me born bad! Me be good if me want to! You too... remember. You born VERY bad. Maybe you be good if you want too."
The Voice: "You disrespect your true calling at every turn. It will make your destiny all the more painful! Pathetic! You are not even worthy of the true test! It is a wonder you are suitable at all!"
[Response 2]: "The beast will die, as all of its kind should!"
The White Knight: "You chose right! Beings of flesh ARE what they ARE. There is no escaping your destiny. Best you remember that! Here, this is yours!"
The Voice: "A dagger of bone. A piece of the father bred in the child. You will be what you were born to be."
Dialogue #5:
The Voice: "The potion you seek is here! Search the bodies! Their dead hold the prize!"
The Poisoned Man: "Please... that pack of gnolls... they poisoned me. Was there a flask among them? It must be the antidote. Please..."
The Voice: "Ignore him! Drink the potion yourself and know the essence of your heritage!"
The Poisoned Man: "Please... show some charity... I'll die without it."
[Response 1]: "My destiny is more important than your paltry life. Cheers."
The Voice: "Drink deep the blood of the father and the tears of the dead. They shall sustain you, for they are the very essence of your destiny!"
[Response 2]: "I cannot refuse this man his very life! He needs this potion more than I!"
The Poisoned Man: "Thank you. Your actions are my antidote. Let the blood of the father not despoil the son!"
The Voice: "It is an insult to the very blood in your veins! You WILL learn to act accordingly!"
Dialogue #5:
The Woman: "Greetings, fellow traveler. I have been entrusted to give this skull to they who are most worthy."
The Voice: "It is the last item you seek! Of course you're worthy of it!"
The Woman: "The recipient must be more heroic, charitable, courageous, and HUMBLE than anyone else living or dead. Are you such a person?"
The Voice: "You know you are all that and more! You have power immeasurable in your future! You are destined for a veritable godhood!"
[Response 1]: "I am all that you seek! There are none alive or dead better than I!"
The Woman: "Truly you deserve this and whatever else it brings. You've the ego of a deity to believe yourself humble and yet claim to be better than all who have died. It will certainly make the bonding easier... though not for you!"
The Voice: "It is the Godhead itself, literal and figurative! Prepare yourself, for the return will come soon!"
[Response 2]: "Many a great person has walked this land. I cannot claim to be above them all."
The Woman: "The Godhead is rejected! Can there yet be hope? We shall see..." [Yes, she is the one who says this]
The Voice: "Your fate will be sealed despite your petty rejection of the ways of your father. The return is nigh regardless!"
[Later quotes from the Voice which aren't connected to another character's dialogue]:
The Voice: "I am the essence of Bhaal within you. You must release your will, that your body may become the conduit for your father's rebirth!"
The Voice: "Fight, that the violent death of your mind shall pave the way! The Return will live with your death!"
The Voice: "Weakling fool! You have spurned your father's gifts and your heritage. You can only pay with your blood! A god cannot be contained in death! Your mind is but a stepping stone!"
The Voice: "You'll not prevail! The strength that was given returns to the source! I am the stronger!"
The Voice: "You have balanced the scales with your actions, but The Return cannot be stopped!"
The Voice: "It is not the end! So long as you... or any child of Bhaal lives... the potential... is there. Many will seek the power you forsake! One son nears it now! The Return... cannot... be stopped... (fade out)"
So yeah. These feel less like unused quests and more like an unused storyline (though not a very good one).
According to Wikipedia, Tasloi are jungle-dwellers who like to dwell below the forest canopy because sunlight dazzles them, much like Drow. That raises the question of what they're doing in the sunny, temperate Cloakwood, of course.
According to Wikipedia, Tasloi are jungle-dwellers who like to dwell below the forest canopy because sunlight dazzles them, much like Drow. That raises the question of what they're doing in the sunny, temperate Cloakwood, of course.
Have you ever met that close mouthed shy guy from the office who never goes out and have no social life and then you get surprised when he posts his pictures from his vacations surfing in some tropical beach? Those tasloi are just like him
According to Wikipedia, Tasloi are jungle-dwellers who like to dwell below the forest canopy because sunlight dazzles them, much like Drow. That raises the question of what they're doing in the sunny, temperate Cloakwood, of course.
Have you ever met that close mouthed shy guy from the office who never goes out and have no social life and then you get surprised when he posts his pictures from his vacations surfing in some tropical beach? Those tasloi are just like him
"Great Maglubiyet, all we were doing was spending time with our families, far from civilized lands as you instructed! Why did you allow us to be destroyed by the Aspect of Murder?"
