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  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    I had to laugh at the very end of that. "You can see that bone has been MENDED, with a copper alloy metal collar added. I can't tell you how LONG the owner of that leg survived after the operation, but still, top marks to the surgeon."
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Huh. I used a TOB character once, charmed Gorion into attacking Tethtoril, and used Time Stop + Mind Flayer to take out Teth. I kind of forgot about Obe as I killed everyone else, though.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    Nuin said:

    One of the last Cowled Wizards who shows up if you keep casting arcane spells without a license, and originally one of the highest level wizards in the game (tied with Irenicus).

    Is this true?
    If so, please put in a spoiler tag XP and loot (a screenshot would be better though.....)
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Luke93 said:

    Is this true?
    If so, please put in a spoiler tag XP and loot (a screenshot would be better though.....)

    6000 Xp and loot is random, I think. The other Cowled Wizards accompanying her give 20000 xp each, so she's a gyp by herself. Also, she's heavily inclined to Dimension Door away while in a Time Stop if things are going badly, so it's hard to kill her at all.

  • IrennanIrennan Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2017

    Bah, Bhaal came back in 5e despite everything our courageous PCs have done to the contrary. They just don't respect a good story over at WOTC.

    WotC trashed the whole Realms and a lot of characters with 4e (and in a way that cheapened the lore of the Realms). Then they brought them back in 5e--which I'm fine with, but they did it in a way that makes the FR metaplot a near joke. They constantly contradict their own stories, I wouldn't expect them to respect a story that didn't even write.
  • IrennanIrennan Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2017

    Did you know elves are more magically powerful than your human or gnome PC's could ever hope to be? They are the only ones capable of casting High Magic, a form of spellcasting with effects far and above ordinary magic of any type.

    This magic can kill gods. A level 15 mage known as Q'arlynd Melarn (from Ched Nasaad, no less) and follower of Eilistraee took out the drow goddess Kirianshee (sp) with a spell that totally wiped the memory of the goddess from all mortal beings. Her power collapsed and she has not been heard from since. Many other gods have risen from attempts at death (Bhaal for example) in the history of the realms, but this one has stayed dead ever since.

    Considering all the crazy spellcasting abilities he has I like to think of Irenicus himself as a High Mage.

    Q'arlynd's ritual didn't manage to erase KIaransalee's name--not fully, at least. She has returned to life during the Second Sundering, in 5e FR, alongside the other drow deities like Eilistraee and Vhaeraun (who were said by Ed Greenwood to have too managed to survive). Her name was still remembered by some and kept holding power in necromantic rituals, allowing her to not be forgotten. When Ao decided to reforge the Tablets of Fate, starting the Sundering, she came back like many other gods did.

    His ritual was a huge plot hole anyway, inconsistent with all previous Realmslore on the subject. So, a mere novice who barely knew about High Magic managed to discover such a powerful spell and cast it with but a Kiira. Meanwhile, the elves--the creators and true masters of High Magic, who have messed with the very structure of the world, caused apocalypses, and reached through the barrier between worlds with their magic--over tens of thousands years couldn't think of this spell or never used it to get rid of their most hated enemies like Lolth or Gruumsh? (Not to mention that, instead of using that spell on Lolth, or of spamming it against all the enemies of his goddess, Q'arlynd used it on Kiaransalee, a minor deity that was already little known among the drow themselves. Come on, really?) This is part of a long list of lore mistakes that characterized the novels about those events. They came to the point of even warping the lore about the deities involved (and even the deities' character and goals themselves--especially Eilistraee's). There's a reason why WotC absolutely ignored those novels, and then chose to revert nearly everything that unfolded in them in 5e.
    Post edited by Irennan on
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I had the same thought as well- if Q'arlynd has a god-slaying spell, why would he not gank Lolth? I chalked it up to the deities power although they give no such explanation. Just the idea that erasing the memory of, say, Tyr would require erasing the memory of nearly every sentient being on Faerun. That goes for Lolth as well since she appears to be known among the surfacers who are educated at least. A minor deity with a few scattered cults may be a different matter however.

