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BG1NPC for BGEE Prerelease - UPDATE v21-PR_20150131



  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Sergio - Has anything happened to Jaheira (did she die or be removed from the party)? That banter sets a local variable. If it were unset, the banter could fire again.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
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  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Sergio - It's a banter, which means that occurs randomly. But, when it does, it is supposed to set a local variable that prevents it from firing again.

    If you saw the banter, then re-loaded a save game from before the banter occurred, then it could fire again. And it would likely do so in a different location.

    Do you have the CLUA Console active? If so, you could check the variable.

    You'd need to activate the console, select Jaheira, and then enter the following command:
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    Ajantis line "I can't tarry about for idle conversation. As a paladin, there are many tasks that must be looked after!" is randomly showing even when we are not in an idle state like after a fight or walking
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @kaguana - That's not his "bored" line. It's his dialog_default line. I think it fires when the engine picks Ajantis to banter, but he has no valid dialog states.

    If Ajantis has run out of banters (or his remaining banters require a particular circumstance), that might be causing that to fire.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328

    @kaguana - That's not his "bored" line. It's his dialog_default line. I think it fires when the engine picks Ajantis to banter, but he has no valid dialog states.

    If Ajantis has run out of banters (or his remaining banters require a particular circumstance), that might be causing that to fire.

    I see but why would it happen it not happening with the other characters, or is it because I'm romancing him?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    Have you finished the romance? There could be a state that is calling for a dialog to fire and he doesn't have anything to say (or there's a bugged dialog that won't fire).

    It would probably be easiest if I could see the romance and banter variables. That would require uploading a save game.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    Ajantis Romance dialogues are all scripted, so no random firing of dialogues with no valid dialogues (if this would happen, it would end up in Ajantis stutter bug).
    Do we know how this "DIALOG_DEFAULT" is triggered? I think it is independent of any banter / dialogue, more like these random phrases the NPC say when in a forest / city / dungeon / bored / tired.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    No the romance isn't finished yet, and here is also a save game for you to see
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    @jastey‌ - According to these threads at Pocket Plane and SHS, DIALOG_DEFAULT is triggered when the actor has no valid dialog states.,17823.msg243918.html#msg243918

    @kaguana‌ - In party consists of CHARNAME, Ajantis, Alora, Branwen, Kivan, and Rasaad. I looked at all 31 state triggers in Ajantis' banter file, BAJANT.DLG. None can fire at this point (his banters with Alora and Kivan have fired, the others require other NPCs or someone evil in the party). So, whenever Ajantis gets picked for a banter, he has no valid dialog state. I think this is what is causing the DIALOG_DEFAULT to be said.

    Do you have the banter accelerator component installed? If so, this would make this line fire more frequently.

    EDIT: Also, Alora, Kivan, and Rasaad don't have a DIALOG_DEFAULT string. So, that could explain why you don't see this behavior from them. Branwen does, and her line is "I have nothing to say to any of you." However, while I was testing, a banter of hers fired, so she apparently still has banters left for this party.
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    I see, so nothing can be done about it ?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    @kaguana - It's not a bug. Ajantis is out of valid banter dialogs and is doing exactly what the game engine intended him to do in that case - say a default line.

    Here's a fix for your game. I blanked out Ajantis' DIALOG_DEFAULT on Ajantis' CRE file in your save game. That should keep him from saying the line.

  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    Ok thx I'll try it out :)
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited June 2014
    Ran into another bug, this time with Coran:
    He keeps initiating dialouges, making it impossible to proceed. It happened after I killed my first wyvern.

    I think the reason for that is, that I picked him up very early in the game (thanks to the mod-option to open the cloakwood forrest early) and then ignored his quest completely till now (for several ingame days). He never asked me to hurry up to do his quest (I guess because the romance is still running) and now that I finally killed a wyvern, his quest timer kicked in. Instead of leaving the party though, the player initiated banters start, so it just keeps on looping.

    I think I can fix this by resetting his timer, any idea what the console command for that might be?
    Post edited by Buttercheese on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Buttercheese - The timer is basically ignored if you are in a romance with Coran.

    Did it happen immediately after killing a wyvern? Did it happen after killing a wyvern not in a cave (i.e., in the outdoors?) Did you pick up a wyvern head?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
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  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Sergio - When you have something to keep hidden, use the spoiler tags.

    The replacement portraits used by that spell are formatted for BGTutu/BGT, which is smaller than that used by BGEE. I'll have to create larger BGEE versions of the files.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Sergio - Unzip these image files and put them in your override directory.

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  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    It happened immediately after the combat mode (where I killed my first wyvern) ended.
    Before I picked up the head and it was outdoors (I was waylaid by enemies between the second and third Cloakwood area).
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Thank you for the help! There where to files by this name, wasn't sure which you need so here, have both.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Thank you for the help! There where to files by this name, wasn't sure which you need so here, have both.

    Here you go. This should fix it for you.

  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    @AstroBryGuy‌: Seems to have worked! Thank you so much :'D
  • modestvoltamodestvolta Member Posts: 109
    Just wanted to say, as someone who was/is waiting to do their BG1NPC play-through when the 1.3 patch is released, that it's good to see @AstroBryGuy‌ (and others I'm sure) putting in so much work to get this updated. I assume the lack of bug reports here is promising!

    Looking on the bright side, I didn't think the patch delay would be as long as it is, but it looks like I'll be able to start testing/playing a more finished mod because of the delay.

    Question: I want to try a (evil) monk in BG1 for the first time. Are there any quests or NPCs I should earmark to test for that type of character whenever I do start my run?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Hey, me again (sorry if I am to annoying >.>). No bug this time, but I would like to reset Coran's romance if possible. Since I picked him up and then ignored the cloakwood completely till the romance was almost over (he basically broke up after I finished his vanilla quest) he is now awfully quiet and I feel like I missed a lot of content (especially regarding the town of Baldur's Gate).

    So yeah, I would like to reset it to go through all the dialogues again, if possible. How do I do that?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    @Buttercheese‌ - In principle, you would reset the romance variables to 0. But, I don't have a list of variables by romance/quest. Also, there's a lot of variables that could need to be reset. The dialogs and scripts for the Coran Romance reference dozens of variables.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    Coran's romance is complicated with four different paths and several variables. I wouldn't know how to reset it without severe digging through the code - sorry.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    I have updated the first post with an new prerelease version: v21-PR_20140625

    Changes in new version:
    * Coran Wyvern quest fixes for BGEE
    * Pink Xan portrait updates for BGEE
    * BG1NPC romances won't start while CHARNAME is wearing the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity (does not stop romances in progess).
    * Updates to code to replace deprecated WeiDU commands

    Thanks to @Mike1072 and @jastey for code, ideas, and advice on these updates.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Question: I want to try a (evil) monk in BG1 for the first time. Are there any quests or NPCs I should earmark to test for that type of character whenever I do start my run?

    Well, if you're doing an evil playthrough, complete as many of the evil NPCs quests as you can. As you go through them, you can verify them by consulting this page:

    There are links to pages for each NPC quest. The quests are "spoilered" so you can reveal just enough to verify that things are working (or read them you think the quest is done to check that everything happened correctly).
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