Because you stole a cloak and got yourselves noticed. I warned you to leave everyone well enough alone but nooooooo....
@OlvynChuru That all looks like it's an earlier form of the dream sequences. Some of them clearly know what you are, which wouldn't really make sense unless they're not real people. Why would some ogre know you're a Child of Bhaal? And your actions are the antidote for the poisoned man? Definitely not real. Also, it seems to end with the same warning that the dreams that we see in game do, the warning about Sarevok. So it seems that they're the dream sequences, but you get to choose your actions, rather than it being decided based on your reputation. I like it. It's not great in it's current form, but if they gave it some work, I think they could've made it work pretty well.
It looks like they were thinking to make Bhaal get resurrected in the body of one of his children, though, which is obviously different from what we see in Throne of Bhaal. "So long as you... or any child of Bhaal lives... the potential... is there." That's obviously very different, considering that, in ToB, we see that the idea is that the Children are all supposed to die, and only then would Bhaal be resurrected.
It does raise some questions, though. All throughout Baldur's Gate, the dreams seem to push you to accept the fact that you're a Bhaalspawn, and to accept the "gifts" you're given. But why, if you're just supposed to be sacrificed? If you're not the vessel for Bhaal's resurrection, what's the point in needing to accept what you are? My idea is that Bhaal didn't use all of his essence creating his Children (obviously, he's still a God) so that if the essence was collected as it was when he lost it, it wouldn't be enough to resurrect him (or at least to full power). So, the essence pushes you to accept it, to nurture it, to grow it within you, so when you die, it goes to the Throne of Bhaal stronger than it was originally. If enough Children do this, the essence collected will be as strong as Bhaal was when he was living.
Or perhaps it's just a leftover from when they were thinking that Bhaal would be resurrected in one of his Children.
Anyway... Did you know that Kirinhale, the Succubus you meet in Durlag's Tower, was trapped by Durlag because she tried to seduce Durlag in order to free Aec'Letec. Did you also know that your character can't really put all that together? Only two separate characters can get the dialogue that (very strongly) hints at this; some of the dialogue is restricted to males, some to females. Here's the dialogue that you can only get as a woman:
Durlag and I had a... disagreement about the treatment of a friend of mine. My attempts at... reasonable arguments went unheeded, and I have been trapped here ever since.
The "reasonable arguments" are almost certainly Kirinhale attempting to seduce Durlag. If you're playing a man, you can hear this from her:
Durlag took my wings and imprisoned me, but I can still deal with your puny mortal mind! I'll not end up like Aec! I'll not!
Clearly she knows Aec'Letec, and well enough to refer to him in a casual manner.
As a male, there's no dialogue about why she might've been trapped. As a female, there's no dialogue about who her friend was. But, put them together, you get the full picture.
You also can't get around it with the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity, as after speaking to her, it sets a global variable which changes her dialogue away from the ones that lead to the above dialogues, or she's hostile (and immune to charm). It does work if you reload, of course, but your character still doesn't get the full picture.
Edit: Completely forgot to say it, but those dream sequence things remind me a whole lot of the Hell Trials at the end of Shadows of Amn. A dilemma presented by the essence in your soul, trying to push you to accept. One choice accepting it, one choice rejecting it. Very, very similar.
Do you have an excuse for barging in here? Unless you are here to make the beds, I want you out. Why, you are as annoying as that decidedly loopy mage who made a nuisance of himself about this Inn recently... running about, bothering the guests for the location of some barmy magical treasure he said was buried on the south of the grounds, and digging up Bentley's foliage! Thankfully, he was thrown out for his behaviour, and I hope that you are next! Be off with you.
That's brilliant. I don't tend to talk to absolutely everyone if I'm roleplaying even a little (or breaking into people's rooms or houses, for that matter), and I usually am, so I'm honestly not sure if I've ever spoken to this guy. I'd spoken to the Pantaloons guy without knowing what he was about, so I don't see any reason why I wouldn't have spoken with this equally random nobleman, but I have absolutely no recollection of this dialogue. It's little things like this that really put this game on another level. I love it.