    But yeah i agree it was handled terribly and even the idea is awful, if a god-slayer spell exists it would be tossed around like candy and, quite likely, Ao would step in again.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    Couldn't Klaransalee just fake her/his/its death and this ritual thing be a total hoax?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Maybe the spell wasn't big enough to affect all of Llolth's worshippers. After all, she has a lot more of them than lesser gods do.
  • IrennanIrennan Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2017

    I had the same thought as well- if Q'arlynd has a god-slaying spell, why would he not gank Lolth? I chalked it up to the deities power although they give no such explanation. Just the idea that erasing the memory of, say, Tyr would require erasing the memory of nearly every sentient being on Faerun. That goes for Lolth as well since she appears to be known among the surfacers who are educated at least. A minor deity with a few scattered cults may be a different matter however.

    But yeah i agree it was handled terribly and even the idea is awful, if a god-slayer spell exists it would be tossed around like candy and, quite likely, Ao would step in again.

    The problem is that the spell deleted Kiaransalee's name from the memory of every living being in existence, including K herself. That's just stupid, and it would have easily killed deities of the caliber of Shar.

    But then, as I said, WotC revealed that the spell failed, and K.'s name was not forgotten by all, and that K. is back like the other drow gods.

    All in all, not only those novels were an awful idea (hey, let's remove the drow gods and cultures, Ed Greenwood's own creation, what makes the FR drow unique and gives them depth), but this spell is only one of the many glaring mistakes or nonsensical plot devices in them, contradicting years of Realmslore. They just fall apart. The author and editor simply didn't care and went on with the former's headcanon, disrespecting the lore and characters involved (but that was pretty much the standard with the changes leading to 4e). That's why I'm happy that WotC entirely reverted everything that happened in them, even tho I would have liked a better explanation for the return of the drow gods.
    Post edited by Irennan on
  • NuinNuin Member Posts: 451
    In other news, other authors decided to have Tyr (aka god of Justice) kill Helm over some sort of lover's spat around the same time. Voila, decades of rich lore/history gone, goodbye god of watchers.
    And that was from a collaboration of experienced writers.

    D&D authors are an odd bunch, never take them seriously.
  • IrennanIrennan Member Posts: 54
    Nuin said:

    In other news, other authors decided to have Tyr (aka god of Justice) kill Helm over some sort of lover's spat around the same time. Voila, decades of rich lore/history gone, goodbye god of watchers.
    And that was from a collaboration of experienced writers.

    D&D authors are an odd bunch, never take them seriously.

    Luckily, that too was undone and reverted with the Second Sundering.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    All this talk on FR lore just proves my opinion on D&D overall: 2nd Edition sucks mechanically, but it's got the best stories. 3rd (well, 3.5) has the best mechanics (caveat of knowing 0 about 5th), but they kind of broke all the stories. 4th was just crap all around. I hear 5th is something of a Renaissance though, but since it's been so long I'm out of the loop.

    I have piles and piles and piles of 2nd edition novels (Just reread the Druidhome trilogy) of FR, Dragonlance, Darksun, Greyhawk, and Spelljammer. Just a fraction of novels after circa-2002, mostly in Dragonlance.
  • IrennanIrennan Member Posts: 54

    All this talk on FR lore just proves my opinion on D&D overall: 2nd Edition sucks mechanically, but it's got the best stories. 3rd (well, 3.5) has the best mechanics (caveat of knowing 0 about 5th), but they kind of broke all the stories. 4th was just crap all around. I hear 5th is something of a Renaissance though, but since it's been so long I'm out of the loop.

    I have piles and piles and piles of 2nd edition novels (Just reread the Druidhome trilogy) of FR, Dragonlance, Darksun, Greyhawk, and Spelljammer. Just a fraction of novels after circa-2002, mostly in Dragonlance.

    5e is only a renaissance in that itbrought back a lot of stuff, but it doesn't get very far when it comes to stories and lore. I hope WotC will at least release a (non half-assed, unlike the SCAG) FRCS in the future.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Did you know(I didn't anyway), that older NPCs created for BG ONLY, travel into SoD and can be played? So far White and Mur'neth have showed up in the opening SoD dungeon, and then move to the cut away palace bedroom asleep on the floor. They wake and act normal after you click/talk to them. I am guessing since they were not flagged to leave the party at the end of SoD they just stay with CHARNAME.

    Weird that, as I know they are written by the respective authors not to, or written before SoD anyway. A glitch in SoD I suppose.
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Irennan said:

    All this talk on FR lore just proves my opinion on D&D overall: 2nd Edition sucks mechanically, but it's got the best stories. 3rd (well, 3.5) has the best mechanics (caveat of knowing 0 about 5th), but they kind of broke all the stories. 4th was just crap all around. I hear 5th is something of a Renaissance though, but since it's been so long I'm out of the loop.

