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BG1NPC for BGEE Prerelease - UPDATE v21-PR_20150131



  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    That could be why I'm not seeing any new entries, (this is my first foray into the BG1NPC Project).
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Wait... is this working or what?
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @booinyoureyes it is working on the v1.2, what @AstroBryGuy talking about is the v1.3 from what I understand but I didn't try it on the beta so I can't answer yet.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @booinyoureyes‌ - The quests and NPC interactions/banters work just fine, but the journal entries need to be added to the new journal table in BGEE.sql.
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    hey @AstroBryGuy good morning. I just got accepted for the BETA and was wondering if this works with the newest BETA version? or will there be issues. thanks for when you get back to me :)
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @laptopman666 hey it should work fine except the journal entries no biggy, but need testing so go ahead and have fun if there are problems just report them here I'm sure @AstroBryGuy‌ will be happy to know :)
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    @kaguana ah i see that now in some posts, i feel silly for not comprehending something so simple :O. thank you for the reply and yes i will report my testing with the BETA here :) take care now
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    @booinyoureyes‌ - The quests and NPC interactions/banters work just fine, but the journal entries need to be added to the new journal table in BGEE.sql.

    Thats awesome! Definitely gonna try it out when I get some time!

    Thanks so much guys, for working hard so that we all might enjoy this wonderful mod. Bigby's High Five to all of you
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    @AstroBryGuy, I would like to report a bug affecting only Tutu:

    in the tp2 file (at line 2870 on the current version on GitHub) you should replace

    WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x0268 ~%tutu_scriptw%TARSGT~ #8 // Creature script - Default

    WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x0268 ~%tutu_var%WTARSGT~ #8 // Creature script - Default
    This bug, present on both the official version on G3 and your modified version on github, is what's causing this.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Sorry if this has been covered. I have a crash happening whenever I try to rest. Usually it immediately follows when Eldoth talks to Viconia after resting. However, I moved to another area, did not receive the talk, yet still experienced the crash. I can attach the crash dump as well, if necessary. Maybe this is a game bug and not related to the BG1 NPC Project?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    I think it might be the Elven Chain in your bag of holding.

    @Avenger_teambg‌ posted a fixed elven chain on this thread.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Thanks, that did the trick!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Erg said:

    @AstroBryGuy, I would like to report a bug affecting only Tutu:

    in the tp2 file (at line 2870 on the current version on GitHub) you should replace

    WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x0268 ~%tutu_scriptw%TARSGT~ #8 // Creature script - Default

    WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x0268 ~%tutu_var%WTARSGT~ #8 // Creature script - Default
    This bug, present on both the official version on G3 and your modified version on github, is what's causing this.

    Thanks, @Erg!
  • ljboljbo Member Posts: 177
    So, now that patch 1.3 has been released, is the HEAD on github compatible?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    It should be, with the exception of journal entries. I've been testing with the beta versions of the patch.
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    Having a small prolbem I have just unpacked it to the bgee 0076 folder and I really don't know how to explain this but the run exe won;t come out of folder. So here is an archived copy of what i'm talking about
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    here is the file
  • KingGhidorahKingGhidorah Member Posts: 201
    Can anyone here confirm that the npc dead / reload / variable reset bug is now solved? Ive not seen it mentioned in the patch notes.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    Is the August 6 version the latest version?

    Is there a way to remove the gender restrictions from the Romance options?

    If I also want to install the following mod, which mod do you recommend installing first?
  • NarcissistNarcissist Member Posts: 65
    edited August 2014
    Thels said:

    Is the August 6 version the latest version?

    Is there a way to remove the gender restrictions from the Romance options?

    If I also want to install the following mod, which mod do you recommend installing first?

    BG1NPC seems like it should be installed before adding tweak pack.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Having a small prolbem I have just unpacked it to the bgee 0076 folder and I really don't know how to explain this but the run exe won;t come out of folder. So here is an archived copy of what i'm talking about

    All you need to do is copy the files in the BG1NPC-21-PR_20140816a folder to the folder where the CHITIN.KEY file lives (depends on your OS).
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    @AstroBryGuy Say no change you can mod the "all npc go to FAI inn" to this mod like you add that time
    dialog that isn't connect to tutu? or is it too much trouble?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited August 2014
    Thels said:

    Is the August 6 version the latest version?