So... Did you know that Unshey (the woman who asks you to get her Girdle of Piercing back from the ogre) has dialogue written for if you return to her wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity? Unfortunately, there's no trigger for the dialogue, so you can't see it in game. She offers you a copy of one of her books as an apology for sending you after the ogre, and thus to the Girdle. The book doesn't exist in the game, though, so you don't actually receive anything. There's also a journal entry to go along with it:
Journal entry:
It appears that one of the girdles in that ogre's fetish collection was, how can I phrase it... one of gender transformation? Unshey was not unsympathetic to this, ahem, rather unfortunate turn of events, however. In an effort to make amends she has offered us a copy of her book, entitled "High Cleric Unshey's Practical Guide to Bodily Health."
There's also dialogue written for if you bring her the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (and presumable, not the Girdle of Piercing), which also doesn't have a trigger, so is also unavailable in game. Curious.
Also, as a side note, I think the ogre with the belt fetish may originally be a female ogre, cursed with the Girdle; a fixation on clothing is certainly seen as feminine, and I think that's what they may have been hinting at, here.
I made a spell that requires +4 save vs breath and even the worst beasties in WK fail it right and left. It's silly.
thanks to the new updates feature where i can turn item highlighting on and see everything, ive stumbled across alot of these items and have been pleasantly surprised
some containers are so small and to turn the highlight feature on a fully explored map and pan across makes looking for things alot easier
The Cast Spell opcode and Cast Spell at Point opcode require different targets. You can use Cast Spell on any single target, but if you're using the Cast Spell at Point opcode (say, to cast Fireball from a scroll), the target needs to be "Self." Otherwise the effect will not fire. Likewise, if you try to use the Cast Spell opcode and set the target to "any point within range," the effect will fail.
Aye, we could have a crop, for starters. See those crusted mounds of earth? They're all left over from last year's harvest. The sun's baked them firm and hard and the plow breaks at the very thought of trying to turn that tortured soil; yet another blade broke while tilling midway down the west field on something hard; probably a stone or a tree root.
These came as quite the surprise; I didn't think anyone would lead you to the Ring of Wizardry, due to it's rather incredible power, nor to the Ankheg Plate, due to it's description showing it's uniqueness.
But now I'm thinking that perhaps all of the hidden treasures have someone pointing you towards them. I just had a look to see if anyone leads you to the Ring of Protection +1 that you can find in the area just south of the Friendly Arm, and was quite surprised to find that Elminster himself hints at it's location! If you tell him you're desperate and ask him if he would know the way to the Friendly Arm, he says:
That I would. The Inn is but a short distance to the north, and its doors are open to all. I have no doubt that thy friends shall be there, waiting with open arms. You shall find the protection to the north of shelter, friendship and another kind, if thine eyes be well enough open and thy mind alert, but more than this I cannot say.
I know he's absurdly powerful and all, but how do you think he knew the Ring was there? Did he put it there? Did he notice it, and decide it wasn't worth the effort of bending down to pick it up? Or does his power stretch so far that he somehow knows the locations of hidden trivial treasures around the world? Hmm.
Okay, wow, just did some more checking. You know the Wand of Frost hidden in the Nashkel Mines area? Well, if you choose to help that little man who's running away from the Kobolds, he has this to say:
They're kobolds: dozens of them! They captured me northwest of here, stripped me down, stole and hid my clothes, my weapons, my wand, and my gold!...
Now, I'm not completely sure, but I think that's all of them. I can't think of any more hidden items, anyway.
Okay, did you know that Grey DeLisle (
They didn't buff the demonknight, they changed the spells that could be used to stop him teleporting away. I used to love that battle. You had to use very good timing to win.
The Claw of Kazgoroth
The Horn of Kazgoroth
The Candle
Dagger of Venom
The Dream Potion (an antidote)
The Skull of Keraph
And here are the dialogues. Unfortunately there's not too much context available for them.
Dialogue #1:
The Warrior:
"Help! I need your aid! There are too many!"
The Voice:
"You've not the time for this! You must get the talon before it's taken by another! Leave the fool to his own battle! You have a destiny to follow!"
The Warrior:
"I am so cold... (moan)... I... am dying... Please... stay with me awhile..."
The Voice:
"Leave him. Get the talon! He is beyond help. It is pointless to stay!"
The Warrior:
"I don't want to die alone..."
[If the PC helps the Warrior]
The Warrior:
"Thank you..."
The Voice:
"You have squandered your time and lost the talon! Unfortunate. Changes will have to be made."
[If the PC retrieves the Claw]
The Voice:
"The talon that gives power to those demanding, and abandons the weak to their fate. You are stronger for it."
