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BG1NPC for BGEE Prerelease - UPDATE v21-PR_20150131



  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @AstroBryGuy‌ As I recall, the girdle exploit is a pretty well-accepted one that modders tend to ignore in favor of letting players romance same-gender (or opposite-gender if that's the restriction) NPCs. :)

    Also, great work! Nice to see this getting some love.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    @LiamEsler‌ - Thanks! It's actually been a lot of fun to work on BG1NPC.

    Regarding the girdle exploit, I think @jastey could explain the reason for the change best. It's a concern over unintentional romances starting with both BG1NPC and the new BG1 Romantic Encounters mod. Also check out the discussion at G3.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    edited June 2014
    Yes, with bg1re, there is a motivation for players to try on the gender change girdle on the PC to see the NPC's reactions to the gender change. With BG1NPC Project also installed, this leads to some of the romance interests for the opposite gender being so faszinated they start romancing - which is not good for most players, and rather annoying.
    Our logic to remove this possibility to start (!) the romance by wearing the belt was: The changes only affect the script block that triggers the "Match" variable. If players want to play the romances as same-sex ones as an exploit, they can still cheat it in by setting the match variable.

    The belt was just an easier way of cheating the romances to start - or does anyone really think the NPCs are so blind as to not know the real gender of the PC.. (And Ajantis romance was disabled for the girdle from the start, btw.)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2014
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  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    edited June 2014

    @LiamEsler‌ - Thanks! It's actually been a lot of fun to work on BG1NPC.

    You won't stop working on it will you ? you are doing a great job, with help but still a good job indeed :)

    Hoo and that fix you made for me working great.

    @LiamEsler welcome back
    Post edited by kaguana on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2014
    @kaguana‌ - I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry! :-)

    @Sergio‌ - You'd still need to meet all the other requirements of the romances. You might not be making a match even with the belt on (assuming you're talking about previous versions of BG1NPC).
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    @Sergio NPC reactions to the gender belt are introduced by bg1re (Romantic Encounters for BG1) , currently in beta-testing.(not sure if you knew)
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  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328

    @kaguana‌ - I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry! :-)

    Goody :)
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  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    @Sergio You mean for bg1re? Not open yet, but I can link you to the download in no time at G3, if you want. Info here:

    (I put a link in my above post, or so I thought, but appearently I got the syntax wrong and it doesn't link.)
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  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Hey guys! I've heard many great things about this mod and can't wait to start a new full saga playthrough with it.

    I was just wondering if:
    A) There's any vague estimate of a release date?
    B) Is the pre-release version mostly playable? I am not sure if my limited technical skills with EEKeepers and Console can fix problems that might arise?
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    Man, thank you. I really have missed this mod when I playing BG1EE. It's great! I love you man! Thanks again :)
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    Man. I found a bug. As you know when I dreamed and saw first cut scene and got a first Baal power, Imeon said to me about the nightmare. But when I try to choose the answers, I can't choose the second answer. When I click that, I can't go further anymore.

    But the first and third answers can be selected. Only the second answer has a bug.
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    And I think there are some bugs which are related with conversation orders of Imeon. For example, Imoen said to me like below.

    "Can we go there someday? Huh, ''Blackskull"? It sounds like fun!"

    But I don't know where is 'there'. she didn't say about the place before. So I think Imeon's conversation order was mixed.

    Plus, After I arrived at Nashkel and fought with a assassin at inn, Imeon said to me about the assassin's attack as if she met them for the first time after met mage assassin at Friendly Arm Inn.

    she met the assassin already, however, at Beregost(Is it right? I don't know exact spelling because I play BG1EE in Korean). So she fought with them three times!(Friendly Arm Inn, Beregost and Nashkel) But she didn't say anything when the party was in Beregost!! Why she forgot the fight at Beregost?? I don't know.

    Please check these problems.

    I wish my opinions can be helped to you.
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    I found a really serious problem. That is, NPC Project wasn't compatible with SCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At first, I didn't know that the mods weren't compatible. But when I playing the game, I felt something was wrong because enemies didn't drink potions or call their peers for help.

    So I checked SCS installation problem and I found that SCS wasn't installed at all.

    I tried to install BG1EE and mods with NPC Project again but during install SCS, there was a fatal error. I don't know what it is exactly but that was 'nonexistence item fatal error' if I remember right.

    I install BG1EE and mods without NPC Project at last and SCS was installed sucessfully.

    I think it is a critical problem because SCS is the only mod which improves difficulty in BG1EE.

    Therefore, can you fix it on the next version? I don't want to give up both mods.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    Man. I found a bug. As you know when I dreamed and saw first cut scene and got a first Baal power, Imeon said to me about the nightmare. But when I try to choose the answers, I can't choose the second answer. When I click that, I can't go further anymore.

