895/896. You build Suldanessellar using more than 1000 LEGO minifigs (it takes 4 months of intense building, with white tower being more then 3m high):
@WithinAmnesia , I'm thinking this should be in the "Did you Know" thread.
That Thread Exists? I Hope That You Do Not Mean The 'Did You *Actually* Know' Thread? Because Plat99 Is A True, Its' Wares Are 100% Authentic! Real It Is.. Item.
891. You've actually made one of Dradeel's recipes... In Real Life.
If you like Reeses Cups, you'll like Dradeel's monkey balls. I'm not a big fan of peanut butter, so if you aren't either, make sure they are coin-sized like it says in the recipe...
899. Upon dodging a couple of dog bombs in your yard, you exclaim aloud, "Evil 'round every corner! Careful not to step in any!" and then start laughing like a maniac. If any neighbors heard me, they must have thought I'd gone crazy.
895. ... when you are reading a story and wondering how the the confrontation between your Bhaalspawn and the character would play out.
I Found This Item: http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/"Plat99" (I Also Wrote The Wiki Article Too..)
Its' Wares Are 100% Authentic! Real It Is.. Item.
If you like Reeses Cups, you'll like Dradeel's monkey balls. I'm not a big fan of peanut butter, so if you aren't either, make sure they are coin-sized like it says in the recipe...
895. You think that it's a normal brother behavior when they try to kill each other.
897: You have built your own throne, and your children are fighting viciously to sit there.
901. You put this on your wall:
"Welcome, my little friends! Please, relax, and keep your weapons at your sides."