Dialogue #2:
The Messenger:
"Salutations! I have come looking for someone, to deliver a gift. A horn actually."
The Voice:
"It is the horn you seek! Claim what should be yours!"
The Messenger:
"I seek the First Reader of this great library. Perhaps you have seen him? This is to be his property, and I can give it to no other."
The Voice:
"It is of no concern who it's truly for! Take what is meant for you! He'll never know the difference!"
The Messenger:
"Do you claim to be the First Reader?"
[Response 1]:
"Yes, I am who you seek."
The Messenger:
Then I bear a message for you as well. [The Messenger dies]
The Voice:
"The horn with the will to take what is yours, and what should be yours."
[Response 2]:
"No, and I have not seen him."
The Messenger:
"Nor would you want the gift I bear. I take my leave."
The Voice:
"You betray what you were born to be! There will be a price to pay!"
Dialogue #3:
The Sorcerer:
"Young one! Please stop a while. I need your help. I am old and dying... and I've one hope left to me. In my room... there is an enchanted candle. It has one last wish spell within it. I am too weak to retrieve it, but you could."
The Voice:
"It is the candle you must seek!"
The Sorcerer:
"This candle is my last chance, child. Please... bring it to me."
The Voice:
"Forget the old man! His time is past! The wish should be yours! Use it yourself, and know the legacy of your true father!"
[If the PC gives the candle to the Sorcerer]
The Sorcerer:
"Thank you, I am renewed. You have resisted great temptation for a strangers benefit. A rare act of compassion for one destined so."
The Voice:
"You have wasted the power of the candle on the old man! There is much to be done before you are worthy!"
[If the PC uses the candle]
The Voice:
"You have done well."
Dialogue #4:
The Voice:
"Seek the dagger next! It is nearby in the hands of a great evil Ogre! Slay it and take your rightful prize!"
The White Knight:
"You there! Help me dispose of this beast! His kind are a plague on the land!"
The Ogre:
"Me no beast! Me don't want fight! Go 'way!"
The White Knight:
"Don't believe a word it says! Born evil they are! Everyone knows that! The only good ogre is a dead ogre!"
The Voice:
"Look at them! The knight is obviously the one to help! The beast cannot be other than it was born to be! Kill it!"
The Ogre:
"Shiny man attack ME! I be good but he make fight! He want kill for no reason!"
The Voice:
"The beast is an ogre! They are evil; they cannot be otherwise! Do what you know MUST be done! Will you attack it or not?!"
[Response 1]:
"Ogre or not, this creature is no threat. I'll not harm him!"
The Ogre:
"You no hurt me, me no hurt you! Me don't care if me born bad! Me be good if me want to! You too... remember. You born VERY bad. Maybe you be good if you want too."
The Voice:
"You disrespect your true calling at every turn. It will make your destiny all the more painful! Pathetic! You are not even worthy of the true test! It is a wonder you are suitable at all!"
[Response 2]:
"The beast will die, as all of its kind should!"
The White Knight:
"You chose right! Beings of flesh ARE what they ARE. There is no escaping your destiny. Best you remember that! Here, this is yours!"
The Voice:
"A dagger of bone. A piece of the father bred in the child. You will be what you were born to be."
Dialogue #5:
The Voice:
"The potion you seek is here! Search the bodies! Their dead hold the prize!"
The Poisoned Man:
"Please... that pack of gnolls... they poisoned me. Was there a flask among them? It must be the antidote. Please..."
The Voice:
"Ignore him! Drink the potion yourself and know the essence of your heritage!"
The Poisoned Man:
"Please... show some charity... I'll die without it."
[Response 1]:
"My destiny is more important than your paltry life. Cheers."
The Voice:
"Drink deep the blood of the father and the tears of the dead. They shall sustain you, for they are the very essence of your destiny!"
[Response 2]:
"I cannot refuse this man his very life! He needs this potion more than I!"
The Poisoned Man:
"Thank you. Your actions are my antidote. Let the blood of the father not despoil the son!"
The Voice:
"It is an insult to the very blood in your veins! You WILL learn to act accordingly!"
Dialogue #5:
The Woman:
"Greetings, fellow traveler. I have been entrusted to give this skull to they who are most worthy."
The Voice:
"It is the last item you seek! Of course you're worthy of it!"
The Woman:
"The recipient must be more heroic, charitable, courageous, and HUMBLE than anyone else living or dead. Are you such a person?"
