If I remember correctly they should also reduce intelligence. So if somebody does make a mod that makes them wearable, as well as the +2 to Charisma, there should be a 1 or 2 point decrease in intelligence as well.
EDIT I was right about intelligence. Thanks EE keeper for the easy transfer of this info.
"The Golden Pantaloons did surely see the very beginnings of our realm, though I must press that they "saw" this formative time by their simple presence, and not through some vestigial eyes that might have erupted through a rear pocket perhaps concealing teeth and other improbable extremities. I am sure that the various owners of the pantaloons can attest to the general lack of animated digits or ocular sensors, as evidenced by the continued sanctity and privacy maintained by their respective buttocks.
Lyric pantoums of an age long since out of print speak of "trousers that were as metal, though soft about the shanks." While it might be easy to jump to the seemingly inevitable conclusion that the trousers rose while Netheril fell, it is doubtful that the pantaloons were the garments of which they speak. One must clarify these oft-misquoted verses with knowledge of the Pantechnicon, an ancient bazaar once prized for Silver Pantalets. Fine these may have been, but golden they were not. Nickel Panties are also said to be currently available, though the dockside establishments that claim to offer these products are beyond my meager experience, and thus I can make no report.
The purpose of the Pantaloons is as mysterious as ever, and will likely remain so until the Pantocrator himself returns, though some properties can be divined though intimate observation. The "uplifting" properties of the gusset very nearly defy gravity, shaping quite nicely both the front and rear. This improved contour would likely increase self-esteem for a wearer of either sex. I would hazard a guess, however, that this continuing self delusion might actually hamper cognitive functions, and care should be taken in the wearing of any pantaloons of golden nature."
I disagree that only Shadowdancers can wear them.
So in my opinion we have: -2 to intelligence.
@tbone1 +2 to charisma. -100% to hide in shadows An excellent idea
@Abi_Dalzim Nature's Beauty 1/day. Blind everybody with the radiance of your awesomeness! Another excellent idea
@Pokota Requires a Remove Curse for doffing. Obviously.
Now all we need is someone to make the mod, preferably changing the appearance of the character to be wearing golden pantaloons. Only the latter would be difficult for a modder I think, and even that shouldn't be TOO difficult.
COPY_EXISTING misc47.itm override READ_LONG 0x64 ab_of READ_SHORT 0x68 ab_ct READ_LONG 0x6a ef_of INSERT_BYTES ab_of 0x38 WRITE_BYTE (ab_of + 0x00) 3 WRITE_BYTE (ab_of + 0x01) 1 WRITE_SHORT (ab_of + 0x02) 3 WRITE_ASCIIE (ab_of + 0x04) sppr704 #8 WRITE_SHORT (ab_of + 0x0c) 5 WRITE_BYTE (ab_of + 0x16) 1 WRITE_BYTE (ab_of + 0x24) 3 WRITE_SHORT 0x68 (ab_ct + 1) WRITE_LONG 0x6a (ef_of + 0x38) WRITE_SHORT 0x1c 4 WRITE_BYTE 0x18 0b00111100 LPF ADD_ITEM_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 146 target = 1 parameter1 = 14 parameter2 = 1 STR_VAR resource = sppr704 END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 6 timing = 2 target = 1 parameter1 = 2 END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 19 timing = 2 target = 1 parameter1 = 0 - 2 END PATCH_FOR_EACH n IN 1 2 BEGIN LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 7 timing = 2 target = 1 parameter2 = n parameter1 = 67 END END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 275 timing = 2 target = 1 parameter1 = 0 - 100 END LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 142 parameter2 = 35 timing = 2 target = 1 END SAY 0x54 ~The Golden Pantaloons did surely see the very beginnings of our realm, though I must press that they "saw" this formative time by their simple presence, and not through some vestigial eyes that might have erupted through a rear pocket perhaps concealing teeth and other improbable extremities. I am sure that the various owners of the pantaloons can attest to the general lack of animated digits or ocular sensors, as evidenced by the continued sanctity and privacy maintained by their respective buttocks.
Lyric pantoums of an age long since out of print speak of "trousers that were as metal, though soft about the shanks." While it might be easy to jump to the seemingly inevitable conclusion that the trousers rose while Netheril fell, it is doubtful that the pantaloons were the garments of which they speak. One must clarify these oft-misquoted verses with knowledge of the Pantechnicon, an ancient bazaar once prized for Silver Pantalets. Fine these may have been, but golden they were not. Nickel Panties are also said to be currently available, though the dockside establishments that claim to offer these products are beyond my meager experience, and thus I can make no report.
The purpose of the Pantaloons is as mysterious as ever, and will likely remain so until the Pantocrator himself returns, though some properties can be divined though intimate observation. The "uplifting" properties of the gusset very nearly defy gravity, shaping quite nicely both the front and rear. This improved contour would likely increase self-esteem for a wearer of either sex. I would hazard a guess, however, that this continuing self delusion might actually hamper cognitive functions, and care should be taken in the wearing of any pantaloons of golden nature.
STATISTICS: — -2 Intelligence — +2 Charisma — -100% Hide in Shadows — Nature's Beauty once per day — Cursed. May only be removed by a Remove Curse spell
Weight: 0 ~ BUT_ONLY
Edit: I had forgotten the Nature's Beauty ability. It's at will instead of once per day, have fun!
haha thats awesome! can someone explain to me the fascination of the pantaloons. ive found them before but given them back to the nobleman and have no idea why we keep them o_O
@sazzie oh boy are you in for a treat. There are actually 3 pairs of metallic pantaloons. 1 in BG1, 1 in BG2, and 1 in ToB. Keep them all for a special surprise.
o_O oh i see. no wonder ive never found the extra pantaloons in BG2 and ToB
I don't recall the ToB ones being hard to find. Thought you just needed to free Bondari and let him find the scroll of reversal for you, and he'd throw in the bronze pantalettes as a bonus. I say all of this with some uncertainty because it's been years since I've used Bondari instead of just ganking the wizard and taking the scroll by force.