    But the first and third answers can be selected. Only the second answer has a bug.

    Sorry, but I couldn't reproduce the error. I played Imoen's post-dream talk and tried every option, with both high and low reputation, and every option worked. Not sure what the issue is here for your game.

    Which line of Imoen's had the problem?

    Was it for the first dialog with Imoen? Where she says "'Bout time you woke up! Uh... you okay, ? You look kinda pale, like you've seen a ghost. You have some bad dreams, or something? Wouldn't surprise me." Or was it on the next line, where she says, "You were tossin' and turnin'... mumblin' in yer sleep too. Loudly! Kept me up half the night, you did. Anything you want to talk about?"
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    And I think there are some bugs which are related with conversation orders of Imeon. For example, Imoen said to me like below.

    "Can we go there someday? Huh, ''Blackskull"? It sounds like fun!"

    But I don't know where is 'there'. she didn't say about the place before. So I think Imeon's conversation order was mixed.

    Imoen's line "Can we go there someday?" is in reference to the city that Lord Foreshadow just mentioned. Your conversation with Lord Foreshadow triggers Imoen's dialog.

    Plus, After I arrived at Nashkel and fought with a assassin at inn, Imeon said to me about the assassin's attack as if she met them for the first time after met mage assassin at Friendly Arm Inn.

    she met the assassin already, however, at Beregost(Is it right? I don't know exact spelling because I play BG1EE in Korean). So she fought with them three times!(Friendly Arm Inn, Beregost and Nashkel) But she didn't say anything when the party was in Beregost!! Why she forgot the fight at Beregost?? I don't know.

    Please check these problems.

    I wish my opinions can be helped to you.

    There are no lines scripted for Imoen after Karlat's (the assassin in the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost) death, and, after Neira's (the assassin in the Naskhel Inn) death, Imoen doesn't mention Karlat (although one of your dialog options will mention him if you killed him). It's not a bug, just a choice by the author of the dialog.

    Ajantis will have something to say after the fight with Karlat...
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited July 2014

    I found a really serious problem. That is, NPC Project wasn't compatible with SCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At first, I didn't know that the mods weren't compatible. But when I playing the game, I felt something was wrong because enemies didn't drink potions or call their peers for help.

    So I checked SCS installation problem and I found that SCS wasn't installed at all.

    I tried to install BG1EE and mods with NPC Project again but during install SCS, there was a fatal error. I don't know what it is exactly but that was 'nonexistence item fatal error' if I remember right.

    I install BG1EE and mods without NPC Project at last and SCS was installed sucessfully.

    I think it is a critical problem because SCS is the only mod which improves difficulty in BG1EE.

    Therefore, can you fix it on the next version? I don't want to give up both mods.

    The non-existent item fatal error sounds like a CRE file was referencing an item that doesn't exist in the game. However, when I installed SCS after BG1NPC, it installed fine (and I enabled every component in SCS). So, I'm unable to reproduce the error. If you can upload a copy of your setup-stratagems.DEBUG file with the error message, I can see if it's related to BG1NPC.
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    That's very strange. especially for SCS...

    1. First comment
    - I had to take a screenshot but I didn't. I'll take a screenshot when I encounter that bug again. But on second thought, I think that bug was occured because SCS wasn't installed properly. I showed another minor bugs which I didn't mention. For example, when I tried to use party's AI and clicked AI buttion, I saw odd AI which didn't have AI's name and proper explanation. That had only an explanation of spells like minor cure or cure as I think. That AI didn't operate when I assigned it to my party, of course.

    But now, I think that's occured because SCS wasn't installed properly, too. Lastly, as far as I remember, the dialogue with a bug has two same last lines in the second and third answers. That is '*you relate your dream*'.

    2. Second comment
    - I got it :) Thanks for your relpy.

    3. Third comment
    - IT IS REALLY STRANGE. Anyway, I deleted my BG1EE and re-install it now. And I'll install NPC Project with SCS again.

    Before I install SCS, I'll show you my mods and install order.
    (BG1EE's version is 1.2)

    1. When I had an error of dialogue. (related with my first comment)
    (1). Drizzt Saga
    (2). NPC Project
    (3). bg2 tweaks
    (4). rogue rebalancing
    (5). SCS (got an error but I couldn't recognize)
    (6). wizard slayer rebalancing
    (7). atweaks

    All mods mentioned above are compatible with BG1EE. And they are installed well except for SCS.

    2. When I recognized an error with SCS(related with my third comment)
    (1). Dark Horizon
    (2). Drizzt Saga
    (3). Sirines Call (minor quests add mods. you can check it from a link below)

    (4). NPC Project
    (5). bg2 tweaks
    (6). rogue rebalancing
    (7). SCS (got an error which I mentioned above)

    So I stopped installing mods and deleted BG1EE.

    3. installation after got an error with SCS
    (1). Dark Horizon
    (2). Drizzt Saga
    (3). Sirines Call
    (4). bg2 tweaks
    (5). rogue rebalancing
    (6). SCS (installed perfectly)
    (7). wizard slayer rebalancing
    (8). atweaks

    That's all. I'll try to install NPC project with SCS again and when I have an error, I'll attach screenshots on my comment.

    Post edited by Blackskull on
  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    I got an error again. So I'll attach SCS.debug files and screenshot.

    I'll try once more but it's because I chose game language in Korean in my guess.

    But I've installed all mods in English although my BG1EE is Korean.

    So I'll install mods by adjusting Weidu and Game's language in English.

    Lastly, I'll show my mods' install order

    1. Dark Horizon
    2. Drizzt Saga
    3. Sirines Call
    4. NPC Project
    5. bg2 tweaks
    6. rogue rebalancing
    7. SCS (got an error!)

    P.s I tested by changing weidu's dialog.tlk from Korean to English but same error was occured when I was installing SCS. I don't know the reason why...:(

    Post edited by Blackskull on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Blackskull‌ - Thanks for the DEBUG file. There were a few BG2 items being used by BG1NPC that aren't included in BGEE. I found them and added them.

    Please try version of BG1NPC at the link below:

    If it works, I'll push the changes to the pre-release.
  • AuronAuron Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2014
    Hi, and thanks for your work AstroBryGuy.

    I have some problems with BG1NPC, SCS and BG2Tweaks. (all of them installed in spanish)

    I have installed all mods in this order:


    All seems works right, but i have some crashes in random places, before and after fights, and with some objects (containers and weapons).

    When i unistall BG1NPC all is ok. (except some items of BG:EE, quiver and containers, maybe this is for SCS and the spanish traduction, some of this items in english have random numbers and "Invalid" TAG but works, in spanish have valid names but crash)

    Thanks and sorry for my eng.

  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    // Auron

    As I mentioned above, BG1 NPC and SCS weren't compatible. So I posted that problem and AstroBryGuy has uploaded fix files by quoting comment.

    So how about install fix version and if you install that sucessfully with SCS, please let AstroBryGuy know that. Then he will include fix version to prerelease 3.1.

    I'm reinstalling BG1EE now :) BG1 NPC is the greatest mod I've ever seen and it will be excellent when I playing it with SCS.
  • AuronAuron Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2014
    I installed the last fix, but i think my crashes are not fault of NPC Project. I unistalled NPC and i fight with Nimbul on Naskhel, my game has been crashed :(. (maybe i have crashes for playing in spanish?).

  • BlackskullBlackskull Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2014
    I'm sorry to say this but I got another error when I was installing SCS after NPC Project fix pack.

    When I compare former error and new one, There is no error line which 'identify nonexistent weapon Bow19.itm' but 'Tried to identify nonexistent ammo fatal error' is still remains.

    So I'll attach SCS debug files again.

    I'm really sorry I'm bothering you.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Auron said:

    Hi, and thanks for your work AstroBryGuy.

    I have some problems with BG1NPC, SCS and BG2Tweaks. (all of them installed in spanish)

    I have installed all mods in this order:


    All seems works right, but i have some crashes in random places, before and after fights, and with some objects (containers and weapons).

    When i unistall BG1NPC all is ok. (except some items of BG:EE, quiver and containers, maybe this is for SCS and the spanish traduction, some of this items in english have random numbers and "Invalid" TAG but works, in spanish have valid names but crash)

    Thanks and sorry for my eng.

    @Auron - Did you install BG2 Tweaks in spanish? The spanish translation file in BG2 Tweaks is not UTF-8, it is in CP-1252 character set. Adding CP-1252 characters to the BGEE dialog.tlk file can cause crashes.

    See LiamEsler's disclaimer at the top of this thread:

    That might be what is causing the problem.

    @Isaya has written code for BG1NPC to convert the character sets, so BG1NPC should be ok to install in spanish.
  • AuronAuron Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2014
    I fix the problem Astro, reinstalled the game. SCS in English and BGTweaks in English (I see some things in english buts thats no problem). No more crash in the fight with Nimbul.

    Can i install BG1NPC in spanish? Thanks for all. EDIT: Already installed all seems is allright.

    A minor bug appeared when i installed BG1NPC:

    As can you see Ajantis dont have the dialogues for send him to Inns. (SCS content)

    Branwen, Dynaheir, Xan, Kivan, Khalid, Minsc, Jaheira, Imoen and Garrick seems works: (no more npcs tested)

    Thanks and sorry for bothering you.

    Post edited by Auron on
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