The Voice:
"You know you are all that and more! You have power immeasurable in your future! You are destined for a veritable godhood!"
[Response 1]:
"I am all that you seek! There are none alive or dead better than I!"
The Woman:
"Truly you deserve this and whatever else it brings. You've the ego of a deity to believe yourself humble and yet claim to be better than all who have died. It will certainly make the bonding easier... though not for you!"
The Voice:
"It is the Godhead itself, literal and figurative! Prepare yourself, for the return will come soon!"
[Response 2]:
"Many a great person has walked this land. I cannot claim to be above them all."
The Woman:
"The Godhead is rejected! Can there yet be hope? We shall see..." [Yes, she is the one who says this]
The Voice:
"Your fate will be sealed despite your petty rejection of the ways of your father. The return is nigh regardless!"
[Later quotes from the Voice which aren't connected to another character's dialogue]:
The Voice:
"I am the essence of Bhaal within you. You must release your will, that your body may become the conduit for your father's rebirth!"
The Voice:
"Fight, that the violent death of your mind shall pave the way! The Return will live with your death!"
The Voice:
"Weakling fool! You have spurned your father's gifts and your heritage. You can only pay with your blood! A god cannot be contained in death! Your mind is but a stepping stone!"
The Voice:
"You'll not prevail! The strength that was given returns to the source! I am the stronger!"
The Voice:
"You have balanced the scales with your actions, but The Return cannot be stopped!"
The Voice:
"It is not the end! So long as you... or any child of Bhaal lives... the potential... is there. Many will seek the power you forsake! One son nears it now! The Return... cannot... be stopped... (fade out)"
So yeah. These feel less like unused quests and more like an unused storyline (though not a very good one).
Because you stole a cloak and got yourselves noticed. I warned you to leave everyone well enough alone but nooooooo....
It looks like they were thinking to make Bhaal get resurrected in the body of one of his children, though, which is obviously different from what we see in Throne of Bhaal. "So long as you... or any child of Bhaal lives... the potential... is there." That's obviously very different, considering that, in ToB, we see that the idea is that the Children are all supposed to die, and only then would Bhaal be resurrected.
It does raise some questions, though. All throughout Baldur's Gate, the dreams seem to push you to accept the fact that you're a Bhaalspawn, and to accept the "gifts" you're given. But why, if you're just supposed to be sacrificed? If you're not the vessel for Bhaal's resurrection, what's the point in needing to accept what you are? My idea is that Bhaal didn't use all of his essence creating his Children (obviously, he's still a God) so that if the essence was collected as it was when he lost it, it wouldn't be enough to resurrect him (or at least to full power). So, the essence pushes you to accept it, to nurture it, to grow it within you, so when you die, it goes to the Throne of Bhaal stronger than it was originally. If enough Children do this, the essence collected will be as strong as Bhaal was when he was living.
Or perhaps it's just a leftover from when they were thinking that Bhaal would be resurrected in one of his Children.
Anyway... Did you know that Kirinhale, the Succubus you meet in Durlag's Tower, was trapped by Durlag because she tried to seduce Durlag in order to free Aec'Letec. Did you also know that your character can't really put all that together? Only two separate characters can get the dialogue that (very strongly) hints at this; some of the dialogue is restricted to males, some to females. Here's the dialogue that you can only get as a woman:
Durlag and I had a... disagreement about the treatment of a friend of mine. My attempts at... reasonable arguments went unheeded, and I have been trapped here ever since.
The "reasonable arguments" are almost certainly Kirinhale attempting to seduce Durlag. If you're playing a man, you can hear this from her:
Durlag took my wings and imprisoned me, but I can still deal with your puny mortal mind! I'll not end up like Aec! I'll not!
Clearly she knows Aec'Letec, and well enough to refer to him in a casual manner.
As a male, there's no dialogue about why she might've been trapped. As a female, there's no dialogue about who her friend was. But, put them together, you get the full picture.
You also can't get around it with the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity, as after speaking to her, it sets a global variable which changes her dialogue away from the ones that lead to the above dialogues, or she's hostile (and immune to charm). It does work if you reload, of course, but your character still doesn't get the full picture.
Edit: Completely forgot to say it, but those dream sequence things remind me a whole lot of the Hell Trials at the end of Shadows of Amn. A dilemma presented by the essence in your soul, trying to push you to accept. One choice accepting it, one choice rejecting it. Very, very similar.