Did you know about the Living Wall? Outside of the Tarrasque, it is the most potentially powerful creature i've ever come across in the DnD realms. It was outlined in the 2nd ed. Monster Manual and i'm not sure if it was ever ported. Allow me to explain what I recall (if someone has the original article i'd love to see it):
The Living Wall is created through a ritual binding the souls of people to the wall and absorbs the hp, spells, items, and abilities of any creatures either trapped inside the wall or who die close to it. Detecting evil or undead made you roll an insanity check. If the wall absorbs a 12th level fighter, a 7th level fighter, and a 4th level mage, it can attack as all of those creatures separately in a single round and there is no max limit on how many times it can do so, although I don't think spells ever get replenished.
One single wall that got lucky and won a victory against an adventuring party, and then had enough power to do it to another, and another, could be a truly frightening thing all it's own even if the creator was long dead.
Did you know about the Living Wall? Outside of the Tarrasque, it is the most potentially powerful creature i've ever come across in the DnD realms. It was outlined in the 2nd ed. Monster Manual and i'm not sure if it was ever ported. Allow me to explain what I recall (if someone has the original article i'd love to see it):
The Living Wall is created through a ritual binding the souls of people to the wall and absorbs the hp, spells, items, and abilities of any creatures either trapped inside the wall or who die close to it. Detecting evil or undead made you roll an insanity check. If the wall absorbs a 12th level fighter, a 7th level fighter, and a 4th level mage, it can attack as all of those creatures separately in a single round and there is no max limit on how many times it can do so, although I don't think spells ever get replenished.
One single wall that got lucky and won a victory against an adventuring party, and then had enough power to do it to another, and another, could be a truly frightening thing all it's own even if the creator was long dead.
I wonder how that would be in a BG mod of some sort. Imagine a bunch of bhaalspawn in particular, trapped. Could get quite nasty by LoB time.
The Living Wall is created through a ritual binding the souls of people to the wall and absorbs the hp, spells, items, and abilities of any creatures either trapped inside the wall or who die close to it. Detecting evil or undead made you roll an insanity check. If the wall absorbs a 12th level fighter, a 7th level fighter, and a 4th level mage, it can attack as all of those creatures separately in a single round and there is no max limit on how many times it can do so, although I don't think spells ever get replenished.
It might be some sort of tutorial thing for trap disarming.
EDIT: Oops, I put this in the wrong place. I was looking at the posts about the trapped container in Candlekeep and I didn't realize I wasn't on the most recent page.
If anyone is interested here is the Living Wall Entry in the 2nd Edition Monster Manual
Ah, so it does replenish its spells every day
Yep, definitely up there with potentially epic level opponents.
In my headcanon of the Realms, the great lich Larloch has had his personal chamber protected by a living wall many centuries old, perhaps even 1000 years or more. This wall has absorbed mages and warriors whose combat skills and arcane knowledge have long been lost to the Realms historical record.
Elminster has been working on a great Wish spell for many years, carefully preparing each word, in order to free every soul trapped.
Did you know elves are more magically powerful than your human or gnome PC's could ever hope to be? They are the only ones capable of casting High Magic, a form of spellcasting with effects far and above ordinary magic of any type.
This magic can kill gods. A level 15 mage known as Q'arlynd Melarn (from Ched Nasaad, no less) and follower of Eilistraee took out the drow goddess Kirianshee (sp) with a spell that totally wiped the memory of the goddess from all mortal beings. Her power collapsed and she has not been heard from since. Many other gods have risen from attempts at death (Bhaal for example) in the history of the realms, but this one has stayed dead ever since.
Considering all the crazy spellcasting abilities he has I like to think of Irenicus himself as a High Mage.
If anyone is interested here is the Living Wall Entry in the 2nd Edition Monster Manual
Ah, so it does replenish its spells every day
Yep, definitely up there with potentially epic level opponents.
In my headcanon of the Realms, the great lich Larloch has had his personal chamber protected by a living wall many centuries old, perhaps even 1000 years or more. This wall has absorbed mages and warriors whose combat skills and arcane knowledge have long been lost to the Realms historical record.
Elminster has been working on a great Wish spell for many years, carefully preparing each word, in order to free every soul trapped.
@WarChiefZeke Hmm. The idea of Elminster freeing all those trapped souls just reminded me of the 1st Ghostbusters movie when all the ghosts they caught were released at the same time. Seems like being trapped in a wall for that long would do some definite harm to their sanity. He better be VERY careful with the wording of that wish
Shoot, If I was locked away for that long, with nary drop of coffee or my churchwarden, I'd be half crazed as it is
The Ankheg plate and Full plate are not equivalent protection. They do the same against crushing damage, but Full plate has an additional -1 AC against slashing, and -2 against piercing. Since the latter is two-thirds of a Girdle of Piercing bonus, that's not insignificant. In general, it's really worth paying attention to those little fine print modifiers that armor has against different damage types.
Did you know that anti-psionic potion you can create in Mind Flayers lair in the Underdark is called "brine potion", not "brain potion"? Because I didn't.
The Ankheg plate and Full plate are not equivalent protection. They do the same against crushing damage, but Full plate has an additional -1 AC against slashing, and -2 against piercing. Since the latter is two-thirds of a Girdle of Piercing bonus, that's not insignificant. In general, it's really worth paying attention to those little fine print modifiers that armor has against different damage types.
But Ankheg Plate is green!
Also for Jaheira it just fits so well. Which is why I say she gets Ankheg Plate, Khalid gets fullplate, and Yeslick gets the golden armor of Bolthur the Clanless.
Thats new to me. Huh. I never really paid attn to the rt. clicking feature.