Don't try to get them with Mazzy in BG2, she will put the kibosh on getting them.
I don't recall Mazzy keeping me from taking the Silvers, but then again I don't presently remember how to get the Silvers either. I might not have had Mazzy in tow at the time.
I remember having Keldorn with me once and him releasing the hostage when I refused. Wouldn't surprise me if Mazzy did the same. Perhaps if you left them downstairs while you went up yourself, you could mitigate that?
Getting the silvers does cost you 2 reputation points when you receive them. From what I've been told (I have never tried this myself) you can pickpocket them from the guy who has them and then go back to the hostage and release them, saying you had a change of heart. That way you won't lose reputation.
haha @Wise_Grimwald ive never found the BG2 and ToB pantaloons, i didnt even know they existed until this thread. im down for pleasant surprise but ima need help getting said pants so i can get my surprise is all >_<
If you have them in your inventory at the end of Baldur's Gate and you import the game to Baldur's Gate 2, they will be in the trapped container in Irenicus' dungeon next to the table with weapons and armor.
For the silver pantaloons:
Go to the Graveyard district. Find the man who has been buried alive and accept to find the men who did this. You will find one of them in the Bridge District. He runs into a house, follow him. Go upstairs to find their latest kidnap victim. Refuse to let her go, instead raid the room to find a letter instructing you to seek out Welther in the Slums.
At night, go to the Slums. Welther is outside the Copper Coronet. Speak to him and get the silver pantaloons as ransom. This will cost you 2 reputation points.
In Abazigal's lair, make sure to pick up any Scrolls of Stone to Flesh you find. When you meet Iycanth the Mad, accept his quest to fetch the eyeball of a Gauth. Also take his suggestion to have another group of adventurers do it for you.
Cast Stone to Flesh on the petrified adventurers standing nearby and get them to fetch the eyeball for you. When they return ... well, after a hilarious cutscene they hand over the eyeball and the bronze pantalettes.
To use the pantaloons:
Find Kerrick the Smith in Amkethran. If you have all three sets of pantaloons, he uses them to create a great item.
@Montresor_SP thank you!!! ive done all 3 of those quests BUT never had the gold ones in my possession when importing into BG2 ... mind u ive only done my first port successfully in the EE versions but still ... thank you i appreciate the efforts. ill need to play a new game soon to put the spoilers into good use
The Potion of Firebreath actually deals a total of 12d10 damage. It works like Agannazar's Scorcher: it deals 6d10 damage instantly and another 6d10 damage a round later.
Did you know that a Cavalier's immunity to poison makes her immune to the damage of a Cloudkill? Just imagine the exploits you could do with a wand of cloudkill and a noble cavalier...
Did you know that a Cavalier's immunity to poison makes her immune to the damage of a Cloudkill? Just imagine the exploits you could do with a wand of cloudkill and a noble cavalier...
Requires a Remove Curse for doffing.
...dang, now I want to make an actual "Glimmerous Pantaloons"
I was right about intelligence. Thanks EE keeper for the easy transfer of this info.
"The Golden Pantaloons did surely see the very beginnings of our realm, though I must press that they "saw" this formative time by their simple presence, and not through some vestigial eyes that might have erupted through a rear pocket perhaps concealing teeth and other improbable extremities. I am sure that the various owners of the pantaloons can attest to the general lack of animated digits or ocular sensors, as evidenced by the continued sanctity and privacy maintained by their respective buttocks.
Lyric pantoums of an age long since out of print speak of "trousers that were as metal, though soft about the shanks." While it might be easy to jump to the seemingly inevitable conclusion that the trousers rose while Netheril fell, it is doubtful that the pantaloons were the garments of which they speak. One must clarify these oft-misquoted verses with knowledge of the Pantechnicon, an ancient bazaar once prized for Silver Pantalets. Fine these may have been, but golden they were not. Nickel Panties are also said to be currently available, though the dockside establishments that claim to offer these products are beyond my meager experience, and thus I can make no report.
The purpose of the Pantaloons is as mysterious as ever, and will likely remain so until the Pantocrator himself returns, though some properties can be divined though intimate observation. The "uplifting" properties of the gusset very nearly defy gravity, shaping quite nicely both the front and rear. This improved contour would likely increase self-esteem for a wearer of either sex. I would hazard a guess, however, that this continuing self delusion might actually hamper cognitive functions, and care should be taken in the wearing of any pantaloons of golden nature."
I disagree that only Shadowdancers can wear them.
So in my opinion we have:
-2 to intelligence.
+2 to charisma.
-100% to hide in shadows
An excellent idea
Nature's Beauty 1/day. Blind everybody with the radiance of your awesomeness!
Another excellent idea
Requires a Remove Curse for doffing.
can someone explain to me the fascination of the pantaloons. ive found them before but given them back to the nobleman and have no idea why we keep them o_O
I was never good at judging who to give the ultimate reward to, though I've only legally acquired it once with an F3>C
For the golden pantaloons:
For the silver pantaloons:
At night, go to the Slums. Welther is outside the Copper Coronet. Speak to him and get the silver pantaloons as ransom. This will cost you 2 reputation points.
For the bronze pantalettes:
Cast Stone to Flesh on the petrified adventurers standing nearby and get them to fetch the eyeball for you. When they return ... well, after a hilarious cutscene
To use the pantaloons: