The topic for unhappiness/vent your sorrow has 34 pages and only 4 pages are on this thread, what do you make of this ?
Perhaps people feel less need to share positives, vs venting negatives?
I'm glad my Christmas cakes smell delicious... I've got 2 experimental recipes and my traditional one. These are gluten free btw, and seasoned with a great deal of good brandy.
I think the greater length of the "topic for unhappiness" thread just illustrates how much people around here are willing to show their support for those who are having trouble.
It doesn't mean we're sad people; it means we know where to go when we're feeling down.
I think the greater length of the "topic for unhappiness" thread just illustrates how much people around here are willing to show their support for those who are having trouble.
@DreadKhan Lawd, that got me thinkin. I can remember some Christmas cakes that were so soaked with brandy they were almost wet. Good stuff that
Its hard to use too much, as long as you don't use rot-gut. Its a real shame that most people never try proper Christmas cake, just those poor, cheaply made ones.
The cynical claims the tunnel they are in will never end and all is darkness. The optimistic notices a small light slowly getting brighter far down the tunnel and exclaims that they are nearing the end. The realist steps off the tracks and says they should be careful because it might be a train.
The cynical often masquerade as realists, because they enjoy spreading misery around.
As to the page size disparity, every time I look at the unhappiness thread, I see between 4-6 posts of encouragement in between EVERY POST OF SADNESS OR FRUSTRATION. Thats some encouragement and support right there.
I think the greater length of the "topic for unhappiness" thread just illustrates how much people around here are willing to show their support for those who are having trouble.
It doesn't mean we're sad people; it means we know where to go when we're feeling down.
Or it could simply be because the unhappiness topic has been around much longer than the happiness one...
I believe both @Tresset and @semiticgod are right. The unhappiness thread is way older than the happiness one. For every unhappy post we get several supportive posts, for every happiness post you get several positive reactions. It's no surprise the unhappiness thread is longer.
I believe both @Tresset and @semiticgod are right. The unhappiness thread is way older than the happiness one. For every unhappy post we get several supportive posts, for every happiness post you get sever positive reactions. It's no surprise the unhappiness thread is longer.
Plus, people in general are less willing to share their happiness than vent their sorrow. Happiness, or maybe rather "lack of notable problems" is often subjectively considered to be "default" state. People take it for granted.
The cynical claims the tunnel they are in will never end and all is darkness. The optimistic notices a small light slowly getting brighter far down the tunnel and exclaims that they are nearing the end. The realist steps off the tracks and says they should be careful because it might be a train.
The cynical often masquerade as realists, because they enjoy spreading misery around.
As to the page size disparity, every time I look at the unhappiness thread, I see between 4-6 posts of encouragement in between EVERY POST OF SADNESS OR FRUSTRATION. Thats some encouragement and support right there.
@Thacobell honestly the first thing that came into my mind after noticing the page difference was the shit storm
I finally got my butt back on these forums, thanks to that fanart contest going on right now. I was really active back in the day, and I'm looking forward to being active here again~
Today i have the oppurtunity to visit the dome of the temple in my town. It was exciting from the inside, and the sight from the top was something too.
My wife and I were able to treat ourselves to something nice for the first time in a long while. We recieved some birthday cash from her parents and were able to pick up a game or two. We are treating a friend of ours to lunch today to thank him for the lunches he provided for us when we didn't have food.
Two things are currently making me very happy: first, a scene from Across the Universe about our good friend Mr. Kite: And an Undertale comic, apparently by Bubble Illusions on tumblr:
Today i have the oppurtunity to visit the dome of the temple in my town. It was exciting from the inside, and the sight from the top was something too.
Is that Cthulhu crawling around on top of that bell? Just wondering if it's time for me to move to Nebraska...
So my friends introduced me to a chapter from a Harry Potter novel written by a computer. Basically, they fed the entire text of all 7 Harry Potter books to this computer program and asked it to write its own chapter.
So my friends introduced me to a chapter from a Harry Potter novel written by a computer. Basically, they fed the entire text of all 7 Harry Potter books to this computer program and asked it to write its own chapter.
So my friends introduced me to a chapter from a Harry Potter novel written by a computer. Basically, they fed the entire text of all 7 Harry Potter books to this computer program and asked it to write its own chapter.
I'm glad my Christmas cakes smell delicious... I've got 2 experimental recipes and my traditional one. These are gluten free btw, and seasoned with a great deal of good brandy.
It doesn't mean we're sad people; it means we know where to go when we're feeling down.
The cynical often masquerade as realists, because they enjoy spreading misery around.
As to the page size disparity, every time I look at the unhappiness thread, I see between 4-6 posts of encouragement in between EVERY POST OF SADNESS OR FRUSTRATION. Thats some encouragement and support right there.
What am I now you ask? A surrealist. It gets pretty confusing sometimes, so I really don't recomend it.
I'd say I'm happy about that~
And an Undertale comic, apparently by Bubble Illusions on tumblr:
The result is freaking brilliant.
We all dressed up in Christmas clothes. My cousin Joshua took the cake, rocking a wildman lumberjack beard with a big fluffy white bunny suit.
We have also all been delighted by my cousin-in-law's baby daughter, who is absolutely adorable and makes the darlingest squeals when she's excited.