Too bad in the current run I already told the dread wolves to 'sic her, boys' in the current run. She did not realize it would not be a good idea to try a cloudkill on them while standing inside the AoE. They just took a deep breath,ignored it, and bit the tar outa her. She ain't the brightest rock in the box me thinks.
One of the last Cowled Wizards who shows up if you keep casting arcane spells without a license, and originally one of the highest level wizards in the game (tied with Irenicus).
One of the last Cowled Wizards who shows up if you keep casting arcane spells without a license, and originally one of the highest level wizards in the game (tied with Irenicus).
Huh. Well, time to start being a 'bad' boy in town I reckon.
When you charm a spore colony, it retains its ability to endlessly spawn myconids. This essentially allows you to develop your own mushroom army. Better yet, the summoned myconids count as your own rather than charmed enemies AND break the summoning limit, resulting in insane and hilarious sieges like this:
On another note, spore colonies are the embodiment of hell on LoB mode.
When you charm a spore colony, it retains its ability to endlessly spawn myconids. This essentially allows you to develop your own mushroom army. Better yet, the summoned myconids count as your own rather than charmed enemies AND break the summoning limit, resulting in insane and hilarious sieges like this:
On another note, spore colonies are the embodiment of hell on LoB mode.
When you charm a spore colony, it retains its ability to endlessly spawn myconids. This essentially allows you to develop your own mushroom army. Better yet, the summoned myconids count as your own rather than charmed enemies AND break the summoning limit, resulting in insane and hilarious sieges like this:
On another note, spore colonies are the embodiment of hell on LoB mode.
Speaking of, one of my favorite tricks in the Druid Grove is, when approaching the group of druids led by Kyland Lind, to immediately charm/dominate the druid to the far left, and have them cast Insect Plague on their fellows as soon as I approach Lind and they all go hostile. They can't cast that way, and then when he summons a nymph, it'll also be on my side the whole way, and I can beat down the disrupted druids with ease.
Invisibility 10' Radius affects everything within its radius, friendly or not. If you have a penchant for casting it a lot and suddenly you can't find an NPC where he or she is supposed to be, make sure you cast "True Sight" before filing a bug report.
I may or may not have accidentally misplaced Cernd while prebuffing for that last trio of druids in the druid grove.
One of the last Cowled Wizards who shows up if you keep casting arcane spells without a license, and originally one of the highest level wizards in the game (tied with Irenicus).
One of the last Cowled Wizards who shows up if you keep casting arcane spells without a license, and originally one of the highest level wizards in the game (tied with Irenicus).
Maybe I follow the rules a little too much...
You think? I have never, in all these years since the original release, cast a spell inside the city without paying first...
Invisibility 10' Radius affects everything within its radius, friendly or not. If you have a penchant for casting it a lot and suddenly you can't find an NPC where he or she is supposed to be, make sure you cast "True Sight" before filing a bug report.
Doesn't True Sight only reveal characters who are hostile? Non-hostile "white circle" characters wouldn't be revealed by it, I think.
If you want the invisibility to go away, rest. After a long enough time it'll wear off.
The Living Wall is created through a ritual binding the souls of people to the wall and absorbs the hp, spells, items, and abilities of any creatures either trapped inside the wall or who die close to it. Detecting evil or undead made you roll an insanity check. If the wall absorbs a 12th level fighter, a 7th level fighter, and a 4th level mage, it can attack as all of those creatures separately in a single round and there is no max limit on how many times it can do so, although I don't think spells ever get replenished.
One single wall that got lucky and won a victory against an adventuring party, and then had enough power to do it to another, and another, could be a truly frightening thing all it's own even if the creator was long dead.
EDIT: Oops, I put this in the wrong place. I was looking at the posts about the trapped container in Candlekeep and I didn't realize I wasn't on the most recent page.
Yep, definitely up there with potentially epic level opponents.
In my headcanon of the Realms, the great lich Larloch has had his personal chamber protected by a living wall many centuries old, perhaps even 1000 years or more. This wall has absorbed mages and warriors whose combat skills and arcane knowledge have long been lost to the Realms historical record.
Elminster has been working on a great Wish spell for many years, carefully preparing each word, in order to free every soul trapped.
This magic can kill gods. A level 15 mage known as Q'arlynd Melarn (from Ched Nasaad, no less) and follower of Eilistraee took out the drow goddess Kirianshee (sp) with a spell that totally wiped the memory of the goddess from all mortal beings. Her power collapsed and she has not been heard from since. Many other gods have risen from attempts at death (Bhaal for example) in the history of the realms, but this one has stayed dead ever since.
Considering all the crazy spellcasting abilities he has I like to think of Irenicus himself as a High Mage.
@WarChiefZeke Hmm. The idea of Elminster freeing all those trapped souls just reminded me of the 1st Ghostbusters movie when all the ghosts they caught were released at the same time. Seems like being trapped in a wall for that long would do some definite harm to their sanity.
He better be VERY careful with the wording of that wish
Shoot, If I was locked away for that long, with nary drop of coffee or my churchwarden, I'd be half crazed as it is
Because I didn't.
Also for Jaheira it just fits so well. Which is why I say she gets Ankheg Plate, Khalid gets fullplate, and Yeslick gets the golden armor of Bolthur the Clanless.
Too bad in the current run I already told the dread wolves to 'sic her, boys' in the current run. She did not realize it would not be a good idea to try a cloudkill on them while standing inside the AoE. They just took a deep breath,ignored it, and bit the tar outa her.
There's Kangaax, of course, and there's Shoon VII, better known to players as Zallanora.
On another note, spore colonies are the embodiment of hell on LoB mode.
I may or may not have accidentally misplaced Cernd while prebuffing for that last trio of druids in the druid grove.
If you want the invisibility to go away, rest. After a long enough time it'll wear off.