    There was a pre-release on Aug-16, but it was only for an issue affecting Tutu installs. No changes for BGEE from the Aug-6 pre-release.
    Thels said:

    Is there a way to remove the gender restrictions from the Romance options?

    Use the CLUAConsole to set the appropriate Match variable(s).


    Shar-Teel also requires setting another variable:
    Thels said:

    If I also want to install the following mod, which mod do you recommend installing first?

    BG1NPC should go first.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    Thank you for the feedback and all your work on this mod. <3
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    Sorry to bother you with more questions:

    - Is the old music pack compatible with this? If so, should the music pack be installed before or after the NPC project?

    - The "Send to Inn" feature is disabled. If I use a different mod for that, should that mod be installed before or after the NPC project?

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    @1123 = ~BGEE Banter Timing Tweak~
    @1124 = ~You already have the Banter Timing Tweak installed.~
    @1125 = "Please select one of the following options for banter timing:
    [1] Normal banter timing (~27 minutes between banter dialogs)
    [2] Faster banters (Banter dialogs occur ~50% faster)
    [3] Very fast banters (Banter dialogs occur twice as fast)
    [4] Slower banters (Banter dialogs occur ~50% slower)
    [5] Very slow banters (Banter dialogs occur twice as slow)"
    @1126 = ~Banter Timing: Normal~
    @1127 = ~Banter Timing: Fast~
    @1128 = ~Banter Timing: Very fast~
    @1129 = ~Banter Timing: Slow~
    @1130 = ~Banter Timing: Very slow~

    @1123 = ~Ajuste del temporizador de banters (solo BGEE)~
    @1124 = ~Algunos ajustes del temporizador de banters ya fueron instalados anteriormente.~
    @1125 = "Por favor seleccione una de las siguientes opciones para el temporizador de banters:
    [1] Tiempo normal entre banters (~27 minutos entre banters)
    [2] Banters son mas rápidos (ocurren un ~50% mas rápido)
    [3] Banters muy rápidos (ocurren al doble de la velocidad normal)
    [4] Banters son mas lentos (ocurren ~50% mas lento)
    [5] Banters muy lentos (ocurren a la mitad de la velocidad normal)"
    @1126 = ~Velocidad de los banters: Normal~
    @1127 = ~Velocidad de los banters: Mas rápidos~
    @1128 = ~Velocidad de los banters: Muy rápidos~
    @1129 = ~Velocidad de los banters: Mas lentos~
    @1130 = ~Velocidad de los banters: Muy lentos~

    string @1313 "¡Matadlos!" is correct ;)

    Sorry I didn't translate this earlier--I just saw it :\
  • NarcissistNarcissist Member Posts: 65
    Thels said:

    Sorry to bother you with more questions:

    - Is the old music pack compatible with this? If so, should the music pack be installed before or after the NPC project?

    - The "Send to Inn" feature is disabled. If I use a different mod for that, should that mod be installed before or after the NPC project?


    Sword Coast Stratagems should be installed after the NPC project.

    Based on @cmorgan's Mod Install Order guide:

    Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
    BP Series AI
    BG2 Tweaks

    Never heard of "NPC Tools" - Do you mean the "giving NPCs classkits" mod?

    If so, I think it works by copying files to the override directory, so it should go first.

    For quick reference.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    Ah, thank you. That answer also clarifies when to install that mod in comparison to BG2 Tweaks.

    Thanks for your help. :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Thels said:

    Sorry to bother you with more questions:

    - Is the old music pack compatible with this? If so, should the music pack be installed before or after the NPC project?

    - The "Send to Inn" feature is disabled. If I use a different mod for that, should that mod be installed before or after the NPC project?


    Yes, the BG1NPC Music Pack is compatible with BG1NPC v21 pre-release. It can be installed before or after BG1NPC.

    I guess you mean SCS, which also has a Wait at Inns component. As @Narcissist‌ said, SCS should go after BG1NPC.
This discussion has been closed.