    I have piles and piles and piles of 2nd edition novels (Just reread the Druidhome trilogy) of FR, Dragonlance, Darksun, Greyhawk, and Spelljammer. Just a fraction of novels after circa-2002, mostly in Dragonlance.

    5e is only a renaissance in that itbrought back a lot of stuff, but it doesn't get very far when it comes to stories and lore. I hope WotC will at least release a (non half-assed, unlike the SCAG) FRCS in the future.
    Why don't we write our own and submit it to WotC?
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Zaghoul said:

    Did you know(I didn't anyway), that older NPCs created for BG ONLY, travel into SoD and can be played? So far White and Mur'neth have showed up in the opening SoD dungeon, and then move to the cut away palace bedroom asleep on the floor. They wake and act normal after you click/talk to them. I am guessing since they were not flagged to leave the party at the end of SoD they just stay with CHARNAME.

    Weird that, as I know they are written by the respective authors not to, or written before SoD anyway. A glitch in SoD I suppose.

    Hmm, perhaps editing the right files could let keep your original BG party, then?
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @DJKajuru It does beg the question, doesn't it? Those two guys are definitely unique NPC's, and Mur'neth is a complete beast with mages.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938

    You know how, after the intro level of Siege of Dragonspear,

    you lose all your money? Well, there's a way to spend it all before you lose it. Talk to the Flaming Fist cleric who accompanies you throughout the dungeon. She has a temple store where she sells lots of nice stuff, including 10 Potions of Extra Healing, 20 Elixirs of Health, 5 Potions of Clarity, 5 Scrolls of Greater Restoration, 5 scrolls of Raise Dead, 5 scrolls of Chaotic Commands, and some other great items. You can pour your fortune into that store.
    Well that and 'helping your companions slip into something more comfortable'.
    Stripping your companions naked cause they run off with all equipped items >:) . Still, feels a bit weird doing that (sometimes, depends on my CHARNAME) o:)
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    It's also important to sell equipment off to Sorcerous Sundries instead of Belegarm, because the latter uses BG2's lower sell values for things. So entering SOD with a full gem bag and emptying it at Sundries is a sound strategy.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    The Tutors in Candlekeep have an attack animation. Looks like they're slapping you around. Pretty cool. Pretty sure Elminster has one too.

    Gladly the iwd producers realised that and had the hostile priests who serve the forgotten god use the same animation.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938

    The Tutors in Candlekeep have an attack animation. Looks like they're slapping you around. Pretty cool. Pretty sure Elminster has one too.

    @WarChiefZeke That reminds me of something White(NPC from @LavaDelVortel )says about them. He thought it would be a site to see with a tavern full of CK monks in a brawl in the inn there, robes being torn in between the monks reciting prayers during the fight. Hehheh. B)
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    I always got the impression that the monks in Candlekeep were more like the order from Redwall - more devoted to their discipline than to any religious ideal. Though it's a little harder to justify in this case given there's actually a God of Knowledge in the setting with representation on the grounds.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Pokota I enjoyed that Redwall, and Cluny the Scourge. Good thing we had monks back in medieval times with all their book copying and such.
    Got me thinking about watching 'The Name of the Rose' again.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192

    Curious. If you somehow do manage to kill Rejiek, there's another ending to the Skinner Murders quest; Lieutenant Aegisfield (or, if he's dead, Chief Inspector Brega) gives you the reward, with additional dialogue about Rejiek being dead. Also, depending on your dialogue options with Aegisfield (though not with Brega) you can actually lose a point of reputation for killing Rejiek, because, in Aegisfield's words, "you may not like being known as a brutal bounty hunter".

    I suppose this ending averts the Trademeet quest entirely?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    DJKajuru said:

    Zaghoul said:

    Did you know(I didn't anyway), that older NPCs created for BG ONLY, travel into SoD and can be played? So far White and Mur'neth have showed up in the opening SoD dungeon, and then move to the cut away palace bedroom asleep on the floor. They wake and act normal after you click/talk to them. I am guessing since they were not flagged to leave the party at the end of SoD they just stay with CHARNAME.

    Weird that, as I know they are written by the respective authors not to, or written before SoD anyway. A glitch in SoD I suppose.

    Hmm, perhaps editing the right files could let keep your original BG party, then?
    Some NPCs start with you at the beginning of SoD but leave as soon as you reach the Ducal Palace. I don't know how many of them do that though.
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